1,719 research outputs found

    Des unités "litteraires" preévangeliques resultant d'une relecture d'episodes de la vie de Jésus à la lumière des granges fêtes juïves

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    La hipòtesi defensada en aquesta contribució és la següent: diverses unitats literàries pre-evangèliques podrien haver tingut un Sitz im Leben litúrgic. Aquestes trobarien tot el seu sentit en funció d’una relectura dels esdeveniments de la vida de Jesús o de la vida de la primera comunitat jerosolimitana a la llum de les grans festes jueves i de l’espera que li estava associada. Estarien reflectides a la vegada la festa de Pasqua (relat dels sinòptics de la Passió, més concretament en la versió de Marc; alliberament miraculós de la presó de Pere en Ac 12); la festa de les Tendes (relats de la Transfiguració; relats de l’entrada triomfal de Jesús a Jerusalem i l’expulsió dels mercaders del Temple) i la festa de les Setmanes (relat de Pentecosta). Aqueta relectura hauria estat destinada a mostrar que la cadència del temps lligada a questes festes de peregrinatge va començar a trobar el seu acompliment amb aquests esdeveniments, entesos com a fundadors

    The Wife of Bath: a Tragic Caricature of Women

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    Alisoun of Bath has long been considered one of Chaucer’s most memorable characters, both for her candid vivacity and her spoken dedication to the concept of female sovereynetee. However, it is impossible not to detect the inconsistencies between what she avows and how she actually behaves. Through this interpretation, Alisoun’s Prologue and Tale can be seen as a tragic caricature of women in that she at once dismisses and embodies the misogynistic medieval stereotype, while also adhering to the suppressive ideals of the patriarchal power continuum she verbally abandons. This paper is a reexamination of Chaucer’s purportedly feminist masterpiece

    Drawing disconnected graphs on the Klein bottle

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    We prove that two disjoint graphs must always be drawn separately on the Klein bottle, in order to minimize the crossing number of the whole drawing.Comment: 13 pages, second version, major changes in the proo

    Lexicographical polytopes

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    Within a fixed integer box of Rn, lexicographical polytopes are the convex hulls of the integer points that are lexicographically between two given integer points. We provide their descriptions by means of linear inequalities


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    The measurement of power output (PO) during cycling has led some manufacturers to develop mobile power meters. However, such devices have to provide a valid, sensitive and reproducible PO. This study aimed to determine the validity, sensitivity and reproducibility of the Stages and Garmin Vector during both laboratory and field cycling tests. The results demonstrate that the Stages and the Garmin Vector systems appear to be reproducible. However, the validity and the sensitivity of the two systems must be treated with some caution


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    The aim of this research is to reveal the best bike configuration, wheels, and tyre pressure for competitive cycling on cobblestones. One former professional cyclist performed 16.75 laps on a cobbled road track (1.55 km). Three accelerometers were mounted on the stem, the seat post and the down tube. sEMG of the rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, tibialis anterior, extensor digitorum, and thoracolumbar fascia were measured by wireless sensors that measured also soft tissue longitudinal accelerations. The pressure inflated on tubular tyres led to significant differences on effective values of vibrations, each time higher at 5.5 rather than 5 bar. The methods implemented in this study appear to be consistent in revealing the best bike configuration and settings when vibrations are the main elements in races

    La purification ethnique et les viols systématiques. Ex-Yougoslavie 1991-1995

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    En décembre 1992, les trois quarts de la Bosnie, ainsi qu’un tiers de la Croatie avaient été et continuaient d’être purifiés ethniquement, c’est à dire que les communautés définies comme non serbes (à Vukovar il y avait plus d’une vingtaine de communautés différentes, appartenant à des sous-groupes religieux ou nationaux spécifiques) étaient en partie chassées, soit en partie massacrées, soit déportées dans des camps de détention dénoncés par la presse américaine en août 92 : ce systéme conce..

    Biomass (yard waste) Suspensions as Alternative Daily Cover Material for Landfills

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    Biomass makes up approximately 16% of the landfills (this number can vary significantly depending upon the geographical location and time of the year). A majority of the biomass disposed in landfills is comprised of yard waste including grass and leaf clippings. This is becoming a problem as most landfills are running out of space and it is expensive to build new landfills. Twenty-four states have prohibited the disposal of yard waste in landfills with more states likely to follow suit. To conserve landfill space it is important to identify processes and methods for effective utilization and disposal of yard waste. It has been shown in this research that conformal coating of a biomass suspension can be utilized as an alternative daily cover (ADC) for the landfills. The biomass is ground into fine particles (d ≤ 2 mm) and suspended in a surfactant solution. This approach can reduce the cost of daily operations for the landfill and provide a solution to the problem of yard waste disposal
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