394 research outputs found

    Effect of conservation easements upon the price of adjacent residential properties: A study of Missoula County Montana

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    Interakcije v mikorizosferi določajo dinamiko ogljika v ekosistemu bukovih gozdov

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    Zaloga ogljika v gozdnih tleh je največji bazen terestičnih zalog organskega ogljika, njegova dinamika pa je vezana na talne, predvsem simbiontske organizme. Med najpomembnejše simbionte v gozdnih tleh, tako po vrstni kot funkcionalni pestrosti, sodijo ektomikorizne glive. V gozdnih ekosistemih v Sloveniji, v katerih prevladuje bukev, smo na osnovi morfoloških in molekularnih znakov identificirali večje število mikoriznih gliv in nekatere nove na kratko opisali. Na osnovi številčnosti posameznega tipa ektomikorize smo prvič izračunali prispevek tipa (vrste glive) ektomikorize k neposrednemu skladiščenju ogljika v ektomikorizi in v tleh v zgornjih plasteh tal (do globine 20 cm). Podatke o ogljiku, shranjenem v ektomikorizi, smo primerjali z modeliranimi količinami celotnega ogljika v gozdnih tleh, shematsko prikazali povezave in tokove ogljika ter pomen ektomikorize za dinamiko ogljika v gozdnih ekosistemih z bukvijo.Forest soils are the major stocks of organic carbon in terrestrial ecosystems.The dynamics of carbon in soil is closely related to soil (micro)organisms, predominantly symbiotic organisms. Key symbionts in forest soils regarding their taxonomic and functional diversity are ectomycorrhizal fungi. In the present study, we have analysed ectomycorrhizal community in beech dominated forest stands using morphological and molecular identification of ectomycorrhizae. Several new types were discovered and briefly described in soil samples taken in beech forest stands, down to 20 cm deep. Based on ectomycorrhizal type abundance, we have calculated the (static)content of total carbon in each of the type. Quantities of carbon stored in ectomycorrhizae were compared with modelled quantities of total carbon in forest soils. We summarise the role and importance of ectomycorrhizae for carbon dynamics in beech dominated forest ecosystems

    Right Ventricular Mass in a Neonate

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    Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/138423/1/jpc13601.pd

    Multipurpose applications of truffles as organisms

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    Acta Silvae et Ligni

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    Fleet management Systems

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    The GPS system has replaced the use of map to determine location on the road and route planning. Its development has also made it possible to use this technology for other purposes. On the basis of the satellite locator it is now possible to control the vehicles and guide them. This is particularly useful in fleet of service vehicles. The system also monitors driving style, fuel consumption, speed and many other parameters. All controls are carried out at a distance from a control centre. Companies gain productivity, efficiency and maximize their services on the field. Technology also helps us to increase traffic safety and reduces impact on the environment. Foreign companies have reported about good results which are comfirmed by the local surveys. The use of such systems in Slovenia is present a decade, but in recent years the demand is on the rise. The thesis focuses primarily on the experience of\ud Slovenian companies. On the basis of the research, the actual savings and other positive effects achieved by using the system were described. Some are expressed as a percentage, the other merely indicative. Take into account the different characteristics of companies such as the number of vehicles, mileage, area of work. These may affect the results. The analysis shows when the system turns out to\ud be the most effective and when it is less effective. The real savings are not always high but there are virtually no negative experiences

    Understanding the Needs of Older People: Shifting Toward More Community Based Responses

