591 research outputs found

    Outlines for a Phenomenological Foundation For de Ronde's Theory of Powers and Potentia

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    Starting with the claim that Quantum Mechanics (QM) is in need of a new interpretation that would allow us to understand the phenomena of this realm, I wish to analyse in this paper de Ronde's theory of power and potentia from a phenomenological perspective. De Ronde's claim is that the reason for the lack of success in the foundations of QM is due to the reluctance of both physicists and philosophers to explore the possibility of finding a new ontology, new concepts for the physical theory. De Ronde proposes such new ontology and the question I wish to address here, is whether his ontology is conceptually plausible. I will, for this purpose, recur to Edmund Husserl's phenomenology. After presenting some of the basic concepts and methodological tools of this theory, I shall apply them to de Ronde's ontology to determine the viability of his theory

    Living in a Marxist Sci-Fi World: A Phenomenological Analysis of the Power of Science Fiction

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    The state of our current world has brought about a very active discussion concerning possible alternatives to our current society. In this article, I wish to consider Marx’s idea of communism as a possible alternative, by understanding it as an undetermined concept that only proposes a society without classes and private property. The thesis I will defend here is that we can meaningfully think about such an alternative through the means of Science Fiction literature. In particular, I will take Ursula Le Guin’s The Dispossessed (2006) as a case study. To clarify this relation between science fiction (SF) literature and communism as a particular case of an alternative society, I will introduce some concepts of Edmund Husserl’s phenomenological theory. Thus, I shall argue that in SF we can presentify in bounded phantasy an alternative lifeworld, so furnishing with content the undetermined idea, and in doing so, strengthen the belief in the possibility of such an alternative society

    The Possibility of a New Metaphysics for Quantum Mechanics from Meinong's Theory of Objects

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    According to de Ronde it was Bohr's interpretation of Quantum Mechanics (QM) which closed the possibility of understanding physical reality beyond the realm of the actual, so establishing the Orthodox Line of Research. In this sense, it is not the task of any physical theory to look beyond the language and metaphysics supposed by classical physics, in order to account for what QM describes. If one wishes to maintain a realist position (though not nave) regarding physical theories, one seems then to be trapped by an array of concepts that do not allow to understand the main principles involved in the most successful physical theory thus far, mainly: the quantum postulate, the principle of indetermination and the superposition principle. If de Ronde is right in proposing QM can only be completed as a physical theory by the introduction of `new concepts' that admit as real a domain beyond actuality, then a new ontology that goes beyond Aristotelian and Newtonian actualism is needed. It was already in the early 20th century that misunderstood philosopher Alexius von Meinong proposed a Theory of Objects that admits a domain of being beyond existence-actuality. Member of the so called `School of Brentano', Meinong's concerns were oriented to provide an ontology of everything that can be thought of, and at the same time an intentionality theory of how objects are thought of. I wish to argue that in Meinong's theory of objects we find the rudiments of the ontology and the intentionality theory we need to account for QM's basic principles: mainly the possibility of predicating properties of non-entities, or in other words, the possibility of objectively describing a domain of what is, that is different from the domain of actual existence

    Outlines for a Phenomenological Foundation For de Ronde's Theory of Powers and Potentia

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    Starting with the claim that Quantum Mechanics (QM) is in need of a new interpretation that would allow us to understand the phenomena of this realm, I wish to analyse in this paper de Ronde's theory of power and potentia from a phenomenological perspective. De Ronde's claim is that the reason for the lack of success in the foundations of QM is due to the reluctance of both physicists and philosophers to explore the possibility of finding a new ontology, new concepts for the physical theory. De Ronde proposes such new ontology and the question I wish to address here, is whether his ontology is conceptually plausible. I will, for this purpose, recur to Edmund Husserl's phenomenology. After presenting some of the basic concepts and methodological tools of this theory, I shall apply them to de Ronde's ontology to determine the viability of his theory


