9 research outputs found

    The TRAF2 and TRAF6 expression in myomas and myometrium of women in reproduction and perimenopausal age.

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    Uterine myomas represent one of the most common female diseases. Uterine myomas or fibromas are benign, hormone-responding tumours of, respectively, smooth muscles and fibroblasts and their aetiology induces a significant interest. In myomas the presence of aromatase was detected and, in addition, oestrogen was found to be synthesized in myoma cells. The studies were performed on myoma patients of generative age and those in peri-menopausal age. Expression of TRAF2 and TRAF6 proteins was examined using immunohistochemistry and Western blot approach in small and large uterine myomas isolated from women of various age. In addition, the evaluation was conducted at the periphery of every myoma. We indicated that the level of both tested proteins in myomas is higher than in control. TRAF2 level in myometrium was lower than in myomas but higher than in control. In the case of TRAF6 those changes were ambiguous. Age didn't have influence the level of expression in both tested TRAF in studied structures

    Role of entrepreneurship education in higher education institutions in the process of business development in Poland

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    The aim of this article is to evaluate the range and methods of teaching entrepreneurship in higher institutions in Poland in fields of studies related to business, economics, finance, accounting, or management. The paper presents results of an analysis of curricula and of the carried out qualitative researches (FGI) among university students. Findings present that universities teach entrepreneurship on multiple types of courses and in different ways. Contents which shape entrepreneurial attitudes are taught in various courses. In curricula most courses teach entrepreneurship, by being applicable to particular spheres of business activities, but mostly shaping those competences that are useful in large firm environment. Recommendations suggest that higher education institutions should emphasize the teaching of practical skills, which support business development. Universities, through teaching entrepreneurship, are supposed to encourage their students to undertake business activities, including the ones which aim at opening own business by students which is why universities should emphasize the teaching of practical skills and entrepreneurship should be taught based on real-life examples

    Processes of apoptosis and cell proliferation in uterine myomas originating from reproductive and perimenopausal women

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    We studied uterine myomas originating from females of reproductive age and from females of perimenopausal age. Uterine myomas represent benign tumors of the myometrium, and they develop frequently in women of reproductive age. The frequency of uterine myomas increases with age until women reach the menopause. The study included patients with a myomatous uterus, in the reproductive age or peri-menopausal age, independently evaluating small and large myomas. Myometrial alterations in their direct vicinity were evaluated independently of the myomas. The study included evaluation of immunolocalization of two index proteins which participate in myoma cells growth control: Ki-67 nuclear antigen and caspase 3. In women of reproductive age, both in small and large myomas, elevated immunostaining of Ki-67 was noted in parallel to low levels of caspase 3 staining, which indicated the ongoing process of proliferation. In women of peri-menopausal age with small or large myomas, no Ki-67 immunostaining was detected, while staining of caspase 3 manifested low levels. Proliferation in reproductive age women myomas is higher than in the peri-menopausal age. (<i>Folia Histochemica et Cytobiologica 2011; Vol. 49, No. 3, pp. 398–404</i>

    Artyku艂 oryginalnyNowy stent zewn臋trzny – rola proces贸w proliferacji i apoptozy kom贸rek 艣r贸db艂onka w pomo艣cie 偶ylnym w modelu zwierz臋cym

