102 research outputs found

    Probing the yeast proteome for RNA-processing factors

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    A method has been developed to identify proteins required for the biogenesis of non-coding RNA in yeast, using a microarray to screen for aberrant patterns of RNA processing in mutant strains, and new proteins involved in the processing of ribosomal and non-coding RNAs have been found

    diffBUM-HMM:A robust statistical modeling approach for detecting RNA flexibility changes in high-throughput structure probing data

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    Advancing RNA structural probing techniques with next-generation sequencing has generated demands for complementary computational tools to robustly extract RNA structural information amidst sampling noise and variability. We present diffBUM-HMM, a noise-aware model that enables accurate detection of RNA flexibility and conformational changes from high-throughput RNA structure-probing data. diffBUM-HMM is widely compatible, accounting for sampling variation and sequence coverage biases, and displays higher sensitivity than existing methods while robust against false positives. Our analyses of datasets generated with a variety of RNA probing chemistries demonstrate the value of diffBUM-HMM for quantitatively detecting RNA structural changes and RNA-binding protein binding sites

    Comprehensive mutational analysis of yeast DEXD/H box RNA helicases involved in large ribosomal subunit biogenesis

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    DEXD/H box putative RNA helicases are required for pre-rRNA processing in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, although their exact roles and substrates are unknown. To characterize the significance of the conserved motifs for helicase function, a series of five mutations were created in each of the eight essential RNA helicases (Has1, Dbp6, Dbp10, Mak5, Mtr4, Drs1, Spb4, and Dbp9) involved in 60S ribosomal subunit biogenesis. Each mutant helicase was screened for the ability to confer dominant negative growth defects and for functional complementation. Different mutations showed different degrees of growth inhibition among the helicases, suggesting that the conserved regions do not function identically in vivo. Mutations in motif I and motif II (the DEXD/H box) often conferred dominant negative growth defects, indicating that these mutations do not interfere with substrate binding. In addition, mutations in the putative unwinding domains (motif III) demonstrated that conserved amino acids are often not essential for function. Northern analysis of steady-state RNA from strains expressing mutant helicases showed that the dominant negative mutations also altered pre-rRNA processing. Coimmunoprecipitation experiments indicated that some RNA helicases associated with each other. In addition, we found that yeasts disrupted in expression of the two nonessential RNA helicases, Dbp3 and Dbp7, grew worse than when either one alone was disrupted

    Cracking pre-40S ribosomal subunit structure by systematic analyses of RNA-protein cross-linking

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    Understanding of eukaryotic ribosome synthesis has been slowed by a lack of structural data for the pre-ribosomal particles. We report rRNA-binding sites for six late-acting 40S ribosome synthesis factors, three of which cluster around the 3′ end of the 18S rRNA in model 3D structures. Enp1 and Ltv1 were previously implicated in ‘beak' structure formation during 40S maturation—and their binding sites indicate direct functions. The kinase Rio2, putative GTPase Tsr1 and dimethylase Dim1 bind sequences involved in tRNA interactions and mRNA decoding, indicating that their presence is incompatible with translation. The Dim1- and Tsr1-binding sites overlap with those of homologous Escherichia coli proteins, revealing conservation in assembly pathways. The primary binding sites for the 18S 3′-endonuclease Nob1 are distinct from its cleavage site and were unaltered by mutation of the catalytic PIN domain. Structure probing indicated that at steady state the cleavage site is likely unbound by Nob1 and flexible in the pre-rRNA. Nob1 binds before pre-rRNA cleavage, and we conclude that structural reorganization is needed to bring together the catalytic PIN domain and its target

    The nucleolar protein Esf2 interacts directly with the DExD/H box RNA helicase, Dbp8, to stimulate ATP hydrolysis

