13 research outputs found

    Mechanism of Action of Secreted Newt Anterior Gradient Protein

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    Anterior gradient (AG) proteins have a thioredoxin fold and are targeted to the secretory pathway where they may act in the ER, as well as after secretion into the extracellular space. A newt member of the family (nAG) was previously identified as interacting with the GPI-anchored salamander-specific three-finger protein called Prod1. Expression of nAG has been implicated in the nerve dependence of limb regeneration in salamanders, and nAG acted as a growth factor for cultured newt limb blastemal (progenitor) cells, but the mechanism of action was not understood. Here we show that addition of a peptide antibody to Prod1 specifically inhibit the proliferation of blastema cells, suggesting that Prod1 acts as a cell surface receptor for secreted nAG, leading to S phase entry. Mutation of the single cysteine residue in the canonical active site of nAG to alanine or serine leads to protein degradation, but addition of residues at the C terminus stabilises the secreted protein. The mutation of the cysteine residue led to no detectable activity on S phase entry in cultured newt limb blastemal cells. In addition, our phylogenetic analyses have identified a new Caudata AG protein called AG4. A comparison of the AG proteins in a cell culture assay indicates that nAG secretion is significantly higher than AGR2 or AG4, suggesting that this property may vary in different members of the family

    Eicosanoid Release Is Increased by Membrane Destabilization and CFTR Inhibition in Calu-3 Cells

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    The antiinflammatory protein annexin-1 (ANXA1) and the adaptor S100A10 (p11), inhibit cytosolic phospholipase A2 (cPLA2α) by direct interaction. Since the latter is responsible for the cleavage of arachidonic acid at membrane phospholipids, all three proteins modulate eicosanoid production. We have previously shown the association of ANXA1 expression with that of CFTR, the multifactorial protein mutated in cystic fibrosis. This could in part account for the abnormal inflammatory status characteristic of this disease. We postulated that CFTR participates in the regulation of eicosanoid release by direct interaction with a complex containing ANXA1, p11 and cPLA2α. We first analyzed by plasmon surface resonance the in vitro binding of CFTR to the three proteins. A significant interaction between p11 and the NBD1 domain of CFTR was found. We observed in Calu-3 cells a rapid and partial redistribution of all four proteins in detergent resistant membranes (DRM) induced by TNF-α. This was concomitant with increased IL-8 synthesis and cPLA2α activation, ultimately resulting in eicosanoid (PGE2 and LTB4) overproduction. DRM destabilizing agent methyl-β-cyclodextrin induced further cPLA2α activation and eicosanoid release, but inhibited IL-8 synthesis. We tested in parallel the effect of short exposure of cells to CFTR inhibitors Inh172 and Gly-101. Both inhibitors induced a rapid increase in eicosanoid production. Longer exposure to Inh172 did not increase further eicosanoid release, but inhibited TNF-α-induced relocalization to DRM. These results show that (i) CFTR may form a complex with cPLA2α and ANXA1 via interaction with p11, (ii) CFTR inhibition and DRM disruption induce eicosanoid synthesis, and (iii) suggest that the putative cPLA2/ANXA1/p11/CFTR complex may participate in the modulation of the TNF-α-induced production of eicosanoids, pointing to the importance of membrane composition and CFTR function in the regulation of inflammation mediator synthesis

    Wnt/β-catenin signaling regulates VE-cadherin-mediated anastomosis of brain capillaries by counteracting S1pr1 signaling.

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    Canonical Wnt signaling is crucial for vascularization of the central nervous system and blood-brain barrier (BBB) formation. BBB formation and modulation are not only important for development, but also relevant for vascular and neurodegenerative diseases. However, there is little understanding of how Wnt signaling contributes to brain angiogenesis and BBB formation. Here we show, using high resolution in vivo imaging and temporal and spatial manipulation of Wnt signaling, different requirements for Wnt signaling during brain angiogenesis and BBB formation. In the absence of Wnt signaling, premature Sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor (S1pr) signaling reduces VE-cadherin and Esama at cell-cell junctions. We suggest that Wnt signaling suppresses S1pr signaling during angiogenesis to enable the dynamic junction formation during anastomosis, whereas later S1pr signaling regulates BBB maturation and VE-cadherin stabilization. Our data provides a link between brain angiogenesis and BBB formation and identifies Wnt signaling as coordinator of the timing and as regulator of anastomosis.SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Involvement of ceramide in hyperosmotic shock-induced death of erythrocytes.

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    Erythrocytes lack nuclei and mitochondria, the organelles important for apoptosis of nucleated cells. However, following increase of cytosolic Ca(2+) activity, erythrocytes undergo cell shrinkage, cell membrane blebbing and breakdown of phosphatidylserine asymmetry, all features typical for apoptosis in nucleated cells. The same events are observed following osmotic shock, an effect mediated in part by activation of Ca(2+)-permeable cation channels. However, erythrocyte death following osmotic shock is blunted but not prevented in the absence of extracellular Ca(2+) pointing to additional mechanisms. As shown in this study, osmotic shock (950 mOsm) triggers sphingomyelin breakdown and formation of ceramide. The stimulation of annexin binding following osmotic shock is mimicked by addition of ceramide or purified sphingomyelinase and significantly blunted by genetic (aSM-deficient mice) or pharmacologic (50 microM 3,4-dichloroisocoumarin) knockout of sphingomyelinase. The effect of ceramide is blunted but not abolished in the absence of Ca(2+). Conversely, osmotic shock-induced annexin binding is potentiated in the presence of sublethal concentrations of ceramide. In conclusion, ceramide and Ca(2+) entry through cation channels concert to trigger erythrocyte death during osmotic shock

    Ceramide in the regulation of eryptosis, the suicidal erythrocyte death

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    Sphingolipids and Membrane Domains: Recent Advances

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    Sensitization to cell death induced by soluble Fas ligand and agonistic antibodies with exogenous agents: A review

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