24 research outputs found

    Il rischio cardiovascolare e la concentrazione plasmatica del colesterolo LDL: il ruolo dei Servizi Sanitari Regionali

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    Cardiovascular risk and increased plasma LDL cholesterol concentration: the role of the Regional Health ServiceThe relevance of hypercholesterolemia, as a risk factor for cardiovascular (CV) disease, requires urgent actions to detect and assist high-risk citizens/patients, thus reducing and/or avoiding future complications. This goal could be achieved through more widespread awareness of the problem within the Health System of the Veneto Region, joint efforts between clinical laboratories and clinicians in transmitting and interpreting informative laboratory reports, and deeper integration of hospital and community health services. Data from recent studies, recommendations of scientific societies and political-institutional guidelines helped in determining the number of patients in the Veneto Region, which may be suffering from clinical or biochemical conditions that impact on CV risk. These include hypercholesterolemia, which is particularly addressed in this paper, with special emphasis on FH (familial hypercholesterolemia), a chronic disease associated with very high CV risk

    an international multi center serum protein electrophoresis accuracy and m protein isotyping study part i factors impacting limit of quantitation of serum protein electrophoresis

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    AbstractBackgroundSerum protein electrophoresis (SPEP) is used to quantify the serum monoclonal component or M-protein, for diagnosis and monitoring of monoclonal gammopathies. Significant imprecision and inaccuracy pose challenges in reporting small M-proteins. Using therapeutic monoclonal antibody-spiked sera and a pooled beta-migrating M-protein, we aimed to assess SPEP limitations and variability across 16 laboratories in three continents.MethodsSera with normal, hypo- or hypergammaglobulinemia were spiked with daratumumab, Dara (cathodal migrating), or elotuzumab, Elo (central-gamma migrating), with concentrations from 0.125 to 10 g/L (n = 62) along with a beta-migrating sample (n = 9). Provided with total protein (reverse biuret, Siemens), laboratories blindly analyzed samples according to their SPEP and immunofixation (IFE) or immunosubtraction (ISUB) standard operating procedures. Sixteen laboratories reported the perpendicular drop (PD) method of gating the M-protein, while 10 used tangent skimming (TS). A mean percent recovery range of 80%–120% was set as acceptable. The inter-laboratory %CV was calculated.ResultsGamma globulin background, migration pattern and concentration all affect the precision and accuracy of quantifying M-proteins by SPEP. As the background increases, imprecision increases and accuracy decreases leading to overestimation of M-protein quantitation especially evident in hypergamma samples, and more prominent with PD. Cathodal migrating M-proteins were associated with less imprecision and higher accuracy compared to central-gamma migrating M-proteins, which is attributed to the increased gamma background contribution in M-proteins migrating in the middle of the gamma fraction. There is greater imprecision and loss of accuracy at lower M-protein concentrations.ConclusionsThis study suggests that quantifying exceedingly low concentrations of M-proteins, although possible, may not yield adequate accuracy and precision between laboratories

    Elevated HDL cholesterol levels: always beneficial?

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    An impressive number of studies published during the past years have demonstrated that low levels of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) are associated with increased cardiovascular risk. Nevertheless, more recent data in both ischemic heart disease patients and general population revealed that also considerably increased HDL-C concentration could be associated with enhanced risk of all-cause and cardiovascular mortality, displaying an U-shaped association with adverse outcomes. These paradoxical findings prompted us to review the available information on this matter, concluding that the association between extremely elevated HDL-C and mortality may not be totally unexpected or unpredictable. Some unfavorable consequences of high HDL-C levels are confirmed by epidemiologic data in over-trained subjects, in whom a similar U-shaped curve is also observed between strenuous training and mortality. This review is hence aimed to summarize these evidences, proffering some possible mechanisms underlying this enigmatic association. If this association could be confirmed in further studies, it may be advisable that laboratory reporting of HDL-C should encompass a range of “desirable values” rather than indicating a single lower decision threshold, as has been suggested until presently

    Il rischio cardiovascolare e la concentrazione plasmatica del colesterolo LDL: il ruolo dei Servizi Sanitari Regionali

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    Cardiovascular risk and increased plasma LDL cholesterol concentration: the role of the Regional Health ServiceThe relevance of hypercholesterolemia, as a risk factor for cardiovascular (CV) disease, requires urgent actions to detect and assist high-risk citizens/patients, thus reducing and/or avoiding future complications. This goal could be achieved through more widespread awareness of the problem within the Health System of the Veneto Region, joint efforts between clinical laboratories and clinicians in transmitting and interpreting informative laboratory reports, and deeper integration of hospital and community health services. Data from recent studies, recommendations of scientific societies and political-institutional guidelines helped in determining the number of patients in the Veneto Region, which may be suffering from clinical or biochemical conditions that impact on CV risk. These include hypercholesterolemia, which is particularly addressed in this paper, with special emphasis on FH (familial hypercholesterolemia), a chronic disease associated with very high CV risk