7 research outputs found

    Direction Detector on an Excitable Field: Field Computation with Coincidence Detection

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    Living organisms process information without any central control unit and without any ruling clock. We have been studying a novel computational strategy that uses a geometrically arranged excitable field, i.e., "field computation." As an extension of this research, in the present article we report the construction of a "direction detector" on an excitable field. Using a numerical simulation, we show that the direction of a input source signal can be detected by applying the characteristic as a "coincidence detector" embedded on an excitable field. In addition, we show that this direction detection actually works in an experiment using an excitable chemical system. These results are discussed in relation to the future development of "field computation."Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Grover's algorithm on a Feynman computer

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    We present an implementation of Grover's algorithm in the framework of Feynman's cursor model of a quantum computer. The cursor degrees of freedom act as a quantum clocking mechanism, and allow Grover's algorithm to be performed using a single, time-independent Hamiltonian. We examine issues of locality and resource usage in implementing such a Hamiltonian. In the familiar language of Heisenberg spin-spin coupling, the clocking mechanism appears as an excitation of a basically linear chain of spins, with occasional controlled jumps that allow for motion on a planar graph: in this sense our model implements the idea of "timing" a quantum algorithm using a continuous-time random walk. In this context we examine some consequences of the entanglement between the states of the input/output register and the states of the quantum clock

    Tracing digital transformation in educational organizations

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    This chapter describes the quantitative approaches for assessing various aspects of digital transformation from the joint research and development project #ko.vernetzt. In an application-oriented case study approach, the operationalization of a maturity model of digital transformation for educational organizations (MMEO) and the design and implementation of a multi-perspective evaluation concept are outlined. While the MMEO provides a state perspective on the digital transformation of an educational organization and its employees, the evaluation concept aims at tracing developments of media-related professional competencies. MMEO has been implemented in a study with N = 222 participants, while N = 59 learners were subject to the evaluation polls. The results provide the necessary evidence for implementing and continuously improving a qualification program in the regarded research context. However, the methodology can also be transferred to other organizations in the education sector and beyond

    Von alten Hasen lernen - Vergleich von Ergebnis- und QualitÀtsparametern zwischen verschiedenen Hörscreeningzentralen

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    Hintergrund: Der Einsatz gleicher Trackingsoftware in verschiedenen Hörscreeningzentralen ermöglicht bei Einsatz identischer Auswertungsalgorithmen den Vergleich von Ergebnis- und QualitĂ€tsparametern auch ĂŒber LĂ€ndergrenzen hinweg. Ein solcher Vergleich ist reizvoll, da die EinflĂŒsse organisatorischer Rahmenbedingungen (z.B. Finanzierung, Personalausstattung, Schulungsumfang, Screeningmethoden und -gerĂ€te) und unterschiedlich langer Erfahrung betrachtet werden können.Material und Methoden: Die Daten aus 121 Kliniken mit 102.205 Geburten im Jahre 2009 aus Hessen und Nordrhein-Westfalen (mit den Hörscreeningzentralen fĂŒr Westfalen-Lippe und Nordrhein) wurden aus der Trackingsoftware Audio_SC (path medical) exportiert und insgesamt und im Vergleich bezĂŒglich folgender Parameter analysiert: Anteil der untersuchten/kontrollbedĂŒrftigen Kinder Anteil der vor dem 4. Lebenstag gescreenten Kinder Anteil der primĂ€ren TEOAE- bzw. AABR-Screenings Anzahl Messungen pro untersuchtem Kind Anteil unauffĂ€lliger/kontrollbedĂŒrftiger Kinder mit mehr als doppelt so vielen Messungen wie notwendig Anzahl Briefe pro untersuchtem/kontrollbedĂŒrftigem Kind Anzahl Kommentare pro untersuchtem Kind Ergebnisse: Die Daten belegen bei insgesamt guten Ergebnissen in weiten Teilen heute schon GBA-konforme Ergebnis- und QualitĂ€tsparameter fĂŒr das seit 2002 aktive hessische Neugeborenenhörscreening und eine erfreuliche Entwicklung in den 2009 noch im Aufbau befindlichen Projekten in Westfalen-Lippe und Nordrhein