1,152 research outputs found

    Resonant control of cold-atom transport through two optical lattices with a constant relative speed

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    We show theoretically that the dynamics of cold atoms in the lowest energy band of a stationary optical lattice can be transformed and controlled by a second, weaker, periodic potential moving at a constant speed along the axis of the stationary lattice. The atom trajectories exhibit complex behavior, which depends sensitively on the amplitude and speed of the propagating lattice. When the speed and amplitude of the moving potential are low, the atoms are dragged through the static lattice and perform drifting orbits with frequencies an order of magnitude higher than that corresponding to the moving potential. Increasing either the speed or amplitude of the moving lattice induces Bloch-like oscillations within the energy band of the static lattice, which exhibit complex resonances at critical values of the system parameters. In some cases, a very small change in these parameters can reverse the atom's direction of motion. In order to understand these dynamics we present an analytical model, which describes the key features of the atom transport and also accurately predicts the positions of the resonant features in the atom's phase space. The abrupt controllable transitions between dynamical regimes, and the associated set of resonances, provide a mechanism for transporting atoms between precise locations in a lattice: as required for using cold atoms to simulate condensed matter or as a stepping stone to quantum information processing. The system also provides a direct quantum simulator of acoustic waves propagating through semiconductor nanostructures in sound analogs of the optical laser (SASER)

    Arctic Ice Islands

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    Contains an account of the discovery of two groups of "ice islands" evidently originating on the north coast of Ellesmere Island. Their size, shape and surface structure, as well as tracking the drift of the large ice islands by planes and radar, are discussed by Major Koenig (from U.S.A.F. "Ptarmigan" and other flights), and by Squadron-Leader Greenaway (from Canadian flights and air photographs). Extensive documentation is presented (by Miss Dunbar) of 19th-20th century explorers' references to, and observations of such "islands". The probability of their origin from shelf ice and the character of the ice shelf of Northern Ellesmere is presented (by Mr. Hattersley-Smith). Special consideration is given to three very large islands (identified as T1 T2 T3), their discovery, positions and movement, description, seasonal changes, etc.; with additional data on smaller "islands," arranged according to the areas of their presence. From the air the "floating islands" are easily distinguishable from pack ice by their large size, homogenous appearance, very regular, characteristically patterned surface, and a fixed shape suggesting great thickness and hardness. Bibliography (about 40 items)

    Controlling high-frequency collective electron dynamics via single-particle complexity

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    We demonstrate, through experiment and theory, enhanced high-frequency current oscillations due to magnetically-induced conduction resonances in superlattices. Strong increase in the ac power originates from complex single-electron dynamics, characterized by abrupt resonant transitions between unbound and localized trajectories, which trigger and shape propagating charge domains. Our data demonstrate that external fields can tune the collective behavior of quantum particles by imprinting configurable patterns in the single-particle classical phase space.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Use of high resolution bathymetry and backscatter for mapping depositional environments on the New Hampshire continental shelf

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    The New Hampshire continental shelf is extremely heterogeneous and includes extensive bedrock outcrops, sand and gravel deposits and muddy basins. Many of the depositional features are glacial in origin and have been significantly modified by marine processes as sea level fluctuated since the end of the last major glaciation. Recent high resolution multibeam echosounder (MBES) bathymetric and backscatter surveys by the National Ocean Survey and University of New Hampshire Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping/Joint Hydrographic Center has revealed features of the seafloor in exceptional detail that had not been previously described. Synthesis of the MBES bathymetry and backscatter, coupled with an extensive archived database consisting of subbottom seismics, bottom sediment grain size data and vibracores, is being used to develop new surficial geology maps and significantly improve our knowledge of the character and origin of the major depositional features of the New Hampshire shelf and vicinity (with support from the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management). Included are a number of large glacial features (e.g., drumlins) covering the bedrock that have been modified by marine processes (waves and currents). Some of the larger features were previously mapped (Birch, F.S. 1984. A geophysical survey of sedimentary deposits on the inner continental shelf of New Hampshire. Northeastern Geology 6:207-221), but the lack of high resolution bathymetry limited their characterization and interpretation. The new high resolution bathymetry and backscatter has resolved this limitation. Some of these deposits may represent significant sand and gravel deposits on the New Hampshire continental shelf that have the potential for future use for beach nourishment and other efforts to build coastal resiliency

