82 research outputs found

    Semi-analytical design of antireflection gratings for photonic crystals

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    This article concerns the design of antireflection structures which, placed on a photonic crystal surface, significantly diminish the fraction of energy lost to reflected waves. After a review of the classes of these structures proposed to date, a new method is presented in detail for the design of antireflection gratings operating in a wide range of angles of incidence. The proposed algorithm is illustrated by means of several examples, showing the advantages and limitations.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Design of metallic nanoparticles gratings for filtering properties in the visible spectrum

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    Plasmonic resonances in metallic nanoparticles are exploited to create efficient optical filtering functions. A Finite Element Method is used to model metallic nanoparticles gratings. The accuracy of this method is shown by comparing numerical results with measurements on a two-dimensional grating of gold nanocylinders with elliptic cross section. Then a parametric analysis is performed in order to design efficient filters with polarization dependent properties together with high transparency over the visible range. The behavior of nanoparticle gratings is also modelled using the Maxwell-Garnett homogenization theory and analyzed by comparison with the diffraction by a single nanoparticle. The proposed structures are intended to be included in optical systems which could find innovative applications.Comment: submitted to Applied Optic

    Determination of Effective Permittivity and Permeability of Metamaterials from Reflection and Transmission Coefficients

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    We analyze the reflection and transmission coefficients calculated from transfer matrix simulations on finite lenghts of electromagnetic metamaterials, to determine the effective permittivity and permeability. We perform this analysis on structures composed of periodic arrangements of wires, split ring resonators (SRRs) and both wires and SRRs. We find the recovered frequency-dependent permittivity and permeability are entirely consistent with analytic expressions predicted by effective medium arguments. Of particular relevance are that a wire medium exhibits a frequency region in which the real part of permittivity is negative, and SRRs produce a frequency region in which the real part of permeability is negative. In the combination structure, at frequencies where both the recovered real part of permittivity and permeability are simultaneously negative, the real part of the index-of-refraction is found also to be unambigously negative.Comment: *.pdf file, 5 figure

    Annual post-market environmental monitoring (PMEM) report on the cultivation of genetically modified maize MON 810 in 2014 from Monsanto Europe S.A.

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    Following a request from the European Commission, the Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms of the European Food Safety Authority (GMO Panel) assessed the annual post-market environmental monitoring (PMEM) report for the 2014 growing season of maize MON 810 provided by Monsanto Europe S.A. The GMO Panel concludes that the insect resistance monitoring data do not indicate a decrease in susceptibility of field Iberian populations of corn borers to the Cry1Ab protein over the 2014 season. However, as the methodology for insect resistance monitoring remained unchanged compared to previous PMEM reports, the GMO Panel reiterates its previous recommendations for improvement of the insect resistance management plan. The GMO Panel considers that the farmer alert system to report complaints regarding product performance could complement the information obtained from the laboratory bioassays, but encourages the consent holder to provide more information in order to be in a position to appraise its usefulness. The data on general surveillance activities do not indicate any unanticipated adverse effects on human and animal health or the environment arising from the cultivation of maize MON 810 cultivation in 2014. The GMO Panel reiterates its previous recommendations to improve the methodology for the analysis of farmer questionnaires and conduct of the literature review in future annual PMEM reports on maize MON 810. The GMO Panel urges the consent holder to consider how to make best use of the information recorded in national registers to optimise sampling for farmer questionnaires, and requests to continue reviewing and discussing relevant scientific publications on possible adverse effects of maize MON 810 on rove beetles. Also, the GMO Panel encourages relevant parties to continue developing a methodological framework to use existing networks in the broader context of environmental monitorin

    Scientific Opinion on the safety and efficacy of Urea for ruminants

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    Urea supplementation to feed for ruminants provides non-protein nitrogen for microbial protein synthesis in the rumen and thus in part replaces other dietary protein sources. Urea supplementation of feed for ruminants at doses up to 1 % of complete feed DM (corresponding to 0.3 g/kg bw/day) is considered safe when given to animals with a well adapted ruminal microbiota and fed diets rich in easily digestible carbohydrates. Based on the metabolic fate of urea in ruminants, the use of urea in ruminant nutrition does not raise any concern for consumers\u2019 safety. Urea is considered to be non irritant to skin and eyes and its topical use suggests that it is not a dermal sensitiser. The risk of exposure by inhalation would be low. The substitution of protein by urea in well balanced feed for ruminants would not result in an increased environmental nitrogen load. Urea is an effective source of non-protein nitrogen substituting for dietary protein in ruminants

    Assessment of genetically modified maize\ua04114 for food and feed uses, under Regulation (EC) No\ua01829/2003 (application EFSA-GMO-NL-2014-123)

