116 research outputs found

    The oxidative dimerization of 2-nitro propane

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    Thesis (M.A.)--Boston UniversityFrom the experimental results, it has been shown that the concentration of acetic acid is approximately 1.5 times that of ethyl acetate. The concentration of hydrogen bromide has been unquestionably ascertained by titration with standard silver nitrate which checks very closely with the calculated value. In addition to this, the reaction of acetyl bromide with 41 per cent ethanol was carried out twice, and the acidity titrated with standard sodium hydroxide. In the first case, an induction period was allowed before titration, and in the second experiment, the reaction mixture was titrated immediately. The results were nearly exactly the same. Therefore, the concentration of acetic acid is unambiguous. By difference, the relative percentage of ethyl acetate can be estimated

    Système de contrôle des chargeurs de batteries des chariots électriques de l'anneau SPS

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    La Section Maintenance d'équipements de levage assure le suivi de 2746 appareils de levage et de manutention répartis en 22 familles. La Section gère également l'achat, l'installation et la mise en service des nouveaux équipements. En Novembre 1996, un système de contrôle des chargeurs de batteries pour les chariots circulant dans l'anneau du SPS a été installé. Ce système nous permet, depuis un ordinateur installé dans nos bureaux, de visualiser les statuts des 47 chargeurs répartis sur les différents points du SPS, de vérifier la courbe de charge de chaque batterie, de déclencher le remplissage en eau distillée, et de démarrer le brassage pneumatique de l'électrolyte. Nous pouvons également programmer les périodes de non-enclenchement de nos chargeurs. Le système enregistre le temps d'utilisation d'un chariot et nous indique sa localisation et son numéro

    COSWIN Logiciel de Maintenance des Equipements de Levage

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    La section 'Maintenance d'équipements de levage' assure l'entretien préventif et correctif d'un parc de 2800 appareils de levage et de manutention. Cette tâche est effectuée en collaboration avec une entreprise, spécialisée dans la maintenance industrielle. Pour faciliter la gestion des interventions, la section ST-HM-PR dispose depuis 1985 d'un système de gestion de maintenance assistée par ordinateur (GMAO). En 1996, cet ancien système a été remplacé par le logiciel 'COSWIN'. Celui-ci correspond aux besoins de la maintenance des appareils de levage. Sa disponibilité sous la plate-forme 'WINDOWS' rend l'utilisation de la GMAO facile et conviviale. 'COSWIN' travaillant en réseau, la base de données est commune pour tous les utilisateurs et mise à jour en temps réel. Depuis leurs locaux, situés au Technoparc de St. Genis, les opérateurs de l'entreprise contractante ont accès au logiciel par une ligne téléphonique. Le contrôle et le suivi des performances de l'entreprise se fait par l'analyse des différents ratios

    Influenza vaccine effectiveness for the elderly: a cohort study involving General Practitioners from Abruzzo, Italy

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    Introduction. In all Italian regions influenza vaccine is routinely administered to the elderly population. However, vaccination impact has been rarely evaluated because of the high costs of conventional cohort investigations. A promising low-cost alter- native approach uses administrative discharge data to derive vaccine effectiveness indicators (hospitalizations and/or deaths) and involves General Practitioners (GPs) to document the exposure. We conducted a cohort analysis using such approach to assess influenza vaccine effectiveness and to investigate the feasibility and validity of that methodology for routine vaccine evaluation. Methods. During October 2006, all GPs from two Local Health Units (LHUs) were requested to indicate immunization status of all their patients in a specific form containing patient?s demo- graphic records. Immunization status information were also collected from Prevention Departments. Main outcomes were hospitalizations for influenza and/or pneumonia. Analyses were based upon random-effect logistic regression. Results. Of a total of 414 GPs assisting 103,162 elderly, 116 GPs (28%) provided data on 32,457 individuals (31.5%). The sample was representative and had an overall 66.2% vaccina- tion rate. During the first semester 2007, the hospitalization rate was low in the sample, with only 7 elderly patients admitted for influenza and 135 for pneumonia. At either bivariate or multi- variate analysis, vaccination did not significantly reduce the risk of in-hospital death, influenza or pneumonia admission. Discussion. The study had minimal costs, recruited a large and representative sample size, and had no evidence of a substantial selection bias. Administrative and GP?s data may be successively pooled to provide routine assessment of vaccination effectiveness