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    Background: We have previously showed that the extravascular dacron mesh stent wrapped around a vein graft and implanted into the arterial system prevented the hypertrophy of the graft&#8217;s wall, impeded the overgrowth of the intima and decreased the proliferation rate of venous graft cellular elements. Aim: To determine the role of cellular proliferation and apoptosis in the process of remodelling in the stent in an animal model in a 12-week period. Methods: Male sheep (n = 21) received by transplantation the hybrid graft (group 1) or carotid artery radial vein grafts (group 2). A hybrid graft was composed of a radial vein, collagen fibrin glue and highly flexible torlen/dacron mesh tubing. Grafts were retrieved on day 5, 9 and then week 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, respectively. A proliferation process was assessed using a Ki-67 antigen kit. The presence of apoptosis was detected using a TUNEL kit, strictly according to the manufacturer&#8217;s manual. Results: The number of proliferating cells has presented a decreasing trend in both groups, whereas the mean quantity of apoptotic cells increased over a 12-week period (p 0.05). Conclusions: Different kinetics in the trico hybrid graft group in comparison with the radial vein graft group was observed, with a more prominent cellular turnover in the trico hybrid graft. Apoptosis in an unprotected vein wall was overcomed by the proliferation process. In trico hybrid vein grafts, beneficial remodelling of the intimal layer was predominantly dependent on inhibition of intimal proliferation rather than the effect of changes of the apoptosis ratio. There was no linear correlation between proliferation and apoptosis in the investigated grafts.Wst臋p: Z uwagi na wysokie ryzyko zamkni臋cia 偶ylnych pomost贸w aortalno-wie艅cowych, wykazane w obserwacjach prospektywnych, coraz cz臋艣ciej poszukuje si臋 rozwi膮za艅 na poziomie kom贸rkowym, kt贸re b臋d膮 istotnie ogranicza膰 rozw贸j tego niekorzystnego zjawiska. Jedn膮 z metod jest mo偶liwo艣膰 wgl膮du w szereg mechanizm贸w adaptacyjnych zachodz膮cych w 偶ylnych graftach implantowanych do kr膮偶enia t臋tniczego. W modulowanie tego zjawiska zaanga偶owane s膮 procesy proliferacji kom贸rek b艂ony wewn臋trznej i 艣rodkowej oraz 艣mierci tych kom贸rek, g艂贸wnie w mechanizmie apoptozy. Takiej oceny dokonuje si臋 najcz臋艣ciej w odpowiednio dobranym modelu zwierz臋cym. W poprzednich doniesieniach wykazali艣my, 偶e zewn臋trzny stent skonstruowany z siateczki dakronowej pokrywaj膮cej biologiczny pomost wykonany z 偶y艂y odpromieniowej i implantowany do kr膮偶enia t臋tniczego ogranicza degeneracj臋 tego偶 pomostu. Niewiele jednak wiadomo na temat udzia艂u procesu apoptozy w protekcji pomostu 偶ylnego powleczonego stentem zewn臋trznym przed zamkni臋ciem jego 艣wiat艂a. Cel: Ocena wp艂ywu dw贸ch przeciwstawnych zjawisk &#8211; proliferacji i apoptozy, na rozw贸j zmian degeneracyjnych w opisanym modelu. Metody: Badania wykonano w grupie 21 owiec, po uzyskaniu akceptacji Komisji ds. Do艣wiadcze艅 na Zwierz臋tach. Zastosowano standardowe procedury indukcji oraz podtrzymania znieczulenia i uznane techniki chirurgiczne. Do wn臋trza siateczki dakronowej wprowadzano fragment 偶y艂y odpromieniowej, wypreparowanej z lewej ko艅czyny przedniej, a nast臋pnie sklejano je klejem tkankowym. Tak przygotowany graft implantowano do kr膮偶enia t臋tniczego poprzez wykonanie zespolenia koniec do boku do t臋tnicy szyjnej (grupa badana), zar贸wno dystalnie, jak i proksymalnie. Nast臋pnie podwi膮zywano i przecinano t臋tnic臋 pomi臋dzy zespoleniami, uzyskuj膮c przep艂yw przez pomost. Symetrycznie, na drugiej t臋tnicy szyjnej wykonywano identyczne zespolenie, jednak bez zastosowania siateczki z tworzywa sztucznego (grupa kontrolna obserwacji). Materia艂 biologiczny pobierano do bada艅 histologicznych i immunocytochemicznych 5 i 9 dni oraz 4, 6, 8, 10 i 12 tygodni po wykonaniu pomostu. Proliferacj臋 oceniano dzi臋ki reakcji immunocytochemicznej z monoklonalnym przeciwcia艂em Ki-67, natomiast apoptoz臋 monitorowano metod膮 TUNEL. Wyniki: Liczba kom贸rek proliferuj膮cych mala艂a systematycznie w obserwacji 12-tygodniowej, podczas gdy liczba kom贸rek ulegaj膮cych apoptozie wyra藕nie ros艂a (p < 0,001). Trendy te by艂y widoczne zar贸wno w pomostach powleczonych, jak i niepowleczonych siateczk膮 dakronow膮. Przewag臋 liczby kom贸rek proliferuj膮cych nad apoptotycznymi stwierdzono w obu grupach w pierwszych 5 tygodniach obserwacji, po kt贸rym to czasie trend ulega艂 odwr贸ceniu na rzecz kom贸rek ulegaj膮cych apoptozie (7 kolejnych tygodni). Stosunek liczby kom贸rek proliferuj膮cych do apoptotycznych istotnie r贸偶ni艂 si臋 mi臋dzy grupami: w graftach z siateczk膮 wynosi艂 1,6 w 5. dniu obserwacji i 0,2 w 12. tygodniu badania, podczas gdy w pomostach bez siateczki wynosi艂 odpowiednio: 1,9 oraz 0,6. Nie stwierdzono korelacji pomi臋dzy liczb膮 kom贸rek proliferuj膮cych i ulegaj膮cych apoptozie w 偶adnej z grup. Wnioski: W przebudow臋 艣ciany pomostu 偶ylnego zaanga偶owane s膮 zar贸wno procesy proliferacji, jak i apoptozy, przy czym w pomo艣cie powleczonym stentem zewn臋trznym wykonanym z dakronu obserwuje si臋 odmienn膮 dynamik臋 proces贸w bior膮cych udzia艂 w przebudowie b艂ony wewn臋trznej i 艣rodkowej. Apoptoza w pomo艣cie niezabezpieczonym siateczk膮 jest zdominowana przez proces proliferacji, co mo偶e sprzyja膰 wcze艣niejszej jego okluzji. Korzystna przebudowa warstw naczynia, widoczna w obserwacji prospektywnej w pomo艣cie powleczonym stentem zewn臋trznym, zale偶y w przewa偶aj膮cej mierze od zahamowania proliferacji, podczas gdy wp艂yw apoptozy wydaje si臋 mniej istotny. W modelu nie stwierdzono istotnej korelacji pomi臋dzy liczb膮 kom贸rek proliferuj膮cych i ulegaj膮cych apoptozie

