4,603 research outputs found

    Identifying cross country skiing techniques using power meters in ski poles

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    Power meters are becoming a widely used tool for measuring training and racing effort in cycling, and are now spreading also to other sports. This means that increasing volumes of data can be collected from athletes, with the aim of helping coaches and athletes analyse and understanding training load, racing efforts, technique etc. In this project, we have collaborated with Skisens AB, a company producing handles for cross country ski poles equipped with power meters. We have conducted a pilot study in the use of machine learning techniques on data from Skisens poles to identify which "gear" a skier is using (double poling or gears 2-4 in skating), based only on the sensor data from the ski poles. The dataset for this pilot study contained labelled time-series data from three individual skiers using four different gears recorded in varied locations and varied terrain. We systematically evaluated a number of machine learning techniques based on neural networks with best results obtained by a LSTM network (accuracy of 95% correctly classified strokes), when a subset of data from all three skiers was used for training. As expected, accuracy dropped to 78% when the model was trained on data from only two skiers and tested on the third. To achieve better generalisation to individuals not appearing in the training set more data is required, which is ongoing work.Comment: Presented at the Norwegian Artificial Intelligence Symposium 201

    The Peak Brightness and Spatial Distribution of AGB Stars Near the Nucleus of M32

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    The bright stellar content near the center of the Local Group elliptical galaxy M32 is investigated with 0.12 arcsec FWHM H and K images obtained with the Gemini Mauna Kea telescope. Stars with K = 15.5, which are likely evolving near the tip of the asymptotic giant branch (AGB), are resolved to within 2 arcsec of the nucleus, and it is concluded that the peak stellar brightness near the center of M32 is similar to that in the outer regions of the galaxy. Moreover, the projected density of bright AGB stars follows the visible light profile to within 2 arcsec of the nucleus, indicating that the brightest stars are well mixed throughout the galaxy. Thus, there is no evidence for an age gradient, and the radial variations in spectroscopic indices and ultraviolet colors that have been detected previously must be due to metallicity and/or some other parameter. We suggest that either the bright AGB stars formed as part of a highly uniform and coherent galaxy-wide episode of star formation, or they originated in a separate system that merged with M32.Comment: 9 pages of text, 3 figures. ApJ (Letters) in pres

    Production and novel radiochemical separation of 194Au from Pt for use in multi-modality nanoparticles: Production and novel radiochemical separation of 194Au from Pt for use in multi-modality nanoparticles

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    Introduction Gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) have demonstrated their incredible versatility in applications such as in vitro and in vivo imaging, cancer therapy, and drug delivery.[1-3] These AuNPs come in many shapes including nanospheres, nanorods, nanoshells, and nanocages. Their versatility stems from the ability to construct or label a single AuNP with many functions. Many types of AuNPs are inherently flourescent, allowing for ex vivo utilization as well as small animal fluorescence imaging.[4] High atomic number and physical density allow for the possibility of using AuNPs as computed tomography (CT) contrast agents, especially in dual energy applications.[5] Some attempts have been made to bring AuNPs into the realm of nuclear medicine, mostly involving the extrinsic labeling of chelated radio-metals. Although these strategies have brought some success, an intrinsic labeling strategy could reduce concerns of in vivo instability, and changes in pharmacokinetic behavior.[6] Intrinsic radiolabeling strategies involve synthesizing the nanoparticles in the presence of a gold radioisotope, which is thereby structurally incorporated. The isotope of choice for this technique has typically been 198Au (tÂœ = 2.7 d, EÎł = 411.8 keV) as it is reactor produced and commercially available. However with such a high energy gamma ray, SPECT aquisition is far from optimal. Motivated by the shortcomings of previous intrinsic labeling techniques, we have sought to develop 194Au (tÂœ = 1.48 d, ÎČ+ = 1.73 %) as a potential PET isotope for labeling AuNPs. Although this nuclide has a weak positron branching ratio, it also has prominent gamma ray energies of 328 and 294 keV which are closer to the optimal SPECT energy window, allowing for the ability to image with both PET and SPECT. Material and Methods 194Au was produced by natPt(p,x) using 16 MeV protons. Target construction consisted of a water jet cooled platinum disc. Following irradiation, targets were etched by fresh concentrated aqua regia at 80 °C for four hours. The resulting solution was diluted by a factor of four and loaded onto a 50 mg UTEVA (Eichrom extraction resin) column equilibrated by 1 M HNO3. The column was rinsed with 10 mL 1 M HNO3, and the product was eluted using concentrated HNO3 in less than 1 mL. Results and Conclusion End of bombardment (EOB) yield for 194Au was measured to be 0.134 mCi/ÎŒAh by high purity germanium analysis. The half life was measured to be 38.5 ± 2.8 hours, which agrees well with the true half life of 37.92 hours. In addition to the production of 194Au, the production of 190–193Au and 196Au was observed. Most notably, the EOB yield for 193Au (tÂœ = 17.7 h) was 0.189 mCi/ÎŒAh. Target dissolution was slow and incomplete after four hours of etching. Alternative dissolution strategies i.e. electrolytic dissolution may be needed moving forward. The separation of 194Au from bulk Pt via the UTEVA extraction resin was robust and efficient, with an average separation efficiency of 96 %. An extensive literature review revealed no other Au/Pt separation from solutions containing aqua regia. Future goals include synthesis of ultrasmall 194Au incorporated AuNPs using a facile thermal reduction method.PET, CT and fluorescence imaging will also be carried out in vivo to establish the multimodal capabilities of the intrinsically radio-labeled nanoplatforms. To conclude, a novel separation technique has been developed to separate 194Au from Pt for use in intrinsically radiolabeled multi-modal AuNPs

