106 research outputs found
Status of the commissioning of the X-band injector prototype for AWAKE Run 2c
The status of commissioning of the electron injector intended for the next phase of the proton driven wakefield
experiment, Advanced Wakefield Experiment (AWAKE), is
presented, showing first results from operating the brazingfree electron gun. To provide a high-quality electron beam,
the UV laser was centered on the copper cathode, and a novel
beam-based alignment of the focusing solenoid was performed. Measurements of the beam parameters and working
points are addressed. The electron gun is shown to provide
a high quality, stable and reproducible beam
Premisas para la reparación transformadora en el reconocimiento de vulneración a bienes constitucionales y convencionales en el marco de la responsabilidad del estado en Colombia.
El presente trabajo de grado tiene la finalidad de sumergirse entre las reflexiones del
derecho de daños, para lograr identificar y establecer los presupuestos necesarios para el
reconocimiento de los perjuicios inmateriales causados por afectaciones a bienes
constitucionales y convencionales en el marco de la responsabilidad del Estado colombiano,
haciendo especial énfasis en la vocación transformadora como medida para consolidar un
proyecto jurídico, político y ético del aparato estatal acorde a las demandas de la actual
sociedad, logro que se alcanza a través de los postulados de la justicia distributiva y la
dignidad humana, sin olvidar los lineamientos otorgados por la compresión del enfoque
Effect of 15 BMI-Associated polymorphisms, reported for europeans, across ethnicities and degrees of amerindian ancestry in mexican children
In Mexico, the genetic mechanisms underlying childhood obesity are poorly known. We evaluated the effect of loci, known to be associated with childhood body mass index (BMI) in Europeans, in Mexican children from different ethnic groups. We performed linear and logistic analyses of BMI and obesity, respectively, in Mestizos and Amerindians (Seris, Yaquis and Nahuatl speakers) from Northern (n = 369) and Central Mexico (n = 8545). We used linear models to understand the effect of degree of Amerindian ancestry (AMA) and genetic risk score (GRS) on BMI z-score. Northern Mexican Mestizos showed the highest overweight-obesity prevalence (47.4%), followed by Seri (36.2%) and Central Mexican (31.5%) children. Eleven loci (SEC16B/rs543874, OLFM4/rs12429545/rs9568856, FTO/rs9939609, MC4R/rs6567160, GNPDA2/rs13130484, FAIM2/rs7132908, FAM120AOS/rs944990, LMX1B/rs3829849, ADAM23/rs13387838, HOXB5/rs9299) were associated with BMI and seven (SEC16B/rs543874, OLFM4/rs12429545/rs9568856, FTO/rs9939609, MC4R/rs6567160, GNPDA2 rs13130484, LMX1B/rs3829849) were associated with obesity in Central Mexican children. One SNP was associated with obesity in Northern Mexicans and Yaquis (SEC16B/rs543874). We found higher BMI z-score at higher GRS (β = 0.11, p = 0.2 × 10−16) and at lower AMA (β = −0.05, p = 6.8 × 10−7). The GRS interacts with AMA to increase BMI (β = 0.03, p = 6.08 × 10−3). High genetic BMI susceptibility increase the risk of higher BMI, including in Amerindian children
Effect of multi-component school-based program on body mass index, cardiovascular and diabetes risks in a multi-ethnic study
Background: Mexico occupies one of the first places worldwide in childhood obesity. Its Mestizo and Indigenous
communities present different levels of westernization which have triggered different epidemiological diseases. We assessed the effects of a multi-component school-based intervention program on obesity, cardiovascular and
diabetes risk factors. Methods: A physical activity, health education and parent involvement (PAHEPI) program was developed and applied in six urban (Mestizo ethnic group) and indigenous (Seri and Yaqui ethnic groups) primary schools for 12 weeks. A total of 320 children aged 4–12 years participated in intervention program; 203 under Treatment 1 (PAHEPI program) and 117, only from Mestizo groups, under Treatment 2 (PAHEPI+ school meals). For Body Mass Index (BMI), cardiovascular and diabetes factors, pairwise comparisons of values at baseline and after treatments were done using Wilcoxon signed rank test. Generalized linear models were applied to assess the intervention effect by age, sex and nutritional status in relation to ethnicity and treatment. Results: We observed improvements on BMI in children with overweight-obesity and in triglycerides in the three ethnic groups. The Mestizo ethnic group showed the largest improvements under Treatment 2. While Seris showed improvements only in cardiovascular risk factors, Yaquis also showed improvements in diabetes risk factors, though not in BMI. Conclusions: This study showed that the same intervention may have positive but different effects in different ethnic groups depending on their lifestyle and their emerging epidemiological disease. Including this type of intervention as part of the school curriculum would allow to adapt to ethnic group in order to contribute more efficiently to child welfare
Conhecimento sobre medidas preventivas de HIV/AIDS em adolescentes de uma instituição educacional Barranquilla-Colômbia 2023
