54 research outputs found

    Основные направления снижения себестоимости продукции предприятия (на примере ООО «Фалько»)

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    Целью работы является разработка основных направлений снижения себестоимости продукции предприятия ООО "Фалько". В процессе исследования проводились расчеты себестоимости продукции, расчеты затрат на производство. В результате исследования предложена автоматизация производства для уменьшения себестоимости и увеличения объемов.Tsel'yu raboty yavlyayetsya razrabotka osnovnykh napravleniy snizheniya sebestoimosti produktsii predpriyatiya OOO "Fal'ko". V protsesse issledovaniya provodilis' raschety sebestoimosti produktsii, raschety zatrat na proizvodstvo. V rezul'tate issledovaniya predlozhena avtomatizatsiya proizvodstva dlya umen'sheniya sebestoimosti i uvelicheniya ob"yemov

    Fire as an evolutionary pressure shaping plant traits

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    6 páginas, 2 figuras, 1 cuadro.Traits, such as resprouting, serotiny and germination by heat and smoke, are adaptive in fire-prone environments. However, plants are not adapted to fire per se but to fire regimes. Species can be threatened when humans alter the regime, often by increasing or decreasing fire frequency. Fire-adaptive traits are potentially the result of different evolutionary pathways. Distinguishing between traits that are adaptations originating in response to fire or exaptations originating in response to other factors might not always be possible. However,fire has been a factor throughout the history of landplant evolution and is not strictly a Neogene phenomenon. Mesozoic fossils show evidence of fire-adaptive traits and, in some lineages, these might have persisted to the present as fire adaptations.JGP acknowledges VIRRA (CGL2009-12048/BOS)support from the Spanish Government. Any use of trade, product, or firm names in this publication is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the US Government.Peer reviewe

    Towards believable and educational conversations with virtual patients

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    Virtual Reality (VR) technology allows the design and application of realistic but adaptive learning environments in medical education. In particular, virtual patient systems have logistical and methodological advantages compared to non-computerized interventions. However, evidence for their effectiveness is fragmented as any educational domain introduces its requirements regarding learning goals, measurements of learning outcomes, and application design. In this context, we present preliminary results of evaluating a VR training application for conducting a clinical interview to diagnose mental disorders in children and adolescents using virtual patients. The evaluation focuses on design elements related to the virtual patient’s appearance and natural language capabilities. Our results indicate that our virtual patient design is highly believable and that our dialog system is satisfying. However, conversational flow requires optimization. We discuss design directions and potential enhancements for learner-virtual patient interactions in VR and address future operations to evaluate the effectiveness of our approach

    Synthesis of mono and multidomain YIG particles by chemical coprecipitation or ceramic procedure

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    4 páginas, 3 figuras.Yttrium iron garnet powders have been synthesized by chemical coprecipitation using two different precursors, nitrates and chlorides, and by an oxides mixture route. It is shown that depending on the precursors and synthesis conditions used pure yttrium iron garnet powders can be obtained with a mono or multidomain magnetic behaviour. The yttrium iron garnet crystalline structure, as studied by Raman spectroscopy, was already formed after calcination at temperatures as low as 800 °C when the nitrate precursors were used. However, calcination temperatures of up to 1100 °C were required to obtain yttrium iron garnet powders when the precursors were chlorides or when the oxides mixture route was chosen. The saturation magnetization of the powders correlates well with the structural characterization: when nitrate precursors were used, the saturation magnetization was already close to the bulk value, 26.8 emu/cm3, after calcination at 800 °C. However, the saturation magnetization of the powders obtained by the chlorides and oxides mixture routes was close to zero up to calcination temperatures of 1100 °C. Finally, both the chlorides and the oxides mixture routes yield multidomain micron sized yttrium iron garnet powders, whereas the nitrates route led to monodomain submicron sized powders.The authors want to acknowledge the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science and UE for funding through project MAT2009-14534-C03-03. One of us, L. Fernandez-Garcia, wants to acknowledge JAE program for PhD grant.Peer reviewe

    Стартап мобильного приложения «My unique places» для регионального туризма и отдыха

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    Актуальность работы заключается в том, что популярность самостоятельного туризма растет, государство активно поддерживает не только социальные, но и коммерческие проекты, связанные с развитием регионального туризма, происходит цифровизация туристических услуг. Все это позволяет активно коммерциализировать цифровые продукты в области самостоятельного туризма внутри регионов. Объектом исследования является мобильное приложение для регионального туризма и отдыха. Предметом исследования является процесс коммерциализации данного мобильного приложения. Цель выпускной квалификационной работы – разработка стартап-проекта мобильного приложения для самостоятельного туризма внутри региона.The relevance of the work is that the popularity of independent tourism is growing, the goverment actively supports not only social, but also commercial projects related to the development of regional tourism, there is a digitalization of tourist services. All this makes it possible to actively commercialize digital products in the field of independent tourism within the regions. The object of the study is a mobile application for regional tourism and recreation. The subject of the study is the process of commercialization of this mobile application. The purpose of the final qualification work is to develop a startup project of a mobile application for self-tourism within the region

