4,094 research outputs found

    Climate model simulation of winter warming and summer cooling following the 1991 Mount Pinatubo volcanic eruption

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    We simulate climate change for the 2-year period following the eruption of Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines on June 15, 1991, with the ECHAM4 general circulation model (GCM). The model was forced by realistic aerosol spatial-time distributions and spectral radiative characteristics calculated using Stratospheric Aerosol, and Gas Experiment II extinctions and Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite-retrieved effective radii. We calculate statistical ensembles of GCM simulations with and without volcanic aerosols for 2 years after the eruption for three different sea surface temperatures (SSTs): climatological SST, El Nino-type SST of 1991-1993, and La Nina-type SST of 1984-1986. We performed detailed comparisons of calculated fields with observations, We analyzed the atmospheric response to Pinatubo radiative forcing and the ability of the GCM to reproduce it with different SSTs. The temperature of the tropical lower stratosphere increased by 4 K because of aerosol absorption of terrestrial longwave and solar near-infrared radiation. The heating is larger than observed, but that is because in this simulation we did not account for quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO) cooling and the cooling effects of volcanically induced ozone depletion. We estimated that both QBO and ozone depletion decrease the stratospheric temperature by about 2 K. The remaining 2 K stratospheric warming is in good agreement with observations. By comparing the runs with the Pinatubo aerosol forcing with those with no aerosols, we find that the model calculates a general cooling of the global troposphere, but with a clear winter warming pattern of surface air temperature over Northern Hemisphere continents. This pattern is consistent with the observed temperature patterns. The stratospheric heating and tropospheric summer cooling are directly caused by aerosol radiative effects, but the winter warming is indirect, produced by dynamical responses to the enhanced stratospheric latitudinal temperature gradient. The aerosol radiative forcing, stratospheric thermal response, and summer tropospheric cooling do not depend significantly on SST. The stratosphere-troposphere dynamic interactions and tropospheric climate response in winter are sensitive to SST

    Vortex-assisted photon counts and their magnetic field dependence in single-photon detectors

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    We argue that photon counts in a superconducting nanowire single-photon detector (SNSPD) are caused by the transition from a current-biased metastable superconducting state to the normal state. Such a transition is triggered by vortices crossing the thin film superconducting strip from one edge to another due to the Lorentz force. Detector counts in SNSPDs may be caused by three processes: (a) a single incident photon with energy sufficient to break enough Cooper pairs to create a normal-state belt across the entire width of the strip (direct photon count), (b) thermally induced single-vortex crossing in the absence of photons (dark count), which at high bias currents releases the energy sufficient to trigger the transition to the normal state in a belt across the whole width of the strip, and (c) a single incident photon with insufficient energy to create a normal-state belt but initiating a subsequent single-vortex crossing, which provides the rest of the energy needed to create the normal-state belt (vortex-assisted single photon count). We derive the current dependence of the rate of vortex-assisted photon counts. The resulting photon count rate has a plateau at high currents close to the critical current and drops as a power-law with high exponent at lower currents. While the magnetic field perpendicular to the film plane does not affect the formation of hot spots by photons, it causes the rate of vortex crossings (with or without photons) to increase. We show that by applying a magnetic field one may characterize the energy barrier for vortex crossings and identify the origin of dark counts and vortex-assisted photon counts.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures [v3: added extensive discussion of boundary condition of Fokker-Planck equation and magnitude of vortex crossing rate

    Fredholm Determinants and the Statistics of Charge Transport

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    Using operator algebraic methods we show that the moment generating function of charge transport in a system with infinitely many non-interacting Fermions is given by a determinant of a certain operator in the one-particle Hilbert space. The formula is equivalent to a formula of Levitov and Lesovik in the finite dimensional case and may be viewed as its regularized form in general. Our result embodies two tenets often realized in mesoscopic physics, namely, that the transport properties are essentially independent of the length of the leads and of the depth of the Fermi se

    Cu KK-edge Resonant Inelastic X-Ray Scattering in Edge-Sharing Cuprates

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    We present calculations for resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS) in edge-shared copper oxide systems, such as CuGeO3_{3} and Li2_{2}CuO2_{2}, appropriate for hard x-ray scattering where the photoexcited electron lies above oxygen 2p and copper 3d orbital energies. We perform exact diagonalizations of the multi-band Hubbard and determine the energies, orbital character and resonance profiles of excitations which can be probed via RIXS. We find excellent agreement with recent results on Li2_{2}CuO2_{2} and CuGeO3_{3} in the 2-7 eV photon energy loss range.Comment: Updated with new data, expanded 9 pages, 9 figure

