19 research outputs found

    Development of the Lymphoma Enterprise Architecture Database: A caBIG(tm) Silver level compliant System

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    Lymphomas are the fifth most common cancer in United States with numerous histological subtypes. Integrating existing clinical information on lymphoma patients provides a platform for understanding biological variability in presentation and treatment response and aids development of novel therapies. We developed a cancer Biomedical Informatics Grid™ (caBIG™) Silver level compliant lymphoma database, called the Lymphoma Enterprise Architecture Data-system™ (LEAD™), which integrates the pathology, pharmacy, laboratory, cancer registry, clinical trials, and clinical data from institutional databases. We utilized the Cancer Common Ontological Representation Environment Software Development Kit (caCORE SDK) provided by National Cancer Institute’s Center for Bioinformatics to establish the LEAD™ platform for data management. The caCORE SDK generated system utilizes an n-tier architecture with open Application Programming Interfaces, controlled vocabularies, and registered metadata to achieve semantic integration across multiple cancer databases. We demonstrated that the data elements and structures within LEAD™ could be used to manage clinical research data from phase 1 clinical trials, cohort studies, and registry data from the Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results database. This work provides a clear example of how semantic technologies from caBIG™ can be applied to support a wide range of clinical and research tasks, and integrate data from disparate systems into a single architecture. This illustrates the central importance of caBIG™ to the management of clinical and biological data

    Development of Query Strategies to Identify a Histologic Lymphoma Subtype in a Large Linked Database System

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    Background: Large linked databases (LLDB) represent a novel resource for cancer outcomes research. However, accurate means of identifying a patient population of interest within these LLDBs can be challenging. Our research group developed a fully integrated platform that provides a means of combining independent legacy databases into a single cancer-focused LLDB system. We compared the sensitivity and specifi city of several SQL-based query strategies for identifying a histologic lymphoma subtype in this LLDB to determine the most accurate legacy data source for identifying a specifi c cancer patient population.Methods: Query strategies were developed to identify patients with follicular lymphoma from a LLDB of cancer registry data, electronic medical records (EMR), laboratory, administrative, pharmacy, and other clinical data. Queries were performed using common diagnostic codes (ICD-9), cancer registry histology codes (ICD-O), and text searches of EMRs. We reviewed medical records and pathology reports to confirm each diagnosis and calculated the sensitivity and specificity for each query strategy.Results: Together the queries identified 1538 potential cases of follicular lymphoma. Review of pathology and other medical reports confirmed 415 cases of follicular lymphoma, 300 pathology-verifi ed and 115 verified from other medical reports. The query using ICD-O codes was highly specific (96%). Queries using text strings varied in sensitivity (range 7–92%) and specifi city (range 86–99%). Queries using ICD-9 codes were both less sensitive (34–44%) and specific (35–87%).Conclusions: Queries of linked-cancer databases that include cancer registry data should utilize ICD-O codes or employ structured free-text searches to identify patient populations with a precise histologic diagnosis.Abbreviations: LLDB: Large Linked Database; SEER: Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results; EMR: Electronic Medical Record; ICD-9: International Classifi cation of Diseases (9th revision); ICD-O: International Classifi cation of Diseases for Oncology; AP: Anatomical Pathology; WHO: World Health Organization

    Extracting information from the text of electronic medical records to improve case detection: a systematic review

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    Background: Electronic medical records (EMRs) are revolutionizing health-related research. One key issue for study quality is the accurate identification of patients with the condition of interest. Information in EMRs can be entered as structured codes or unstructured free text. The majority of research studies have used only coded parts of EMRs for case-detection, which may bias findings, miss cases, and reduce study quality. This review examines whether incorporating information from text into case-detection algorithms can improve research quality. Methods: A systematic search returned 9659 papers, 67 of which reported on the extraction of information from free text of EMRs with the stated purpose of detecting cases of a named clinical condition. Methods for extracting information from text and the technical accuracy of case-detection algorithms were reviewed. Results: Studies mainly used US hospital-based EMRs, and extracted information from text for 41 conditions using keyword searches, rule-based algorithms, and machine learning methods. There was no clear difference in case-detection algorithm accuracy between rule-based and machine learning methods of extraction. Inclusion of information from text resulted in a significant improvement in algorithm sensitivity and area under the receiver operating characteristic in comparison to codes alone (median sensitivity 78% (codes + text) vs 62% (codes), P = .03; median area under the receiver operating characteristic 95% (codes + text) vs 88% (codes), P = .025). Conclusions: Text in EMRs is accessible, especially with open source information extraction algorithms, and significantly improves case detection when combined with codes. More harmonization of reporting within EMR studies is needed, particularly standardized reporting of algorithm accuracy metrics like positive predictive value (precision) and sensitivity (recall)