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    Maize\ua04114 was developed through Agrobacterium\ua0tumefaciens-mediated transformation to provide protection against certain lepidopteran and coleopteran pests by expression of the Cry1F, Cry34Ab1 and Cry35Ab1 proteins derived from Bacillus\ua0thuringiensis, and tolerance to the herbicidal active ingredient glufosinate-ammonium by expression of the PAT protein derived from Streptomyces viridochromogenes. The molecular characterisation data did not identify issues requiring assessment for food/feed safety. None of the compositional, agronomic and phenotypic differences identified between maize\ua04114 and the non-genetically modified (GM) comparator(s) required further assessment. There were no concerns regarding the potential toxicity and allergenicity of the newly expressed proteins Cry1F, Cry34Ab1, Cry35Ab1 and PAT, and no evidence that the genetic modification might significantly change the overall allergenicity of maize 4114. The nutritional value of food/feed derived from maize 4114 is not expected to differ from that derived from non-GM maize varieties and no post-market monitoring of food/feed is considered necessary. In the case of accidental release of viable maize\ua04114 grains into the environment, maize\ua04114 would not raise environmental safety concerns. The post-market environmental monitoring plan and reporting intervals are in line with the intended uses of maize\ua04114. The genetically modified organism (GMO) Panel\ua0concludes that maize\ua04114 is as safe as the non-GM comparator(s) and non-GM reference varieties with respect to potential effects on human and animal health and the environment in the context of the scope of this application

    Negative refraction and left-handed behavior in two-dimensional photonic crystals

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    We systematically examine the conditions of obtaining left-handed (LH) behavior in photonic crystals. Detailed studies of the phase and group velocities as well as the phase np and group ng refractive index are given. The existence of negative refraction does not guarantee the existence of negative index of refraction and so LH behavior. A wedge type of experiment is suggested that can unambiguously distiguinsh between cases of negative refraction that occur when left-handed behavior is present, from cases that show negative refraction without LH behavior.Comment: 4 pages 4 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. B Rapid Communication

    Control of planar nonlinear guided waves and spatial solitons with a left-handed medium

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    The evidence that double negative media, with an effective negative permittivity, and an effective negative permeability, can be manufactured to operate at frequencies ranging from microwave to optical is ushering in a new era of metamaterials. They are referred to here as 'left-handed', even though a variety of names is evident from the literature. In anticipation of a demand for highly structured integrated practical waveguides, this paper addresses the impact of this type of medium upon waveguides that can be also nonlinear. After an interesting historical overview and an exposure of some straightforward concepts, a planar guide is investigated, in which the waveguide is a slab consisting of a left-handed medium sandwiched between a substrate and cladding that are simple dielectrics. The substrate and cladding display a Kerr-type nonlinear response. Because of the nonlinear properties of the Kerr media, the power flow direction can be controlled by the intensity of the electric field. A comprehensive finite-difference-time-domain (FDTD) analysis is presented that concentrates upon spatial soliton behaviour. An interesting soliton-lens arrangement is investigated that lends itself to a novel cancellation effect.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figure

    A model for removing the increased recall of recent events from the temporal distribution of autobiographical memory

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    The reminiscence bump is the tendency to recall relatively many personal events from the period in which the individual was between 10 and 30 years old. This effect has only been found in autobiographical memory studies that used participants who were older than 40 years of age. The increased recall of recent events possibly obscures the reminiscence bump in the results of younger participants. In this study, a model was proposed that removes the increase for recent events from the temporal distribution. The model basically estimates a retention function based on the 10 most recent years from the observed distributions and divides the observed distributions by predictions derived from the estimated retention function. The model was examined with three simulated data sets and one experimental data set. The results of the experiment offered two practical examples of how the model could be used to investigate the temporal distribution of autobiographical memories

    Safety and nutritional value of a dried killed bacterial biomass from Escherichia coli (FERM BP‐10942) (PT73 (TM)) as a feed material for pigs, ruminants and salmonids

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    PT73 (TM) is a dried, heat-inactivated bacterial biomass used as a feed material produced from an Escherichia coli K-12 strain, which was genetically modified to overproduce threonine. The recipient organism E. coli MG 1655 is considered to be safe. The traits introduced in the final modified strain E. coli FERM BP-10942 are mainly limited to the overproduction of threonine. No full-length antibiotic resistance genes or other sequences of concern remain in the modified strain. In conclusion, the EFSA Panel on Additives and Products or Substances used in Animal Feed (FEEDAP): does not identify risks for human and animal health or the environment from this biomass regarding the genetic modification of the strain. The proposed recommended use level for dairy cows (8% PT73 (TM) of feed dry matter (~ 7% in complete feed)) and salmonids (13%) is considered safe for these target animals. The conclusion form dairy cows could be extended to other ruminants (from the beginning of rumination). Complete feed for pigs for fattening may contain up to 10% PT73 (TM). The toxicological data indicate effects of PT73 (TM) on blood coagulation and liver, which are considered to be adverse. As a consequence, the FEEDAP Panel is unable to conclude on the safety for the consumer of products derived from animals receiving feed containing PT73 (TM). PT73 (TM) is not considered a skin/eye irritant but should be considered as a potential skin and respiratory sensitiser. Moreover, any exposure of users to dust from the product via the inhalation route should be considered a serious risk. The FEEDAP Panel considers that substitution of PT73 (TM) for other protein-rich feed materials will not adversely affect the environment
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