Introduction: The Human Immunodeficiency Virus is a disease of great concern and attention worldwide due to its impact on public health. It affects the immune system, weakening it and leaving the body vulnerable to various infections and diseases. In particular, adolescents are in a crucial stage of development, where the acquisition of knowledge about HIV and preventive measures is essential for their well-being and that of the community Objective: Determine the level of knowledge of preventive measures for the Immunodeficiency Virus Human in adolescents from Eighth to Tenth grade of an educational institution in Barranquilla 2022-2023 Materials and methods: descriptive, cross-sectional study. The population was 103 students with a sample of 56 students, and convenience sampling. The instrument used was based on a previous study carried out in Peru on the knowledge and practice of HIV/AIDS preventive measures in adolescents. Results: 51.7% of the students were female, 48.2% male, 42.8% % were 14 years old, 26.7% were 13 years old, 37.5% were in ninth grade, 32.1% were in eighth grade, and 30.3% were in tenth grade. When determining the level of knowledge of the students, ADEQUATE KNOWLEDGE and a minority of INADEQUATE KNOWLEDGE were evident. Conclusion: The findings indicated that the adolescents surveyed have a high level of knowledge about certain aspects of HIV/AIDS. This suggests that educational authorities, Parents and/or guardians should work on plans to improve strategies to prevent HIV infection.Introducción: El Virus de Inmunodeficiencia Humana es una enfermedad de gran preocupación y atención a nivel mundial debido a su impacto en la salud pública. Afecta al sistema inmunológico, debilitándolo y dejando al organismo vulnerable a diversas infecciones y enfermedades. En particular, los adolescentes se encuentran en una etapa de desarrollo crucial, donde la adquisición de conocimientos sobre el VIH y las medidas preventivas es fundamental para su bienestar y el de la comunidad Objetivo: Determinar el nivel de conocimientos de medidas preventivas del Virus de Inmunodeficiencia Humana en adolescentes de Octavo a Décimo grado de una Institución educativa de Barranquilla 2022- 2023 Materiales y métodos: estudio descriptivo, de corte transversal. La población fueron 103 estudiantes con una muestra de 56 estudiantes, y el muestreo a conveniencia. El instrumento utilizado, se basó en un estudio previo realizado en Perú sobre el conocimiento y práctica de medidas preventivas del VIH/SIDA en adolescentes Resultados: el 51,7% de los estudiantes femenino, el 48,2% masculino, el 42,8% tenía 14 años, el 26,7% 13 años, el 37,5% en noveno grado, el 32,1% en octavo y el 30,3% en décimo. al determinar el nivel de conocimiento de los estudiantes se evidencio un CONOCIMIENTO ADECUADO y una minoría de CONOCIMIENTO INADECUADO Conclusión: Los hallazgos indicaron que los adolescentes encuestados tienen un alto nivel de conocimiento sobre ciertos aspectos del VIH/SIDA, Esto sugiere que las autoridades educativas, los padres y/o los representantes deben trabajar en planes para mejorar las estrategias para prevenir la infección por VIH
Composite films combining electrospun fiber network and epitaxial oxide by chemical solution deposition
We report the preparation of a novel type of composites films by chemical solution deposition. It consists of an epitaxial oxide on a single crystal template inside which an oxide fiber network is dispersed. Electrospinning is used for the deposition of the fiber network whereas the continuous epitaxial phase is spin-coated. Good coating is observed between the liquid precursor of the continuous oxide and the fibers and remarkably, epitaxial (001) growth of the YBa2Cu3O7-x is not affected by the presence of the fiber network because both oxides do not react to each other. Topological continuity of the continuous phase is probed by electrical conductivity measurements, rendering nearly the same values reported for fiber-free films. Mechanical properties are determined by nanoindentation at low penetration depths to avoid the effect of the single crystal beneath the composite. Enhanced mechanical properties are found (hardness, Young's modulus, elastic recovery and wear resistance)
Chemical Solution Deposition of Insulating Yttria Nanolayers as Current Flow Diverter in Superconducting GdBa2Cu3O7-δ Coated Conductors
The primary benefit of a metallic stabilization/shunt in high temperature superconductor (HTS) coated conductors (CCs) is to prevent joule heating damage by providing an alternative path for the current flow during the HTS normal state transition (i.e., quench). However, the shunt presence in combination with unavoidable fluctuations in the critical current (I c) of the HTS film can develop a localized quench along the CC's length if the operational current is kept close to I c. This scenario, also known as the hot-spot regime, can lead to the rupture of the CC if the local quench does not propagate fast enough. The current flow diverter (CFD) is the CC architecture concept that has proven to increase the conductor's robustness against a hot-spot regime by simply boosting the quench velocity in the CC, which avoids the shunt compromise in some applications. This work investigates a practical manufacturing route