    A Fully Bayesian Approach for Combining Multilevel Failure Information in Fault Tree Quantification and Corresponding Optimal Resource Allocation

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    This paper presents a fully Bayesian approach that simultaneously combines basic event and statistically independent higher event-level failure data in fault tree quantification. Such higher-level data could correspond to train, sub-system or system failure events. The full Bayesian approach also allows the highest-level data that are usually available for existing facilities to be automatically propagated to lower levels. A simple example illustrates the proposed approach. The optimal allocation of resources for collecting additional data from a choice of different level events is also presented. The optimization is achieved using a genetic algorithm

    Disagreeable Privacy Policies: Mismatches between Meaning and Users’ Understanding

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    Privacy policies are verbose, difficult to understand, take too long to read, and may be the least-read items on most websites even as users express growing concerns about information collection practices. For all their faults, though, privacy policies remain the single most important source of information for users to attempt to learn how companies collect, use, and share data. Likewise, these policies form the basis for the self-regulatory notice and choice framework that is designed and promoted as a replacement for regulation. The underlying value and legitimacy of notice and choice depends, however, on the ability of users to understand privacy policies. This paper investigates the differences in interpretation among expert, knowledgeable, and typical users and explores whether those groups can understand the practices described in privacy policies at a level sufficient to support rational decision-making. The paper seeks to fill an important gap in the understanding of privacy policies through primary research on user interpretation and to inform the development of technologies combining natural language processing, machine learning and crowdsourcing for policy interpretation and summarization. For this research, we recruited a group of law and public policy graduate students at Fordham University, Carnegie Mellon University, and the University of Pittsburgh (“knowledgeable users”) and presented these law and policy researchers with a set of privacy policies from companies in the e-commerce and news & entertainment industries. We asked them nine basic questions about the policies’ statements regarding data collection, data use, and retention. We then presented the same set of policies to a group of privacy experts and to a group of non-expert users. The findings show areas of common understanding across all groups for certain data collection and deletion practices, but also demonstrate very important discrepancies in the interpretation of privacy policy language, particularly with respect to data sharing. The discordant interpretations arose both within groups and between the experts and the two other groups. The presence of these significant discrepancies has critical implications. First, the common understandings of some attributes of described data practices mean that semi-automated extraction of meaning from website privacy policies may be able to assist typical users and improve the effectiveness of notice by conveying the true meaning to users. However, the disagreements among experts and disagreement between experts and the other groups reflect that ambiguous wording in typical privacy policies undermines the ability of privacy policies to effectively convey notice of data practices to the general public. The results of this research will, consequently, have significant policy implications for the construction of the notice and choice framework and for the US reliance on this approach. The gap in interpretation indicates that privacy policies may be misleading the general public and that those policies could be considered legally unfair and deceptive. And, where websites are not effectively conveying privacy policies to consumers in a way that a “reasonable person” could, in fact, understand the policies, “notice and choice” fails as a framework. Such a failure has broad international implications since websites extend their reach beyond the United States

