13 research outputs found

    Meteoric 10Be as a tracer of subglacial processes and interglacial surface exposure in Greenland

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    In order to test whether sediment emerging from presently glaciated areas of Greenland was exposed near or at Earth's surface during previous interglacial periods, we measured the rare isotope 10Be contained in grain coatings of sediment collected at five ice marginal sites. Such grain coatings contain meteoric 10Be (10Bemet), which forms in the atmosphere and is deposited onto Earth's surface. Samples include sediment entrained in ice, glaciofluvial sediment collected at the ice margin, and subglacial sediment extracted during hot water drilling in the ablation zone. Due to burial by ice, contemporary subglacial sediment could only have acquired substantial 10Bemet concentrations during periods in the past when the Greenland Ice Sheet was less extensive than present. The highest measured 10Bemet concentrations are comparable to those found in well-developed, long-exposed soils, suggesting subglacial preservation and glacial transport of sediment exposed during preglacial or interglacial periods. Ice-bound sediment has significantly higher 10Bemet concentrations than glaciofluvial sediment, suggesting that glaciofluvial processes are sufficiently erosive to remove tracers of previous interglacial exposures. Northern Greenland sites where ice and sediment are supplied from the ice sheet's central main dome have significantly higher 10Bemet concentrations than sites in southern Greenland, indicating greater preglacial or interglacial landscape preservation in central Greenland than in the south. Because southern Greenland has more frequent and spatially extensive periods of glacial retreat but nevertheless has less evidence of past subaerial exposure, we suggest that 10Bemet measurements in glacial sediment are primarily controlled by erosional efficiency rather than interglacial exposure length

    Warm-based basal sediment entrainment and far-field Pleistocene origin evidenced in central Transantarctic blue ice through stable isotopes and internal structures

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    Stable isotopes of water (δ18O and δ2H) were measured in the debris-laden ice underlying an Antarctic blue ice moraine, and in adjoining Law Glacier in the central Transantarctic Mountains. Air bubble content and morphology were assessed in shallow ice core samples. Stable isotope measurements plot either on the meteoric waterline or are enriched from it. The data cluster in two groups: the ice underlying the moraine has a δ2H:δ18O slope of 5.35 ± 0.92; ice from adjoining portions of Law Glacier has a slope of 6.69 ± 1.39. This enrichment pattern suggests the moraine's underlying blue ice entrained sediment through refreezing processes acting in an open system. Glaciological conditions favorable to warm-based sediment entrainment occur 30–50 km upstream. Basal melting and refreezing are further evidenced by abundant vapor figures formed from internal melting of the ice crystals. Both the moraine ice and Law Glacier are sufficiently depleted of heavy isotopes that their ice cannot be sourced locally, but instead must be derived from far-field interior regions of the higher polar plateau. Modeled ice flow speeds suggest the ice must be at least 80 ka old, with Law Glacier's ice possibly dating to OIS 5 and moraine ice older still

    Two Metrics Describing the Causes of Seasonal and Spatial Changes in Subglacial Aqueous Chemistry

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    Seasonal change in surface melt input and spatial controls on the distribution of subglacial water can cause considerable variability in the aqueous chemistry of subglacial waters. Much of this variability has been interpreted in terms of a single variable: water residence time, with slow flow assumed to correlate with greater mineral dissolution and oxidative weathering. We synthesize data from a range of glacier and ice sheet settings to show that this approach does not adequately describe presently available data. Instead, we propose that two independent variables control spatial and seasonal changes in aqueous chemistry in subglacial settings: atmospheric gas abundance and sediment supply abundance. Where atmospheric gases are abundant, carbonation weathering is responsible for most of the subglacial chemical activity; where they become limited, oxidation weathering becomes more dominant. Where freshly comminuted sediment is abundant, easily dissolved minerals, especially calcite, have proportionally more influence on subglacial hydrochemistry; where sediment supply is limited, silicate minerals, and less reactive carbonate minerals will increase in relative influence. In most settings, simple metrics of the abundance of SO42− and Ca2+ in the subglacial waters can characterize these two variables. In the data we synthesize, neither variable consistently correlates to the inferred water residence time, nor do the variables consistently correlate with each other. Spatial data show that point locations and small catchments on the glacial bed differ substantially from the integrated composition found at glacial outlets. The varied response in the subglacial aqueous chemistry to changing water residence times suggests complex control by a broad range of glaciological factors that affect water routing and subglacial sediment generation