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    While 18 putative RNA helicases are involved in ribosome biogenesis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, their enzymatic properties have remained largely biochemically uncharacterized. To better understand their function, we examined the enzymatic properties of Dpb8, a DExD/H box protein previously shown to be required for the synthesis of the 18S rRNA. As expected for an RNA helicase, we demonstrate that recombinant Dbp8 has ATPase activity in vitro, and that this activity is dependent on an intact ATPase domain. Strikingly, we identify Esf2, a nucleolar putative RNA binding protein, as a binding partner for Dbp8, and show that it enhances Dbp8 ATPase activity by decreasing the K(M) for ATP. Thus, we have uncovered Esf2 as the first example of a protein co-factor that has a stimulatory effect on a nucleolar RNA helicase. We show that Esf2 can bind to pre-rRNAs and speculate that it may function to bring Dbp8 to the pre-rRNA, thereby both regulating its enzymatic activity and guiding Dbp8 to its site of action

    The nucleolar protein Esf2 interacts directly with the DExD/H box RNA helicase, Dbp8, to stimulate ATP hydrolysis

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    While 18 putative RNA helicases are involved in ribosome biogenesis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, their enzymatic properties have remained largely biochemically uncharacterized. To better understand their function, we examined the enzymatic properties of Dpb8, a DExD/H box protein previously shown to be required for the synthesis of the 18S rRNA. As expected for an RNA helicase, we demonstrate that recombinant Dbp8 has ATPase activity in vitro, and that this activity is dependent on an intact ATPase domain. Strikingly, we identify Esf2, a nucleolar putative RNA binding protein, as a binding partner for Dbp8, and show that it enhances Dbp8 ATPase activity by decreasing the K(M) for ATP. Thus, we have uncovered Esf2 as the first example of a protein co-factor that has a stimulatory effect on a nucleolar RNA helicase. We show that Esf2 can bind to pre-rRNAs and speculate that it may function to bring Dbp8 to the pre-rRNA, thereby both regulating its enzymatic activity and guiding Dbp8 to its site of action

    PAR-CLIP data indicate that Nrd1-Nab3-dependent transcription termination regulates expression of hundreds of protein coding genes in yeast

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    Background Nrd1 and Nab3 are essential sequence-specific yeast RNA binding proteins that function as a heterodimer in the processing and degradation of diverse classes of RNAs. These proteins also regulate several mRNA coding genes; however, it remains unclear exactly what percentage of the mRNA component of the transcriptome these proteins control. To address this question, we used the pyCRAC software package developed in our laboratory to analyze CRAC and PAR-CLIP data for Nrd1-Nab3-RNA interactions. Results We generated high-resolution maps of Nrd1-Nab3-RNA interactions, from which we have uncovered hundreds of new Nrd1-Nab3 mRNA targets, representing between 20 and 30% of protein-coding transcripts. Although Nrd1 and Nab3 showed a preference for binding near 5′ ends of relatively short transcripts, they bound transcripts throughout coding sequences and 3′ UTRs. Moreover, our data for Nrd1-Nab3 binding to 3′ UTRs was consistent with a role for these proteins in the termination of transcription. Our data also support a tight integration of Nrd1-Nab3 with the nutrient response pathway. Finally, we provide experimental evidence for some of our predictions, using northern blot and RT-PCR assays. Conclusions Collectively, our data support the notion that Nrd1 and Nab3 function is tightly integrated with the nutrient response and indicate a role for these proteins in the regulation of many mRNA coding genes. Further, we provide evidence to support the hypothesis that Nrd1-Nab3 represents a failsafe termination mechanism in instances of readthrough transcription.</p

    Box C/D snoRNP catalysed methylation is aided by additional pre-rRNA base-pairing

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    Box C/D small nucleolar RNPs catalyse 2′-O-methylation of eukaryotic ribosomal RNA. A large-scale analysis of yeast box C/D snoRNAs reveals conserved ‘extra base-pairing' between snoRNAs and regions adjacent to their rRNA methylation site and points to a role for the non-catalytic protein subunits Nop56 and Nop58 in rRNA binding