532 research outputs found

    Influence of Phase Diffuser Dynamics on Scintillations of Laser Radiation in Earth Atmosphere: Long-Distance Propagation

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    The effect of a random phase diffuser on fluctuations of laser light (scintillations) is studied. Not only spatial but also temporal phase variations introduced by the phase diffuser are analyzed. The explicit dependence of the scintillation index on finite-time phase variations is obtained for long propagation paths. It is shown that for large amplitudes of phase fluctuations, a finite-time effect decreases the ability of phase diffuser to suppress the scintillations.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figure


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    We propose here an HDR compression method for medical images based on a windowing operator, an adaptive tone mapping operator, and the probabilistic normal-gamma model. First, we use the windowing operator based on a structural fidelity measure for optimal visualization of the input HDR medical image. Then, we transform the windowed image to the logarithm domain and split it into base and detail layers with the help of the probabilistic normal-gamma model. Base and detail layers are used to make the tone map with help the adaptive tone mapping operator. Finally, the tone mapping result is the LDR image. The proposed method has comparable quality and low computation time compared to other tone mapping operators

    Mechanisms of Damaging Bacteria during Lyophilization and Protective Activity of Shielding Media

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    Considered are the current views on the mechanisms and factors of bacterial cell degradation during lyophilization and storage of dry preparations. Given are the data on the most effective lyo-rotectors and mechanisms of their shielding action. Lyophilization or sublimation from the frozen state is the basic method of bacteria preservation in culture collections and biological resource centers. In the process of lyophilization cells are exposed to damaging stress factors. Low temperatures, water crystallization, osmotic process, pH alterations, and dehydration affect cell cultures and molecules. Oxidative reactions, running in dry cell preparations, change the composition and structure of lipids, proteins, nucleic acids, and, thereby reduce the number of living cells during the storage. One of the key factors that influences bacterial viability after lyophilization and storage is the composition of shielding medium, with which the cells are mixed up before conservation. Utilization of protective media, containing carbohydrates, amino acids, restored milk, gelatin and other components, decreases the probability of cell elements damaging and extends the assured storage life

    Protective Effect of Meso-Tetrakis-(3,5-di-tert-butyl-4-hydroxyphenyl)porphyrin on the In Vivo Impact of Trimethyltin Chloride on the Antioxidative Defense System

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    The in vivo effect of trimethyltin chloride (Me(3)SnCl), free base meso-tetrakis(3,5-di-tert-butyl-4-hydroxyphenyl)porphyrin (R′(4)PH(2)) and their equimolar mixture, on the enzymatic activity of catalase (CAT), superoxide dismutase (SOD), and on the total content of free sulfhydryl groups has been studied in rat liver and kidney. It was demonstrated that the simultaneous treatment of tested animals with the combination of Me(3)SnCl and R′(4)PH(2) reduced the toxic impact of Me(3)SnCl

    Трансформация правового регулирования налоговых отношений в условиях цифровой экономики