    Vortex-induced dissipation in narrow current-biased thin-film superconducting strips

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    A vortex crossing a thin-film superconducting strip from one edge to the other, perpendicular to the bias current, is the dominant mechanism of dissipation for films of thickness d on the order of the coherence length XI; and of width w much narrower than the Pearl length LAMBDA >> w >> XI. At high bias currents, I* < I < Ic, the heat released by the crossing of a single vortex suffices to create a belt-like normal-state region across the strip, resulting in a detectable voltage pulse. Here Ic is the critical current at which the energy barrier vanishes for a single vortex crossing. The belt forms along the vortex path and causes a transition of the entire strip into the normal state. We estimate I* to be roughly Ic/3. Further, we argue that such "hot" vortex crossings are the origin of dark counts in photon detectors, which operate in the regime of metastable superconductivity at currents between I* and Ic. We estimate the rate of vortex crossings and compare it with recent experimental data for dark counts. For currents below I*, i.e., in the stable superconducting but resistive regime, we estimate the amplitude and duration of voltage pulses induced by a single vortex crossing.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    Coherent vibrations of submicron spherical gold shells in a photonic crystal

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    Coherent acoustic radial oscillations of thin spherical gold shells of submicron diameter excited by an ultrashort optical pulse are observed in the form of pronounced modulations of the transient reflectivity on a subnanosecond time scale. Strong acousto-optical coupling in a photonic crystal enhances the modulation of the transient reflectivity up to 4%. The frequency of these oscillations is demonstrated to be in good agreement with Lamb theory of free gold shells.Comment: Error in Eqs.2 and 3 corrected; Tabl. I corrected; Fig.1 revised; a model that explains the dependence of the oscillation amplitude of the transient reflectivity with wavelength adde

    Interlayer Coupling and p-wave Pairing in Strontium Ruthenate

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    On the basis of a three orbital model and an effective attractive interaction between electrons we investigate the possible superconducting states, with pp and ff-wave internal symmetry, of Sr2_2RuO4_4. For an orbital dependent interaction which acts between in plane and out of plane nearest neighbour Ruthenium atoms we find a state for which the gap in the quasi-particle spectra has a line node on the α\alpha and β\beta sheets of the Fermi Surface, but it is complex with no nodes on the γ\gamma-sheet. We show that this state is consistent with all the available experimental data. In particular, we present the results of our calculations of the specific heat and penetration depth as functions of the temperature.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Unconventional Pairing in Heavy Fermion Metals

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    The Fermi-liquid theory of superconductivity is applicable to a broad range of systems that are candidates for unconventional pairing. Fundamental differences between unconventional and conventional anisotropic superconductors are illustrated by the unique effects that impurities have on the low-temperature transport properties of unconventional superconductors. For special classes of unconventional superconductors the low-temperature transport coefficients are {\it universal}, i.e. independent of the impurity concentration and scattering phase shift. The existence of a universal limit depends on the symmetry of the order parameter and is achieved at low temperatures kBT≪γ≪Δ0k_B T \ll \gamma \ll \Delta_0, where γ\gamma is the bandwidth of the impurity induced Andreev bound states. In the case of UPt3_3 thermal conductivity measurements favor an E1gE_{1g} or E2uE_{2u} ground state. Measurements at ultra-low temperatures should distinguish different pairing states.Comment: 8 pages in a LaTex (3.0) file plus 5 Figures in PostScript. To appear in the Proceedings of the XXI International Conference on Low Temperature Physics held in Prague, 8-14 August 199

    Identifying the pairing symmetry in the Sr2RuO4 superconductor

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    We have analyzed heat capacity and thermal conductivity measurements of Sr2RuO4 in the normal and superconducting state and come to the conclusion that an order parameter with nodal lines on the Fermi surface is required to account for the observed low-temperature behavior. A gapped order parameter is inconsistent with the reported thermodynamic and transport data. Guided by a strongly peaked dynamical susceptibility along the diagonals of the Brillouin zone in neutron scattering data, we suggest a spin-fluctuation mechanism that would favor the pairing state with the gap maxima along the zone diagonals (such as for a d_{xy} gap). The most plausible candidates are an odd parity, spin-triplet, f-wave pairing state, or an even parity, spin-singlet, d-wave state. Based on our analysis of possible pairing functions we propose measurements of the ultrasound attenuation and thermal conductivity in the magnetic field to further constrain the list of possible pairing states.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures; updated list of references and extended introduction; to appear in Phys. Rev. B (Oct. 2000
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