for incorporating the CFD architecture in a reel-to-reel system via the preparation of yttrium oxide (Y2O3) as an insulating thin nanolayer (∼100 nm) on top of a GdBa2Cu3O7 (GdBCO) superconductor. Chemical solution deposition (CSD) using ink jet printing (IJP) is shown to be a suitable manufacturing approach. Two sequences of the experimental steps have been investigated, where oxygenation of the GdBCO layer is performed after or before the solution deposition and the Y2O3 nanolayer thermal treatment formation step. A correlated analysis of the microstructure, in situ oxygenation kinetics, and superconducting properties of the Ag/Y2O3/GdBCO trilayer processed under different conditions shows that a new customized functional CC can be prepared. The successful achievement of the CFD effect in the case of the preoxygenated customized CC was confirmed by measuring the current transfer length, thus demonstrating the effectiveness of the CSD-IJP as a processing method.We acknowledge the funding of this research by FASTGRID Project (EU-H2020, 721019); the Projects COACHSUPENERGY (MAT2014-51778-C2-1-R) and SUMATE (RTI2018-095853-BC21 and RTI2018-095853-B-C22) from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, which were cofunded by the European Regional Development Fund; and the Project 2017-SGR 753 from Generalitat de Catalunya and the COST Action NANOCOHYBRI (CA16218). ICMAB authors also acknowledge the Center of Excellence awards Severo Ochoa SEV-2015-0496 and CEX2019-000917-SWith funding from the Spanish government through the ‘Severo Ochoa Centre of Excellence’ accreditation (CEX2019-000917-S).Peer reviewe
ikea 2021 – diseño y planeación de la línea de producción del mueble kallax 4x4
Día tras día la fluctuación que tiene el movimiento del mercado presiona y exige a las industrias a que tengan un sistema de producción fluido y diverso, con el fin de brindar diferentes opciones a los clientes desde su producto base. Para alcanzar un equilibrio óptimo en la producción, es de suma importancia conocer de fondo la actividad productiva que se realiza y con ella todos los recursos necesarios que la engloban, ya que con esto; se podrán establecer parámetros claros y precisos para concretar la línea de producción, parte fundamental en el proceso ya que es donde se tiene la serie consecutiva de todas las operaciones necesarias para llegar al producto final.
Ante la suma importancia de este concepto, el presente trabajo por medio de análisis e investigación de aspectos como la clasificación de actividades y tareas, diagramas de flujo, diagramas de movimiento de materia prima, datos técnicos, simulaciones, puestos de trabajo y distribución en planta, requerimientos, sistema de información de producción, entre otros, busca principalmente diseñar y planear la línea de producción para la fabricación del mueble Kallax 4x4 de la empresa IKEA.
Finalmente, se concluye que la línea de producción tendrá una inversión de 182'478,214 pesos and will be composed of 4 jobs, each with 1 operator who performs 25 operations per unit in an average time of 16 min, data that gives In total, 83% of line efficiency, in terms of the total area required for the execution of operations through the Lay-Out, was estimated at 440 square meters.http://unidadinvestigacion.usta.edu.c
Knowledge Graphs Evolution and Preservation -- A Technical Report from ISWS 2019
One of the grand challenges discussed during the Dagstuhl Seminar "Knowledge
Graphs: New Directions for Knowledge Representation on the Semantic Web" and
described in its report is that of a: "Public FAIR Knowledge Graph of
Everything: We increasingly see the creation of knowledge graphs that capture
information about the entirety of a class of entities. [...] This grand
challenge extends this further by asking if we can create a knowledge graph of
"everything" ranging from common sense concepts to location based entities.
This knowledge graph should be "open to the public" in a FAIR manner
democratizing this mass amount of knowledge." Although linked open data (LOD)
is one knowledge graph, it is the closest realisation (and probably the only
one) to a public FAIR Knowledge Graph (KG) of everything. Surely, LOD provides
a unique testbed for experimenting and evaluating research hypotheses on open
and FAIR KG. One of the most neglected FAIR issues about KGs is their ongoing
evolution and long term preservation. We want to investigate this problem, that
is to understand what preserving and supporting the evolution of KGs means and
how these problems can be addressed. Clearly, the problem can be approached
from different perspectives and may require the development of different
approaches, including new theories, ontologies, metrics, strategies,
procedures, etc. This document reports a collaborative effort performed by 9
teams of students, each guided by a senior researcher as their mentor,
attending the International Semantic Web Research School (ISWS 2019). Each team
provides a different perspective to the problem of knowledge graph evolution
substantiated by a set of research questions as the main subject of their
investigation. In addition, they provide their working definition for KG
preservation and evolution
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