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    O vírus da hepatite C (VHC) infecta 3% da população mundial e é a maior causa de doença hepática crônica, sendo responsável por 70% das hepatites crônicas, 40%dos casos de cirrose e 60% dos casos de hepatocarcinoma. O tratamento odontológico desses pacientes deve levar em consideração tanto as complicações da cirrose como as possíveis manifestações extra-hepáticas do VHC. Paciente do sexo feminino, leucoderma, 72 anos de idade, cirrótica em decorrência de hepatite C crônica e apresentando paralisia facial em decorrência da ressecção cirúrgica de Schwanoma vestibular, procurou atendimento no Centro de Atendimento a Pacientes Especiais da Faculdade de Odontologia da Universidade de São Paulo (CAPE-FOUSP)., para tratamento odontológico. Sua queixa principal era a “falta de adaptação da prótese”. No exame físico, foram identificadas lesões ulceradas em rebordo alveolar superior, em fundo de sulco inferior e em mucosa jugal (próximo a comissura labial) do lado esquerdo, além de placas esbranquiçadas em fundo de sulco superior e hiperplasia fibrosa na região do 11 ao 13. Apesar do conteúdo hemorrágico de algumas ulcerações, a hipótese inicial era de que essas alterações estariam vinculadas a má adaptação da prótese e da paralisia hemifacial. Foi realizado reembasamento com resina macia. Após 20 dias a paciente retornou com expressiva melhora do quadro clínico. Para um correto diagnóstico das lesões bucais a realização de uma anamnese detalhada e exame físico minucioso são fundamentais para determinar o diagnóstico e assim a melhor conduta clínica do profissional


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    Integrated care allows information exchange among health professionals. In diabetes, a better control of outcomes and a reduction of the need for hospital admission were noticed worldwide. Teleretinography, performed in Diabetology Units (DUs), graded by a remote ophthalmologist, and forwarded to general practitioners (GPs), can cost-effectively identify retinal microangiopathy. In our DU, participating in a national diabetes integrated care program (IGEA), in a ten-month period teleretinography was performed in 362 new patients not having undergone fundus examination in the last year or more. Retinal imaging allowed discovering stages of diabetic retinopathy (DR) to be referred to the hospital setting, and a series of comorbidities. The suggested care path and follow-up were rapidly forwarded to GPs for all patients, thus improving their adherence to guidelines. These advantages and other important ones, such as reducing fundus examinations in ophthalmic settings and conveying information into the patient's Electronic Health Record, make teleretinography worth becoming part of the integrated care process in diabetic patients.   

    Salutaridine and its derivatives as thebaine-equivalents in the synthesis of aporphines

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    Here we report on the transformation of tetracyclic morphinan salutaridine (1) into 2,3,10,11-tetrasubstituted (R)-aporphines. This method serves as another chemical proof of the previously verified biosynthetic connection with pentacyclic morphinan-6,8- diene-type thebaine. In the presence of nucleophiles, this procedure could lead to pharmacologically interesting new tetrasubstituted aporphinoids. The enantioselective synthesis of 7S-salutaridinol (2) has been also achieved in order to investigate the acid-catalyzed reactions of this natural morphinan

    Microbial Interactions in the Cystic Fibrosis Airway.

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    Interactions in the airway ecology of cystic fibrosis may alter organism persistence and clinical outcomes. Better understanding of such interactions could guide clinical decisions. We used generalized estimating equations to fit logistic regression models to longitudinal 2-year patient cohorts in the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Patient Registry, 2003 to 2011, in order to study associations between the airway organisms present in each calendar year and their presence in the subsequent year. Models were adjusted for clinical characteristics and multiple observations per patient. Adjusted models were tested for sensitivity to cystic fibrosis-specific treatments. The study included 28,042 patients aged 6 years and older from 257 accredited U.S. care centers and affiliates. These patients had produced sputum specimens for at least two consecutive years that were cultured for methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus, methicillin-resistant S. aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Burkholderia cepacia complex, Stenotrophomonas maltophilia, Achromobacter xylosoxidans, and Candida and Aspergillus species. We analyzed 99.8% of 538,458 sputum cultures from the patients during the study period. Methicillin-sensitive S. aureus was negatively associated with subsequent Paeruginosa. Paeruginosa was negatively associated with subsequent B. cepacia complex, Axylosoxidans, and Smaltophilia. Bcepacia complex was negatively associated with the future presence of all bacteria studied, as well as with that of Aspergillus species. Paeruginosa, B. cepacia complex, and S. maltophilia were each reciprocally and positively associated with Aspergillus species. Independently of patient characteristics, the organisms studied interact and alter the outcomes of treatment decisions, sometimes in unexpected ways. By inhibiting P. aeruginosa, methicillin-sensitive S. aureus may delay lung disease progression. Paeruginosa and B. cepacia complex may inhibit other organisms by decreasing airway biodiversity, potentially worsening lung disease

    Are mice good models for human neuromuscular disease? Comparing muscle excursions in walking between mice and humans

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    The mouse is one of the most widely used animal models to study neuromuscular diseases and test new therapeutic strategies. However, findings from successful pre-clinical studies using mouse models frequently fail to translate to humans due to various factors. Differences in muscle function between the two species could be crucial but often have been overlooked. The purpose of this study was to evaluate and compare muscle excursions in walking between mice and humans