8,203 research outputs found

    Functional requirements for onboard management of space shuttle consumables, volume 1

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    A study was conducted to determine the functional requirements for onboard management of space shuttle consumables. A generalized consumable management concept was developed for application to advanced spacecraft. The subsystems and related consumables selected for inclusion in the consumables management system are: (1) propulsion, (2) power generation, and (3) environmental and life support

    Dynamics of a classical Hall system driven by a time-dependent Aharonov--Bohm flux

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    We study the dynamics of a classical particle moving in a punctured plane under the influence of a strong homogeneous magnetic field, an electrical background, and driven by a time-dependent singular flux tube through the hole. We exhibit a striking classical (de)localization effect: in the far past the trajectories are spirals around a bound center; the particle moves inward towards the flux tube loosing kinetic energy. After hitting the puncture it becomes ``conducting'': the motion is a cycloid around a center whose drift is outgoing, orthogonal to the electric field, diffusive, and without energy loss

    Magnetic quantum critical point and superconductivity in UPt3 doped with Pd

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    Transverse-field muon spin relaxation measurements have been carried out on the heavy-fermion superconductor UPt3 doped with small amounts of Pd. We find that the critical Pd concentration for the emergence of the large-moment antiferromagnetic phase is ~0.6 at.%Pd. At the same Pd content, superconductivity is completely suppressed. The existence of a magnetic quantum critical point in the phase diagram, which coincides with the critical point for superconductivity, provides evidence for ferromagnetic spin-fluctuation mediated odd-parity superconductivity, which competes with antiferromagnetic order.Comment: 4 pages (includes 3 figures); postscript fil

    Magnetic quantum critical point and superconductivity in UPt3 doped with Pd

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    Transverse-field muon spin relaxation measurements have been carried out on the heavy-fermion superconductor UPt3 doped with small amounts of Pd. We find that the critical Pd concentration for the emergence of the large-moment antiferromagnetic phase is ~0.6 at.%Pd. At the same Pd content, superconductivity is completely suppressed. The existence of a magnetic quantum critical point in the phase diagram, which coincides with the critical point for superconductivity, provides evidence for ferromagnetic spin-fluctuation mediated odd-parity superconductivity, which competes with antiferromagnetic order.Comment: 4 pages (includes 3 figures); postscript fil

    Local oxidation of Ga[Al]As heterostructures with modulated tip-sample voltages

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    Nanolithography based on local oxidation with a scanning force microscope has been performed on an undoped GaAs wafer and a Ga[Al]As heterostructure with an undoped GaAs cap layer and a shallow two-dimensional electron gas. The oxide growth and the resulting electronic properties of the patterned structures are compared for constant and modulated voltage applied to the conductive tip of the scanning force microscope. All the lithography has been performed in non-contact mode. Modulating the applied voltage enhances the aspect ratio of the oxide lines, which significantly strengthens the insulating properties of the lines on GaAs. In addition, the oxidation process is found to be more reliable and reproducible. Using this technique, a quantum point contact and a quantum wire have been defined and the electronic stability, the confinement potential and the electrical tunability are demonstrated to be similar to the oxidation with constant voltage.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, accepted by J. Appl. Phy

    Cu KK-edge Resonant Inelastic X-Ray Scattering in Edge-Sharing Cuprates

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    We present calculations for resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS) in edge-shared copper oxide systems, such as CuGeO3_{3} and Li2_{2}CuO2_{2}, appropriate for hard x-ray scattering where the photoexcited electron lies above oxygen 2p and copper 3d orbital energies. We perform exact diagonalizations of the multi-band Hubbard and determine the energies, orbital character and resonance profiles of excitations which can be probed via RIXS. We find excellent agreement with recent results on Li2_{2}CuO2_{2} and CuGeO3_{3} in the 2-7 eV photon energy loss range.Comment: Updated with new data, expanded 9 pages, 9 figure

    Are there nodes in LaFePO, BaFe2_2(AsP)2_2, and KFe2_2As2_2 ?

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    We reexamined the experimental evidences for the possible existence of the superconducting (SC) gap nodes in the three most suspected Fe-pnictide SC compounds: LaFePO, BaFe2_2(As0.67_{0.67}P0.33_{0.33})2_2, and KFe2_2As2_2. We showed that while the TT-linear temperature dependence of the penetration depth λ(T)\lambda(T) of these three compounds indicate extremely clean nodal gap superconductors, the thermal conductivity data limT,H0κS(H,T)/T\lim_{T,H \rightarrow 0} \kappa_S (H,T)/T unambiguously showed that LaFePO and BaFe2_2(As0.67_{0.67}P0.33_{0.33})2_2 are extremely dirty, while KFe2_2As2_2 can be clean. This apparently conflicting experimental data casts a serious doubt on the nodal gap possibility on LaFePO and BaFe2_2(As0.67_{0.67}P0.33_{0.33})2_2.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures A new section "4. Remark on the quantum oscillation (QO) experiments" is adde

    Quantum response of dephasing open systems

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    We develop a theory of adiabatic response for open systems governed by Lindblad evolutions. The theory determines the dependence of the response coefficients on the dephasing rates and allows for residual dissipation even when the ground state is protected by a spectral gap. We give quantum response a geometric interpretation in terms of Hilbert space projections: For a two level system and, more generally, for systems with suitable functional form of the dephasing, the dissipative and non-dissipative parts of the response are linked to a metric and to a symplectic form. The metric is the Fubini-Study metric and the symplectic form is the adiabatic curvature. When the metric and symplectic structures are compatible the non-dissipative part of the inverse matrix of response coefficients turns out to be immune to dephasing. We give three examples of physical systems whose quantum states induce compatible metric and symplectic structures on control space: The qubit, coherent states and a model of the integer quantum Hall effect.Comment: Article rewritten, two appendices added. 16 pages, 2 figure

    Microwave Conductivity of a High Purity d-wave Superconductor

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    The cusp-like behavior of the microwave conductivity observed in clean ortho-II YB2_{2}Cu3_{3}O6.50_{6.50} at low temperature and low frequency is shown to be related directly to a linear in frequency dependence of the impurity scattering rate with a negligibly small value at zero frequency. In the weak scattering limit, the conductivity decreases linearly with the frequency. In the vortex state, assuming a random (Gaussian) distribution of vortices, we show that the magnetic field profoundly alters the impurity scattering rate, which now acquires a finite zero frequency value. As a consequence, we predict a Drude-like line shape in the microwave conductivity at low frequency.Comment: 3 figure