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    Las universidades latinoamericanas se encuentran atravesadas por las políticas evaluativas instaladas a fines del siglo XX. Tanto las prácticas de autoevaluación, como los procesos de evaluación externa han configurado nuevas miradas acerca de la institución universitaria y han puesto en tensión aspectos que se encontraban naturalizados. Las universidades argentinas de gestión privada de la región cuyana también han desarrollado procesos de evaluación institucional a partir de los cuales han construido nuevas perspectivas acerca de las configuraciones institucionales. Sus notas identitarias, sus estilos particulares de gestión y la ubicación centro-oeste oeste del país-, imprimen unos modos de funcionar particulares que en ocasiones son identificados como debilidades en los procesos evaluativos. La complejidad del entorno social, político, económico-administrativo y hasta geográfico influye al momento de implementar una política pública. Tal es el caso de lo que ocurre en los contextos de estudio, la política de evaluación universitaria parece estar diseñada siguiendo una lógica que es espuria al la estructura organizacional de las universidades privadas en la región. El presente trabajo constituye un avance de tesis doctoral que tiene por objeto comprender la capacidad de incidencia del estado argentino a través de la adopción de patrones para la evaluación externa al interior de las universidades privadas de la región cuyana, en función de su relación con el Estado y su singularidad organizativa. Específicamente se busca sistematizar las experiencias de evaluación institucional de las universidades privadas de la región cuyana, describir el modo en que se desarrollan las prácticas evaluativas en las universidades de referencia y comprender los cambios suscitados a partir de la evaluación externa en estas instituciones

    Determinación precisa y nuevas aplicaciones del contenido troposférico cenital a partir de observaciones GNSS con TOMION

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    El retardo troposférico cenital (ZTD, por sus siglas en inglés -Zenith Tropospheric Delay-) es una de las variables que puede estimarse con GPS de mayor importancia a escala global por su estrecha relación con los parámetros atmosféricos que se involucran en el desarrollo del clima y del tiempo. Su correcta estimación depende de muchos factores tales como, la metodología utilizada y el modelo aplicado a las observaciones. En esta tesis abordamos la determinación de los parámetros de segundo orden dentro del término que modela al ZTD y su implementación en el programa TOMION v2. Las actualizaciones hechas con éxito comprenden desde la inclusión de nuevas incógnitas, la calibración de procesos estocásticos hasta el modelado del reloj del receptor GPS. El procesado de datos fue posible gracias a redes de estaciones de operación continua, lo cual ha mejorado drásticamente la habilidad de sensar la atmósfera de manera remota, sobre todo bajo el efecto de sistemas sinópticos, como por ejemplo un huracán. En este caso, hemos estudiado el huracán Harvey, que causó destrozos en Texas, EEUU, durante agosto de 2017. La aplicación sobre esta tormenta da resultados novedosos en relación a la orientación y la distribución de gradientes troposféricos de gran intensidad durante la evolución y desvanecimiento. También analizamos en detalle hasta donde los gradientes troposféricos estimados representan variables atmosféricas, haciendo una extensiva com- parativa con datos recolectados de ERA5, un repositorio de los más usados en el ámbito atmosférico. Finalmente, utilizamos la actualización al programa para estudiar la evolución de una Sudestada en el Río de La Plata en febrero de 2017 y su impacto sobre la coordenada vertical, el error del reloj del receptor y el ZTD. Concluimos que cuando queremos estimar cambios de corto período, es necesario que la estación cuente con un reloj atómico ligado al receptor GPS. En general, podemos decir que las actualizaciones en el marco de esta tesis al programa TOMION v2, fueron fructíferas para el estudio de eventos climáticos extremos, donde la determinación de los parámetros es aún más sensible al modelado. TOMION v2 puede ser utilizado para el modelado troposférico de alta precisión y bajo situaciones climáticas extremas.Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísica

    Glyphosate commercial formulation negatively affects the reproductive success of solitary wild bees in a Pampean agroecosystem