    Microcirculation After Trochanteric Femur Fractures: A Prospective Cohort Study Using Non-invasive Laser-Doppler Spectrophotometry

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    Proximal femur fractures represent a major healthcare problem in the aging society. High rates of post-operative infections are linked to risk factors that seem to affect local microcirculation. Patterns and time courses of alterations in microcirculation have, however, not been previously investigated. The aim of this prospective cohort study was to evaluate perioperative changes in microcirculation after trochanteric femur fractures using non-invasive laser-Doppler spectrophotometry to analyze how oxygen saturation (SO2), hemoglobin content (Hb) and blood flow changed before and after surgery, and how these parameters were altered by implant type, gender, smoking, diabetes and age. Measurements were separately recorded for nine locations around the greater trochanter in 2, 8, and 15 mm depths, before surgery and 8, 24, 48 h, 4, 7, and 12 days after surgery in 48 patients. Three implants were compared: Dynamic Hip Screw, Gamma3 Nail, and Percutaneous Compression Plate. Surgery resulted in significant differences between the healthy and injured leg in SO2, Hb and flow. Each parameter showed comparable values for both legs prior to surgery. Significantly higher values in SO2 and flow were registered in women compared to men before and after surgery. Smoking caused significant increases in SO2, Hb, and flow only in the superficial layer of the skin after surgery. Diabetes decreased blood flow at 2 and 8 mm depth and increased SO2 at 8 and 15 mm depth after surgery. Age revealed a significant negative correlation with flow. The ability to increase the flow rate after surgery decreased with age. Comparison of implants indicated the minimally invasive implant PCCP altered microcirculation less than the DHS or the Gamma3 nail. Overall, the proximal femur fracture alone did not alter local skin microcirculation significantly in a way comparable to the effect caused by surgery. In conclusion, microcirculation after proximal femur fractures is highly affected by surgery, gender, smoking, diabetes, age and implant in ways specified in this study

    Das DHS-Prinzip in der Versorgung proximaler Humerusfrakturen

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    BACKGROUND: Despite the use of angular stable implants for proximal humeral fractures a lot of problems remain unsolved such as cutting out of screws, secondary displacement of the greater tubercle and the aim to minimize operative morbidity. This study analyses whether a plate using the DHS principle (H-DHS plate) may overcome these shortcomings. METHODS: In Phase A 8 intact enbalmed human cadaver shoulders received plate fixation in a minimally invasive technique. Humeri were then dissected by an independent examiner and the course of the axillary and radial nerve in relation to the implant were displayed. In Phase B a Neer IV/3 fracture was created with a 5 mm osteotomy gap simulating metaphyseal comminution. Limbs were randomly assigned to receive H-DHS plate fixation and on the contralateral limb Philos plate fixation before biomechanical evaluation (MTS-Bionix 858.2). FINDINGS: Submuscular positioning of the plate did not cause any damage to the axillary nerve, joint capsule or rotator cuff. With a mean stiffness of 300.9 +/- 28.8N/mm the H-DHS plate proved to be significantly stiffer than the Philos plate (184.2 +/- 23.4 N/mm; p=0.006). The H-DHS plate also resisted higher loads in terms of fixation failure with loss of reduction at 290 +/- 58.6N in comparison to 205 +/-8.6N for the Philos plate (p=0.2). Displacement of the greater tubercle occured in no case of the H-DHS group and in two out of four cases in the Philos group. INTERPRETATION: The H-DHS plate can be savely inserted in a minimally invasive technique and provides a high fixation stability in an in vitro humeral head fracture model

    Das DHS-Prinzip in der Versorgung proximaler Humerusfrakturen

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    BACKGROUND: Despite the use of angular stable implants for proximal humeral fractures a lot of problems remain unsolved such as cutting out of screws, secondary displacement of the greater tubercle and the aim to minimize operative morbidity. This study analyses whether a plate using the DHS principle (H-DHS plate) may overcome these shortcomings. METHODS: In Phase A 8 intact enbalmed human cadaver shoulders received plate fixation in a minimally invasive technique. Humeri were then dissected by an independent examiner and the course of the axillary and radial nerve in relation to the implant were displayed. In Phase B a Neer IV/3 fracture was created with a 5 mm osteotomy gap simulating metaphyseal comminution. Limbs were randomly assigned to receive H-DHS plate fixation and on the contralateral limb Philos plate fixation before biomechanical evaluation (MTS-Bionix 858.2). FINDINGS: Submuscular positioning of the plate did not cause any damage to the axillary nerve, joint capsule or rotator cuff. With a mean stiffness of 300.9 +/- 28.8N/mm the H-DHS plate proved to be significantly stiffer than the Philos plate (184.2 +/- 23.4 N/mm; p=0.006). The H-DHS plate also resisted higher loads in terms of fixation failure with loss of reduction at 290 +/- 58.6N in comparison to 205 +/-8.6N for the Philos plate (p=0.2). Displacement of the greater tubercle occured in no case of the H-DHS group and in two out of four cases in the Philos group. INTERPRETATION: The H-DHS plate can be savely inserted in a minimally invasive technique and provides a high fixation stability in an in vitro humeral head fracture model