109 research outputs found

    Comment les acteurs publics contribuent à l'impact de la recherche dans les pays en développement

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    Les acteurs publics impliqués dans les politiques publiques, situés à plusieurs échelles territoriales, occupent une place non négligeable dans les mécanismes d'innovation. Le cadre d'analyse " chemin de l'impact " aide à caractériser la participation de ces acteurs publics, au côté, en amont ou en aval des chercheurs et d'autres acteurs dans les processus d'impact de la recherche. Ce cadre a été complété par une revue de littérature sur l'impact de la recherche sur les politiques publiques. L'étude transversale d'un panel de cas de recherches agricoles à l'aide d'une même démarche analytique a permis de mieux cerner les rôles de ces acteurs dans la recherche dans les pays en développement. Par des moyens très diversifiés, dans plusieurs cas, les acteurs publics contribuent à rendre possible l'impact de la recherche pour le développement. En symétrie, dans quelques cas, les chercheurs améliorent les capacités des acteurs publics ou les aident à prendre des décisions mieux éclairées et influencent ainsi les politiques publiques. Il convient donc d'encourager les acteurs publics à être plus réceptifs à la recherche et les chercheurs à développer leurs interactions avec les acteurs des politiques publiques. Les connaissances sur le lien recherche–politique doivent être approfondies car elles peuvent aider la recherche à avoir plus d'impact pour le développement

    Histoire et humanités numériques : nouveaux terrains de dialogue entre les archives et la recherche

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    Comme dans toute discipline au contact de nouvelles technologies, on assiste au sein des sciences historiques, et plus largement au sein des sciences humaines et sociales, à un questionnement sur l’adoption de nouvelles pratiques de recherche. Alors que les outils numériques offrent des perspectives d’analyse renouvelées – des méthodes quantitatives complexes aux bases de données multimédia en passant par la visualisation – ceux-ci modifient également les canaux de diffusion et de popularisation du patrimoine, quand ils ne deviennent pas eux-mêmes de nouveaux objets d’étude, à l’image du Web ou des médias sociaux. Sous le titre d’« humanités numériques » se rassemble depuis quelques années une communauté d’individus et d’institutions qui se préoccupent de ces transformations et s’approprient petit à petit un outillage numérique transdisciplinaire. Sur le terrain, loin d’une révolution annoncée avec grandiloquence, c’est par l’expérimentation et la collaboration, pas à pas, que ces nouvelles modalités se mettent en place

    Comparison of clinical characteristics and healthcare resource use of pediatric chronic and non-chronic critically ill patients in intensive care units: a retrospective national registry study

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    Introduction: Chronic critically ill patients (CCI) in pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) are at risk of negative health outcomes, and account for a considerable amount of ICU resources. This study aimed to (a) describe the prevalence of CCI children, (b) compare their clinical characteristics and ICU resources use with non-CCI children, and (c) identify associated risk factors of CCI. Methods: A retrospective national registry study including 2015–2017 data from the eight Swiss PICUs of five tertiary and three regional hospitals, admitting a broad case-mix of medical and surgical patients, including pre- and full-term infants. CCI patients were identified using an adapted definition: PICU length of stay (LOS) ≥8 days and dependence on ≥1 PICU technology. Results: Out of the 12,375 PICU admissions, 982 (8%) were CCI children and compared to non-CCI children, they were younger (2.8 vs. 6.7 months), had more cardiac conditions (24% vs. 12%), and higher mortality rate (7% vs. 2%) (p < 0.001). Nursing workload was higher in the CCI compared to the non-CCI group (22 [17–27]; 21 [16–26] respectively p < 0.001). Factors associated with CCI were cardiac (aOR = 2.241) and neurological diagnosis (aOR = 2.062), surgery (aORs between 1.662 and 2.391), ventilation support (aOR = 2.278), high mortality risk (aOR = 1.074) and agitation (aOR = 1.867). Conclusion: the results confirm the clinical vulnerability and the complexity of care of CCI children as they were defined in our study. Early identification and adequate staffing is required to provide appropriate and good quality care

    Change in emotional processing in daily life: relationship with in-session self-esteem

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    In-session emotional processing is a central component of psychotherapy, but little is known about the types and the quality of emotional processing individuals engage in daily life. An ecological momentary assessment (EMA) schedule has been validated to assess distinct emotional experiences as they emerge in daily life. It remains an open question whether changes observed in distinct emotional experiences over a week of assessment are related to in-session self-esteem. In total, N = 42 university students participated in a one-week assessment of emotions using ecological momentary assessment, as well as in a one-session experiential task of resolving self-criticism (using a two-chair dialogue from emotion-focused therapy). The emotions in daily life were self-reported by the participants on a regular basis, and self-esteem was assessed three times during the two-chair dialogue. Two-level hierarchical linear models reveal emotional changes in daily life, and in-session self-esteem is introduced as predictor at level 2. In-session self-esteem was correlated with symptom levels. The results showed that changes in primary maladaptive emotions in the one-week assessment were predicted by state and trait components of in-session self-esteem, which took place at the outset of the EMA. Trait-components of self-esteem were linked with the level of symptoms, whereas state-components of self-esteem were not. The present study underscores the importance of extending research from within-session observations of emotional processing towards daily life

    Integrating Core Conflictual Relationship Themes in neurobiological assessment of interpersonal processes in psychotherapy

