268 research outputs found

    Targeting S1P receptors in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis in mice improves early deficits in locomotor activity and increases ultrasonic vocalisations

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    Fingolimod (FTY720) is an oral therapy for relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis (MS) and targets sphingosine 1-phosphate receptors (S1PRs). FTY720 also rescues animals from experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), an animal model of MS. The protective effects of FTY720 in EAE are primarily scored manually by examining weight loss and limb paralysis that begins around 10-12 days after immunisation. To our knowledge, pre-clinical effects of FTY720 on animal behaviour early in EAE have not been explored. Here, we developed an automated behaviour monitoring system to examine the early effects of FTY720 on subtle pre-symptomatic behaviour of mice induced with EAE. Our automated home-cage monitoring system (AHC-MS) enabled non-contact detection of movement and ultrasonic vocalisations (USVs) of mice induced with EAE, thus allowing detection of subtle changes in mouse behaviour before paralysis occurs. Mice receiving FTY720 emit longer USVs and display higher levels of motor activity than vehicle-treated EAE mice before clinical symptoms become apparent. Importantly, this study promotes the 3Rs ethics (replacement, reduction and refinement) in the EAE animal model and may also improve pre-screening of potentially novel MS therapies. In addition, this is the first report showing the early effects of FTY720 in EAE which underscores its protective effects

    Piezo1 regulates calcium oscillations and cytokine release from astrocytes

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    Astrocytes are important for information processing in the brain and they achieve this by fine‐tuning neuronal communication via continuous uptake and release of biochemical modulators of neurotransmission and synaptic plasticity. Often overlooked are their important functions in mechanosensation. Indeed, astrocytes can detect pathophysiological changes in the mechanical properties of injured, ageing, or degenerating brain tissue. We have recently shown that astrocytes surrounding mechanically‐stiff amyloid plaques upregulate the mechanosensitive ion channel, Piezo1. Moreover, ageing transgenic Alzheimer's rats harboring a chronic peripheral bacterial infection displayed enhanced Piezo1 expression in amyloid plaque‐reactive astrocytes of the hippocampus and cerebral cortex. Here, we have shown that the bacterial endotoxin, lipopolysaccharide (LPS), also upregulates Piezo1 in primary mouse cortical astrocyte cultures in vitro. Activation of Piezo1, via the small molecule agonist Yoda1, enhanced Ca2+ influx in both control and LPS‐stimulated astrocytes. Moreover, Yoda1 augmented intracellular Ca2+ oscillations but decreased subsequent Ca2+ influx in response to adenosine triphosphate (ATP) stimulation. Neither blocking nor activating Piezo1 affected cell viability. However, LPS‐stimulated astrocyte cultures exposed to the Piezo1 activator, Yoda1, migrated significantly slower than reactive astrocytes treated with the mechanosensitive channel‐blocking peptide, GsMTx4. Furthermore, our data show that activating Piezo1 channels inhibits the release of cytokines and chemokines, such as IL‐1ÎČ, TNFα, and fractalkine (CX3CL1), from LPS‐stimulated astrocyte cultures. Taken together, our results suggest that astrocytic Piezo1 upregulation may act to dampen neuroinflammation and could be a useful drug target for neuroinflammatory disorders of the brain

    Extracellular Vesicles and Intercellular Communication in the Central Nervous System

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    Neurons and glial cells of the central nervous system (CNS) release extracellular vesicles (EVs) to the interstitial fluid of the brain and spinal cord parenchyma. EVs contain proteins, nucleic acids and lipids that can be taken up by, and modulate the behaviour of, neighbouring recipient cells. The functions of EVs have been extensively studied in the context of neurodegenerative diseases. However, mechanisms involved in EV‐mediated neuron–glial communication under physiological conditions or healthy ageing remain unclear. A better understanding of the myriad roles of EVs in CNS homeostasis is essential for the development of novel therapeutics to alleviate and reverse neurological disturbances of ageing. Proteomic studies are beginning to reveal cell type‐specific EV cargo signatures that may one day allow us to target specific neuronal or glial cell populations in the treatment of debilitating neurological disorders. This review aims to synthesise the current literature regarding EV‐mediated cell–cell communication in the brain, predominantly under physiological conditions

    Hippocampus of the APPNL-G-F mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease exhibits region-specific tissue softening concomitant with elevated astrogliosis