    Understanding the Dynamics of Fluorescence Emission During Zeolite Detemplation Using Time Resolved Photoluminescence Spectroscopy

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    Time-resolved photoluminescence spectroscopy (TRPS) shows potential as a sensitive, non-destructive, high throughput, label-free laser-based spectroscopy technique capable of analysing low concentrations of organic species adsorbed on and within zeolite pores. Here we report the results from a study that uses TRPS to characterise photoluminescence (PL) arising from synthesised chabazite framework zeolites at three different stages of the detemplation process (from an uncalcined, partially calcined, and calcined zeolite). Temporal resolution was used to demonstrate the steric confinement effects of OSDA within a zeolite framework and therefore to establish a signature region for determining the presence of the template. Gated spectra comparisons between an uncalcined and a partially calcined zeolite demonstrated the presence of template alongside the proliferation of template-derived combustion products. An analysis of lifetime values demonstrated the ability for TRPS to track depletion of OSDA and establish a characteristic PL spectrum for a clean zeolite

    Using acoustic waves to induce high-frequency current oscillations in superlattices

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    We show that GHz acoustic waves in semiconductor superlattices can induce THz electron dynamics that depend critically on the wave amplitude. Below a threshold amplitude, the acoustic wave drags electrons through the superlattice with a peak drift velocity overshooting that produced by a static electric field. In this regime, single electrons perform drifting orbits with THz frequency components. When the wave amplitude exceeds the critical threshold, an abrupt onset of Bloch-like oscillations causes negative differential velocity. The acoustic wave also affects the collective behavior of the electrons by causing the formation of localised electron accumulation and depletion regions, which propagate through the superlattice, thereby producing self-sustained current oscillations even for very small wave amplitudes. We show that the underlying single-electron dynamics, in particular the transition between the acoustic wave dragging and Bloch oscillation regimes, strongly influence the spatial distribution of the electrons and the form of the current oscillations. In particular, the amplitude of the current oscillations depends non-monotonically on the strength of the acoustic wave, reflecting the variation of the single-electron drift velocity.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    Using Ontologies in Formal Developments Targeting Certification

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Springer Verlag via the DOI in this recordIFM 2019: 15th International Conference on integrated Formal Methods, 4-6 December 2019, Bergen, NorwayA common problem in the certification of highly safety or security critical systems is the consistency of the certification documentation in general and, in particular, the linking between semi-formal and formal content of the certification documentation. We address this problem by using an existing framework, Isabelle/DOF, that allows writing certification documents with consistency guarantees, in both, the semi-formal and formal parts. Isabelle/DOF supports the modeling of document ontologies using a strongly typed ontology definition language. An ontology is then enforced inside documents including formal parts, e.g., system models, verification proofs, code, tests and validations of corner-cases. The entire set of documents is checked within Isabelle/HOL, which includes the definition of ontologies and the editing of integrated documents based on them. This process is supported by an IDE that provides continuous checking of the document consistency. In this paper, we present how a specific software-engineering certification standard, namely CENELEC 50128, can be modeled inside Isabelle/DOF. Based on an ontology covering a substantial part of this standard, we present how Isabelle/DOF can be applied to a certification case-study in the railway domain.IRT System

    4D In-Situ Microscopy of Aerosol Filtration in a Wall Flow Filter

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    The transient nature of the internal pore structure of particulate wall flow filters, caused by the continuous deposition of particulate matter, makes studying their flow and filtration characteristics challenging. In this article we present a new methodology and first experimental demonstration of time resolved in-situ synchrotron micro X-ray computed tomography (micro-CT) to study aerosol filtration. We directly imaged in 4D (3D plus time) pore scale deposits of TiO2 nanoparticles (nominal mean primary diameter of 25 nm) with a pixel resolution of 1.6 μm. We obtained 3D tomograms at a rate of ∼1 per minute. The combined spatial and temporal resolution allows us to observe pore blocking and filling phenomena as they occur in the filter’s pore space. We quantified the reduction in filter porosity over time, from an initial porosity of 0.60 to a final porosity of 0.56 after 20 min. Furthermore, the penetration depth of particulate deposits and filtration rate was quantified. This novel image-based method offers valuable and statistically relevant insights into how the pore structure and function evolves during particulate filtration. Our data set will allow validation of simulations of automotive wall flow filters. Evolutions of this experimental design have potential for the study of a wide range of dry aerosol filters and could be directly applied to catalysed automotive wall flow filters