53 research outputs found

    Oral contraceptive and acute intestinal ischemia with mesenteric venous thrombosis: a case report

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    Background: Venous thrombosis is a serious complication of combined contraceptive. However, mesenteric venous thrombosis and intestinal necrosis are infrequently seen in women using oral contraceptives and diagnosis is often delayed. Case presentation: We report a case of a 38-year-old obese female patient who presented with acute abdominal pain. A bowel infection was first diagnosed and treated with antibiotics. Contrast-enhanced tomography of the abdomen revealed diffuse ischemia of small intestine with superior mesenteric thrombosis. Laparotomy with segmental resection of both small and large bowel was performed. No predisposing factor of mesenteric venous thrombosis was demonstrated except association of combined contraceptive with obesity. Conclusion: This report highlights the need for clinicians to suspect venous mesenteric thrombosis in women of reproductive age with acute abdominal pain with poor physical findings. Detailed personal history including prescriptions should help to quickly and accurately determine the problem

    Does structured counselling influence combined hormonal contraceptive choice?

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    Objective To assess the effect of structured counselling on women's contraceptive decisions and to evaluate gynaecologists' perceptions of comprehensive contraceptive counselling. Methods Belgian women (18-40 years old) who were considering using a combined hormonal contraceptive (CHC) were counselled by their gynaecologists about available CHCs (combined oral contraceptive [COC], transdermal patch, vaginal ring), using a comprehensive leaflet. Patients and gynaecologists completed questionnaires that gathered information on the woman's pre- and post-counselling contraceptive choice, her perceptions, and the reasons behind her post-counselling decision. Results The gynaecologists (N = 121) enrolled 1801 eligible women. Nearly all women (94%) were able to choose a method after counselling (53%, 5%, and 27% chose the COC, the patch, and the ring, respectively). Counselling made many women (39%) select a different method: patch use increased from 3% to 5% (p < 0.0001); ring use tripled (from 9% to 27%, p < 0.0001). Women who were undecided before counselling most often opted for the method their gynaecologist recommended, irrespective of counselling. Conclusion Counselling allows most women to select a contraceptive method; a sizeable proportion of them decide on a method different from the one they initially had in mind. Gynaecologists' preferences influenced the contraceptive choices of women who were initially undecided regarding the method to use

    Intraoperative Ketorolac and Outcomes after Ovarian Cancer Surgery

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    The authors want to thank Laurence Beausaert and Monique Kasa-Vubu, coordinating nurses of gynaecological oncology, Magali Alsteen and Véronique Delhaye for the recording of the data and all the nurses from the operating theatre and the hospitalisation unit (U95) of the cliniques universitaire St Luc. We also want to thank the intensive care unit team for the care of our patients.Peer reviewe

    AURORA : bariatric surgery registration in women of reproductive age : a multicenter prospective cohort study

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    Background: The expansion of the obesity epidemic is accompanied with an increase in bariatric procedures, in particular in women of reproductive age. The weight loss induced by the surgery is believed to reverse the negative impact of overweight and obesity on female reproduction, however, research is limited to in particular retrospective cohort studies and a growing number of small case-series and case-(control) studies. Methods/design: AURORA is a multicenter prospective cohort study. The main objective is to collect long-term data on reproductive outcomes before and after bariatric surgery and in a subsequent pregnancy. Women aged 18-45 years are invited to participate at 4 possible inclusion moments: 1) before surgery, 2) after surgery, 3) before 15 weeks of pregnancy and 4) in the immediate postpartum period (day 3-4). Depending on the time of inclusion, data are collected before surgery (T1), 3 weeks and 3, 6, 12 or x months after surgery (T2-T5) and during the first, second and third trimester of pregnancy (T6-T8), at delivery (T9) and 6 weeks and 6 months after delivery (T10-T11). Online questionnaires are send on the different measuring moments. Data are collected on contraception, menstrual cycle, sexuality, intention of becoming pregnant, diet, physical activity, lifestyle, psycho-social characteristics and dietary supplement intake. Fasting blood samples determine levels of vitamin A, D, E, K, B-1, B-12 and folate, albumin, total protein, coagulation parameters, magnesium, calcium, zinc and glucose. Participants are weighted every measuring moment. Fetal ultrasounds and pregnancy course and complications are reported every trimester of pregnancy. Breastfeeding is recorded and breast milk composition in the postpartum period is studied. Discussion: AURORA is a multicenter prospective cohort study extensively monitoring women before undergoing bariatric surgery until a subsequent pregnancy and postpartum period

    Music processing in preterm and full-term newborns: A psychophysiological interaction (PPI) approach in neonatal fMRI

