227 research outputs found

    Documenting the Value of Librarians in the Classroom: Results from a Mixed-Methods Research Collaboration with Campus Partners

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    This paper details the results of a mixed-methods study of first-year and upper-division students’ information literacy (IL) competencies. The study used a rubric and a survey, seeking to answer two research questions: 1) Is there a correlation between National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) IL survey responses and IL rubric scores? 2) Are there any indicators that correlate to improved IL performance in first-year students? Results demonstrated that first-year students reported greater engagement with IL and also indicated that instructors placed greater emphasis on IL competencies than students in upper-division courses. They also show a statistically significant impact on first-year students’ rubric scores when a librarian is in the class. This finding held even when controlling for other variables. Results provide an evidence-based foundation to spur conversations with faculty and university administration on the value of IL and the role of librarians in undergraduate student success

    Just Like One of the Family : Domestic Violence Paradigms and Combating On-The-Job Violence Against Household Workers in the United States

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    This Article argues that the immense problem of on-the-job abuse experienced by domestic workers demands a multifaceted plan of attack. The proposed responses specifically draw upon the capacities, strengths, and resources of women, particularly comparatively privileged women, as both activists and employers of domestic workers. By describing the circumstances of domestic work in the United States from the nation\u27s inception to the present, Part I demonstrates the prevalence and intractability of on-the-job physical and sexual abuse and argues that other women, as employers of domestic workers, have historically played a complex role in participating in, condoning, or failing to acknowledge this abuse. Part II asserts that the legal and socioeconomic contexts of contemporary domestic work reflect the prevalence of immigrant women of color in the contemporary domestic workforce and the unique challenges they face as workers in the U.S. Part III examines the present-day incidence of harassment and violence against domestic workers-as revealed through newspaper accounts, interviews with domestic workers, and case law-and analyzes common threads of experience in these narratives. Based on these findings, this Part contends that physical and sexual abuse suffered by many domestic workers combines elements of workplace harassment with characteristics typical of domestic violence, making this abuse more challenging to combat than standard workplace harassment

    Just Like One of the Family : Domestic Violence Paradigms and Combating On-The-Job Violence Against Household Workers in the United States

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    This Article argues that the immense problem of on-the-job abuse experienced by domestic workers demands a multifaceted plan of attack. The proposed responses specifically draw upon the capacities, strengths, and resources of women, particularly comparatively privileged women, as both activists and employers of domestic workers. By describing the circumstances of domestic work in the United States from the nation\u27s inception to the present, Part I demonstrates the prevalence and intractability of on-the-job physical and sexual abuse and argues that other women, as employers of domestic workers, have historically played a complex role in participating in, condoning, or failing to acknowledge this abuse. Part II asserts that the legal and socioeconomic contexts of contemporary domestic work reflect the prevalence of immigrant women of color in the contemporary domestic workforce and the unique challenges they face as workers in the U.S. Part III examines the present-day incidence of harassment and violence against domestic workers-as revealed through newspaper accounts, interviews with domestic workers, and case law-and analyzes common threads of experience in these narratives. Based on these findings, this Part contends that physical and sexual abuse suffered by many domestic workers combines elements of workplace harassment with characteristics typical of domestic violence, making this abuse more challenging to combat than standard workplace harassment

    Division of Undergraduate Education Honors College Institute for Engaged Learning University College Program Review and Assessment Committee (PRAC) Annual Report 2019-2020

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    The Division of Undergraduate Education (DUE) at IUPUI has a comprehensive range of programs, services, and policies designed to enhance student learning, academic achievement, and persistence. The focus on continuously improving student academic achievement and persistence has made a strong commitment to assessment and evaluation, an integral aspect of the DUE strategic plan. Assessing programs designed to enhance student educational outcomes during the first-year of college requires careful conceptualization of the processes and relationships involved before choosing measures and evaluation designs. As such, the DUE assessment strategy includes a three-phase approach to assessment including needs, process, and outcome assessment. In addition, we employ mix-method approaches that involve a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods as well as indirect and direct measures of student learning

    Secondary analysis of an RCT on Emergency Department-Initiated Tobacco Control: Repeatedly assessed point-prevalence abstinence up to 12 months and extension of results through a 10-year follow-up.

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    INTRODUCTION:Emergency departments (EDs) are opportune places for tobacco control interventions. The 'Tobacco Control in an Urban Emergency Department' (TED) study, ISRCTN41527831, originally evaluated the effect of motivational interviewing on-site plus up to four booster telephone calls on 12-month abstinence. This study's aim was to evaluate the effect of the intervention on 7-day point-prevalence abstinence at 10 years follow-up (primary outcome) as well as on repeated point-prevalence abstinence at 1, 3, 6, 12 months and at 10 years (continual smoking abstinence, secondary outcome). METHODS:At the 10 years follow-up and after informed consent, study participants responded to a mailed questionnaire. The primary outcome was analyzed in observed-only and in all-cases analyses. The secondary outcomes were analyzed using a multiple adjusted GLMM for binary outcomes. RESULTS:Out of 1012 TED-study participants, 986 (97.4%) were alive and 231 (23.4% of 986) responded to the follow-up at 10 years. For observed-only and all-cases analyses, the effect of the baseline intervention on 7-day point-prevalence abstinence at the 10 years follow-up was statistically non-significant. However, when taking into account all repeated measures, the intervention significantly influenced continual abstinence with odds ratio 1.32 (95% CI: 1.01-1.73; p=0.042). Baseline motivation, perceived self-efficacy to stop smoking, and nicotine dependency were independently associated with long-term continual smoking abstinence (all p<0.05). CONCLUSIONS:A conventional analysis failed to confirm a significant effect of the ED-initiated tobacco control intervention on the point-prevalence abstinence at 10 years. Results from a more integrative analysis nonetheless indicated an enduring intervention effect on continual abstinence among smokers first encountered in the emergency department setting 10 years earlier