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    Widespread neurodegeneration, enlargement of cerebral ventricles, and atrophy of cortical and hippocampal brain structures are classic hallmarks of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Prominent macroscopic disturbances to the cytoarchitecture of the AD brain occur alongside changes in the mechanical properties of brain tissue, as reported in recent magnetic resonance elastography (MRE) measurements of human brain mechanics. Whilst MRE has many advantages, a significant shortcoming is its spatial resolution. Higher resolution “cellular scale” assessment of the mechanical alterations to brain regions involved in memory formation, such as the hippocampus, could provide fresh new insight into the etiology of AD. Characterization of brain tissue mechanics at the cellular length scale is the first stepping-stone to understanding how mechanosensitive neurons and glia are impacted by neurodegenerative disease-associated changes in their microenvironment. To provide insight into the microscale mechanics of aging brain tissue, we measured spatiotemporal changes in the mechanical properties of the hippocampus using high resolution atomic force microscopy (AFM) indentation tests on acute brain slices from young and aged wild-type mice and the APPNL–G–F mouse model. Several hippocampal regions in APPNL–G–F mice are significantly softer than age-matched wild-types, notably the dentate granule cell layer and the CA1 pyramidal cell layer. Interestingly, regional softening coincides with an increase in astrocyte reactivity, suggesting that amyloid pathology-mediated alterations to the mechanical properties of brain tissue may impact the function of mechanosensitive astrocytes. Our data also raise questions as to whether aberrant mechanotransduction signaling could impact the susceptibility of neurons to cellular stressors in their microenvironment

    Inhibition of Piezo1 attenuates demyelination in the central nervous system

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    Piezo1 is a mechanosensitive ion channel that facilitates the translation of extracellular mechanical cues to intracellular molecular signaling cascades through a process termed, mechanotransduction. In the central nervous system (CNS), mechanically gated ion channels are important regulators of neurodevelopmental processes such as axon guidance, neural stem cell differentiation, and myelination of axons by oligodendrocytes. Here, we present evidence that pharmacologically mediated overactivation of Piezo1 channels negatively regulates CNS myelination. Moreover, we found that the peptide GsMTx4, an antagonist of mechanosensitive cation channels such as Piezo1, is neuroprotective and prevents chemically induced demyelination. In contrast, the positive modulator of Piezo1 channel opening, Yoda‐1, induces demyelination and neuronal damage. Using an ex vivo murine‐derived organotypic cerebellar slice culture model, we demonstrate that GsMTx4 attenuates demyelination induced by the cytotoxic lipid, psychosine. Importantly, we confirmed the potential therapeutic effects of GsMTx4 peptide in vivo by co‐administering it with lysophosphatidylcholine (LPC), via stereotactic injection, into the cerebral cortex of adult mice. GsMTx4 prevented both demyelination and neuronal damage usually caused by the intracortical injection of LPC in vivo; a well‐characterized model of focal demyelination. GsMTx4 also attenuated both LPC‐induced astrocyte toxicity and microglial reactivity within the lesion core. Overall, our data suggest that pharmacological activation of Piezo1 channels induces demyelination and that inhibition of mechanosensitive channels, using GsMTx4, may alleviate the secondary progressive neurodegeneration often present in the latter stages of demyelinating diseases

    Mechanobiology of the brain in ageing and Alzheimer's disease

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    Just as the epigenome, the proteome and the electrophysiological properties of a cell influence its function, so too do its intrinsic mechanical properties and its extrinsic mechanical environment. This is especially true for neurons of the central nervous system (CNS) as long‐term maintenance of synaptic connections relies on efficient axonal transport machinery and structural stability of the cytoskeleton. Recent reports suggest that profound physical changes occur in the CNS microenvironment with advancing age which, in turn, will impact highly mechanoresponsive neurons and glial cells. Here, we discuss the complex and inhomogeneous mechanical structure of CNS tissue, as revealed by recent mechanical measurements on the brain and spinal cord, using techniques such as magnetic resonance elastography and atomic force microscopy. Moreover, ageing, traumatic brain injury, demyelination and neurodegeneration can perturb the mechanical properties of brain tissue and trigger mechanobiological signalling pathways in neurons, glia and cerebral vasculature. It is, therefore, very likely that significant changes in cell and tissue mechanics contribute to age‐related cognitive decline and deficits in memory formation which are accelerated and magnified in neurodegenerative states, such as Alzheimer's disease. Importantly, we are now beginning to understand how neuronal and glial cell mechanics and brain tissue mechanobiology are intimately linked with neurophysiology and cognition