    Influence of acetaminophen and trichloroethylene on liver cytochrome P450-dependent monooxygenase system.

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    The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of acetaminophen (APAP) and/or trichloroethylene (TRI) on the liver cytochrome P450-dependent monooxygenase system, CYP2E1 and CYP1A2 (two important P450 isoforms), and liver glutathione (GSH) content in rats. Rats were given three different doses of APAP (250, 500 and 1000 mg/kg b...) and then the above-mentioned parameters were measured for 48 h. The lowest APAP dose produced small changes in the cytochrome P450 content of liver. At 500 mg/kg APAP increased the cytochrome P450 content to 230% of the control. The inductive effect was seen at 1000 mg/kg dose but at 24 h and later. NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase activity was the highest after the lowest dose of APAP, while after the highest dose it was equal to the control value. TRI increased both the cytochrome P450 content and the NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase activity. When TRI was combined with APAP, both these parameters increased in the first hours of observation, but they returned to the control values at 24 h. When APAP was given at 250 mg/kg, GSH levels decreased to 55% of the control at 8 h and returned to the control values at 24 h. The higher doses of APAP decreased GSH levels more than the lowest dose, but after 24 h GSH levels did not differ from those of the control. When TRI was given at 250 mg/kg, the GSH levels decreased to 68% of the control at 2 h and then they increased gradually and tended to exceed the control values at 48 h. The effect of TRI combined with APAP on the level of GSH was virtually the same as that of APAP alone given at 500 mg/kg