5,538 research outputs found

    Reinforcement design and control of rock slopes above tunnel portals in Northern Italy

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    The stability features of slopes located above the portals of tunnels along important roads are here presented, together with two examples for reinforcement and protection works. The investigation phase and the reinforcement works have considered also the purpose of avoiding the interruption of the traffic when this would cause unacceptable consequences. The first case refers about the construction of a portal along a narrow and steep valley in a volcanick rock formation. The control of the vibration of the blasting action has been carried out for the period of the excavation in order to foresee the occurrence of potential dangerous situations. The second is the case of the portal of the East access to the Highway n.10. Even though the adits are protected by two portals, the occurrence of rock and debris falls from the upper part of the mountain could create a dangerous situation. Above the portals the morphology of the slope is characterized by two subvertical rock slopes, which are separated by an intermediate zone of debris material

    Influences of a Luck Game on Offers in Ultimatum and Dictator Games: Is There a Mediation of Emotions?

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    The ultimatum (UG) and dictator (DG) games are two tasks where a sum of money has to be divided between two players: a proposer and a receiver. Following the rational choice theory, proposers should offer the minimum in the UG and nothing in the DG, due to the presence/absence of the receivers’ bargaining power. The fact that people generally make non-negligible offers in both games has suggested divergent explicative hypotheses and has generated extensive research to examine exogenous and endogenous factors underlying such decisions. Among the contextual factors affecting the proposers’ offers, the sense of entitlement or of ownership has been shown to reduce offers significantly. A frequent way to induce the sense of entitlement/ownership has been to assign the role of proposer to the player who apparently has better scored in skill tasks executed before the UG or DG or has more contributed, through a previous luck game, to the amount to be shared. Such manipulations, however, could produce a possible overlapping between “ownership” and “merit,” that in this study we aimed to disentangle. We manipulated the participants’ initial endowment through a luck game, by increasing, decreasing or leaving it unchanged, to investigate whether winnings or losses by chance influenced offers in UG and DG in similar or different ways depending on their respective features. All participants played as proposers but this role was apparently random and disconnected from the outcomes of the luck game. Furthermore, we investigated whether the putative effect of experimental manipulation was mediated by the changes in emotions elicited by the luck game and/or by the emotions and beliefs related to decision-making. We used a non-economic version of the games, in which tokens were divided instead of money. In the study, 300 unpaid undergraduates (M = 152) from different degree programs, aged between 18 and 42 years, participated. The results revealed that the effect of outcome manipulation on offers was moderated by the specific structure of the UG and DG. Instead, emotional reactions barely mediated the effect of the experimental manipulation, suggesting that their role in those decisions is less relevant than is assumed in the literature

    ARPES kink is a "smoking gun" for the theory of high-Tc superconductors: dominance of the electron-phonon interaction with forward scattering peak

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    The ARPES spectra in high-Tc superconductors show four distinctive features in the quasiparticle self-energy. All of them can be explained consistently by the theory in which the electron phonon interaction (EPI) with the forward scattering peak dominates over the Coulomb scattering. In particular, this theory explains why there is no shift of the nodal kink at 70 meV in the superconducting state, contrary to the clear shift of the anti-nodal singularity at 40 meV. The theory predicts a ``knee''-like structure of the imaginary part of the self-energy, which is phonon dominated for ω≈ωph(70)\omega \approx \omega^{(70)}_{ph}, and shows linear behavior for ω>ωph(70)\omega > \omega^{(70)}_{ph} - due to the Coulomb scattering. Recent ARPES spectra give that the EPI coupling constant is much larger than the Coulomb one. The dip-hump structure in the spectral function comes out naturally from the proposed theory.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Finite element analysis enhanced with subdivision surface boundary representations

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    In this work we develop a design-through-analysis methodology by extending the concept of the NURBS-enhanced finite element method (NEFEM) to volumes bounded by Catmull-Clark subdivision surfaces. The representation of the boundary as a single watertight manifold facilitates the generation of an external curved triangular mesh, which is subsequently used to generate the interior volumetric mesh. Following the NEFEM framework, the basis functions are defined in the physical space and the numerical integration is realized with a special mapping which takes into account the exact definition of the boundary. Furthermore, an appropriate quadrature strategy is proposed to deal with the integration of elements adjacent to extraordinary vertices (EVs). Both theoretical and practical aspects of the implementation are discussed and are supported with numerical examples.</p

    Use of horseradish peroxidase for gene-directed enzyme prodrug therapy with paracetamol

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    Gene therapy is a potential method of treating cancer with a greater degree of targeting than conventional therapies. In addition, therapy can be directed towards cells within the tumour population that are traditionally resistant to current treatment schedules. Horseradish peroxidase (HRP) can oxidise paracetamol to N-acetyl-p-benzoquinoneimine via a one-electron pathway. Incubation of human cells expressing HRP with 0.5–10 mm paracetamol reduced clonogenic survival, but had little effect on control cells. A small increase in apoptosis was seen and a decrease in the number of cells undergoing mitosis, consistent with reports in hepatocytes using higher paracetamol concentrations. The cytotoxicity was also seen under conditions of severe hypoxia (catalyst induced anoxia), indicating that the HRP/paracetamol combination may be suitable for hypoxia-targeted gene therapy

    Strong and Tough Silk for Resilient Attachment Discs: The Mechanical Properties of Piriform Silk in the Spider Cupiennius salei (Keyserling, 1877)

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    Spiders are able to produce different types of silk with different mechanical and biological properties. Piriform silk is produced to secure spiders and their webs to surfaces by using a nano-fibril network embedded in a cement-like matrix. Despite their fundamental role, the mechanical properties and function of these anchorages are still poorly understood due to the practical difficulties in nano-fibril sample preparation, the complexity of the system, and the high variation of attachment disc structures. Here we estimated the mechanical properties of this nano-fibril silk and those of the whole silk membrane in the large wandering spider Cupiennius salei through a combination of nanoindentation and nanotensile techniques and with the support of a simple analytical model. The results highlight the mechanical properties of the piriform silk, facilitating the modeling of silk composite mechanics. This could inspire the design of more efficient bio-inspired adhesives and fabrics

    Connection between the Slave-Particles and X-Operators Path-Integral Representations. a New Perturbative Approach

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    In the present work it is shown that the family of first-order Lagrangians for the t-J model and the corresponding correlation generating functional previously found can be exactly mapped into the slave-fermion decoupled representation. Next, by means of the Faddeev-Jackiw symplectic method, a different family of Lagrangians is constructed and it is shown how the corresponding correlation generating functional can be mapped into the slave-boson representation. Finally, in order to define the propagation of fermion modes we discuss two alternative ways to treat the fermionic sector in the path-integral formalism for the t-J model.Comment: 27 pages, latex, no figures(to be published in Journal of Physics A:Mathematical and General
