859 research outputs found
Tourism in Šibenik area
U radu se analiziraju faktori razvoja turizma – prirodni i društveni atrakcijski faktori, komunikacijski faktori te receptivni faktori šibenskog priobalnog područja s naglaskom na Šibenik, Vodice i Primošten. Rad sadrži i osvrt na dosadašnji turistički razvoj područja te se razmatraju suvremeni trendovi kroz statističke i druge pokazatelje. Osim toga, rad ukazuje na probleme trenutačne turističke ponude i prijedlog budućeg turističkog razvoja.The paper analyses multiple factors of tourist development including natural and social attraction factors, communication factors and receptive factors of the wider coastal area of Šibenik including Šibenik, Vodice and Primošten. It also includes a review of past tourist development of the area and contemporary trends using statistical and other indicators. Lastly, the paper adresses current problems of the areas' tourist offer and an proposes a plan of future development
Unbalanced case and the syntax of coordination
Coordinate structures seem to display a mix of both asymmetric and symmetric properties. As a result, individual theories of the syntax of coordination roughly divide into two classes: those that argue for an asymmetric syntax and those that adopt a symmetric syntax. This paper investigates an apparently asymmetric property of coordination, unbalanced case, where not all conjuncts in a coordinate structure realize the same case. I examine data from Bosnian/Croatian/ Serbian which provide evidence of a first-conjunct effect, where the acceptability of an example depends on the ability of the first conjunct to realize the case licensed on the coordinate structure. Despite this case asymmetry, I show that the data are compatible with theories that argue for symmetric syntax, which have gained traction in recent work. The proposed analysis relies on a theory of concord as realization and a postsyntactic condition on case adjacency
Two representations of case: Evidence from numerals and relatives
This paper highlights a fundamental tension between the representations required for case syncretism versus the representations required for case priority. Case syncretism is captured with a feature decomposition based on the patterns established in Caha 2009. However, a different decomposition is required for case priority relations, which are instantiated in Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian (BCS) numeral constructions and in BCS and German relative constructions. The paper proposes that this conflict can be resolved by introducing two levels of representation into the case system: priority is determined by set structures in the syntax, while syncretism is analyzed following a post-syntactic unification operation
Maximizing the concord domain: Concord as spellout in Slavic
Nominal concord constitutes the primary focus of this thesis. Although concord
bears some resemblance to agreement in the sense that both involve feature sharing,
I argue that the two are distinct. Following work by Norris (2014), this thesis takes
concord to result from the spellout of features from dominating nodes on available
terminals. Extending Norris’s analysis, I emphasize the importance of domain
maximization in derivations of concord. The system achieves domain maximization
by percolating features as high as possible in the syntax and realizing them as low
as possible in concord, according to locality. This approach to concord arguably
provides a more straightforward analysis than previous analyses that attempt to
unify concord and agreement, as these often require unnecessary complications to
accommodate concord phenomena.
In addition to providing a simpler account of general concord, this approach offers
a novel analysis of Slavic numeral constructions, such as ‘those five new students.’
For decades, numeral constructions have posed difficulties for those who have
taken up the challenge to investigate them, but there is, as yet, no widely accepted
analysis. This thesis compares five concord patterns across Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian,
Polish, and Russian and proposes a cohesive account.
While investigating these patterns, the thesis also offers insight into the application
of impoverishment and its representation, along with the impact of the
numeral’s categorial status on the outcome of the derivation. I show that both play
a role in domain maximization and language variation. Impoverishment allows for
lower extension of the concord domain, whereas the semi-lexicality of the numeral
and its associated feature specification can allow higher percolation than usual,
which ultimately results in upward extension of the concord domain.
The system developed in this thesis supports the distinction between concord
and agreement and provides additional insight into the movement of features
within the nominal domain as well as the interaction of processes at the interfaces
Recidiv pleomorfnog adenoma od dječje do odrasle dobi: prikaz slučaja
Pleomorphic adenoma is rarely seen in childhood. After detailed literature search, we did not come across a case of frequent relapse of this benign tumor from childhood to adulthood. The World Health Organization defines relapse of pleomorphic adenoma as a histologically benign tumor that can have local or distant metastasis. There is one hypothesis how benign tumor can metastasize. According to this hypothesis, probably during the first operative procedure the tissue around the tumor becomes permeable for tumor cells, which can lead to implantation of tumor cells into the surrounding tissue. In this case report, we present a case of a 30-year-old woman with pleomorphic adenoma of the submandibular gland, which relapsed three times. The patient was first operated on in 1993, at the age of 7 years. The first two relapses occurred in 1998 and 2001, at the age of 12 and 15, respectively. The last relapse occurred in 2015, at the age of 29 years. All relapses were localized in the submandibular region on the right side of the neck, where the primary tumor had been operated on.S. Grabovac, Đ. Grabovac, Z. Puharić i V. Malčić Dalipi
Pleomorfni adenom u dječjoj dobi je rijedak. Pojavu višekratnih recidiva, inače dobroćudnog tumora, od dječje do odrasle dobi nismo našli opisanu u svjetskoj literaturi. Svjetska zdravstvena organizacija definira recidiv pleomorfnog adenoma kao histološki dobroćudan tumor koji može dati lokalne ili udaljene metastaze. Jedna od hipoteza zašto histološki dobroćudan tumor daje metastaze je da pri prvoj operaciji okolno tkivo postane propusno za tumorske stanice, pri čemu dolazi do implantacije tumora u okolno tkivo. U radu smo opisali slučaj 30-godišnje žene kod koje je pleomorfni adenom submandibularne žlijezde slinovnice recidivirao tri puta. Prvi puta je operirana 1993. u dobi od 7 godina. Recidivi tumora javili su se 1998. i 2001. u dobi od 12 i 15 godina. Posljednji recidiv javio se 2015. godine kada je imala 29 godina. Svi recidivi bili su u submandibularnoj regiji desne strane vrata gdje je bio operiran primarni tumor submandibularne žlijezde slinovnice
Emotional activation measured using the emotional Stroop task in early Hungarian-Serbian bilinguals from Serbia
The primary goal of this research was to examine the processing of emotionally valenced and neutral words in the context of bilingualism. The objective was to find out, using an experimental measure of automatic emotional activation, if there were differences in response time in the first and the second language, Hungarian and Serbian respectively. The sample consisted of early Hungarian-Serbian bilinguals, assimilated into the Serbian majority culture.The emotional Stroop task is an experimental paradigm, which has been adapted to measure bilingual population in the past few years. The emotional Stroop interference could be counted from response time latencies, which is usually an effect showing longer responses to negative vs. neutral information.Hungarian and Serbian negatively, positively and neutrally valenced words were used in the research. Our hypothesis was that there would be a similar emotional activation in the first and the second language and that negative words would be processed the longest.The result of the research was a significant main effect of word type, where the negative information captured the attention for a longer period of time than the neutral one. A similar pattern of word processing showed in both languages, there were no significant differences between Hungarian and Serbian reaction times and the interaction between word type and language was not significant. The results suggested that early Hungarian-Serbian bilinguals were equally effective and fast in monitoring emotional information in both of their languages, giving emphasis through more elaborative processing to the threatening stimuli
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