    Chemical weathering signatures from Mt. Achernar Moraine, Central Transantarctic Mountains I: Subglacial sediments compared with underlying rock

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    In order to determine chemical weathering rates on the subglacial land surface of Antarctica, we compare the composition and mineralogy of freshly emerging fine sediments to that of the underlying bedrock, as represented by glacially derived cobble-sized clasts. Samples were collected from Mt. Achernar Moraine, a large blue ice moraine, where subglacial material naturally emerges through sublimation of the surrounding ice. Both rocks and sediments were analyzed for total elemental composition, mineral abundance by X-ray diffraction, and by sequential extractions targeting chemical weathering products. The fine sediment fraction is significantly enriched in chemical weathering products and depleted in primary minerals compared with the cobble clasts. The alteration pathways consist primarily of the development of smectite, kaolinite, carbonate minerals, and amorphous material. Extensive Fe oxidation is evidenced by a decline in magnetic susceptibility and by increases in extractable Fe. If we assume the only input into the subglacial system is the water and ice-trapped gas supplied by basal melt, the net chemical alteration is explained through oxidation of organic matter equal to ∼0.7% of the bedrock mass and subsequent carbonation weathering. The underlying sedimentary rock is sufficiently rich in organic matter for this pathway to be plausible. For the O2 that is oxidizing organic matter to be supplied by basal meltwater, water fluxes would need to be three orders of magnitude larger than sediment fluxes. Independent models of basal melt and sediment transport at our field site confirm that such a difference between water and sediment flux is likely at the study site. The rate of subglacial carbonation weathering inferred from the Mt. Achernar Moraine site may be comparable to that found in high latitude subaerial environments. If Mt. Achernar Moraine is typical of other Antarctic sites, the subglacial land surface of Antarctica does play a role in global geochemical cycling

    Preservation of a Preglacial Landscape Under the Center of the Greenland Ice Sheet

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    Continental ice sheets typically sculpt landscapes via erosion; under certain conditions, ancient landscapes can be preserved beneath ice and can survive extensive and repeated glaciation. We used concentrations of atmospherically produced cosmogenic beryllium-10, carbon, and nitrogen to show that ancient soil has been preserved in basal ice for millions of years at the center of the ice sheet at Summit, Greenland. This finding suggests ice sheet stability through the Pleistocene (i.e., the past 2.7 million years). The preservation of this soil implies that the ice has been non-erosive and frozen to the bed for much of that time, that there was no substantial exposure of central Greenland once the ice sheet became fully established, and that preglacial landscapes can remain preserved for long periods under continental ice sheet

    Middle to Late Pleistocene stability of the central East Antarctic Ice Sheet at the head of Law Glacier

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    Past behavior of outlet glaciers draining the East Antarctic Ice Sheet (EAIS) remains unresolved prior to Marine Isotope Stage 2 (MIS2). Study of blue ice moraines provides a relatively untapped approach to understand former EAIS activity. We focus on a blue ice moraine near Mount Achernar in the central Transantarctic Mountains, at the edge of the polar plateau. The well-preserved moraine consists of quasi-continuous or hummocky sediment ridges that form on top of upward-flowing, sublimating ice along the margin of Law Glacier. 10Be, 26Al, and 3He cosmogenic nuclide ages on boulders from the ridges are coherent and in general are progressively older with distance from the relatively clean ice of the Law Glacier margin. Moraines closest to the Law Glacier margin postdate MIS2; farther away, they date to the last glacial cycle, and with more distance they are hundreds of thousands of years old. We conclude that cosmogenic dating of some blue ice moraines can provide age limits for changes at the heads of outlet glaciers that drain the central East Antarctic Ice Sheet, including prior to MIS2. Furthermore, the geomorphological, cosmogenic nuclide, and sedimentological evidence imply that the East Antarctic polar plateau adjacent to the central Transantarctic Mountains has been relatively stable for at least 200 k.y

