56,936 research outputs found

    The space environment - 100 to 500 kilometers

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    Aeronomy study of nitrogen ultraviolet radiation from IBC 3 auror

    A digitalized solar ultraviolet spectrum

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    Digitalized solar ultraviolet spectrum obtained in rocket experiments for use in analysis of upper atmosphere experiment

    The neutral gas in the environs of the Geminga gamma-ray pulsar

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    We present a high-resolution (24 arcsec) study of the HI interstellar gas distribution around the radio-quiet neutron star Geminga. Based on Very Large Array (VLA) and MPIfR Effelsberg telescope data, we analyzed a 40' x 40' field around Geminga. These observations have revealed the presence of a neutral gas shell, 0.4 pc in radius, with an associated HI mass of 0.8 Msun, which surrounds Geminga at a radial velocity compatible with the kinematical distance of the neutron star. In addition, morphological agreement is observed between the internal face of the HI shell and the brightest structure of Geminga's tail observed in X-rays.We explore the possibility that this morphological agreement is the result of a physical association.Comment: One tarfile including a Latex file (7 pages) and two figures. Paper accepted for publication in Advances in Space Research; typos corrected; changes in section Results and Discussion after referee's suggestions. S. Johnston's affilation correcte

    Semiclassical correlators of three states with large S^5 charges in string theory in AdS_5 x S^5

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    We consider semiclassical computation of 3-point correlation functions of (BPS or non-BPS) string states represented by vertex operators carrying large charges in S5. We argue that the AdS5 part of the construction of relevant semiclassical solution involves the two basic ingredients: (i) configuration of three glued geodesics in AdS2 suggested by Klose and McLoughlin in arXiv:1106.0495 and (ii) a particular Schwarz-Christoffel map of the 3-geodesic solution in cylindrical (tau, sigma) domain into the complex plane with three marked points. This map is constructed using the expression for the AdS2 string stress tensor which is uniquely determined by the 3 scaling dimensions as noted by Janik and Wereszczynski in arXiv:1109.6262 (our solution, however, is different from theirs). We also find the S5 part of the solution and thus the full expression for the semiclassical part of the 3-point correlator for several examples: extremal and non-extremal correlators of BPS states and a particular correlator of "small" circular spinning strings in S3 part of S5. We demonstrate that for the BPS correlators the results agree with the large charge limit of the corresponding supergravity and free gauge theory expressions.Comment: 43 pages, 4 figures; v2: minor corrections; v3: comments added at the end of section 3 and in section 5; v4: minor corrections; v5: discussion in subsection 3.3 correcte

    Information-theory-based solution of the inverse problem in classical statistical mechanics

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    We present a procedure for the determination of the interaction potential from the knowledge of the radial pair distribution function. The method, realized inside an inverse Monte Carlo simulation scheme, is based on the application of the Maximum Entropy Principle of information theory and the interaction potential emerges as the asymptotic expression of the transition probability. Results obtained for high density monoatomic fluids are very satisfactory and provide an accurate extraction of the potential, despite a modest computational effort.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure

    Some Systematics of the Coupling Constant Dependence of N=4 Yang-Mills

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    The operator, O_\tau, that generates infinitesimal changes of the coupling constant in N=4 Yang-Mills sits in the same supermultiplet as the superconformal currents. We show how superconformal current Ward identities determine a class of terms in the operator product expansion of O_\tau with any other operator. In certain cases, this leads to constraints on the coupling dependence of correlation functions in N=4 Yang-Mills. As an application, we demonstrate the exact non-renormalization of two and certain three-point correlation functions of BPS operators.Comment: 56 pages, LaTeX; amended and expanded arguments, added reference

    Hemiparasitic plant impacts animal and plant communities across four trophic levels

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    1.Understanding the impact of species on community structure is a fundamental question in ecology. There is a growing body of evidence that suggests that both sub-dominant species and parasites can have a disproportionately large impact. 2.Here we report the impacts of an organism that is both subdominant and parasitic, the hemiparasite Rhinanthus minor. Whilst the impact of parasitic angiosperms on their hosts and, to a lesser degree, co-existing plant species, have been well characterized, much less is known about their impacts on higher trophic levels. 3.We experimentally manipulated field densities of the hemiparasite Rhinanthus minor in a species rich grassland, comparing the plant and invertebrate communities in plots where it was removed, at natural densities or at enhanced densities. 4.Plots with natural and enhanced densities of R. minor had lower plant biomass than plots without the hemiparasite, but enhanced densities almost doubled the abundance of invertebrates within the plots across all trophic levels, with effects evident in herbivores, predators and detritivores. 5.The hemiparasite R. minor, despite being a sub-dominant and transient component within plant communities that it inhabits, has profound effects on four different trophic levels. These effects persist beyond the life of the hemiparasite, emphasizing its role as a keystone species in grassland communitie

    General features of Bianchi-I cosmological models in Lovelock gravity

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    We derived equations of motion corresponding to Bianchi-I cosmological models in the Lovelock gravity. Equations derived in the general case, without any specific ansatz for any number of spatial dimensions and any order of the Lovelock correction. We also analyzed the equations of motion solely taking into account the highest-order correction and described the drastic difference between the cases with odd and even numbers of spatial dimensions. For power-law ansatz we derived conditions for Kasner and generalized Milne regimes for the model considered. Finally, we discuss the possible influence of matter in the form of perfect fluid on the solutions obtained.Comment: extended version of published Brief Repor
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