    Division of Undergraduate Education Honors College Institute for Engaged Learning University College Program Review and Assessment Committee (PRAC) Annual Report 2018-2019

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    The Division of Undergraduate Education (DUE) at IUPUI has a comprehensive range of programs, services, and policies designed to enhance student learning, academic achievement, and persistence. The focus on continuously improving student academic achievement and persistence has made a strong commitment to assessment and evaluation, an integral aspect of the DUE strategic plan. Assessing programs designed to enhance student educational outcomes during the first-year of college requires careful conceptualization of the processes and relationships involved before choosing measures and evaluation designs. As such, the DUE assessment strategy includes a three-phase approach to assessment including needs, process, and outcome assessment. In addition, we employ mix-method approaches that involve a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods as well as indirect and direct measures of student learning

    The Advantage of Under Armour for Winter Sports Performance

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    Under Armour produces apparel designed for winter sports athletes. This apparel aims to keep athletes comfortable by retaining body heat and removing moisture due to perspiration. Special wicking properties are claimed to enable the material to remove moisture quickly and provide insulation. This study will propose a mechanism by which the Under Armour clothing material achieves these effects. We will model moisture transfer and heat transfer through the cloth, considering skin surface temperature and moisture content as measures of comfort. Additionally, we will compare the effects of Under Armour to cotton clothing which has different material properties, considering diffusivity, conductivity, partition coefficient, and porosity. The goal of this study is to use our proposed model to show the advantages of Under Armour for winter sports performance

    Division of Undergraduate Education Honors College Institute for Engaged Learning University College Program Review and Assessment Committee (PRAC) Annual Report 2020-2021

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    The Division of Undergraduate Education (DUE) at IUPUI has a comprehensive range of programs, services, and policies designed to enhance student learning, academic achievement, and persistence. The focus on continuously improving student academic achievement and persistence has made a strong commitment to assessment and evaluation, an integral aspect of the DUE strategic plan. Assessing programs designed to enhance student educational outcomes during the first-year of college requires careful conceptualization of the processes and relationships involved before choosing measures and evaluation designs. As such, the DUE assessment strategy includes a three-phase approach to assessment including needs, process, and outcome assessment. In addition, we employ mix-method approaches that involve a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods as well as indirect and direct measures of student learning

    Tabakentwöhnung bei Patienten in einer Rettungsstelle – wiederholte Messungen des Raucherstatus’ bis zu 10 Jahre nach Studienbeginn