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    The subject. The modern world is constantly changing, which makes it necessary to update the means and methods of legal regulation of public relations. Moreover, these relations themselves are changing, new areas of public relations are emerging, for which it is necessary to create a legal framework. The sphere of financial and legal regulation is no exception. The most important issue, which has been on the agenda of the international community for several years, is the development of the digital economy. The legal realities of digitalization largely determine what place the Russian economy will occupy in the emerging global digital market. It is necessary to develop a comprehensive legal concept that allows ensuring compliance with the fiscal interests of the state in the context of digital transformation. In this regard, the transformation of tax relations and their legal regulation is particularly important.Purpose of the study. The article is devoted to the transformation of the legal regulation of tax relations in the digital economy. In order for Russian financial and legal regulation to contribute to an effective response to the challenges posed by digitalization, it is necessary to develop a comprehensive legal concept that allows ensuring compliance with the fiscal interests of the state in the context of digital transformation. In this regard, the transformation of tax relations and their legal regulation is of particular importance.Methodology. The research was carried out with the application of the formally legal interpretation of legal acts as well as the comparative analysis of Russian and European legal literature. Structural and systemic methods are also the basis of the research. The main results. The necessity to develop legal solutions in the field of taxation of the digital economy is determined by the focus on legal support for the stability of financial and legal regulation and the principle of certainty of taxation. In these circumstances, it is important to implement the control function of financial law. The need to ensure compliance with the fiscal interests of the state, both at present and in the long term, requires the transformation of essential approaches to the legal regulation of the system of taxes and fees, the principles and elements of taxation, tax administration and tax control. In this regard, it is proposed to provide for special rules for calculating and paying income tax on foreign digital companies and, in parallel, to expand tax incentives for Russian companies.Сonclusions. The authors come to the conclusion that the actual scientific task is to develop a methodological position on the directions of reforming the national tax legislation and the international tax doctrine of the Russian Federation in the context of the digital transformation of public relations. According to the results of the study, it is concluded that it is necessary to ensure compliance with the fiscal interests of the state. This requires the transformation of essential approaches to the legal regulation of tax relations, both in the context of determining the appropriate legal forms for regulating the tax base levied in Russia in the context of the emerging digital economy, and for influencing international tax policy in order to use all the advantages provided by international tax cooperation and neutralize the threats caused by international tax competition.Рассматривается трансформация правового регулирования налоговых отношений в условиях цифровой экономики. Актуальной научной задачей объявляется выработка методологической позиции относительно направлений реформирования национального налогового законодательства и международной налоговой доктрины Российской Федерации в условиях цифровой трансформации общественных отношений. По итогам исследования делается вывод о необходимости обеспечения соблюдения фискальных интересов государства, что требует трансформации сущностных подходов к правовому регулированию налоговых отношений как в контексте определения надлежащих правовых форм для регламентации налоговой базы, облагаемой в России, в условиях формирующегося цифрового уклада экономики, так и для воздействия на международную налоговую политику с целью использования всех преимуществ, предоставляемых международной налоговой кооперацией, и нейтрализации угроз, вызываемых международной налоговой конкуренцией. В этой связи предлагается предусмотреть специальные правила исчисления и уплаты налога на прибыль иностранных цифровых компаний и параллельно расширять меры налогового стимулирования российских компаний

    Principles of Formation of Collection Funds of Microorganism Strains

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    The aim of the review was to consider the principles and criteria for the formation of funds of service microbiological collections and the specialized State collection of pathogenic bacteria (SCPB) at the RusRAPI “Microbe”. The rapid pace of characterization, study, and use of microbial diversity makes the development of criteria for the selection of microorganisms for permanent storage in collections particularly relevant. The number and format of these criteria are determined by the tasks the collection centers of different levels and specialization are facing. Service collections form their funds by depositing or acquiring type, reference, educational strains. In recent years, the practicability of expanding the range of strains, the deposition of which is desirable in service collections, has been recognized. These are strains characterized by phylogenetic, genomic, metabolic, ecological uniqueness; with a fully sequenced genome; known and emerging plant, animal and human pathogens that caused disease outbreaks; used in international research projects; having biotechnological and economic significance. The main task of the SCPB as a specialized state collection of pathogenic bacteria of groups I–II is to preserve strains characterizing the intraspecific diversity and populations of pathogens circulating in natural foci or in certain territories of the Russian Federation, isolated during epizootics, local or epidemic outbreaks. The selection criteria for strains for permanent storage are their ecological, phenotypic, and genetic peculiarities. The preservation of such a collection is important for future research using new technologies and tracking the evolution of pathogenic bacteria – causative agents of particularly dangerous infectious diseases


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    A molecular-dynamic simulation of sintering of (U,Pu)O2 nanocrystals with parallelization of the computations on the graphics processing units of the CUDA architecture was carried out. Based on the temperature dependence of the energy of the system, the dependence of the sintering rate on the mutual orientation of the nanocrystals, the ratio of the cations of uranium and plutonium, and the temperature were obtained.Исследование выполнено при финансовой поддержке РФФИ в рамках научного проекта №16-52-48008 ИНД_оми