25 research outputs found

    Changes in oceanic radiocarbon and CFCs since the 1990s

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    Anthropogenic perturbations from fossil fuel burning, nuclear bomb testing, and chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) use have created useful transient tracers of ocean circulation. The atmospheric 14C/C ratio (∆14C) peaked in the early 1960s and has decreased now to pre-industrial levels, while atmospheric CFC-11 and CFC-12 concentrations peaked in the early 1990s and early 2000s, respectively, and have now decreased by 10%–20%. We present the first analysis of a decade of new observations (2007 to 2018–2019) and give a comprehensive overview of the changes in ocean ∆14C and CFC concentration since the WOCE surveys in the 1990s. Surface ocean ∆14C decreased at a nearly constant rate from the 1990–2010s (20‰/decade). In most of the surface ocean ∆14C is higher than in atmospheric CO2 while in the interior ocean, only a few places are found to have increases in ∆14C, indicating that globally, oceanic bomb 14C uptake has stopped and reversed. Decreases in surface ocean CFC-11 started between the 1990 and 2000s, and CFC-12 between the 2000–2010s. Strong coherence in model biases of decadal changes in all tracers in the Southern Ocean suggest ventilation of Antarctic Intermediate Water was enhanced from the 1990 to the 2000s, whereas ventilation of Subantarctic Mode Water was enhanced from the 2000 to the 2010s. The decrease in surface tracers globally between the 2000 and 2010s is consistently stronger in observations than in models, indicating a reduction in vertical transport and mixing due to stratification

    The carbon cycle in a changing climate

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    Estimating methane emissions in California's urban and rural regions using multitower observations

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    We present an analysis of methane (CH_4) emissions using atmospheric observations from 13 sites in California during June 2013 to May 2014. A hierarchical Bayesian inversion method is used to estimate CH_4 emissions for spatial regions (0.3° pixels for major regions) by comparing measured CH_4 mixing ratios with transport model (Weather Research and Forecasting and Stochastic Time-Inverted Lagrangian Transport) predictions based on seasonally varying California-specific CH_4 prior emission models. The transport model is assessed using a combination of meteorological and carbon monoxide (CO) measurements coupled with the gridded California Air Resources Board (CARB) CO emission inventory. The hierarchical Bayesian inversion suggests that state annual anthropogenic CH_4 emissions are 2.42 ± 0.49 Tg CH_4/yr (at 95% confidence), higher (1.2–1.8 times) than the current CARB inventory (1.64 Tg CH_4/yr in 2013). It should be noted that undiagnosed sources of errors or uncaptured errors in the model-measurement mismatch covariance may increase these uncertainty bounds beyond that indicated here. The CH_4 emissions from the Central Valley and urban regions (San Francisco Bay and South Coast Air Basins) account for ~58% and 26% of the total posterior emissions, respectively. This study suggests that the livestock sector is likely the major contributor to the state total CH_4 emissions, in agreement with CARB's inventory. Attribution to source sectors for subregions of California using additional trace gas species would further improve the quantification of California's CH_4 emissions and mitigation efforts toward the California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 (Assembly Bill 32)

    The College News, 1923-01-24, Vol. 09, No. 13

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    Bryn Mawr College student newspaper. Merged with The Haverford News in 1968 to form the Bi-college News (with various titles from 1968 on). Published weekly (except holidays) during the academic year

    Impact of fossil fuel emissions on atmospheric radiocarbon and various applications of radiocarbon over this century

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    Radiocarbon analyses are commonly used in a broad range of fields, including earth science, archaeology, forgery detection, isotope forensics, and physiology. Many applications are sensitive to the radiocarbon ((14)C) content of atmospheric CO2, which has varied since 1890 as a result of nuclear weapons testing, fossil fuel emissions, and CO2 cycling between atmospheric, oceanic, and terrestrial carbon reservoirs. Over this century, the ratio (14)C/C in atmospheric CO2 (Δ(14)CO2) will be determined by the amount of fossil fuel combustion, which decreases Δ(14)CO2 because fossil fuels have lost all (14)C from radioactive decay. Simulations of Δ(14)CO2 using the emission scenarios from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Fifth Assessment Report, the Representative Concentration Pathways, indicate that ambitious emission reductions could sustain Δ(14)CO2 near the preindustrial level of 0‰ through 2100, whereas "business-as-usual" emissions will reduce Δ(14)CO2 to -250‰, equivalent to the depletion expected from over 2,000 y of radioactive decay. Given current emissions trends, fossil fuel emission-driven artificial "aging" of the atmosphere is likely to occur much faster and with a larger magnitude than previously expected. This finding has strong and as yet unrecognized implications for many applications of radiocarbon in various fields, and it implies that radiocarbon dating may no longer provide definitive ages for samples up to 2,000 y old

    Continental-scale enrichment of atmospheric 14CO2 from the nuclear power industry: potential impact on the estimation of fossil fuel-derived CO2

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    Since aged carbon in fossil fuel contains no14C,14C/C ratios (∆14C) measured in at-mospheric CO2 can be used to estimate CO2 added by combustion and, potentially, provide verification of fossil CO2 emissions calculated using economic inventories. Sources of14C from nuclear power generation and spent fuel reprocessing can counteract dilution by fossil CO2. Therefore, these nuclear sources can bias observation-based estimates of fossil fuel-derived CO2if they are not correctly accounted for orincluded as a source of uncertainty. We estimate annual14C emissions from each nu-clear site in the world and conduct an Eulerian transport modeling study to investigatethe continental-scale, steady-state gradients of∆14C caused by nuclear activities and fossil fuel combustion. Over Europe, North America and East Asia, nuclear enrichmentmay offset 0–260 % of the fossil fuel dilution in∆14C, corresponding to potential biasesof 0 to−8 ppm in the CO2attributed to fossil fuel emissions, larger than the bias fromrespiration in some areas. Growth of14C emissions increased the potential nuclearbias over 1985–2005. The magnitude of this potential bias is largely independent of the choice of reference station in the context of Eulerian transport and inversion stud-ies, but could potentially be reduced by an appropriate choice of reference station inthe context of local-scale assessments.ISSN:1680-7375ISSN:1680-736