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    Interpersonal processes are a key target in counselling and psychotherapy. It is of paramount importance to sharpen their assessment using integrated methods. Hence, this methodological paper describes how fields of research in psychotherapy and neuroimaging can be integrated into one novel complementary neurobehavioural paradigm that can be applied to enhance our understanding of interpersonal processes in psychotherapy. To illustrate this integration, we present selected data from a pre–post pilot study where the authors assessed interpersonal processes in brief treatment for borderline personality disorder using the core conflictual relationship theme, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and outcome questionnaires. To do so, they measured individual changes in neural activity using an fMRI task pre‐ and post‐treatment where clients gave feedback on the emotional valence of sentences extracted from their own Relationship Anecdotes Paradigm interviews mixed with neutral ones. In this paper, using data from two participants of said study, we discuss how to implement this methodology and what can be achieved in terms of results

    Mechanisms of change in brief treatments for borderline personality disorder: a protocol of a randomized controlled trial

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    Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is one of the most frequent, most debilitating and lethal mental conditions and is associated with a serious burden of disease. Treatment for patients with BPD involves structured psychotherapy, and may involve brief psychiatric treatment as first-line intervention. No controlled study has assessed the effectiveness of such brief intervention. Whereas most psychotherapy studies in patients with BPD focus on the effectiveness of the intervention, we still lack an understanding of how and why these effects are produced from a patient process perspective. It is therefore of utmost importance to study the treatment-underlying mechanisms of change. The present study plans to apply novel measurement methods for assessing change in two central psychobiological processes in BPD: emotion and socio-cognitive processing. The study uses theory-driven and ecologically valid experimental tasks, which take the patient's individual experience as the anchor, by integrating methodology from psychotherapy process and neurofunctional imagery research. The aim of this two-arm, randomized controlled study is to test the effects (i.e., symptom reduction) and the underlying mechanisms of change associated with a brief psychiatric treatment (10 sessions over 4 months), compared with treatment as usual. Participants (N = 80 patients with BPD) undergo assessments at four points (intake, 2 months, discharge, and 12-month follow up). In addition to symptom measures, individuals undergo a 2-step assessment for the potential mechanisms of change (i.e., emotion and socio-cognitive processing): (1) behavioral and (2) (for a sub-sample) neurofunctional. We hypothesize that change in the mechanisms explains the treatment effects. This study uses an easy-to-implement treatment of BPD, and a sophisticated assessment procedure to demonstrate the critical role of psychobiological change in emotion and socio-cognitive processing in brief treatments. It will help increase the effectiveness of brief treatment for BPD and help diminish the societal burden of disease related to BPD, in these early stages of treatment. TRIAL REGISTRATION {2}: ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT03717818. Registered on 24 October 2018). Protocol version {3} number 2 from 9 February 2018

    Ecological momentary assessment of emotional processing: An exploratory analysis comparing daily life and a psychotherapy analogue session

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    Background: Emotional processing has been studied in psychotherapy as a state-dependent, sequential process of change. So far, no studies have applied this conceptualisation of emotional processing to the assessments of emotion in daily life. This is particularly important in the light of the pertinence of day-by-day fluctuations of emotions for understanding mental health and for monitoring the impact of prevention and psychotherapy programmes. This study examined the internal and ecological validity of a state-dependent conceptualisation of emotional processing in daily life, in comparison with an experiential-psychodynamic psychotherapy analogue session. Methods: In total, N = 42 university students participated in an experiential-psychodynamic session, completed symptom measures and responded to a one-week period of ecological momentary assessment (EMA) using a smartphone. Emotional processing in the session was assessed using the valid observer-rated measure Classification of Affective Meaning States (CAMS), and emotional responses in daily life were assessed using newly developed theory-consistent items self-rated via an interactive smartphone program. Results: Internal validity was generally satisfactory across the subscales used in EMA. Correspondence between EMA and in-session emotional processing was generally low, but specific relationships were found between self-rated fear, rejecting anger, hurt/grief or loneliness and the observer-rated productive emotions in the psychotherapy analogue session. Relationships between maladaptive emotional processing and intensity in symptoms were found. Conclusions: This is the first study to have examined the validity of a state-dependent conception of emotional processing in daily life, in direct comparison with a psychological session. We recommend using this assessment schedule to develop or complement integrative prevention or intervention programmes

    Validation of the French Version of the Child Post-Traumatic Stress Reaction Index: Psychometric Properties in French Speaking School-Aged Children

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    Background: Although the reliable and valid Child Post-Traumatic Stress Reaction Index (CPTS-RI) is a widely used measure of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms in children, it has not been validated in French-speaking populations. The present study aims to assess the psychometric properties of the CPTS-RI in three samples of French-speaking school-children. Methods: Data was obtained from three samples. Sample 1 was composed of 106 children (mean (SD) age = 11.7(0.7), 50% females) victims of an industrial disaster. Sample 2 was composed of 50 children (mean (SD) age = 10.8(2.6), 44% females) who had received an orthopaedic surgical procedure after an accident. Sample 3 was composed of 106 children (mean (SD) age = 11.7(2.2), 44% females) admitted to an emergency department after a road traffic accident. We tested internal consistency using Cronbach's alpha. We examined test-retest reliability using intraclass correlation coefficient. In order to assess the convergent validity of the French version of the CPTS-RI and the Clinician Administered PTS Scale-Child and Adolescent (CAPS-CA), spearman-correlation coefficient was computed. To verify the validity of the cut-off scores, a ROC curve was constructed which evaluated the sensitivity and specificity of each score compared to the diagnosis with the CAPS-CA. We also used principal components analysis with varimax rotation to study the structure of the French version of the CPTS-RI. Results: Cronbach's alpha coefficient was 0.87 for the French version of the CPTS-RI. Two-week test-retest intraclass correlation coefficient (n = 30) was 0.67. The French version of the CPTS-RI was well correlated with the CAPS-CA (r = 0.76, p24 for the CPTS-RI, the sensitivity and specificities were 100% and 62.6%, respectively. The French version of the CPTS-RI demonstrated a three-factor structure. Conclusions: The CPTS-RI is reliable and valid in French-speaking children