6 research outputs found

    Enseñanza y aprendizaje sobre nutrición en estudiantes de enfermería: revisión de alcance

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    Introducción: La ingesta de alimentos puede determinar el estado individual de salud y bienestar de la persona. El abordaje de contenido relevante sobre nutrición en el curriculum de enfermería resulta clave a la hora de proporcionar conocimientos, actitudes y habilidades sobre prevención, tratamiento y promoción de la salud. Objetivo: Revisar el tipo de evidencia en relación a la enseñanza y aprendizaje sobre nutrición en estudiantes de grado en enfermería. Método: Se llevó a cabo una búsqueda en MEDLINE (PubMed/Ovid), Web of Science (WOS), EMBASE (a través de OvidSP), CINAHL (a través de EBSCO Publishing), ERIC (Educational Resource Information Center) y Scopus. La búsqueda incluyó publicaciones en inglés y español desde el lanzamiento de las bases de datos hasta enero de 2021. En esta revisión se incluyeron estudios empíricos primarios y que contuvieran en la muestra estudiantes de enfermería, y estudios cuyos resultados informaran sobre la enseñanza y aprendizaje en nutrición. Resultados: 22 trabajos cumplieron los criterios de inclusión, identificándose cuatro temas relevantes; 1) Revisión de programas y curriculum; 2) Diseños de enseñanza; 3) Evaluación del aprendizaje; 4) Percepción de los estudiantes sobre la metodología de enseñanza. Conclusiones: Las publicaciones incluidas presentan una gran heterogeneidad entre los programas implementados, los resultados de aprendizaje explicitados y los métodos de evaluación, lo que imposibilitó la comparación. Sin embargo, todos destacaron los beneficios de la enseñanza de la nutrición en estudiantes de enfermería. Estos resultados sugieren la necesidad de seguir investigando sobre el diseño, implementación y evaluación de las secuencias de aprendizaje

    Residents’ Insights on Their Local Food Environment and Dietary Behaviors: A Cross-City Comparison Using Photovoice in Spain

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    Perceptions of local food environments and the ability of citizens to engage in participatory research may vary, even if participants share similar cultural and socioeconomic contexts. In this study, we aimed to describe participants’ narratives about their local food environment in two cities in Spain. We used the participatory methodology of Photovoice to engage participants in Madrid (n = 24) and Bilbao (n = 17) who took and discussed photographs about their local food environment (Madrid; n = 163 and Bilbao; n = 70). Common themes emerged across both cities (food insecurity, poverty, use of public spaces for eating and social gathering, cultural diversity and overconsumption of unhealthy foods); however, in Bilbao citizens perceived that there was sufficient availability of healthy foods despite that living in impoverished communities. Photovoice was a useful tool to engage participating citizens to improve their local food environments in both cities. This new approach allowed for a photovoice cross-city comparison that could be useful to fully understand the complexity and diversity of residents’ perceptions regardless of their place of residence.This research was funded by The European Research Council under the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007–2013/ERC Starting Grant Heart Healthy Hoods Agreement no. 336893) and the University of the Basque Country (16/35, 2016). “The Photovoice project in Madrid was co-funded by an “Ignacio Hernando de Llarramendi” research grant 2014 of the MAPFRE Foundation”

    Influence of nutrient intake on antioxidant capacity, muscle damage and white blood cell count in female soccer players