    Age-related impact of social isolation in mice: Young vs middle-aged

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    Social isolation is a chronic mild stressor and a significant risk factor for mental health disorders. Herein we explored the impact of social isolation on depression- and anxiety-like behaviours, as well as spatial memory impairments, in middle-aged male mice compared to post-weaning mice. We aimed to quantify and correlate social isolation-induced behaviour discrepancies with changes in hippocampal glial cell reactivity and pro-inflammatory cytokine levels.Post-weaning and middle-aged C57BL7/J6 male mice were socially isolated for a 3-week period and behavioural tests were performed on the last five days of isolation. We found that 3 weeks of social isolation led to depressive-like behaviour in the forced swim test, anxiety-like behaviour in the open field test, and spatial memory impairment in the Morris water maze paradigm in middle-aged male mice. These behavioural alterations were not observed in male mice after post-weaning social isolation, indicating resilience to isolation-mediated stress.Increased Iba-1 expression and NLRP3 priming were both observed in the hippocampus of socially isolated middle-aged mice, suggesting a role for microglia and NLRP3 pathway in the detrimental effects of social isolation on cognition and behaviour. Young socially isolated mice also demonstrated elevated NLRP3 priming compared to controls, but no differences in Iba-1 levels and no significant changes in behaviour. Ageing-induced microglia activation and enhancement of IL-1ÎČ, TNF-α and IL-6 proinflammatory cytokines, known signs of a chronic low-grade inflammatory state, were also detected.Altogether, data suggest that social isolation, in addition to inflammaging, contributes to stress-related cognitive impairment in middle-aged mice

    Hippocampus of the APP NL–G–F mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease exhibits region-specific tissue softening concomitant with elevated astrogliosis

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    Widespread neurodegeneration, enlargement of cerebral ventricles, and atrophy of cortical and hippocampal brain structures are classic hallmarks of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Prominent macroscopic disturbances to the cytoarchitecture of the AD brain occur alongside changes in the mechanical properties of brain tissue, as reported in recent magnetic resonance elastography (MRE) measurements of human brain mechanics. Whilst MRE has many advantages, a significant shortcoming is its spatial resolution. Higher resolution “cellular scale” assessment of the mechanical alterations to brain regions involved in memory formation, such as the hippocampus, could provide fresh new insight into the etiology of AD. Characterization of brain tissue mechanics at the cellular length scale is the first stepping-stone to understanding how mechanosensitive neurons and glia are impacted by neurodegenerative disease-associated changes in their microenvironment. To provide insight into the microscale mechanics of aging brain tissue, we measured spatiotemporal changes in the mechanical properties of the hippocampus using high resolution atomic force microscopy (AFM) indentation tests on acute brain slices from young and aged wild-type mice and the APPNL–G–F mouse model. Several hippocampal regions in APPNL–G–F mice are significantly softer than age-matched wild-types, notably the dentate granule cell layer and the CA1 pyramidal cell layer. Interestingly, regional softening coincides with an increase in astrocyte reactivity, suggesting that amyloid pathology-mediated alterations to the mechanical properties of brain tissue may impact the function of mechanosensitive astrocytes. Our data also raise questions as to whether aberrant mechanotransduction signaling could impact the susceptibility of neurons to cellular stressors in their microenvironment

    Poroelastic osmoregulation of living cell volume

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    Cells maintain their volume through fine intracellular osmolarity regulation. Osmotic challenges drive fluid into or out of cells causing swelling or shrinkage, respectively. The dynamics of cell volume changes depending on the rheology of the cellular constituents and on how fast the fluid permeates through the membrane and cytoplasm. We investigated whether and how poroelasticity can describe volume dynamics in response to osmotic shocks. We exposed cells to osmotic perturbations and used defocusing epifluorescence microscopy on membrane-attached fluorescent nanospheres to track volume dynamics with high spatiotemporal resolution. We found that a poroelastic model that considers both geometrical and pressurization rates captures fluid-cytoskeleton interactions, which are rate-limiting factors in controlling volume changes at short timescales. Linking cellular responses to osmotic shocks and cell mechanics through poroelasticity can predict the cell state in health, disease, or in response to novel therapeutics

    A new framework for characterization of poroelastic materials using indentation

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    To characterize a poroelastic material, typically an indenter is pressed onto the surface of the material with a ramp of a finite approach velocity followed by a hold where the indenter displacement is kept constant. This leads to deformation of the porous matrix, pressurization of the interstitial fluid and relaxation due to redistribution of fluid through the pores. In most studies the poroelastic properties, including elastic modulus, Poisson ratio and poroelastic diffusion coefficient, are extracted by assuming an instantaneous step indentation. However, exerting step like indentation is not experimentally possible and usually a ramp indentation with a finite approach velocity is applied. Moreover, the poroelastic relaxation time highly depends on the approach velocity in addition to the poroelastic diffusion coefficient and the contact area. Here, we extensively studied the effect of indentation velocity using finite element simulations which has enabled the formulation of a new framework based on a master curve that incorporates the finite rise time. To verify our novel framework, the poroelastic properties of two types of hydrogels were extracted experimentally using indentation tests at both macro and micro scales. Our new framework that is based on consideration of finite approach velocity is experimentally easy to implement and provides a more accurate estimation of poroelastic properties
