117 research outputs found

    Anisotropic inharmonic Higgs oscillator and related (MICZ-)Kepler-like systems

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    We propose the integrable (pseudo)spherical generalization of the four-dimensional anisotropic oscillator with additional nonlinear potential. Performing its Kustaanheimo-Stiefel transformation we then obtain the pseudospherical generalization of the MICZ-Kepler system with linear and cosθ\cos\theta potential terms. We also present the generalization of the parabolic coordinates, in which this system admits the separation of variables. Finally, we get the spherical analog of the presented MICZ-Kepler-like system.Comment: 7 page

    Second Hopf map and Yang-Coulomb system on 5d (pseudo)sphere

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    Using the second Hopf map, we perform the reduction of the eight-dimensional (pseudo)spherical (Higgs)oscillator to a five-dimensional system interacting with a Yang monopole. Then, using a standard trick, we obtain, from the latter system, the pseudospherical and spherical generalizations of the Yang-Coulomb system (the five dimensional analog of MICZ-Kepler system). We present the whole set of its constants of motions, including the hidden symmetry generators given by the analog of Runge-Lenz vector. In the same way, starting from the eight-dimensional anisotropic inharmonic Higgs oscillator, we construct the integrable (pseudo)spherical generalization of the Yang-Coulomb system with the Stark term.Comment: 10 pages, PACS: 03.65.-w, 02.30.Ik, 14.80.H

    The effect of cutting conditions on power inputs when machining

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    Any technological process involving modification of material properties or product form necessitates consumption of a certain power amount. When developing new technologies one should take into account the benefits of their implementation vs. arising power inputs. It is revealed that procedures of edge cutting machining are the most energy-efficient amongst the present day forming procedures such as physical and technical methods including electrochemical, electroerosion, ultrasound, and laser processing, rapid prototyping technologies etc, such as physical and technical methods including electrochemical, electroerosion, ultrasound, and laser processing, rapid prototyping technologies etc. An expanded formula for calculation of power inputs is deduced, which takes into consideration the mode of cutting together with the tip radius, the form of the replaceable multifaceted insert and its wear. Having taken as an example cutting of graphite iron by the assembled cutting tools with replaceable multifaceted inserts the authors point at better power efficiency of high feeding cutting in comparison with high-speed cutting

    Preterm Infants’ Follow-Up Program at a Public Hospital in Buenos Aires: Two-Decade Study

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    Objectives: To analyze temporal trends of mortality, morbidity, growth and neurodevelopment until 2 years of corrected age (CA) of very low birth weight infants (VLBWI) born between 1986- 2005 in Ramon Sardá Maternal Infant Hospital (RSMIH). Methods: Descriptive temporal trend study divided in 5 quinquenniums.1255 VLBWI were born at RSMIH between 1986-2005; 46 were excluded (genetic syndromes, major congenital malformations, confirmed intrauterine infections), 84 were referred out and 1125 were studied. Birth weight (BW), gestational age (GA); morbidity; growth; neurodevelopment at 1 and 2 years of CA; neurological and sensorial disorders, antenatal steroids use, breastfeeding; rehospitalizations; mothers´ age and years of schooling and Unsatisfied Basic Needs Index (UBNI) were recorded. Results: Survival rates increased during the last two periods, especially in <1000g BW infants despite the decrease in GA and BW. Children receiving surfactant (Sf), parenteral nutrition (PN) and antenatal steroids (AS) in the last quinquennium obtained better results in growth (40 weeks GA and 1 CA). The use of these therapies increased greatly in the last decade. Also breastfeeding at 40 weeks GA and 4 months tended to be better. Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) increased. Rehospitalizations (majorly attributable to lower tract infections) and UBNI stayed equal all along. Mothers’ years of schooling increased a little in the last two quinquenniums. Conclusion: In the last quinquennium children tended to be smaller in GA and BW due to an increase in the survival rate as a result of higher technology and appropriate interventions such as AS, PN, Sf, etc

    Inverse Borrmann effect in photonic crystals

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    The Borrmann effect, which is related to the microscopic distribution of the electromagnetic field inside the primitive cell, is studied in photonic and magnetophotonic crystals. This effect, well-known in x-ray spectroscopy, is responsible for the enhancement or suppression of various linear and nonlinear optical effects when the incidence angle and/or the frequency change. It is shown that by design of the primitive cell this effect can be suppressed and even inverted

    Expression of phosphorylated raf kinase inhibitor protein (pRKIP) is a predictor of lung cancer survival

