58 research outputs found

    Theatre and Drama of Socialist Realism in the Context of Cryptotexts (Based on MKiS and WUKPPiW Material)

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    The main goal of the article is to offer a description of cryptotexts of theatre staging handbooks and dramatic works created in Poland during the socialist realism period. A cryptotext is a secret text which is the result of a purposeful act of subterfuge. In the article, I present selected cryptotexts – reviews produced in the Ministry of Culture and Art (MKiS) and censorship reviews of the dramatic works submitted for evaluation to the Voivodship Control Bureau for Press, Main Office of Control of Press, Publications and Shows (WUKPPiW). The archives contain evaluation of works which have been published in subsequent years as well as those which remained only in their draft form. Analysis of the evaluations of ministry officials reveal the mechanisms for allowing and withholding submitted dramatic works and a theatre staging handbook which shows the practices of publishing theatrical works. An analysis of different evaluations of the same text allows for a hypothesis that the main aim of cryptotexts was the evaluation of ideological correctness of submitted works. Despite this main function it is possible to point out specific passages in the statements by the WUKPPiW officials which are similar to statements of Ministry officials. In both cases the evaluation pertains to the content and the planned fulfilment of the work and plays mainly a didactic function

    Prawo strony do przeniesienia do rejestru stanu cywilnego małżeństwa jednopłciowego – uwagi na tle orzecznictwa Europejskiego Trybunału Praw Człowieka w Strasburgu

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    According to the Polish regulations, a person, who entered into marriage abroad, may request that it be transcribed – i.e. revealed in the Polish civil status records. Nevertheless such a transcription may not be demanded by all those, who entered into marriage abroad, even if all of the foreign legal requirements of marriage were realized. Among others, it is impossible to transcribe to the Polish civil status records a gay marriage, concluded abroad. In the present article, the author will attempt to answer, whether current Polish legal regulations, according to which a marriage successfully concluded abroad, does not enjoy any legal recognition, and by extension – protection, complies with the minimal standards of human right protection, as envisaged by the European Convention on Human Rights and jurisprudence of European Court of Human Rights in Strasburg.Zgodnie z polskim prawem, osoba, która za granicą zawarła związek małżeński, może domagać się jego transkrypcji - tj. przeniesienia do rejestru stanu cywilnego. To uprawnienie nie przysługuje jednak wszystkim osobom, które zawarły związek małżeński zgodnie z prawem obowiązującym za granicą. Niemożliwym w Polsce jest, między innymi, przeniesienie do polskiego rejestru aktów stanu cywilnego, małżeństwa homoseksualnego zawartego w innym kraju. W niniejszym artykule autor postara się odpowiedzieć na pytanie, czy stan prawny, gdzie małżeństwo skutecznie zawarte poza granicami Polski, w Polsce nie podlega prawnemu uznaniu, a w konsekwencji nie podlega żadnej ochronie prawnej, jest zgodny z minimalnymi standardami ochrony praw człowieka wytyczanymi Europejską Konwencją o Ochronie Praw Człowieka oraz orzecznictwem Europejskiego Trybunału Praw Człowieka w Strasburgu

    Powojenna literatura polska i inne teksty kultury w świetle biuletynów Głównego Urzędu Kontroli Prasy, Publikacji i Widowisk z lat 1945–1956