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    Glyphosate is the most widely used herbicide worldwide and it could have negative effects on wild bees. We study the effect of glyphosate commercial formulation on the nesting behavior of wild solitary bees (Megachile spp.) and the survival of immature stages in a Pampean agroecosystem. In four plots without agricultural management located in an agricultural field, we placed 480 wooden trap-nests. The traps were sprayed with two different concentrations of glyphosate commercial formulation and only with water. The number of cells per nest was significantly lower in glyphosate treated traps compared with the water treatment. The probability of finding breeding cells was two times higher in nests without glyphosate commercial formulation compared with treated nests. Larvae completed their development and emerged as adults approximately four times more in nests without glyphosate commercial formulation, relative to those with glyphosate. Our results indicate that glyphosate commercial formulation could be conditioning the behavior of the nesting females and it is affecting their reproduction.Fil: Graffigna, Sofia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Centro de Recursos Naturales Renovables de la Zona Semiárida. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Centro de Recursos Naturales Renovables de la Zona Semiárida; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Biología, Bioquímica y Farmacia; Argentina. Laboratorio de Interacciones Bióticas en Agroecosistemas; ArgentinaFil: Marrero, Hugo Javier. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Centro de Recursos Naturales Renovables de la Zona Semiárida. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Centro de Recursos Naturales Renovables de la Zona Semiárida; Argentina. Laboratorio de Interacciones Bióticas en Agroecosistemas; ArgentinaFil: Torretta, Juan Pablo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Agronomía; Argentin

    Development of a Novel Coding Scheme to Explore Interactions in the Co-Production of Public Services with Priority Populations

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    This study focuses on the development of a reliable coding scheme (CP-CODER) for studying interaction dynamics during the co-production of a public service involving priority communities. CP-CODER addresses the need to involve priority populations in the development of public services, an approach that has been recognized as difficult because of the high possibility of their experiencing negative health, social, and economic outcomes. The coding scheme was designed to capture group dynamics and forms of public engagement by adopting and integrating existing theoretical frameworks in the public service management and qualitative method literature. Coding was conducted on the transcripts of four co-production workshops, which included 26 family caregivers, three local health and social care service provider representatives, and five researchers involved in the coproduction of new community-based services. One category was added to the two theoretical frameworks. The kappa ranged from 0.70–1.00 for the eight variables and the 26 individual items. The overall kappa was 0.91, while the overall percentage of agreement was 91.16%. The results of the pilot test showed the importance of integrating and managing three dimensions in coproducing with a priority population: the turn-taking, the content, and the level of abstraction of the discussion. The findings of this study have enhanced and supported both practitioners and researchers in co-producing services, ensuring the equal contribution of all participants, even those whose voices are rarely heard

    Infancia en indefensión

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    The work reviews the different ideological visions in relation to childhood and adolescence since the feeling of compassion, the concept of social investment, the role of NGOs and the emergent approach based on children's rights. The paper also deals with the tensions and conflicts between children and adolescents on one hand and the system of representative democracy on the other. The central argument all across the paper is based on Michael Foucault's approach on boys and girls as victims of the biopolitics of disciplinary control and since  the adolescence, for the process of building up its subjectivity as "fastened subjects". In its turn, the approach based on children's rights can not surpass what Giorgio Agamben has called the "State of Emergency" in which the legal system includes and excludes those who are presupposed to be defended. Following Agamben´s arguments, it seems to emerge the "Child Sacer" as the one that since old times can be sacrificed or drastically disciplined and nobody can be legally demanded for directly causing such a situation. In order to overcome the state of defencelessness it is argued that there is a need for a new strategy based on an adequate equilibrium between autonomy and heteronomy in all educational processes jointly with a continuous political fight to conquer children's rights.El trabajo revisa las distintas concepciones sobre la infancia y la adolescencia que van desde la compasión, la inversión social, el rol de las ONGs y el emergente enfoque de derechos. Se plantean también los conflictos y tensiones en la difícil relación entre la infancia y la adolescencia y la representación democrática. El argumento central se basa en la visión de Michael Foucault  en relación a que niños y niñas son víctimas de la biopolítica del control disciplinario o de la construcción de su subjetividad como sujetos "sujetados". El enfoque de derechos no escapa a su vez, de lo que Giorgio Agamben denomina “Estado de Excepción” en el que la ley incluye y excluye al mismo tiempo a quienes supuestamente debería defender. Siguiendo a Agamben surge el “Niño/a Sacer” como aquel que desde tiempos antiguos puede ser sacrificado o disciplinado y nadie puede ser condenado por esa situación. Para superar el estado de indefensión en que se encuentran niños, niñas y adolescentes se plantea una estrategia basada en un adecuado equilibrio entre autonomía y heteronomía en los procesos educativos y en una lucha política continua por la conquista de sus derechos