44 research outputs found

    The role of fathers in breastfeeding: Decision-making and support

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    Background In recent years closer attention has been paid to the role of fathers in both the decision about whether to breastfeed and in supporting a breastfeeding mother. This qualitative study explores couples' decision-making regarding infant feeding, parents' views on the father's role in relation to breastfeeding, and examines some dilemmas fathers face when supporting a breastfeeding partner. Methods Eighteen men and women using maternity services at the Royal Sussex County Hospital were interviewed by telephone. Results Fathers acknowledged that the decision to breastfeed should be made by the mother and a father's role was to endorse his partner's decision and provide practical and emotional support. Those who faced breastfeeding difficulties described the processes involved in deciding whether to continue. Conclusions This small study draws upon the views of men and women living in the south-east of England in a city with high rates of breastfeeding initiation. Findings may not be generalizable to the wider population. However, in this setting new parents need information about breastfeeding and support to make informed decisions about duration and further input from health professionals when facing difficulties. </jats:sec

    Cultura digital y docencia : posibilidades para la educación musical

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    Este artigo discute o modo como a Cultura Digital afeta a atuação docente na área da Educação Musical, problematizando o uso de recursos tecnológicos e seus desafios na prática pedagógica. A partir da reflexão sobre os conceitos de Musicalidade e Cultura Digital, o trabalho analisa um recorte sobre as transformações dos processos de aprendizagem e autoaprendizagem das práticas musicais subsidiadas pelas Novas Tecnologias Digitais (NTD) no contexto da Educação Musical. A metodologia foi constituída de revisão de literatura, questionário on-line e entrevista semiestruturada com músicos profissionais experientes, cujos dados coletados foram analisados na perspectiva quali-quantitativa. Os resultados demonstram que a Cultura Digital permeia as práticas pedagógicas do planejamento e pesquisa de materiais à implementação de recursos de aprendizagem e autoaprendizagem. A pesquisa aponta desafios da docência no campo da Educação Musical, considerando o descompasso constatado entre a fluência na Cultura Digital dos estudantes e as limitações materiais de infraestrutura, de conectividade e de formação inicial e continuada de professores. Defende que a Educação Musical se beneficia com o emprego das novas tecnologias digitais, porém exige uma mudança paradigmática ao entender o estudante como um ser integral e protagonista do processo educativo-musical, cuja bagagem tecnológica pode ser crucial no processo educativo.This article discusses how Digital Culture affects teachers’ work in the field of Music Education, debating the use of technological resources and their challenges in pedagogical practice. Reflecting upon the concepts of Musicality and Digital Culture, the work analyzes a focus on the change in processes of learning and self-learning of music practices assisted by New Digital Technologies (NDT) in the context of Musical Education. The methodology consisted of literature review, on-line questionnaire, and semi-structured interviews with experienced professional musicians, and data were analyzed under the qualitativequantitative perspective. The results demonstrate that the Digital Culture pervades pedagogical practices from planning and research of materials to implementation of learning and self-learning resources. The research points out challenges to teaching in the field of Music Education, considering the gap between students’ fluency in the Digital Culture and the material limitations of infrastructure, connectivity, and initial and continuing teacher training. It is argued that Music Education benefits from new digital technologies but requires a paradigmatic change to understand students as whole beings and subjects of the musical-educational process, whose technological experience may be crucial in the educational process.Este artículo discute el modo como la Cultura Digital afecta la actuación docente en el área de la Educación Musical, problematizando el uso de recursos tecnológicos y sus desafíos en la práctica pedagógica. A partir de la reflexión sobre los conceptos de Musicalidad y Cultura Digital, el artículo analiza un recorte sobre las transformaciones de los procesos de aprendizaje y autoaprendizaje de las prácticas musicales subsidiadas por las Nuevas Tecnologías Digitales (NTD) en el contexto de la Educación Musical. La metodología fue constituida de revisión de literatura, cuestionario en línea y entrevista semiestructurada con músicos profesionales experimentados, cuyos datos recolectados fueron analizados en la perspectiva cualitativa y cuantitativa. Los resultados demuestran que la Cultura Digitalpermea las prácticas pedagógicas de la planificación e investigación de materiales a la implementación de recursos de aprendizaje y autoaprendizaje. La investigación apunta desafíos de la docencia en el campo de la Educación Musical, considerando el descompaso constatado entre la fluidez en la Cultura Digital de los estudiantes y las limitaciones materiales de infraestructura, de conectividad y de formación inicial y continuada de profesores. Defiende que la Educación Musical se beneficia con el empleo de las nuevas tecnologías digitales, pero exige un cambio paradigmático al entender al estudiante como un ser integral y protagonista del proceso educativo-musical, cuyo equipaje tecnológico puede ser crucial en el proceso educativo

    Human Musicality as seen from a Cognitive-Evolutionist Prism: From Homo sapiens to Homo digitalis

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    Este trabalho visa discutir a musicalidade humana sob um prisma cognitivo-evolucionista. Busca refletir acerca da complexidade da manifestação musical num panorama que articula os períodos transcorridos entre os tempos remotos da espécie Homo sapiens até a sua interação na era da Cultura Digital. As reflexões são fundamentadas em pesquisas que mostram um fazer musical ininterrupto, que inicia nos primórdios da humanidade e segue significativo até o presente momento, sofrendo, contudo, transformações que vêm sendo aceleradas pelas Novas Tecnologias Digitais (NTD). Esse cenário implica, também, mudanças na construção da performance musical, bem como nos conceitos de aprendizagem e autoaprendizagem de música.This paper discusses human musicality from a cognitive-evolutionist perspective. It reflects on the complexity of music manifestation in a panorama that articulates the periods between the remote times of the Homo sapiens species to their interaction in the era of Digital Culture. The reflections are based on research that shows uninterrupted music making that starts at the beginnings of humanity and continues significantly until the present moment, undergoing, however, transformations that are being accelerated by new digital technologies. This scenario also implies changes in the construction of musical performance, as well as in the concepts of learning and self-learning of music

    Abstracts from the Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Meeting 2016

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    Young Researchers: Toolkit

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    This Toolkit and associated Guidance were commissioned by Barnardo's to provide researchers, project workers and others with clear guidance and tools to use when supporting children and young people from a diverse range of backgrounds to be young researchers. The Toolkit provides tools, activities and ideas which researchers and practitioners can use and adapt when recruiting, training and supporting young researchers

    Young Researchers: Guidance

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    This Guidance and an associated Toolkit were commissioned by Barnardo's to provide researchers, project workers and others with clear guidance and tools to use when supporting children and young people from a diverse range of backgrounds to be young researchers. The Guidance provides an overview of key issues and arguments on issues to think about and how best to provide inclusive, good quality and consistent training and support to young researchers of varying ages, interests and needs