169 research outputs found

    Putting a Floor on Energy Savings: Comparing State Energy Efficiency Resource Standards

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    Energy efficiency resource standards (EERS) refer to policies that require utilities and other covered entities to achieve quantitative goals for reducing energy use by a certain year. EERS policies generally apply to electricity and natural gas sales and electricity peak demand, though they also cover other energy sources in Europe. Our study aggregates information about the requirements of existing EERS policies for electricity sales in the United States. We convert quantitative goals into comparable terms to compare the nominal stringency of EERS programs across states. EERS programs also differ in their nonquantitative requirements, including flexibility measures, measurement and verification programs, and penalties and positive incentives. We compare the U.S. policies to similar policies in the European Union and discuss important policy issues, including exogenous changes in fuel prices and issues with utility management of energy efficiency programs.energy efficiency, electricity, energy efficiency resource standards, state regulation

    Circulation, frontiĂšres, mobilitĂ©s sĂ©farades Ă  l’époque moderne

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    Les notions de frontiĂšre et de circulation figurent au cƓur de toute problĂ©matique d’histoire des sĂ©farades Ă  l’époque moderne. Elles renvoient tout d’abord au thĂšme de la migration, indissociable de la genĂšse de cette diaspora inaugurĂ©e par un exil forcĂ© de pĂ©ninsule ibĂ©rique, et prolongĂ©e du xvie au xviiiesiĂšcle, selon des temporalitĂ©s et des flux de dĂ©bit variables, par une Ă©migration de nouveaux-chrĂ©tiens, dans la direction continuĂ©e de l’espace mĂ©diterranĂ©en, puis avec un inflĂ©chissement..

    Réseaux intercommunautaires et communication dans la diaspora séfarade et le monde juif moderne

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    Évelyne Oliel-Grausz, professeur agrĂ©gĂ©e Un premier cycle de confĂ©rences avait proposĂ© une approche des sociĂ©tĂ©s juives modernes en rupture avec les lectures monographiques traditionnelles, centrĂ©e sur l’étude des flux, des circuits et des rĂ©seaux, avec pour objet la diaspora sĂ©farade d’Occident dans un espace s’étendant de Livourne aux Ă©tablissements du Nouveau Monde, dans un cadre chronologique embrassant les XVIIe et XVIIIe siĂšcles. Nous avions dessinĂ© un portrait des aires de relation et ..

    Relations, réseaux intercommunautaires et communication dans la diaspora séfarade et le monde juif moderne

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    Évelyne Oliel-Grausz, professeur agrĂ©gĂ©e Nous nous proposions d’approcher les sociĂ©tĂ©s juives modernes en nous dĂ©marquant des lectures monographiques habituelles, et en prenant pour objet la diaspora judĂ©o-portugaise dite d’Occident, de Livourne jusqu’aux Ă©tablissements du Nouveau Monde. Nous avons abordĂ© le premier volet de cette enquĂȘte, centrĂ© sur l’idĂ©e de mobilitĂ© et de circulation. Circulation des modĂšles institutionnels durant les phases successives de gestation des communautĂ©s de cett..

    Histoire intellectuelle des techniques (XVIIIe-XXe siĂšcle)

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    Liliane Perez, directrice d’étudesJean Baumgarten, directeur de recherche au CNRSÉvelyne Oliel-Grausz, maĂźtre de confĂ©rences Ă  l’UniversitĂ© Paris 1-PanthĂ©on-Sorbonne Histoire Ă©conomique des Juifs Ă  l’époque moderne : archives, pratiques et rĂ©seaux marchands (Europe, empires) Compte rendu non communiqu

    Lucy's Flat Feet: The Relationship between the Ankle and Rearfoot Arching in Early Hominins

