81 research outputs found

    Selective inhibition of T suppressor-cell function by a monosaccharide

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    Interactions between regulatory T lymphocytes and other cells are assumed to occur at the level of the cell surface. T cells which suppress the generation of specifically effector cells have been described as having antigenic, idiotypic, allotypic and I-region specificity1−4. Other T suppressor cells generated by in vitro cultivation with or without mitogenic stimulation5,6 have suppressive activity for T and B cells but no specificity can be assigned to them. These T suppressor cells (Ts) inhibit various lymphoid functions—this either reflects their polyclonal origin or indicates that the structures recognized by the Ts receptors must be common for many cell types. Carbohydrates on cell membrane-inserted glycoproteins or glycolipids might function as specific ligands for recognition by cellular receptors or soluble factors. Almost all cell-surface proteins of mammalian cells are glycosylated. There is evidence for lectin-like carbohydrate binding proteins not only in plants7 but also in toxins8, viruses9, prokaryotic cells10 and even mammalian cells, including T cells11. A functional role for these lectin-like proteins has been described for slime moulds and suggested for the selective association of embryonic cells12,13. We report here that addition of a monosaccharide can counteract the effect of T suppressor cells during the generation of alloreactive cytotoxic T cells (CTLs) in vitro

    Capital Control Reconsidered: Financialisation and Economic Policy

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    We consider capital controls and their impact on selected countries, providing a critique of IMF policy. We show how the warning signs of the 1970s were ignored and the consequences became apparent during the ensuing period of neoliberal hegemony. We contend that promoting increased capital mobility is counterproductive as it reduces macroeconomic ‘policy space’. We introduce a development of the international policy ‘trilemma’ in the form of a variant of the idea of the ‘quadrilemma’. We suggest that, in most cases, the key policy driving economic growth is fiscal policy but it may be that its unconstrained use (and that of monetary policy) is not possible either under fixed exchange rates or when free capital mobility exists; a nation may face a ‘demi-quadrilemma’. We contend that, in practice, a country can only adopt ‘two from four’; if it chooses to retain free use of monetary and fiscal policy, it must sacrifice both fixed exchange rates and capital mobility. We advocate the rejection of fixed exchange rates and free capital mobility allowing the retention of requisite monetary and fiscal policy space, and that a multinational approach to the capital control policy would effectively contribute to a growth and development strategy

    CXCL12-Mediated Guidance of Migrating Embryonic Stem Cell-Derived Neural Progenitors Transplanted into the Hippocampus

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    Stem cell therapies for neurodegenerative disorders require accurate delivery of the transplanted cells to the sites of damage. Numerous studies have established that fluid injections to the hippocampus can induce lesions in the dentate gyrus (DG) that lead to cell death within the upper blade. Using a mouse model of temporal lobe epilepsy, we previously observed that embryonic stem cell-derived neural progenitors (ESNPs) survive and differentiate within the granule cell layer after stereotaxic delivery to the DG, replacing the endogenous cells of the upper blade. To investigate the mechanisms for ESNP migration and repair in the DG, we examined the role of the chemokine CXCL12 in mice subjected to kainic acid-induced seizures. We now show that ESNPs transplanted into the DG show extensive migration through the upper blade, along the septotemporal axis of the hippocampus. Seizures upregulate CXCL12 and infusion of the CXCR4 antagonist AMD3100 by osmotic minipump attenuated ESNP migration. We also demonstrate that seizures promote the differentiation of transplanted ESNPs toward neuronal rather than astrocyte fates. These findings suggest that ESNPs transplanted into the adult rodent hippocampus migrate in response to cytokine-mediated signals


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    This Article demonstrates that merit selection is functioning commendably in Arizona and, for the most part, provides the public with a judicial selection process far more informative and generally superior to “traditional elections.” Part I of this Article sketches the history of Arizona’s merit selection of judges and its previous state-wide judicial election system. Part II discusses and analyzes attacks on merit selection and, in addition, assesses the effect of the Judicial Performance Review program initiated in 1992 to enhance the efficacy of the merit selection system. Finally, Part III describes the current status of merit selection in Arizona and offers some fresh perspectives on the value of merit selection, with suggestions to assure its preservation in Arizona and its implementation elsewhere. The Article concludes that merit selection, while not a perfect system, is operating commendably and has significant advantages over a system of traditional, partisan or non-partisan elections

    Solidification Modeling of a Spiral Casting to Determine Material Fluidity by DISTRIBUTION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS UNLIMITED Solidification Modeling of a Spiral Casting to Determine Material Fluidity

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    Abstract In casting, fluidity is the measure of the distance a metal can flow in a channel before being stopped by solidification. During mold filling, the metal loses heat to the surrounding mold, thereby cooling and becoming more viscous until the leading portion solidifies and no further flow is possible. A coupled heat-transfer and fluid-flow modeling of a spiral, involving the use of thermophysical properties to determine material fluidity, has been conducted. Fluidity experiments were performed by Caterpillar; several spiral test castings were poured. Simulations of these experiments utilized the Casting Process Simulator (CaPS) software developed at Argonne National Laboratory. Two types of spiral geometries with different assumptions were considered: (1) a two-dimensional laterally stretched spiral and (2) a three-dimensional lateral spiral. The computed extent of mold filling is in good agreement with the experimental results. Time required by the metal/gas interface to attain specific positions in the spiral arm also compares favorably with the experimental results. 'The influence of process variables, especially pour time, is discussed. The CaPS software has been used as a computational tool to investigate the validity of the dimensionality assumptions and to evaluate the ability of CaPS to model fluidity adequately. iii Content