149 research outputs found

    Staatliche Immunität und Zugriff auf iranische Konten in der Bundesrepublik

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    Die Zwangsvollstreckung im Wege der Pfändung von Guthaben auf inländischen Bankkonten fremder Staatsunternehmen (am Beispiel der iranischen NIOC) wirft die Frage auf, wie weit die Immunuität ausländischer Staaten von der deutschen Gerichtsbarkeit in personeller und sachlicher Hinsicht reicht. Eine allgemeine Regelung durch einen multilateralen völkerrechtlichen Vertrag wäre wünschenswert

    The European Unit – a Foreign Currency? : A West German Point of View

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    The author sketches the development and legal status of the European Currency Unit (ECU), the predecessor of today's European single currency Euro, and asks whether from the perspective of (former) German monetary law, this currency unit had to be looked at not as a domestic currency ("Deutsche Mark"), but rather as a foreign one

    Retrodigitalisierte Publikationen dauerhaft und barrierefrei sichtbar und verfĂĽgbar machen

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    Ausgehend von der Übergangsregelung des § 137l UrhG wird der allgemeine Kontext des deutschen Urheberrechts im Spannungsfeld verschiedener Akteure und unterschiedlicher Interessen skizziert, vom Träger des Rechts bis zu einem Vorschlag, die traditionelle "Pflichtexemplar"-Konzeption in die "open access"-Überlegungen zu integrieren

    Next Generation Universal Service in The Field of Electronic Communications?

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    Broadband access is a component of electronic communications services available for the public as a whole at any place in a modern country which should thus be designated as a new universal service enabling important improvements relating to e-commerce as well as to e-government. Would this concept be consistent with EC law, which modifications of the directive of 2002 would be necessary? Moreover, the German Telecommunications Act of 2004 would have to be altered to include an obligation granting broadband access to every customer at an affordable price. Although German Basic Law does also contain a provision requiring the Federation to care about “basic” telecommunications services to be delivered by private operators, those enterprises might be unwilling if they would have to extend their services to the public in a commercially unreasonable way.Do public interests or “market failure” in fact justify the ways and instruments of German broadband access policy at Federal as well as at State and local levels, and may the German “model” be apt for a transfer to other EC countries where a similar “digital divide” at least seems to arise in the near future

    Soll die Exklusivlizenz der Deutschen Post AG verlängert werden?

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    Der Monopolbereich der Deutschen Post AG soll, wie im Postgesetz von 1997 vorgesehen, Ende des Jahres 2002 auslaufen. Nach den jüngsten Plänen der Bundesregierung soll jedoch die völlige Deregulierung des Postmarktes auf das Jahr 2008 verschoben werden. Wie ist diese Verschiebung zu beurteilen? --

    Electronic Payments and Electronic Money - Some General Remarks on Factual and Legal Developments

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    The author analyses parallels as well as differences between cash payments and cashless payments from a general juridical point of view. A closer look at some new developments often called “smart” or “innovative” shows that only central bank money possesses a very special quality. Various projects of e-payments lead to more risks and modify the fair apportionment of risks between debtor and creditor of a monetary obligation. Thus, the effects of electronic payment should only be held equivalent to those of transferring legal tender if the core parties of the transaction agree about this mode of final performance.

    Preliminary Thoughts on Online Property (Rights)

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    Preliminary Thoughts on Online Property (Rights

    Staatliche Immunität für Zentralbanken?

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    Gerichtsverfahren vor allem betreffend die Nigerianische Zentrlalbank haben Ende der 70er Jahre die bis dahin kaum relevante Frage nach einer staatlichen Immunität auch für Zentralbanken, sowohl im Erkenntnis- als auch und vor allem im Zwangsvollstreckungsverfahren aufgeworfen. Auch wenn eine solche Einrichtung privatrechtlich organisiert ist, kann sie aus materiellen Gründen Immunität genießen, weil es dafür auf die öffentlich-rechtliche Zielsetzung und - im Zweifel - auf die Qualifizierung ihres Handelns durch das Recht des Heimatstaates ankommen sollte

    iEurope 2010 – Towards Better Governance in and for Europe?

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    iEurope 2010 – Towards Better Governance in and for Europe

    Antisense-mediated exon skipping: a therapeutic strategy for titin-based dilated cardiomyopathy

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    Frameshift mutations in the TTN gene encoding titin are a major cause for inherited forms of dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM), a heart disease characterized by ventricular dilatation, systolic dysfunction, and progressive heart failure. To date, there are no specific treatment options for DCM patients but heart transplantation. Here, we show the beneficial potential of reframing titin transcripts by antisense oligonucleotide (AON)-mediated exon skipping in human and murine models of DCM carrying a previously identified autosomal-dominant frameshift mutation in titin exon 326. Correction of TTN reading frame in patient-specific cardiomyocytes derived from induced pluripotent stem cells rescued defective myofibril assembly and stability and normalized the sarcomeric protein expression. AON treatment in Ttn knock-in mice improved sarcomere formation and contractile performance in homozygous embryos and prevented the development of the DCM phenotype in heterozygous animals. These results demonstrate that disruption of the titin reading frame due to a truncating DCM mutation canbe restored by exon skipping in both patient cardiomyocytes invitro and mouse heart invivo, indicating RNA-based strategies as a potential treatment option for DCM
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