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    W rozprawie doktorskiej przedstawiłam obraz powojennej literatury polskiej, jaki wyłania się z poufnych biuletynów urzędu cenzury. Analizowałam numery powstałe na przestrzeni jedenastu lat, między 1945 a 1956 r. Interesowały mnie przede wszystkim kwestie związane z literaturą i życiem literackim. Każdy rozdział poświęciłam odrębnemu zagadnieniu, jednak zawsze omawiałam materiał w kontekście sytuacji polityczno-kulturalnej, w jakiej powstał. W części pierwszej zatytułowanej "W poszukiwaniu definicji – czym były poufne biuletyny urzędu cenzury? Charakterystyka materiału źródłowego", przedstawiłam podstawowe informacje na temat biuletynów – cele, jakie stawiano poradnikom, ich budowę oraz charakter prezentowanego w nich materiału. Celem części drugiej pt. "Literatura oraz bieżące zjawiska literackie" była rekonstrukcja obrazu życia literackiego, jaki prezentowano w biuletynach. Interesowało mnie to, w jaki sposób omawiano piśmiennictwo, które powstawało już w powojennych warunkach geopolitycznych. Czy znajdziemy w periodykach dobrze rozpoznane strategie, jakimi „Mysia” starała się autora wychować lub wyeliminować? Czy kolejne numery pisma odzwierciedlały zmiany, jakim podlegało literackie powojnie? Na ile pisarstwo współczesne stanowiło ważny segment biuletynowych rozważań? W centrum moich zainteresowań znalazła się literatura, jednak w części trzeciej omówiłam zwięźle "Inne zjawiska kultury. Film, teatr i widowiska, radio, gry planszowe". Ciekawym przykładem na totalność PRL-owskiej cenzury jest zatrzymanie gry pt. Przygody w dżungli – planszówka została oceniona zgodnie z ówczesnymi oczekiwaniami niwelowania perspektywy kolonialnej. Na koniec głównych rozważań oddałam głos cenzorom, realizującym się na polu twórczości artystycznej – w części zatytułowanej "Przed właściwym podsumowaniem… Czyli cenzor jako artysta. Twórczość literacka funkcjonariuszy „Mysiej i okolic” przytoczyłam „dowody” na literackie zacięcie funkcjonariuszy, którzy ćwiczyli się nie tylko w trudnej sztuce kontrolowania innych, ale także w niełatwej, jak się okazuje, sztuce tworzenia własnych utworów literackich. W Podsumowaniu zsyntetyzowałam wyniki obserwacji dotyczące tego, w jaki sposób literatura (i inne dziedziny sztuki) były prezentowane na łamach tworzonych w latach 1945–1956 poufnych biuletynów dla cenzorów. Analiza materiału archiwalnego pozwoliła wysunąć wniosek, że poradniki pełniły przede wszystkim rolę normatywną, wskazując, jakie należało stosować kryteria oceniania aktualnych wydarzeń i zjawisk kultury. Dlatego też w piśmie dominowały bieżące problemy życia literackiego i kulturalnego kraju.Praca powstała jako część projektu grantowego pt. "Powojenna literatura polska w świetle kryptotekstów (na podstawie biuletynów Głównego Urzędu Kontroli Prasy, Publikacji i Widowisk z lat 1945–1956)", finansowanego przez Narodowe Centrum Nauki (Preludium 12, UMO-2016/23/N/HS2/01798, okres realizacji 2017–2020, kierownik: Anna Wiśniewska-Grabarczyk)

    Comparison of the profiles of non-glycosylated triterpenoids from leaves of plants of selected species of genus Dioscorea

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    Remarkable qualitative and quantitative differences in non-glycosylated triterpenoid profiles of twelve Dioscorea spp. leaves were demonstrated with the use of GC-MS/FID analysis. The total content of tetracyclic triterpenoids and their esters ranged from 397 μg/g of dry leaf weight in D. bulbifera to 762 μg/g d.w. in D. discolor and 777 μg/g d.w in D. alata. Three main phytosterols, i.e. campesterol (1), sitosterol (2) and stigmasterol (3) were found in extracts from all analyzed species in total amount ranging from 316 μg/g in D. bulbifera to 676 μg/g of dry leaf weight in D. hispida, with either sitosterol (2) or stigmasterol (3) as predominant in the profile. Extracts from D. hispida and D. purpurea leaves were distinguished from the others by particular high amount of campesterol (1). In the majority of the species, except for D. caucasica, other tetracyclic triterpenoids were found: cycloartanol (4), 24-methylenecycloartanol (5) and cycloeucalenol (6). Less common steroids, stigmastan-3-en-6β-ol (7) and ergosta-7,22-dien-3β-ol (8) were detected in D. japonica. The significant content (992 μg/g) of pentacyclic triterpenoids of ursane, oleanane, taraxastane and taraxerene (friedooleanane)-type carbon skeletons, i.e. α-amyrin (9), β-amyrin (10), taraxasterol (11) and taraxerol (12), respectively, was found in D. caucasica. The obtained results supplement the knowledge of biochemical diversity of Dioscorea genus