    Andean Land Use And Biodiversity: Humanized Landscapes In A Time Of Change

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    Some landscapes Cannot be understood without reference., to the kinds. degrees, kinds, degrees, and history of human-caused modifications to the Earth's surface. The tropical latitudes of the Andes represent one such place, with agricultural land-use systems appearing in the Early Holocene. Current land use includes both intensive and extensive grazing and crop- or tree-based agricultural systems found across virtually the, entire range of possible elevations and humidity regimes. Biodiversity found in or adjacent to such humanized landscapes will have been altered in abundance. composition, and distribution in relation to the resiliency of the native Species to harvest, hold cover modifications, and other deliberate or inadvertent human land uses. In addition, the geometries of land cover, resulting flout difference among the shapes, sizes, connectivities, and physical structures of the patches, corridors, and matrices that compose landscape mosaics, will constrain biodiversity, often in predictable ways. This article proposes a conceptual model that alter ins that the Continued persistence of native species may depend as much oil the shifting Of Andean landscape mosaics as on species characteristics, themselves. Furthermore, mountains such as the Andes display long gradients of environmental Conditions that after in relation to latitude, soil moisture, aspect, and elevation. Global environmental change will shift these, especially temperature and humidity regimes along elevational gradients, causing Changes outside the historical range of variation for some species. Both land-use systems and Conservation efforts will need to respond spatially to these shifts in the future, at both landscape and regional scales.Geography and the Environmen

    \u3cem\u3eP. gingivalis\u3c/em\u3e Modulates Keratinocytes Through FOXO Transcription Factors

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    P. gingivalis is a prominent periodontal pathogen that has potent effects on host cells. In this study we challenged gingival epithelial cells with P. gingivalis with the aim of assessing how mRNA levels of key target genes were modulated by P. gingivalis via the transcription factors FOXO1 and FOXO3. Primary mono- and multi-layer cultures of gingival epithelial cells were challenged and barrier function was examined by fluorescent dextran and apoptosis was measured by cytoplasmic histone associated DNA. Gene expression levels were measured by real-time PCR with and without FOXO1 and FOXO3 siRNA compared to scrambled siRNA. P. gingivalis induced a loss of barrier function and stimulated gingival epithelial cell apoptosis in multilayer cultures that was in part gingipain dependent. P. gingivalis stimulated an increase in FOXO1 and FOXO3 mRNA, enhanced mRNA levels of genes associated with differentiated keratinocyte function (keratin-1, -10, -14, and involucrin), increased mRNA levels of apoptotic genes (BID and TRADD), reduced mRNA levels of genes that regulate inflammation (TLR-2 and -4) and reduced those associated with barrier function (integrin beta-1, -3 and -6). The ability of P. gingivalis to modulate these genes was predominantly FOXO1 and FOXO3 dependent. The results indicate that P. gingivalis has pronounced effects on gingival keratinocytes and modulates mRNA levels of genes that affect host response, differentiation, apoptosis and barrier function. Moreover, this modulation is dependent upon the transcription factors FOXO1 or FOXO3. In addition, a new function for FOXO1 was identified, that of suppressing TLR-2 and TLR-4 and maintaining integrin beta -1, beta -3 and beta -6 basal mRNA levels in keratinocytes

    Similarity thresholds used in DNA sequence assembly from short reads can reduce the comparability of population histories across species

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    Comparing inferences among datasets generated using short read sequencing may provide insight into the concerted impacts of divergence, gene flow and selection across organisms, but comparisons are complicated by biases introduced during dataset assembly. Sequence similarity thresholds allow the de novo assembly of short reads into clusters of alleles representing different loci, but the resulting datasets are sensitive to both the similarity threshold used and to the variation naturally present in the organism under study. Thresholds that require high sequence similarity among reads for assembly (stringent thresholds) as well as highly variable species may result in datasets in which divergent alleles are lost or divided into separate loci (‘over-splitting’), whereas liberal thresholds increase the risk of paralogous loci being combined into a single locus (‘under-splitting’). Comparisons among datasets or species are therefore potentially biased if different similarity thresholds are applied or if the species differ in levels of within-lineage genetic variation. We examine the impact of a range of similarity thresholds on assembly of empirical short read datasets from populations of four different non-model bird lineages (species or species pairs) with different levels of genetic divergence. We find that, in all species, stringent similarity thresholds result in fewer alleles per locus than more liberal thresholds, which appears to be the result of high levels of over-splitting. The frequency of putative under-splitting, conversely, is low at all thresholds. Inferred genetic distances between individuals, gene tree depths, and estimates of the ancestral mutation-scaled effective population size (ξ) differ depending upon the similarity threshold applied. Relative differences in inferences across species differ even when the same threshold is applied, but may be dramatically different when datasets assembled under different thresholds are compared. These differences not only complicate comparisons across species, but also preclude the application of standard mutation rates for parameter calibration. We suggest some best practices for assembling short read data to maximize comparability, such as using more liberal thresholds and examining the impact of different thresholds on each dataset