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    11 p.Background: Soccer is a form of exercise that induces inflammatory response, as well as an increase in free radicals potentially leading to muscle injury. Balanced nutritional intake provides important antioxidant vitamins, including vitamins A, C and E, which may assist in preventing exercise-related muscle damage. The purpose of the present study was to determine the effect of macro/micronutrient intake on markers of oxidative stress, muscle damage, inflammatory and immune response in female soccer players.-- Methods: Twenty-eight female players belonging to two soccer teams of the same professional soccer club participated in this study after being informed about the aims and procedures and after delivering written consent. Each team completed an 8-day dietary record and played one competition match the same week. Participants were divided into two groups: the REC group (who complied with recommended intakes) and the NO-REC group (who were not compliant). Laboratory blood tests were carried out to determine hematological, electrolytic and hormonal variables, as well as to monitor markers of cell damage and oxidative stress. Blood samples were obtained 24 h before, immediately after and 18 h after official soccer matches. Student t-test or Mann–Whitney U-test was used to compare both groups throughout the match.-- Results: At rest, we observed that the REC group had higher levels of total antioxidant status (TAS), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), and lower levels of creatine kinase (CK) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) in comparison to the NO-REC group. Immediately after the match, levels of TAS, GPx, superoxide dismutase (SOD), LDH and % lymphocytes were higher and the % of neutrophils were lower in the REC group compared to the NO-REC group. These differences were also maintained 18 h post-match, only for TAS and GPx.-- Conclusions: Our data reveal an association between nutritional intake and muscle damage, oxidative stress, immunity and inflammation markers. The benefit of the intake of specific nutrients may contribute to preventing the undesirable physiological effects provoked by soccer matches.This study was partially supported by the University of The Basque Country (UPV/EHU), research project EHU09/44

    Photovoice tresna elikadura-ingurunearen azterketa kualitatiborako

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    Inguruneko ezaugarriek eragina izan dezakete herritarron portaera osasungarrietan. Badirudi bizi garen tokiaren eta gure elikadura-ohituren artean erlazioa dagoela. Beraz, ingurunea bizilagunen ikuspegitik ezagutzea beharrezkoa da biztanleriaren elikaduran eragina duten determinatzaileak baloratzeko. Ikerketa gutxik aztertu dituzte hiri-inguruneak herritarren ikuspuntutik. Horregatik, azterlan honen helburua Bilboko auzo bateko elikadura-ingurunearen diagnostiko komunitarioa egitea izan zen, eta horretarako Photovoice Partaidetza-Ekintza Ikerketa metodologia erabili zen. Proiektu honetarako parte-hartzaileak Auzo Elkarteen bidez bildu ziren. Photovoice-rako, inklusio-irizpideak betetzen zituzten gizon eta emakumeez osaturiko talde heterogeneoa sortu zen. 2017ko apiriletik uztailera, aukeratutako 6 auzotarrek bi orduko iraupeneko 5 talde-saiotan parte hartu zuten, eta haiek ateratako argazkiei buruzko eztabaida kritikoak egin ziren. Auzoko elikadura-ingurunea deskribatzeko 30 argazki batu ziren guztira. Adostasun-prozesu baten ondoren, parte-hartzaileek 9 kategoria identifikatu zituzten eta horiei lotutako 13 argazki adierazgarri aukeratu zituzten. Amaitzeko, emaitza horietan nabarmendutako ezaugarriak 6 gai kontzeptualetan batu ziren: 1) Ohitura txarrak, 2) Kultura-aniztasuna, 3) Harreman sozialak, 4) Iraunkortasuna, 5) Merkataritzaren eraldaketa, 6) Ohitura osasungarriak. Herritarrek beren elikadura-ingurunea hobetzeko proposatutako gomendioak Bilboko arduradun politikoei aurkeztu zitzaizkien. Photovoice proiektuaren bitartez herritarrek beren elikadura-inguruneari buruz zuten ikuspegia ezagutu zen. Auzotarren eskutik lortutako ondorioak lagungarriak izan daitezke tokian tokiko politika eta esku-hartzeak gidatzeko, elikadura-ingurune osasungarriagoak sustatzeko helburuarekin.; The characteristics of the environment can influence the healthy behavior of citizens. There seems to be a re-lationship between the place where we live and our eating habits. Therefore, it is necessary to know the environment from the perception of the neighbors to assess the factors which influence the diet of the population. There have been few studies that have analyzed urban environments from the point of view of the citizens. Thus, the objective of this study was to carry out a community diagnosis of the food environment of a neighborhood in Bilbao, using the Participatory Action Research (PAR) methodology Photovoice. Participants for this project were recruited through Neighborhood Associations. The Pho-tovoice group was heterogeneous, consisting of men and women who met inclusion criteria. From April to July 2017, the 6 selected neighbors participated in 5 two-hour group sessions where critical discussions were held on the photographs taken by them. A total of 30 photographs were taken which reflected the neighborhood food environment. Through a consen-sus-building process, participants identified 9 categories and selected 13 related representative photographs. Finally, the characteristics of their food environment were grouped into 6 conceptual themes: 1) Bad habits, 2) Cultural diversity, 3) So-cial relationships, 4) Sustainability, 5) Retail transformation, 6) Healthy habits. To sum up, citizens’ proposals to improve their environment were established and exposed to Bilbao’s policy makers. This Photovoice project made it possible to ana-lyze citizens’ perception of their food environment. The conclusions obtained from neighbors can help guide local policy and interventions with the aim of promoting healthier food environments