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Raf-1 kinase inhibitor protein (RKIP) has been reported to negatively regulate signal kinases of major survival pathways. RKIP activity is modulated in part by phosphorylation on Serine 153 by protein kinase C, which leads to dissociation of RKIP from Raf-1. RKIP expression is low in many human cancers and represents an indicator of poor prognosis and/or induction of metastasis. The prognostic power has typically been based on total RKIP expression and has not considered the significance of phospho-RKIP.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The present study examined the expression levels of both RKIP and phospho-RKIP in human lung cancer tissue microarray proteomics technology.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Total RKIP and phospho-RKIP expression levels were similar in normal and cancerous tissues. phospho-RKIP levels slightly decreased in metastatic lesions. However, the expression levels of phospho-RKIP, in contrast to total RKIP, displayed significant predictive power for outcome with normal expression of phospho-RKIP predicting a more favorable survival compared to lower levels (P = 0.0118); this was even more pronounced in more senior individuals and in those with early stage lung cancer.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This study examines for the first time, the expression profile of RKIP and phospho-RKIP in lung cancer. Significantly, we found that phospho-RKIP was a predictive indicator of survival.</p

    Phage T4 SegB protein is a homing endonuclease required for the preferred inheritance of T4 tRNA gene region occurring in co-infection with a related phage

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    Homing endonucleases initiate nonreciprocal transfer of DNA segments containing their own genes and the flanking sequences by cleaving the recipient DNA. Bacteriophage T4 segB gene, which is located in a cluster of tRNA genes, encodes a protein of unknown function, homologous to homing endonucleases of the GIY-YIG family. We demonstrate that SegB protein is a site-specific endonuclease, which produces mostly 3′ 2-nt protruding ends at its DNA cleavage site. Analysis of SegB cleavage sites suggests that SegB recognizes a 27-bp sequence. It contains 11-bp conserved sequence, which corresponds to a conserved motif of tRNA TψC stem-loop, whereas the remainder of the recognition site is rather degenerate. T4-related phages T2L, RB1 and RB3 contain tRNA gene regions that are homologous to that of phage T4 but lack segB gene and several tRNA genes. In co-infections of phages T4 and T2L, segB gene is inherited with nearly 100% of efficiency. The preferred inheritance depends absolutely on the segB gene integrity and is accompanied by the loss of the T2L tRNA gene region markers. We suggest that SegB is a homing endonuclease that functions to ensure spreading of its own gene and the surrounding tRNA genes among T4-related phages

    Interaction between expectancies and drug effects: an experimental investigation of placebo analgesia with caffeine as an active placebo

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    In a randomised placebo-controlled clinical trial it is assumed that psychosocial effects of the treatment, regression to the mean and spontaneous remission are identical in the drug and placebo group. Consequently, any difference between the groups can be ascribed to the pharmacological effects. Previous studies suggest that side effects of drugs can enhance expectancies of treatment effects in the drug group compared to the placebo group, and thereby increase placebo responses in the drug group compared to the placebo group. The hypothesis that side effects of drugs can enhance expectancies and placebo responses was tested. Painful laser stimuli were delivered to 20 healthy subjects before and after administration of a drink with 0 or 4 mg/kg caffeine. The drink was administered either with information that it contained a painkiller or that it was a placebo. Laser-evoked potentials and reports of pain, expectancy, arousal and stress were measured. Results Four milligrammes per kilogramme of caffeine reduced pain. Information that a painkiller was administered increased the analgesic effect of caffeine compared to caffeine administered with no drug information. This effect was mediated by expectancies. Information and expectancies had no effect on pain intensity when 0 mg/kg was administered. The analgesic effect of caffeine was increased by information that a painkiller was administered. This was due to an interaction of the pharmacological action of the drug and expectancies. Hence, psychosocial effects accompanying a treatment can differ when an active drug is administered compared to a placebo

    Ligand Binding Study of Human PEBP1/RKIP: Interaction with Nucleotides and Raf-1 Peptides Evidenced by NMR and Mass Spectrometry

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    Background Human Phosphatidylethanolamine binding protein 1 (hPEBP1) also known as Raf kinase inhibitory protein (RKIP), affects various cellular processes, and is implicated in metastasis formation and Alzheimer's disease. Human PEBP1 has also been shown to inhibit the Raf/MEK/ERK pathway. Numerous reports concern various mammalian PEBP1 binding ligands. However, since PEBP1 proteins from many different species were investigated, drawing general conclusions regarding human PEBP1 binding properties is rather difficult. Moreover, the binding site of Raf-1 on hPEBP1 is still unknown. Methods/Findings In the present study, we investigated human PEBP1 by NMR to determine the binding site of four different ligands: GTP, FMN, and one Raf-1 peptide in tri-phosphorylated and non-phosphorylated forms. The study was carried out by NMR in near physiological conditions, allowing for the identification of the binding site and the determination of the affinity constants KD for different ligands. Native mass spectrometry was used as an alternative method for measuring KD values. Conclusions/Significance Our study demonstrates and/or confirms the binding of hPEBP1 to the four studied ligands. All of them bind to the same region centered on the conserved ligand-binding pocket of hPEBP1. Although the affinities for GTP and FMN decrease as pH, salt concentration and temperature increase from pH 6.5/NaCl 0 mM/20°C to pH 7.5/NaCl 100 mM/30°C, both ligands clearly do bind under conditions similar to what is found in cells regarding pH, salt concentration and temperature. In addition, our work confirms that residues in the vicinity of the pocket rather than those within the pocket seem to be required for interaction with Raf-1.METASU