186 research outputs found


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    The intensive abiotic activity, but not only that, has brought about the invasion of allochtone (non-native) species in the natural and semi-natural degraded ecosystems in our country. The invasive species influence the succesional dynamics and the floristic composition of the plant communities, occupying increasingly more and more space. Biological invasion of the invasive plants is considered to be one of the most serious threats to biodiversity in alluvial and meadow vegetation. The effects of the invasive alien plants, on the flora and plant communities structure of the alluvial and meadow vegetation were investigated at Copănița Island in the Danube Valley. The researched territory is part of the ROSCI0045 Coridorul Jiului Protected Area. In order to control the introduction and expansion of invasive plants, as well as the anthropogenic impact of these species on biodiversity, a number of measures for the protection and proper management of invasive plants in riparian areas need to be defined and implemented. In the researched area, 22 invasive species were identified, for some of them new locations were established for Romania or Oltenia. Several species were identified for the first time in Oltenia or a second location was identified for Romania, such as the Conyza sumatremsis. is found for the first time in Romania. The management is most effective when the invasion is detected early and comprehensive control measures are implemented quickly, any effect is thus limited. Therefore, early identification of the areas in which efforts should be concentrated (e.g. prevention, elimination and monitoring) is essential for cost-effective management. All the invasive species strongly affect biodiversity within natural habitats

    Evaluation of etomidate and alfentanyl in dog anaesthesia

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    The use of etomidate for short periods of anaesthesia (e.g. biopsy, skin suture, radiography) was related both to its short duration of action and the absence of significant side-effects. It was rapidly metabolized by liver in inactive metabolites, and its pharmaco-kinetics characteristics recommended it for continuous perfusion or intravenously. In dog, alfentanyl was used to diminish the induction dose of intravenous anaesthesia, although it may be the cause of a few minutes apnea. The aim of this study was to monitor the course of anaesthesia, using a combination of etomidate and alfentanyl

    The predictors of pulmonary tuberculosis in Xpert MBT/Rif positive and resistant assay patients with diabetes mellitus

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    Department of Pneumophtisiology, Department of Morphopathology, Department of Family Medicine, Nicolae Testemitsanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Chiril Draganiuc Institute of Phtisiopneumology, Chisinau, the Republic of MoldovaBackground: One of the most important among risk factors for active tuberculosis development represents diabetes mellitus. The aim of the study was the assessment of the predictive factors for pulmonary tuberculosis in Xpert MBT/Rif resistant assay patients with diabetes mellitus. Material and methods: A retrospective, selective, descriptive and case-control study was performed. Were enrolled 119 pulmonary drug resistant tuberculosis patients, diagnosed and hospitalized in the Municipal Clinical Hospital of Phthysiopneumology of Chisinau city in the period of 01.01.2013- 01.01.2015. The patients were distributed in 2 groups: the 1st group – 34 MDR-TB patients with diabetes mellitus and the 2nd – 85 MDR-TB patients. Investigations were performed according to the National Clinical Protocol – 123. Results: The biological characteristics of the pulmonary MDR-TB patients with diabetes mellitus were old age with associated diseases, which contributed to a lower treatment outcome. For MDR-TB groups were common social-economic vulnerability, late detection as symptomatic cases and a high treatment success rate. Conclusions: Patients with MDR-TB and diabetes mellitus need an individualized approach for an early TB detection and prompt initiation of the adequate treatment regimen according of the susceptibility testing results

    Goat breeding and herds health status in the Northeast area of Romania – a short review

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    The goat is a species that managed to attract attention to the breeders due to the fact that they are suitable for an efficient holding in small households, have a high lactogenic capacity, high prolificacy, precocity and high degree of adaptability and resistance, occupying areas where the natural resources and field conditions do not allow the growth of other species, which is why the goat herds in our country is constantly growing. Thus, the goat population in Romania increased from 1009794 animals in 2005 to 2057309 in December 2018. Our country occupying the third place in the hierarchy of Member States of the European Union, in 2019, following countries with tradition in the goat breeding, such as United Kingdom and Spain. The most numerous are the Carpathian native goats and Banat White, a crossbreed obtained from the Carpathian and Saanen breeds, followed by French Alpine and Saanen, imported lately to improve milk production. To date, in Romanian literature had been reported researches on the subject of diseases and health problems in goats, there are studies on paratuberculosis, contagious ecthyma, infectious respiratory disorders, gangrenous mastitis, contagious agalactia, bluetongue, caprine arthritis and encephalitis, and parasitic infections as coccidiosis, tapeworm (Monezia, Cestoda) and round worms (Nematoda - Trichostrongylus sp.) infestation, etc. Although Romania has a national program for urveillance and control program for goat health status, the problems in livestock goat diagnosed and published in recent years, are poor and changing, unsystematic and insufficient. The epidemiological situation in Romania has undergone significant changes in recent years, our country is the southeastern border of the European Union, which implies an increased risk for all major animal diseases and, of course, monitoring programs and greater control than in other Member States of the European Union. An effective animal health program is an essential part of a successful dairy goat management program


