12,125 research outputs found

    An average case analysis of the minimum spanning tree heuristic for the range assignment problem

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    We present an average case analysis of the minimum spanning tree heuristic for the range assignment problem on a graph with power weighted edges. It is well-known that the worst-case approximation ratio of this heuristic is 2. Our analysis yields the following results: (1) In the one dimensional case (d=1d = 1), where the weights of the edges are 1 with probability pp and 0 otherwise, the average-case approximation ratio is bounded from above by 2−p2-p. (2) When d=1d =1 and the distance between neighboring vertices is drawn from a uniform [0,1][0,1]-distribution, the average approximation ratio is bounded from above by 2−2−α2-2^{-\alpha} where α\alpha denotes the distance power radient. (3) In Euclidean 2-dimensional space, with distance power gradient α=2\alpha = 2, the average performance ratio is bounded from above by 1+log⁥21 + \log 2

    Annual Report Ant Smelt 2010: A changing role for smelt Osmerus eperlanus in the Lake IJsselmeer and Lake Markermeer foodweb? Climate- and nutrient-induced changes in ecoystem functioning

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    The smelt project is part of a larger research project that aims at generating, exploring and testing different possible explanations for the observed Autonomous Negative Trends (ANT) in water fowl in Lake Markermeer and Lake IJsselmeer. The smelt populations in both lakes have been in severe decline since 1990. These declines have a large impact on the conservation of water birds relying on smelt as their prey and the fishery both on smelt and on piscivorous fish relying on smelt. In winter time the Lake IJsselmeer area is home to the largest population of waterfowl in Western Europe. The area is therefore considered to be an important Natura-2000 area. Identification of the causes of the observed negative trends will help managers (RWS) to take the appropriate restoration measures and thereby improve the these lakes as habitat for waterfowl

    Diversification of prey capture techniques among the piscivores in Lake Tana's (Ethiopia) Labeobarbus species flock (Cyprinidae)

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    Lake Tana harbours the only known intact species flock of large cyprinid fishes (15 Labeobarbus spp.). One of the most curious aspects of this species flock is the large number (8) of piscivorous species. Cyprinids are not well designed for piscivory (i.e. small slit-shaped pharyngeal cavity, lack of teeth in the oral jaws, lack of a stomach), which raises the question how well adapted these labeobarbs actually are to function as piscivores? In this study we analyse the kinematics of prey capture (by varied combinations of suction, swimming and jaw protrusion) among Lake Tana's piscivorous labeobarbs. Suction feeding kinematics were similar to values reported for other piscivorous fish species. A detailed analysis of several Labeobarbus species displayed distinct types of techniques (overswimming, velocity/volume suction with jaw protrusion) suited to capture elusive prey in different macro-habitats, Lake Tana's Labeobarbus species evolved a wide range of piscivorous predation techniques, a unique scenario for cyprinid fishes

    Tetragonal zirconia: Wet chemical preparation, mechanical and electrical properties

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    Yttria-stabilized zirconia powders were prepared in the composition range of 3 to 13 at% yttria. The hydrolysis-gel precipitation technique was used, starting from metal alkoxides or chlorides. In the composition range between 5 and 10 at% yttria, the materials sintered at 1250°C have a fully tetragonal structure. The density was higher than 95% and the grain sizes can be varied between 0.1 and 0.5Όm depending on the preparation conditions. The fracture toughness KIC amounts 6 to 11 MPam but is not dependent on the composition. The transformation toughening mechanism and the properties of the tetragonal phase itself play an important role in the increase of KIC compared with cubic materials. The magnitude of the oxygen-ion conductivity value is comparable with that for cubic materials

    L-Band MMICs for Space-based SAR system

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    The design and performance of an L-Band GaAs chip-set is presented.The chip-set consists of a 6-bit attenuator circuit,a Low-Noise Amplifier (LNA)and a Multi Function Chip that is the combination of a 6-bit attenuator and 6-bit Phase shifter circuit.The chip-set is developed for the pre-flight engineering T/R (Transmit and Receive)modules currently in development with Astrium in a space-based SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar)system.The MMICs are realised in the 0.25 ”m PHEMT (PH25)technology of UMS.Only one iteration was needed for the MMICs in order to be fully compliant with the specifications

    Dense Regular Packings of Irregular Non-Convex Particles

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    We present a new numerical scheme to study systems of non-convex, irregular, and punctured particles in an efficient manner. We employ this method to analyze regular packings of odd-shaped bodies, not only from a nanoparticle but also both from a computational geometry perspective. Besides determining close-packed structures for many shapes, we also discover a new denser configuration for Truncated Tetrahedra. Moreover, we consider recently synthesized nanoparticles and colloids, where we focus on the excluded volume interactions, to show the applicability of our method in the investigation of their crystal structures and phase behavior. Extensions to the presented scheme include the incorporation of soft particle-particle interactions, the study of quasicrystalline systems, and random packings.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    First detection of Paenibacillus larvae the causative agent of American Foulbrood in a Ugandan honeybee colony

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    Paenibacillus larvae is a highly contagious and often lethal widely distributed pathogen of honeybees, Apis mellifera but has not been reported in eastern Africa to date. We investigated the presence of P. larvae in the eastern and western highland agro-ecological zones of Uganda by collecting brood and honey samples from 67 honeybee colonies in two sampling occasions and cultivated them for P. larvae. Also, 8 honeys imported and locally retailed in Uganda were sampled and cultivated for P. larvae. Our aim was to establish the presence and distribution of P. larvae in honeybee populations in the two highland agro-ecological zones of Uganda and to determine if honeys that were locally retailed contained this lethal pathogen. One honeybee colony without clinical symptoms for P. larvae in an apiary located in a protected area of the western highlands of Uganda was found positive for P. larvae. The strain of this P. larvae was genotyped and found to be ERIC I. In order to compare its virulence with P. larvae reference strains, in vitro infection experiments were conducted with carniolan honeybee larvae from the research laboratory at Ghent University, Belgium. The results show that the virulence of the P. larvae strain found in Uganda was at least equally high. The epidemiological implication of the presence of P. larvae in a protected area is discussed


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    The Dedication

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