483 research outputs found

    Suppressor of cytokine signalling protein SOCS3 expression is increased at sites of acute and chronic inflammation.

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    Treatment of cells with cytokines and growth factors leads to the synthesis of Suppressor of Cytokine Signalling (SOCS) proteins that act as potent negative regulators of signalling via the Jak/STAT pathway. We used immunohistochemistry to identify cells and pathologies where SOCS3 expression might influence acute and chronic inflammatory responses in human tissues. Epitope and GFP tagged SOCS3 fusion proteins were localised predominantly in the nucleus of transfected cells and a validated anti SOCS3 antiserum revealed the expression of SOCS3 in the nucleus and cytoplasm of macrophages, endothelial and epithelial cells in a wide range of normal tissues in tissue microarrays (n = 31 different tissues). Nuclear SOCS3 was only seen in cells expressing a high level of the protein. Comparative immunostaining of acute, chronically and granulomatously inflamed human tissues revealed higher levels of nuclear and cytoplasmic SOCS3 expression in inflamed than in corresponding normal tissues, particularly in recruited leukocyte populations, but also in epithelia. The staining appeared more intense, suggesting higher expression levels, in areas where inflammation was more acute, consistent with the time course of SOCS3 induction described in vitro. Expression of SOCS3 protein by leucocytes and other cell types in tissue sections could be a useful marker of cells undergoing acute or chronic stimulation by cytokines in vivo

    Kinetic insights into agonist-dependent signalling bias at the pro-inflammatory G-protein coupled receptor GPR84

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    GPR84 is an orphan G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) linked to inflammation. Strategies targeting GPR84 to prevent excessive inflammation in disease are hampered by a lack of understanding of its precise functional role. We have developed heterologous cell lines with low GPR84 expression levels that phenocopy the response of primary cells in a label-free cell electrical impedance (CEI) sensing system that measures cell morphology and adhesion. We then investigated the signalling profile and membrane localisation of GPR84 upon treatment with 6-OAU and DL-175, two agonists known to differentially influence immune cell function. When compared to 6-OAU, DL-175 was found to exhibit a delayed impedance response, a delayed and suppressed activation of Akt, which together correlated with an impaired ability to internalise GPR84 from the plasma membrane. The signalling differences were transient and occurred only at early time points in the low expressing cell lines, highlighting the importance of receptor number and kinetic readouts when evaluating signalling bias. Our findings open new ways to understand GPR84 signalling and evaluate the effect of newly developed agonists

    Ly6C hi Monocytes Are Metabolically Reprogrammed in the Blood during Inflammatory Stimulation and Require Intact OxPhos for Chemotaxis and Monocyte to Macrophage Differentiation

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    Acute inflammation is a rapid and dynamic process involving the recruitment and activation of multiple cell types in a coordinated and precise manner. Here, we investigate the origin and transcriptional reprogramming of monocytes using a model of acute inflammation, zymosan-induced peritonitis. Monocyte trafficking and adoptive transfer experiments confirmed that monocytes undergo rapid phenotypic change as they exit the blood and give rise to monocyte-derived macrophages that persist during the resolution of inflammation. Single-cell transcriptomics revealed significant heterogeneity within the surface marker-defined CD11b+Ly6G−Ly6Chi monocyte populations within the blood and at the site of inflammation. We show that two major transcriptional reprogramming events occur during the initial six hours of Ly6Chi monocyte mobilisation, one in the blood priming monocytes for migration and a second at the site of inflammation. Pathway analysis revealed an important role for oxidative phosphorylation (OxPhos) during both these reprogramming events. Experimentally, we demonstrate that OxPhos via the intact mitochondrial electron transport chain is essential for murine and human monocyte chemotaxis. Moreover, OxPhos is needed for monocyte-to-macrophage differentiation and macrophage M(IL-4) polarisation. These new findings from transcriptional profiling open up the possibility that shifting monocyte metabolic capacity towards OxPhos could facilitate enhanced macrophage M2-like polarisation to aid inflammation resolution and tissue repair

    Ironless wheel motor for a direct drive vehicle application

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    An ironless motor for use as direct wheel drive is presented. The motor is intended for use in a lightweight (600kg), low drag, series hybrid commuter vehicle under development at The University of Queensland. The vehicle will utilise these ironless motors in each of its rear wheels, with each motor producing a peak torque output of 500Nm and a maximum rotational speed of 1500rpm. The axial flux motor consists of twin Ironless litz wire stators with a central magnetic ring and simplified Halbach magnet arrays on either side. A small amount of iron is used to support the outer Halbach arrays and to improve the peak magnetic flux density. Ducted air cooling is used to remove heat from the motor and will allow for a continuous torque rating of 250Nm. Ironless machines have previously been shown to be effective in high speed, high frequency applications (+1000Hz). They are generally regarded as non-optimal for low speed applications as iron cores allow for better magnet utilisation and do not significantly increase the weight of a machine. However, ironless machines can also be seen to be effective in applications where the average torque requirement is much lower than the peak torque requirement such as in some vehicle drive applications. The low spinning losses in ironless machines are shown to result in very high energy throughput efficiency in a wide range of vehicle driving cycles