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    This study assessed seasonal incidence, economic losses, the efficacy of therapeutic protocols, the recovery time of affected animals and specific prophylactic measures applied to sheep with acute infectious pododermatitis. The studies were conducted over a period of 12 months in 3 different sheep farms from private units in the same area. The results of the study showed an increased incidence of the disease in all 3 farms, with an average of 26.94% of the sheep flock. The incidence of the disease was increased in the months of April-May-June-July and September-October (30%), when there were heavy rains. The high morbidity led to economic losses through the decrease in milk production by approximately 30% and the decrease in the weight of the sheep by 10.58% (4.2 kg) of their normal weight. The therapeutic protocol applied locally as well as parenterally, combined with a foot bath with 10% zinc sulphate solution, were effective in treating acute infectious pododermatitis of sheep. The average recovery time (days) was approximately the same in the three groups of sheep (5.25 ± 0.68 days for cases with moderate diseases and 10.2 ± 0.22 for cases with severe diseases)

    Alternative methods of therapy in articular disorders in dogs and cats

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    Alternative medicine has no clear definition, consistent and universally accepted, but most often is defined as all products, practices and healthcare systems that are not part of conventional medical system. Complementary medicine or medicine called unconventional, alternative medicine can help treat various diseases where conventional medicine does not offer solutions. Joint diseases, particularly chronic ones, requires a long therapy with anti- inflammatory drugs, often resulting in the occurrence of secondary reactions, which require cessation of therapy, leaving the patient with pain and physical discomfort. For the most efficient and rapid recovery of locomotor or joint functions, it is recommended to apply alternative methods. In most cases of joint diseases, alternative medicine is not used alone, but together with allopathic medicine, conventional treatments to increase the efficiency and represents the combination of the most effective practices and methods of traditional medicine with conventional medicine

    Evaluation of the antimicrobial effect of the two substances used in otitis externa in dogs

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    Otitis externa is about 20% of diseases in dogs. Correct evaluation of the type of otitis is a very important and essential in successful management of this disease. Study was conducted on a total of 36 dogs with specific signs of otitis externa, examined and selected according to strict criteria in two private medical offices. Diagnostic methods used clinical examination, otoscopic exam and complementary cytological examination on ear secretions. Cytological examination revealed cultures of Malassezia pachydermatis, Staphylococcus spp. and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The objective of the study it was the two comparative assessment topical antimicrobials selected by the same composition of active substances used in the treatment of otitis externa and otitis media of dogs - Easotic® and Mitex®. Easotic administered in the form of sprays, spray daily (1 ml) for 5 days, and Mitex administered in the form of drops, 3-5 drops of 2 times/day, a period that varied between 7-10 days. Throughout the study was evaluated the efficacy, following the elimination of ear secretion by decreasing the number of microorganisms, eliminate erythema and pain sensitivity. The results revealed a beneficial therapeutic effect under the action both of substances, but it was advantage Easotic treatment because of the ease of administration, the short period of use and quick efficacy

    Prevalence, economic impact and therapeutic efficacy in acute infectious pododermatitis in sheep

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    This study assessed seasonal incidence, economic losses, the efficacy of therapeutic protocols, the recovery time of affected animals and specific prophylactic measures applied to sheep with acute infectious pododermatitis. The studies were conducted over a period of 12 months in 3 different sheep farms from private units in the same area. The results of the study showed an increased incidence of the disease in all 3 farms, with an average of 26.94% of the sheep flock. The incidence of the disease was increased in the months of April-May-June-July and September-October (30%), when there were heavy rains. The high morbidity led to economic losses through the decrease in milk production by approximately 30% and the decrease in the weight of the sheep by 10.58% (4.2 kg) of their normal weight. The therapeutic protocol applied locally as well as parenterally, combined with a foot bath with 10% zinc sulphate solution, were effective in treating acute infectious pododermatitis of sheep. The average recovery time (days) was approximately the same in the three groups of sheep (5.25 ± 0.68 days for cases with moderate diseases and 10.2 ± 0.22 for cases with severe diseases)

    Observations on the effectiveness of post-operative administration of nutrients and fluids in dogs and cats

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    It is estimated that thousands of surgeries are taking place in dogs and cats every year. Today, major trauma associated with operations is minimal due to modern techniques, but nevertheless, the patient's body requires a recovery period, and nutrition is one of the important elements that can speed up the process of healing in many ways, by providing the necessary protein and energy to the body. Pain relief as well as balancing the body after surgery, especially in serious situations, is important for the patient's well-being and comfort, as they contribute to its faster and more effective recovery. The postoperative period in animals requires special attention to the pursuit of the operated patient and the immediate treatment of possible imbalances and complications that may occur. Pain, hypothermia, shock, vomiting, nerve phenomena (excessive vocalizations) are the main phenomena that unspeakable patients manifest in the postoperative period. The mechanisms for the production and maintenance of nocyceps are multiple, tolerance for pain is an individual parameter in relation to the age, gender, terrain and mental state of the patient. Because around postoperative care there is a multitude of opinions and controversies from the owners, sometimes even veterinarians, it was necessary that through this study we make known the benefits of specialized care and the need for permanent monitoring of the patient within the first 72 hours after surgery, by administering drug therapy to reduce pain, relieve the patient, as well as to support large functions