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    Eine spezifische Form der individuellen Tabakkontrolle ist die rettungsstellenbasierte Tabakentwöhnung (RTE). Diese in Deutschland wenig etablierte Form einer qualifizierten Tabakentwöhnung wird in Form eines motivierenden Interviews vor Ort in Kombination mit nachstationĂ€ren, proaktiven, motivierenden TelefongesprĂ€chen angeboten. Vor 10 Jahren untersuchte die randomisierte, kontrollierte ‚Tobacco Control in an Urban Emergency Department’ (TED)-Studie den Effekt einer RTE auf die 12-Monats-Abstinenz. Ziel der hier vorliegenden Arbeit war es die Studienteilnehmer erneut hinsichtlich ihres aktuellen Tabakkonsums zu befragen und den Langzeiteffekt der RTE auf die 7-Tages-Abstinenz nach 10 Jahren sowie auf die wiederholte punktuelle 7-Tages-Abstinenz seit Studienbeginn zu untersuchen. Außerdem wurden PrĂ€diktoren fĂŒr die 7-Tages-Abstinenz nach 10 Jahren sowie fĂŒr die wiederholte punktuelle 7-Tages-Abstinenz evaluiert. Ebenso wurde das Tabakkonsummuster der aktuellen Raucher analysiert. Nach Einwilligung der Ethikkommission der CharitĂ© und schriftlicher Einwilligung der Studienteilnehmer beantworteten diese einen per Post zugeschickten Fragebogen. Der Langzeiteffekt der RTE auf die 7-Tages-Abstinenz nach 10 Jahren wurde in ‚observed-only’- und ‚all-cases’-Analysen mittels Chi-Quadrat-Test und die PrĂ€diktoren fĂŒr eine 7-Tages-Abstinenz nach 10 Jahren mittels einer binĂ€ren logistischen Regressionsanalyse berechnet. Der Langzeiteffekt der RTE auf die wiederholte punktuelle 7-Tages-Abstinenz wurde, ebenso wie die PrĂ€diktoren fĂŒr die wiederholte punktuelle 7-Tages-Abstinenz, mittels eines Multi-Level-Modells ermittelt. Beide multivariablen Berechnungen wurden fĂŒr relevante Confounder adjustiert. Das Tabakkonsummuster bei aktuellen Rauchern wurde mittels deskriptiver Statistik analysiert. Von 1012 TED-Studienteilnehmern waren 986 (97,4%) ‚eligible’ fĂŒr das Langzeit-Follow-up. Von diesen beantworteten 229 (23,2%) den postalischen Fragebogen. Insgesamt 112 Studienteilnehmer (48,9%) waren aktuelle Nichtraucher, 61 in der RTE-Gruppe und 51 in der Kontrollgruppe, p=0,46. Auch in der ‚all-cases’-Analyse war dieser Unterschied nicht statistisch signifikant (p=0,31). Bezogen auf die wiederholte punktuelle 7-Tages-Abstinenz und adjustiert fĂŒr relevante Confounder, zeigte sich ein signifikanter Effekt der RTE mit einer Odds Ratio von OR=1,30 (95%-KI (1,001-1,686), (p=0,0495). Nur fĂŒr die wiederholte punktuelle 7-Tages-Abstinenz ergaben sich signifikante PrĂ€diktoren fĂŒr einen erfolgreichen Rauchstopp: eine hohe Motivation das Rauchverhalten zu Ă€ndern (p<0,001) und ein niedriger Grad der NikotinabhĂ€ngigkeit (p<0,001). Beim Tabakkonsummuster der aktuellen Raucher zeigte sich, dass unabhĂ€ngig vom Randomisierungsstatus alle aktuellen Raucher signifikant weniger rauchten und weniger nikotinabhĂ€ngig waren als zum Zeitpunkt der Basiserhebung der TED-Studie. Eine RTE scheint keinen Einfluss auf eine einmalige Punktabstinenz nach etwa 10 Jahren zu haben, zeigte aber eine schwache Assoziation mit einer wiederholten punktuellen Tabakabstinenz. Weitere Studien mit höheren Follow-up-Raten sind nötig, um diese Ergebnisse zu bestĂ€tigen. Die ermittelten PrĂ€diktoren fĂŒr wiederholte punktuelle Tabakabstinenz zeigen, dass vor allem tabakassoziierte Faktoren relevant fĂŒr einen erfolgreichen Rauchstopp sind.A distinct form of individual tobacco control intervention is the Emergency Department-Initiated Tobacco Control (ETC). This form of smoking intervention, which is not broadly implemented in Germany, typically consists of an on-site motivational interview and proactive follow-up telephone calls. Ten years ago, the randomized control trial ‘Tobacco Control in an Urban Emergency Department (TED)’ evaluated the effect of ETC on 12-month-abstinence. The aim of this study was to examine the current tobacco consumption among the original participants, determining the long-term effect of ETC on 7-day-abstinence after 10 years, as well as the repeated-point-prevalence 7-day-abstinence since the beginning of the TED-study. In addition, predictors for 7-day-abstinence after 10 years and repeated-point-prevalence 7-day-abstinence were evaluated, along with the tobacco consumption pattern in current smokers. After approval by the CharitĂ© ethics committee and written consent from the study participants, data was collected via a mailed questionnaire. The long-term effect of the RTE on 7-day-abstinence after 10 years was calculated in observed-only and all-cases analyses using the Chi-square-test, and the predictors for 7-day-abstinence after 10 years was calculated using binary logistic regression analysis. The long-term effect of RTE on repeated-point-prevalence 7-day-abstinence and the predictors for repeated-point-prevalence 7-day-abstinence were determined using a multi-level model. Both multivariable calculations were adjusted for relevant confounders. The tobacco consumption pattern in current smokers was analyzed using descriptive statistics. Out of 1012 TED study participants, 986 (97.4%) were eligible for the long-term follow-up, and 229 (23.2%) answered the questionnaire. A total of 112 study participants (48.9%) were current non-smokers, 61 in the ETC group and 51 in the control group, p=0.46. No significant differences were observed in the all-cases analysis (p=0.31). However, the effect of ETC on the repeated-point-prevalence 7-day-abstinence was significant when adjusted for confounders, OR=1.30 (95%CI (1.001-1.686); p=0.0495). Only the repeated-point-prevalence 7-day-abstinence showed significant predictors for a successful smoking cessation: a high motivation to change smoking behavior (p<0,001) and a low degree of nicotine dependence (p<0,001). The tobacco consumption pattern of current smokers revealed that all smoked significantly less and were less nicotine-dependent compared to the baseline survey, regardless of randomization status. ETC does not have an influence on single point abstinence after 10 years, but showed a weak association with repeated-point-prevalence abstinence. Further studies with higher follow-up rates are needed to confirm these results. The predicators for repeated-point-prevalence abstinence show that tobacco-associated factors are particularly relevant for a successful smoking cessation