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    Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICU) provide special equipment designed to give life support for the increasing number of prematurely born infants and assure their survival. More recently NICU's strive to include developmentally oriented care and modulate sensory input for preterm infants. Music, among other sensory stimuli, has been introduced into NICUs, but without knowledge on the basic music processing in the brain of preterm infants. In this study, we explored the cortico-subcortical music processing of different types of conditions (Original music, Tempo modification, Key transposition) in newborns shortly after birth to assess the effective connectivity of the primary auditory cortex with the entire newborn brain. Additionally, we investigated if early exposure during NICU stay modulates brain processing of music in preterm infants at term equivalent age. We approached these two questions using Psychophysiological Interaction (PPI) analyses. A group of preterm infants listened to music (Original music) starting from 33 weeks postconceptional age until term equivalent age and were compared to two additional groups without music intervention; preterm infants and full-term newborns. Auditory cortex functional connectivity with cerebral regions known to be implicated in tempo and familiarity processing were identified only for preterm infants with music training in the NICU. Increased connectivity between auditory cortices and thalamus and dorsal striatum may not only reflect their sensitivity to the known music and the processing of its tempo as familiar, but these results are also compatible with the hypothesis that the previously listened music induces a more arousing and pleasant state. Our results suggest that music exposure in NICU's environment can induce brain functional connectivity changes that are associated with music processing

    Comparison of clinical characteristics and healthcare resource use of pediatric chronic and non-chronic critically ill patients in intensive care units: a retrospective national registry study

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    IntroductionChronic critically ill patients (CCI) in pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) are at risk of negative health outcomes, and account for a considerable amount of ICU resources. This study aimed to (a) describe the prevalence of CCI children, (b) compare their clinical characteristics and ICU resources use with non-CCI children, and (c) identify associated risk factors of CCI.MethodsA retrospective national registry study including 2015–2017 data from the eight Swiss PICUs of five tertiary and three regional hospitals, admitting a broad case-mix of medical and surgical patients, including pre- and full-term infants. CCI patients were identified using an adapted definition: PICU length of stay (LOS) ≥8 days and dependence on ≥1 PICU technology.ResultsOut of the 12,375 PICU admissions, 982 (8%) were CCI children and compared to non-CCI children, they were younger (2.8 vs. 6.7 months), had more cardiac conditions (24% vs. 12%), and higher mortality rate (7% vs. 2%) (p &lt; 0.001). Nursing workload was higher in the CCI compared to the non-CCI group (22 [17–27]; 21 [16–26] respectively p &lt; 0.001). Factors associated with CCI were cardiac (aOR = 2.241) and neurological diagnosis (aOR = 2.062), surgery (aORs between 1.662 and 2.391), ventilation support (aOR = 2.278), high mortality risk (aOR = 1.074) and agitation (aOR = 1.867).Conclusionthe results confirm the clinical vulnerability and the complexity of care of CCI children as they were defined in our study. Early identification and adequate staffing is required to provide appropriate and good quality care

    Involvement of the Glycogen Synthase Kinase-3 Signaling Pathway in TBI Pathology and Neurocognitive Outcome

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    BACKGROUND: Traumatic brain injury (TBI) sets in motion cascades of biochemical changes that result in delayed cell death and altered neuronal architecture. Studies have demonstrated that inhibition of glycogen synthase kinase-3 (GSK-3) effectively reduces apoptosis following a number of stimuli. The Wnt family of proteins, and growth factors are two major factors that regulate GSK-3 activity. In the absence of stimuli, GSK-3 is constitutively active and is complexed with Axin, adenomatous polyposis coli (APC), and casein kinase Iα (CK1α) and phosphorylates ß-Catenin leading to its degradation. Binding of Wnt to Frizzled receptors causes the translocation of GSK-3 to the plasma membrane, where it phosphorylates and inactivates the Frizzled co-receptor lipoprotein-related protein 6 (LRP6). Furthermore, the translocation of GSK-3 reduces ß-Catenin phosphorylation and degradation, leading to ß-Catenin accumulation and gene expression. Growth factors activate Akt, which in turn inhibits GSK-3 activity by direct phosphorylation, leading to a reduction in apoptosis. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Using a rodent model, we found that TBI caused a rapid, but transient, increase in LRP6 phosphorylation that is followed by a modest decrease in ß-Catenin phosphorylation. Phospho-GSK-3β immunoreactivity was found to increase three days post injury, a time point at which increased Akt activity following TBI has been observed. Lithium influences several neurochemical cascades, including inhibiting GSK-3. When the efficacy of daily lithium was assessed, reduced hippocampal neuronal cell loss and learning and memory improvements were observed. These influences were partially mimicked by administration of the GSK-3-selective inhibitor SB-216763, as this drug resulted in improved motor function, but only a modest improvement in memory retention and no overt neuroprotection. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE: Taken together, our findings suggest that selective inhibition of GSK-3 may offer partial cognitive improvement. As a broad spectrum inhibitor of GSK-3, lithium offers neuroprotection and robust cognitive improvement, supporting its clinical testing as a treatment for TBI

    Anthropocène et Covid

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    Paraprotéines et atteintes réenales

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    Paraproteinaemia is frequent in the population above 50 years of age. It is commonly associated in patients with multiple myeloma with diverse renal involvements, such as cast nephropathy, light chain deposition disease, amyloidosis and Fanconi syndrome. A rapid diagnosis is necessary to implement a specific and aggressive treatment in order to prevent development of end-stage renal disease. Plasma exchanges or daily dialysis with high-cut off filter associated with chemotherapy may decrease the plasmatic concentration and production of monoclonal light chains. Bortezomib, thalidomide and lenalidomide are promising therapeutic agents, whose effects in patients with myeloma-associated renal diseases should be more thoroughly studied. Autologous hematopoietic cell transplantation remains the standard of care treatment for eligible patients