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    BACKGROUND. In the Plio-Pleistocene, the hominin foot evolved from a grasping appendage to a stiff, propulsive lever. Central to this transition was the development of the longitudinal arch, a structure that helps store elastic energy and stiffen the foot during bipedal locomotion. Direct evidence for arch evolution, however, has been somewhat elusive given the failure of soft-tissue to fossilize. Paleoanthropologists have relied on footprints and bony correlates of arch development, though little consensus has emerged as to when the arch evolved. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS. Here, we present evidence from radiographs of modern humans (n=261) that the set of the distal tibia in the sagittal plane, henceforth referred to as the tibial arch angle, is related to rearfoot arching. Non-human primates have a posteriorly directed tibial arch angle, while most humans have an anteriorly directed tibial arch angle. Those humans with a posteriorly directed tibial arch angle (8%) have significantly lower talocalcaneal and talar declination angles, both measures of an asymptomatic flatfoot. Application of these results to the hominin fossil record reveals that a well developed rearfoot arch had evolved in Australopithecus afarensis. However, as in humans today, Australopithecus populations exhibited individual variation in foot morphology and arch development, and "Lucy" (A.L. 288-1), a 3.18 Myr-old female Australopithecus, likely possessed asymptomatic flat feet. Additional distal tibiae from the Plio-Pleistocene show variation in tibial arch angles, including two early Homo tibiae that also have slightly posteriorly directed tibial arch angles. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE. This study finds that the rearfoot arch was present in the genus Australopithecus. However, the female Australopithecus afarensis "Lucy" has an ankle morphology consistent with non-pathological flat-footedness. This study suggests that, as in humans today, there was variation in arch development in Plio-Pleistocene hominins.Leakey Foundatio

    Gene Network Disruptions and Neurogenesis Defects in the Adult Ts1Cje Mouse Model of Down Syndrome

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    Background: Down syndrome (DS) individuals suffer mental retardation with further cognitive decline and early onset Alzheimer's disease. Methodology/Principal Findings: To understand how trisomy 21 causes these neurological abnormalities we investigated changes in gene expression networks combined with a systematic cell lineage analysis of adult neurogenesis using the Ts1Cje mouse model of DS. We demonstrated down regulation of a number of key genes involved in proliferation and cell cycle progression including Mcm7, Brca2, Prim1, Cenpo and Aurka in trisomic neurospheres. We found that trisomy did not affect the number of adult neural stem cells but resulted in reduced numbers of neural progenitors and neuroblasts. Analysis of differentiating adult Ts1Cje neural progenitors showed a severe reduction in numbers of neurons produced with a tendency for less elaborate neurites, whilst the numbers of astrocytes was increased. Conclusions/Significance: We have shown that trisomy affects a number of elements of adult neurogenesis likely to result in a progressive pathogenesis and consequently providing the potential for the development of therapies to slow progression of, or even ameliorate the neuronal deficits suffered by DS individuals.Chelsee A. Hewitt, King-Hwa Ling, Tobias D. Merson, Ken M. Simpson, Matthew E. Ritchie, Sarah L. King, Melanie A. Pritchard, Gordon K. Smyth, Tim Thomas, Hamish S. Scott and Anne K. Vos

    Log Analyzer for IoT Applications

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    Internet of Things applications touch numerous facets of our lives with a great potential for exponential growth. This implies the rapid growth of the amount of newly generated and collected data. Consequently, the demand to have immediate insights into the data and to turn this immense amount of generated data into valuable information increases simultaneously. In the world of IoT networking, most devices are connected to the internet and realize machine to machine (M2M) communication amongst themselves. A sensor or machine sends recorded data to the application software that processes the data for further usage. In most cases, all the steps or events occurring in an IoT system are recorded and gathered in log files. One possible approach to turn data into actionable insights and these insights into value is to analyze historical data produced by IoT applications, such as log files. This thesis presents a Log Analyzer for IoT applications with the use of stochastic methods. The log file entries of an IoT application can be considered as a collection of process step variations, so-called sub-sequences. This thesis presents an approach to find remarkable deviations between the analyzed sub-sequences and compare sub-sequences according to different similarity measures. In addition, an approach to visualize a graphical model of the underlying dynamic process, which represents a well-defined probabilistic model showing sets and exact sequences of states, is presented