    Psilocybin's Emerging Role in Combating Depressive Disorder

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            In this review paper, we delve into the potential applicability of psilocybin - a naturally synthesized psychedelic substance found within select species of fungi, as a prospective avenue for depression treatment. Depression, a widespread psychological malady affecting countless individuals across the globe, often proves stubborn against existing treatment modalities, necessitating exploration into new options. The spotlight has increasingly been cast on psilocybin, thanks to its promising therapeutic capacities for a spectrum of mental health disorders, notably including depression. This article dissects the operational mechanisms of psilocybin, referencing germane clinical trials, and weighing the prospective risks and rewards related to its usage. Pooled findings from an array of clinical studies hint at the possibility of psilocybin furnishing swift and lasting advantages for managing depression and similar disorders. Trial participants who underwent a combined regimen of psilocybin and psychotherapy recorded enduring alleviation in their anxiety and depressive symptoms. Psilocybin has been observed to trigger modifications in neural activity, predominantly in the brain's default mode network (DMN) and the prefrontal cortex (PFC). These alterations have been correlated with a decrease in self-oriented cognitive processes, an uptick in positive emotional states, and the facilitation of neuroplasticity. When compared with standard antidepressant medications, the symptomatic improvements seen with psilocybin were largely equivalent. Preclinical investigations have also underlined psilocybin's potential in augmenting neural plasticity and neurogenesis, thus hinting at its possible utility in the fields of neurosurgery and neurooncology

    Effect of the SARS COV-2 virus on diabetes symptoms, diagnostics, and treatment

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    Because COVID-19 has been recognised as one of the most important pandemics in the history of humankind, in recent years many scientists have investigated the effect of the disease on various aspects of mental and physical human health. This article presents a literature review regarding the effect of SARS CoV-2 infection on the symptoms, diagnostics, and treatment of diabetes. It discusses the effect of infection with virus SARS-CoV-2 on the course of type 1 and type 2 diabetes as well as the frequency of occurrence of the disease in patients affected by COVID-19. Moreover, it presents information on the pharmacotherapy and way of providing services by doctors during the pandemic. According to the literature, infection with virus SARS CoV-2 causes a general inflammation of the organisms and numerous metabolic and hormonal disturbances, and therefore affects the course of diabetes. It may lead not only to serious metabolic complications in the course of early diabetes, but also to the development of the disease. It was determined that infection with COVID-19 in diabetes patients (mainly type 2) increases the risk of complications (such as acute respiratory failure, multi-organ failure, and death).  &nbsp

    The Use of Botulinum Toxin in Medicine: Safety and Efficacy Based on the Latest Research

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    Introduction and aim of the study: Botulinum toxin, produced by anaerobic bacteria of the Clostridium botulinum family, is one of the most potent organic compounds known to man. Despite its toxicity, it has found widespread use in medicine. From applications in aesthetic medicine, through the treatment of various disease entities, botulinum toxin has become an extremely valuable tool in the hands of doctors. The aim of this study is to review the latest research on the use of botulinum in medicine, with an emphasis on its safety and effectiveness.   Methodology: The review work is mainly based on articles searched in the Pubmed and Google Scholar databases in the years 2016-2023. The study was conducted by reviewing keywords such as "botulin", "botulin toxin", "botulin treatment", "botulin aesthetic". Current state of knowledge: Botulinum is used in the treatment of such disease entities as hyperhidrosis, cervical dystonia, migraines, neurogenic bladder, as well as in the treatment of scars and wrinkles. The use of botulinum in medicine is safe, provided that it is used by qualified specialists and in appropriate doses. An area that requires further research is the impact of long-term botulinum therapy on the antibodies produced against the toxin. Additionally, an important area for further research is patient monitoring, appropriate dose adjustment and frequency of administration, which in turn can increase the effectiveness of treatment. Summary: Botulinum toxin is an effective tool in medicine, which has many applications. However, as with any drug, it requires appropriate use and understanding of potential side effects. Further research and education are key to fully exploiting its potential and assessing the risk associated with long-term use

