14,802 research outputs found

    Aluminium Feeds for Reflector for NadirSAR

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    With the long term aim of developing a NadirSAR quadrotor UAV system specialized for monitoring broad acre grain fields, a large aperture load bearing antenna to use as the main structural element was sort. Here initial design work is presented on a candidate short f/D parabolic reflector antenna. An optimized splash plate feed and a dual mode coaxial horn were designed for the 10 to 10.5GHz experimenter’s band and were fed by aluminum waveguide. Both feeds gave better than 30% aperture efficiency on a low cost 11.6l0 diameter reflector that had a focal length of f/D=0.27

    Structural Antennas for 3cm Radar Onboard Multi-Rotor UAV

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    A series of 3cm amateur band radar antennas suitable for installation on a cinematic grade multi-rotor UAV were considered. A wideband open waveguide mouth antenna was developed that can be made from the existing arms of a multi-rotor UAV without any increase in weight for side-looking wall detection ranging radar. For downward looking radio altimeter, cutting slots in the arms to form slotted waveguide antennas was shown in simulation to be possible both in terms of covering the entire 3cm band from 10 to 10.5GHz and without overly weakening the arms as structural members

    Porting Spotlight Range Migration Algorithm Processor from Matlab to Virtex 6

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    This paper describes the implementation and optimization of a Synthetic Aperture Radar process Spotlight Range Migration Algorithm processor on FPGA Virtex 6 DSP kit that fits on the chip. The mean/max error compared to a software implementation is -54/-28.74dB for 55 elements and 882 samples

    FMCW rail-mounted SAR: Porting spotlight SAR imaging from MATLAB to FPGA

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    In this work, a low-cost laptop-based radar platform derived from the MIT open courseware has been implemented. It can perform ranging, Doppler measurement and SAR imaging using MATLAB as the processor. In this work, porting the signal processing algorithms onto a FPGA platform will be addressed as well as differences between results obtained using MATLAB and those obtained using the FPGA platform. The target FPGA platforms were a Virtex6 DSP kit and Spartan3A starter kit, the latter was also low-cost to further reduce the cost for students to access radar technology

    Empirical Analysis of Chirp and Multitones Performances with a UWB Software Defined Radar: Range, Distance and Doppler

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    In this study, a protocol for an unbiased analysis of radar signals' performance. Using a novel UWB software-defined radar, range profile, Doppler profile and detection range are evaluated for both Linear Frequency Modulated pulse and Multitones. The radar was prototyped and is comparable in overall performance to software defined radar test-beds found in the literature. The measured performance was in agreement with the simulations

    Mapping Crop Cycles in China Using MODIS-EVI Time Series

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    As the Earth’s population continues to grow and demand for food increases, the need for improved and timely information related to the properties and dynamics of global agricultural systems is becoming increasingly important. Global land cover maps derived from satellite data provide indispensable information regarding the geographic distribution and areal extent of global croplands. However, land use information, such as cropping intensity (defined here as the number of cropping cycles per year), is not routinely available over large areas because mapping this information from remote sensing is challenging. In this study, we present a simple but efficient algorithm for automated mapping of cropping intensity based on data from NASA’s (NASA: The National Aeronautics and Space Administration) MODerate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS). The proposed algorithm first applies an adaptive Savitzky-Golay filter to smooth Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) time series derived from MODIS surface reflectance data. It then uses an iterative moving-window methodology to identify cropping cycles from the smoothed EVI time series. Comparison of results from our algorithm with national survey data at both the provincial and prefectural level in China show that the algorithm provides estimates of gross sown area that agree well with inventory data. Accuracy assessment comparing visually interpreted time series with algorithm results for a random sample of agricultural areas in China indicates an overall accuracy of 91.0% for three classes defined based on the number of cycles observed in EVI time series. The algorithm therefore appears to provide a straightforward and efficient method for mapping cropping intensity from MODIS time series data

    Scan Performance of Small Spherical Retro-Reflectors

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    A number of historical small spherical lens retroreflectors were simulated in a commercially available antenna simulator. This 1dBm 2 class retro-reflectors had radii of 2 free space wavelengths, allowing the use of a minimal number of layers to approximate the theoretical Luneburg profile. It was found that further simplification to a 2-layer lens or a single custom material lens were practical. In both cases, RCS of 1.5dBm 2 were achieved with 3dB scan ranges of 110° in simulation

    Electron-nuclei spin dynamics in II-VI semiconductor quantum dots

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    We report on the dynamics of optically induced nuclear spin polarization in individual CdTe/ZnTe quantum dots loaded with one electron by modulation doping. The fine structure of the hot trion (charged exciton X−X^- with an electron in the PP-shell) is identified in photoluminescence excitation spectra. A negative polarisation rate of the photoluminescence, optical pumping of the resident electron and the built-up of dynamic nuclear spin polarisation (DNSP) are observed in time-resolved optical pumping experiments when the quantum dot is excited at higher energy than the hot trion triplet state. The time and magnetic field dependence of the polarisation rate of the X−X^- emission allows to probe the dynamics of formation of the DNSP in the optical pumping regime. We demonstrate using time-resolved measurements that the creation of a DNSP at B=0T efficiently prevents longitudinal spin relaxation of the electron caused by fluctuations of the nuclear spin bath. The DNSP is built in the microsecond range at high excitation intensity. A relaxation time of the DNSP in about 10 microseconds is observed at B=0TB=0T and significantly increases under a magnetic field of a few milli-Tesla. We discuss mechanisms responsible for the fast initialisation and relaxation of the diluted nuclear spins in this system
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