66,518 research outputs found

    Systems for dead-reckoning navigation and for simulation of instrumental error - Concepts

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    Navigational system for manned lunar vehicles is intended for travel totaling 30 km within 5 km of home base, total distance traveled must be indicated with 2 percent accuracy. Hardware includes two two-degrees-of-freedom gyroscopes, odometers, tachometers, and signal processing equipment

    Mass measuring system Patent

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    Apparatus for measuring human body mass in zero or reduced gravity environmen

    Rocket injector head

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    A high number of liquid oxygen and gaseous hydrogen orifices per unit area are provided in an injector head designed to give intimate mixing and more thorough combustion. The injector head comprises a main body portion, a cooperating plate member as a flow chamber for one propellant, a cooperating manifold portion for the second propellant, and an annular end plate for enclosing an annular propellant groove formed around the outer edge of the body. All the openings for one propellant are located at the same angle with respect to a radial plane to permit a short combustion chamber

    Determination of the lift and drag characteristics of an airplane in flight

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    Flight tests to determine lift and drag characteristics are discussed. A review is given of the fundamental principles on which the tests are based and on the forces acting on an airplane in the various conditions of steady flight. Glide with and without propeller thrust and the relation between angle of attack and the indicated airspeed for different conditions of steady flight are discussed. The glide test procedure and the problem of the propeller are discussed

    Natural environment design criteria for the Space Station definition and preliminary design

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    The natural environment design criteria for the Space Station Program (SSP) definition and preliminary design are presented. Information on the atmospheric, dynamic and thermodynamic environments, meteoroids, radiation, magnetic fields, physical constants, etc. is provided with the intension of enabling all groups involved in the definition and preliminary design studies to proceed with a common and consistent set of natural environment criteria requirements. The space station program elements (SSPE) shall be designed with no operational sensitivity to natural environment conditions during assembly, checkout, stowage, launch, and orbital operations to the maximum degree practical

    The measurement of air supply volumes and velocities in cleanrooms

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    Air supply volumes and velocities in cleanrooms are monitored by airflow measuring hoods and anemometers but these measuring methods can be inaccurate if used incorrectly. It is demonstrated in this article that measuring hoods are accurate if the air supply passes evenly out of the hood, as occurs when the air volume is measured from a four-way diffuser or no air supply diffuser. However, when a swirl diffuser was investigated, the measuring hood gave readings more than 50% greater than the true volume. The reasons for the inaccuracy, and methods to correct it were established. Vane anemometers give inaccurate readings at the face of high-efficiency air supply filters, and it was found that the most accurate reading was found about 15 cm from the filter face. The number of readings required across the filter face to obtain an accurate average velocity was investigated, as was a scanning method using overlapping passes