    The UltraCommuter : a viable and desirable solar-powered commuter vehicle

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    The University of Queensland UltraCommuter project is the demonstration of an ultra-light weight, low drag, energy efficient and low polluting, electric commuter vehicle equipped with a 2.5m2 on-board solar array. A key goal of the project is to make the vehicle predominantly self-sufficient from solar power for normal driving purposes , so that it does not require charging or refuelling from off-board sources. This paper examines the technical feasibility of the solar-powered commuter vehicle concept, as it applies the UltraCommuter project. A parametric description of a solar-powered commuter vehicle is presented. Real solar insolation data is then used to predict the solar driving range for the UltraCommuter and this is compared to typical urban usage patterns for commuter vehicles in Queensland. A comparative analysis of annual greenhouse gas emissions from the vehicle is also presented. The results show that the UltraCommuter’s on-board solar array can provide substantial supplementation of the energy required for normal driving, powering 90% of annual travel needs for an average QLD passenger vehicle. The vehicle also has excellent potential to reduce annual greenhouse gas emissions from the private transport sector, achieving a 98% reduction in CO2 emissions when compared to the average QLD passenger vehicle. Lastly, the vehicle battery pack provides for tolerance to consecutive days of poor weather without resorting to grid charging, giving uninterrupted functionality to the user. These results hold great promise for the technical feasibility of the solar-powered commuter vehicle concept

    Interleukin-4 induction of the CC chemokine TARC (CCL17) in murine macrophages is mediated by multiple STAT6 sites in the TARC gene promoter

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    BACKGROUND: Macrophages (Mθ) play a central role in the innate immune response and in the pathology of chronic inflammatory diseases. Macrophages treated with Th2-type cytokines such as Interleukin-4 (IL-4) and Interleukin-13 (IL-13) exhibit an altered phenotype and such alternatively activated macrophages are important in the pathology of diseases characterised by allergic inflammation including asthma and atopic dermatitis. The CC chemokine Thymus and Activation-Regulated Chemokine (TARC/CCL17) and its murine homologue (mTARC/ABCD-2) bind to the chemokine receptor CCR4, and direct T-cell and macrophage recruitment into areas of allergic inflammation. Delineating the molecular mechanisms responsible for the IL-4 induction of TARC expression will be important for a better understanding of the role of Th2 cytokines in allergic disease. RESULTS: We demonstrate that mTARC mRNA and protein are potently induced by the Th2 cytokine, Interleukin-4 (IL-4), and inhibited by Interferon-γ (IFN-γ) in primary macrophages (Mθ). IL-4 induction of mTARC occurs in the presence of PI3 kinase pathway and translation inhibitors, but not in the absence of STAT6 transcription factor, suggesting a direct-acting STAT6-mediated pathway of mTARC transcriptional activation. We have functionally characterised eleven putative STAT6 sites identified in the mTARC proximal promoter and determined that five of these contribute to the IL-4 induction of mTARC. By in vitro binding assays and transient transfection of isolated sites into the RAW 264.7 Mθ cell-line, we demonstrate that these sites have widely different capacities for binding and activation by STAT6. Site-directed mutagenesis of these sites within the context of the mTARC proximal promoter revealed that the two most proximal sites, conserved between the human and mouse genes, are important mediators of the IL-4 response. CONCLUSION: The induction of mTARC by IL-4 results from cooperative interactions between STAT6 sites within the mTARC gene promoter. Significantly, we have shown that transfer of the nine most proximal mTARC STAT6 sites in their endogenous conformation confers potent (up to 130-fold) IL-4 inducibility on heterologous promoters. These promoter elements constitute important and sensitive IL-4-responsive transcriptional units that could be used to drive transgene expression in sites of Th2 inflammation in vivo

    Structure and dynamics in protic ionic liquids: a combined optical Kerr-effect and dielectric relaxation spectroscopy study

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    The structure and dynamics of ionic liquids (ILs) are unusual due to the strong interactions between the ions and counter ions. These microscopic properties determine the bulk transport properties critical to applications of ILs such as advanced fuel cells. The terahertz dynamics and slower relaxations of simple alkylammonium nitrate protic ionic liquids (PILs) are here studied using femtosecond optical Kerr-effect spectroscopy, dielectric relaxation spectroscopy, and terahertz time-domain spectroscopy. The observed dynamics give insight into more general liquid behaviour while comparison with glass-forming liquids reveals an underlying power-law decay and relaxation rates suggest supramolecular structure and nanoscale segregation