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    Ovaj rad predstavlja iskustvo istraživanja potreba starijih osoba na način koji uključuje njihovu perspektivu tijekom procesa istraživanja, kao i u planiranju odgovora na njihove svakodnevne potrebe. Rezultati predočeni u radu dio su šireg istraživanja s ciljem otkrivanja potreba starijih osoba u gradu Ljubljani kao temelj planiranja strategije i odgovora na potrebe starijih osoba u gradu. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju na važnost istraživanja potreba na način koji omogućuje da se potrebe usade u svakodnevni kontekst. Kako bi se razumjele potrebe starijih osoba, sljedećih pet područja proučavalo se u dubinskim intervjuima: položaj starijih osoba u društvu, njihov društveni i zdravstveni kontekst, vrste rizika s kojima su suočeni kao osobe starije dobi i procjena postojećih usluga za starije osobe. U istraživanju potreba slijedila se polazna pretpostavka da su potrebe socijalno konstruirani pojam, pa je stoga njihovo izražavanje i rasprava o njima prvi korak prema tome da se starije osobe čuju, da sudjeluju u planiranju usluga i da oni koji ih planiraju steknu uvid u iskustva starijih osoba, da se približe svjetovima svojih korisnika i njihovim neposrednim iskustvima. Rezultati pokazuju da su starije osobe navele najviše vrsta potreba u razgovoru o njihovoj dnevnoj rutini i nužnim dnevnim poslovima, a najviše zabrinutosti pokazali su u pogledu promjena u budućnosti, a najviše ih brinu uvjeti nužni za održavanje neovisnog života. Želja je starijih osoba da budu u stanju održati neovisan život u zajednici i da zadrže mogućnost kombinirati usluge skrbi.The article presents the experience of researching the needs of older people in a way that includes their perspective during the research process as well as in the planning of responses to their everyday needs. The findings presented in the paper are part of a larger research study that aimed to discover the needs of older people in the Municipality of Ljubljana as the basis for planning a strategy and responses to the needs of older people in the city. The research findings point out the significance of researching needs in a way that enables needs to be embedded into an everyday context. To understand the context of older people’s needs, the following five areas were explored in in-depth interviews: position of older people in society, their social and health context, types of risks they face as people in old age, and the assessment of existing services for older people. In researching the needs, the premise that needs are a socially constructed concept was followed, thus expressing them and discussing them would be the first step to older people getting heard, to having a voice in planning services and for the planners to gain the knowledge from older people’s experiences, to come closer to users’ worlds and their immediate experiences. The results demonstrate that older people expressed most varieties of needs when talking about daily routines and the necessary chores of the day, while the greatest worries were conveyed about changes in the future, mostly related to conditions that maintain an independent life. The wish of older people is to be able to keep their independent life in the community and maintain the possibility to combine a mix of help

    Types of ectomycorrhizae on beech seedlings (Fagus sylvatica L.) in rhizotrons

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    Natural processes or human activities affect environmental conditions, as reflected in the structure of the communities and the level of ectomycorrhizalfungi. The aim of the study was to determine the potential impacts of several temperature regimes of air and soil (substrate) on the occurrence and species diversity of ectomycorrhizal fungi in symbiosis and in the substrate. For this purpose, we analyzed the occurrence of types of ectomycorrhizae on beech seedlings in rhizotrons exposed to four different environmental temperature conditions: 1) air 15-25°C, 2) air 15-25°C in combination with cooling of roots for 5°C, 3) elevated air temperature from 30-50°C, and 4) ambiental conditions (air temperature in Ljubljana). Types of ectomycorrhizae were identified with a combined approach of anatomical morphological characterisation and with analysis of molecular markers (ITS1-5.8S rDNA-ITS2 ribosomal region in rDNA). We identified a total of 6 types of ectomycorrhizae on 51 root tips on 40 beech seedlings. The diversity of ectomycorrhizal types was the highest in terms of near-optimal growth conditions of beech. Most similar as far as species diversity of ectomycorrhizal fungi are concerned were the experiments with air temperature of 15-25°C with or without cooling of the root system. The commonest ectomycorrhizal species was Hebeloma sacchariolens, which was also the most commonly seen species in fine roots of dead plants. Selected species of ectomycorrhizal fungi were further substantiated with DGGE method in all analyzed substrate samples

    Mycorrhizal status of an ozone-sensitive poplar clone treated with the antiozonant ethylene diurea

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    The antiozonant ethylene diurea is proven to prevent growth reductions in forest trees induced by ozone. The community of mycorrhizal fungi could be useful indicator of environmental stress. In this study, response of mycorrhizal fungi and fine roots to a 4-year exposure to ambient ozone and treatment with antiozonant was investigated in ozone-sensitive poplar clone under field conditions. The community of ectomycorrhizal fungi and root length colonization with ectomycorrhizal, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, and root endophytic fungi was analyzed in antiozonant-treated poplar plants and in poplar plants irrigated with water. In general, plants protected by antiozonant showed higher total number of fine roots, number of ectomycorrhizal types, Shannon–Weaver diversity index, and Species richness index compared to the plants treated with water. The ectomycorrhizal community shifted from contact exploration type in the trees irrigated with water to short-distance exploration type in ethylene diurea-treated trees. Ozone protectant may beneficially affect the belowground community of mycorrhizal fungi colonizing roots of ozone-sensitive poplar clone