    Measuring multiple cosmogenic nuclides in glacial cobbles sheds light on Greenland Ice Sheet processes

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    The behavior of the Greenland Ice Sheet during the Pleistocene remains uncertain due to the paucity of evidence predating the Last Glacial Maximum. Here, we employ a novel approach, cosmogenic nuclide analysis of individual subglacially-derived cobbles, which allows us to make inferences about ice sheet processes and subglacial erosion. From three locations in western Greenland, we collected 86 cobbles from the current ice sheet margin and nine cobbles exposed on the modern proglacial land surface. We measured the concentration of in situ 10Be in all cobbles (n = 95) and 26Al and 14C in a subset (n = 14). Cobbles deposited during Holocene retreat have 10Be exposure ages generally consistent with the timing of ice retreat determined by other methods. Conversely, most of the 86 subglacial cobbles contain very low concentrations of 10Be (median 1.0×10 3 atoms g −1), although several have ∼10 4 and one has ∼10 5 atoms g −1. The low concentrations of 10Be in most subglacial cobbles imply that their source areas under the Greenland Ice Sheet are deeply eroded, preserving minimal evidence of surface or near-surface exposure. The presence of measurable 14C in ten of the cobbles requires that they experienced cosmogenic nuclide production within the past ∼30 ka; however, 14C/ 10Be ratios of ∼6 suggest that nuclide production occurred during shielding by overlying material. Only two of the 86 subglacial cobbles definitively have cosmogenic nuclide concentrations consistent with prior surface exposure. Overall, isotopic analysis of subglacial cobbles indicates that much of western Greenland's subglacial landscape is characterized by deep erosion and minimal subaerial exposure

    Chemical weathering under the Greenland Ice Sheet

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    To contrast continental and alpine subglacial weathering regimes and thereby assess the role of large ice masses in chemical weathering, borehole and outlet water samples were collected from multiple locations on a major, land-terminating outlet of the Greenland Ice Sheet. Boreholes, reaching ice depths to 824 m, were drilled to the bed with hot-water methods in four areas of the ice sheet ablation zone along a 45 km transect extending inland from the outlet terminus. The bulk chemical composition of these samples shows substantially less influence of sulfides and carbonates than found in alpine glaciers, suggesting that the sediment under this region of the ice sheet has become depleted of accessory minerals. The waters show wide variability in chemical composition over both large and small temporal-spatial scales, suggesting large ranges in length of subglacial water storage and in rates of abrasion and comminution of subglacial earth materials. The dissolved solids concentrations found in the Greenland Ice Sheet are comparable to and in some cases exceed those of alpine glaciers, suggesting that large ice masses are capable of generating substantial dissolved loads through silicate weathering mechanisms

    Polar desert chronologies through quantitative measurements of salt accumulation

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    We measured salt concentration and speciation in the top horizons of moraine sediments from the Transantarctic Mountains (Antarctica) and compared the salt data to cosmogenic-nuclide exposure ages on the same moraine. Because the salts are primarily of atmospheric origin, and their delivery to the sediment is constant over relevant time scales, a linear rate of accumulation is expected. When salts are measured in a consistent grain-size fraction and at a consistent position within the soil column, a linear correlation between salt concentration and exposure age is evident. This correlation is strongest for boron-containing salts (R2 > 0.99), but is also strong (R2 ≈ 0.9) for most other water-extracted salt species. The relative mobility of salts in the soil column does not correspond to species solubility (borate is highly soluble). Instead, the highly consistent behavior of boron within the soil column is best explained by the extremely low vapor pressure of boric acid at cold temperatures. The environment is sufficiently dry that mobility of salt species within the soil column is controlled by vapor phase effects. In other cold desert settings, topsoil salts, specifically boron, may be employed as a proxy for relative sediment exposure age