    Bronchopulmonary dysplasia – a new perspective on prevention and treatment

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    Introduction   Premature birth is one of the most common problems in neonatal care and affects from 6 to 14% of pregnancies (frequency depends on geographical factors) [1].  Prematurity is the cause of almost half of deaths of children younger than 5 years old [3].  The most frequent and one of the most severe risks of preterm births is bronchopulmonary dysplasia (also called a chronic lung disease in some sources).   Aim of the study   The aim of this study is to collect data on both new and traditional ways of prevention and treatment of chronic lung disease in a population of infants born preterm (<37 weeks of gestational age).  Materials and methods  The work was created based on the articles available in PubMed and Google Scholar databases and available scientific literature. Publications were searched in English and Polish  using the following keywords: bronchopulmonary dysplasia, chronic lung disease of the newborns, pulmonary hypertension in bronchopulmonary dysplasia, stem cells in bronchopulmonary dysplasia.  Results  Although bronchopulmonary dysplasia is a common problem among children born preterm, there is still a limited amount of possibilities of prevention and treatment of this condition. Despite efforts of scientists, many children with this condition suffer from both short-term and long-term consequences, such as frequent infections, asthma and impaired growth and neurodevelopment.    Summary  In the last twenty years the survival rate of children born preterm rapidly increased thank to the development of neonatal care. Up to 20% of children born with body weight less than 1500g will develop bronchopulmonary dysplasia. That is why there is a need for further research on the topic of bronchopulmonary dysplasia management, especially when it comes to biomarkers, use of mesenchymal stem cells and treatment of pulmonary hypertension.  &nbsp

    The Role of high flow nasal therapy in Intensive Care Units

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    Introduction and purpose: High Flow Nasal Therapy is quite new respiratory support method, although recently it became more popular – especially during COVID-19 pandemic. Physiological mechanisms as well as main applications were observed and described in several randomized controlled trias and metaanalisys. The purpose of this review is to present fundamental studies and indicate applications of this method. Brief description of the state of knowladge: Breathing mixture with a maximum flow 60l/min needs to be heated and humidified to protect the airways from dryness. Optimal humidity improves mucocilary clearance, reduces inflammation of the airways and energy expenditure, especially in acute respiratory failure. High flow nasal therapy may imrpove the mechanics of breathing also by washout of nasopharyngeal dead space and generating positive airway pressure during exhalation, which keeps airways open and prevents the alveoli from collapsing. High flow therapy can be use in many different applications but at Intensive Care Unit the most important are: acute hypoxemia, during extubation or rest breaks from NIV. It is important to monitor the patient and predict the need for intubation on time. There are physiological states that we shoud focus on: respiratory rate, dyspnea or work of breathing, but it is good to know ROX index which can be helpful to assess the success of the therapy. Summary (conlcusions): High flow nasal therapy is a simple and safety respiratory support method that can be applicable at Intensive Care Units. It can lower the intubation numbers and help during NIV rest breaks. High flow nasal therapy is a very promising method for all patients with respiratory failure but it is important to monitor the patient and not delay the intubation

    The Influence of obesity and overweight on the incidence of gastrointestinal tumors - a systematic review of the literature

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    Introduction: The percentage of the population struggling with the problem of obesity has been steadily increasing in recent years, both among adults and children. Obesity is a chronic disease resulting from a positive energy balance, which does not tend to disappear spontaneously. The etiology of obesity is multidimensional, it is caused by genetic, environmental and behavioral factors. As a result, excessive amounts of adipose tissue are deposited in the body, which leads to an increased risk of various systemic diseases, including cancers of the digestive system. Aim of the study: This review aims to show the relationship between overweight and obesity and the increased incidence of gastrointestinal cancers. Materials and methods: An analysis of previous works present in the PubMed database was performed, using the following keywords: obesity, overweight, obesity and cancer, cancer. Results: The results of the presented publications show the presence of a positive correlation between overweight and obesity, especially abdominal and the occurrence of gastrointestinal cancers