    Teaching and learning methods for nursing students on nutrition: scoping review

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    Introducción: La ingesta de alimentos puede determinar el estado individual de salud y bienestar de la persona. El abordaje de contenido relevante sobre nutrición en el curriculum de enfermería resulta clave a la hora de proporcionar conocimientos, actitudes y habilidades sobre prevención, tratamiento y promoción de la salud.Objetivo: Revisar el tipo de evidencia en relación a la enseñanza y aprendizaje sobre nutrición en estudiantes de grado en enfermería. Método: Se llevó a cabo una búsqueda en MEDLINE (PubMed/Ovid), Web of Science (WOS), EMBASE (a través de OvidSP), CINAHL (a través de EBSCO Publishing), ERIC (Educational Resource Information Center) y Scopus. La búsqueda incluyó publicaciones en inglés y español desde el lanzamiento de las bases de datos hasta enero de 2021. En esta revisión se incluyeron estudios empíricos primarios y que contuvieran en la muestra estudiantes de enfermería, y estudios cuyos resultados informaran sobre la enseñanza y aprendizaje en nutrición. Resultados: 22 trabajos cumplieron los criterios de inclusión, identificándose cuatro temas relevantes; 1) Revisión de programas y curriculum; 2) Diseños de enseñanza; 3) Evaluación del aprendizaje; 4) Percepción de los estudiantes sobre la metodología de enseñanza. Conclusiones: Las publicaciones incluidas presentan una gran heterogeneidad entre los programas implementados, los resultados de aprendizaje explicitados y los métodos de evaluación, lo que imposibilitó la comparación. Sin embargo, todos destacaron los beneficios de la enseñanza de la nutrición en estudiantes de enfermería. Estos resultados sugieren la necesidad de seguir investigando sobre el diseño, implementación y evaluación de las secuencias de aprendizaje.ntroduction: Food intake can determine a person's individual state of health and well-being. Addressing relevant nutrition content in the nursing curriculum is the key to providing knowledge, attitudes and skills on prevention and treatment and to promoting health.Objective: To review the evidence concerning teaching and learning methods on nutrition for undergraduate nursing students. Methods: A search was carried out in MEDLINE (PubMed/Ovid), Web of Science (WOS), EMBASE (through OvidSP), CINAHL (through EBSCO Publishing), ERIC (Educational Resource Information Center) and Scopus. The search included publications in English and Spanish from the launch of the databases until January 2021. Primary empirical studies, studies with nursing students in the sample and studies that reported on teaching and learning about nutrition were included in this review. Results: 22 articles met the inclusion criteria, identifying four relevant themes: 1) Review of nursing programs and curricula; 2) Teaching designs; 3) Assessment of learning; 4) Student perceptions of the teaching methodology. Conclusions: This scoping review highlights the benefits of teaching nursing students about nutritional care programmes. The publications included show great heterogeneity across programmes, explicit learning outcomes and evaluation methods. Our findings suggest the need to further expand and strengthen research on design, implementation and evaluation of learning sequences