17 research outputs found

    Impact of lime and NPK fertilizers on yield and quality of oats on pseudogley soil and their valorisation

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    In order to determine the effect of fertilization, environment, and their interactions on the yield and oats yield components. Five fertilization treatments (T1-control, T2-80 kg N ha(-1), T3-120 kg N ha(-1), 80 kg P2O5 ha(-1) and 80 kg K2O ha(-1), T4-N120P80K80 + 5 t ha(-1) of lime and T5-N120P80K80 + 5 t ha(-1) of lime + 30 t ha(-1) of farmyard manure) were examined during three growing seasons in Kraljevo location in Western Serbia. Grain yield (GY), 1000 grain weight (TGW), hectolitre weight (HW), plant height (PH), panicle length (PL), number of grains per panicle (NGP) and protein content (PC) were analysed. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of organic and mineral fertilization and calcification on the yield and oats yield components. On average, for all fertilizer variants, during the three-year trial, the highest yield of oats 3802 kg ha(-1) was obtained in the fertilizer variant with the combined application of NPK fertilizers, lime and manure. Positive highly significant correlation, during in the study trial were found between yields with PH, PL and NGP. Negative and highly significant dependencies were found between protein content with GY, PH and NGP. The results of these studies indicate the importance of rational introduction of adequate quantities of fertilization, calcification and humization in order to make oats as profitable as possible in the agro-ecological conditions in Pannonian Environments

    Impact of lime and NPK fertilizers on yield and quality of oats on pseudogley soil and their valorisation

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    In order to determine the effect of fertilization, environment, and their interactions on the yield and oats yield components. Five fertilization treatments (T1-control, T2-80 kg N ha-1, T3-120 kg N ha-1, 80 kg P2O5 ha-1 and 80 kg K2O ha-1, T4-N120P80K80 + 5 t ha-1 of lime and T5-N120P80K80 + 5 t ha-1 of lime + 30 t ha-1 of farmyard manure) were examined during three growing seasons in Kraljevo location in Western Serbia. Grain yield (GY), 1000 grain weight (TGW), hectolitre weight (HW), plant height (PH), panicle length (PL), number of grains per panicle (NGP) and protein content (PC) were analysed. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of organic and mineral fertilization and calcification on the yield and oats yield components. On average, for all fertilizer variants, during the three-year trial, the highest yield of oats 3802 kg ha-1 was obtained in the fertilizer variant with the combined application of NPK fertilizers, lime and manure. Positive highly significant correlation, during in the study trial were found between yields with PH, PL and NGP. Negative and highly significant dependencies were found between protein content with GY, PH and NGP. The results of these studies indicate the importance of rational introduction of adequate quantities of fertilization, calcification and humization in order to make oats as profitable as possible in the agro-ecological conditions in Pannonian Environments

    Variation of spike index of cereal and index of pea pods in monocrops and intercrops system of cultivation

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    Parameters of plant productive organs (spike, pod etc.) are influenced by genotype of plant species and scientific technology farming measures as well environmental conditions. The aim of this study was to establish variability of spike harvest index for wheat, triticale, rye, oat and pea pods index, influenced by monocrops and intercrops system of cultivation. Four cereal species: wheat, triticale, rye and oat and one legume (pea) were included in investigation that carried out on field experimental conditions during one vegetation season. Each species were sown in monocrops and in intercrops wheat + pea, triticale + pea, rye + pea and oat + pea. Harvest index of spike variate between 65.2% (triticale intercrops) and 86.5% (oat solo). The values of spike weight and seed weight was different among the cereal species and higher in intercrops than in monocrop system of cultivation. However, only for rye in mixture with pea, harvest index 78.8%) was higher than in monocrops of rye (77.0%). Harvest index of pod variate in ratio 50.3% (pea solo) and 69.5% (in intercrops pea + rye). The values of pod weight and seed weight pod(-1) was different and higher in intercrops than in monocrops system of cultivation. Harvest pod index of peas was significantly higher in mixture with each small grains species genotypes than in pea's monocrops. On the base of result we can conclude that intercropping cereals + peas, have positive effect on spike and pod characteristics which values were higher in intercrops than in monocrops

    The trends in maize and wheat production in the Republic of Serbia

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    The total area under cereals during 2018 remained at a long-term stable level of about 1.7 million hectares. Maize and wheat are the most important crops grown in the Republic of Serbia. In the structure of harvested areas under cereals, maize dominates (53%), followed by wheat (38%). The objective of this paper was to determine if there was a recognisable trend line for the production of these crops in the 2007-2018 period. The yield data (Area harvested (ha), Production (tonnes), Production (t/ha)) were collected from the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia. Calculations of relevant and valid trends using central tendency measures, dispersion measures, relative ratios and percentage growth were used for statistical data processing. During the observation period, the average annual growth in maize yield was 6.38%, while the average annual growth in wheat yield was slightly lower, 2.00%. However, it is not possible to create an appropriate trend line for any of the variables in order to predict a future time period, since the coefficient of determination is low.Ukupna poljoprivredna površina pod strnim žitima u 2018. godini nije puno varirala u odnosu na prethodne godine i iznosila je oko 1.7 miliona hektara. Kukuruz i pšenica predstavljaju najznačajnije biljne kulture koje se gaje u Republici Srbiji. U strukturi požnjevenih površina pod žitaricama kukuruz je dominirao sa čak 53% i bio je praćen od strane pšenice sa 38%. Cilj ovog rada bio je utvrditi postoji li prepoznatljiva linija trenda proizvodnje ovih kultura za period od 2007. do 2018. godine. Podaci o prinosu (požnjevena površina (ha), proizvodnja (u tonama), prinos (t/ha)) prikupljeni su od Republičkog zavoda za statistiku. Za statističku obradu podataka korišćeni su proračuni relevantnih i validnih kretanja primenom mera centralne tendencije, mera disperzije, relativnih pokazatelja i procentualnog rasta. Prosečni godišnji rast prinosa kukuruza u posmatranom periodu iznosi 6,38%, dok je za pšenicu prosečan godišnji rast u posmatranom periodu nešto manji i iznosi 2,00%. Međutim, ni za jednu od promenljivih nije moguće napraviti odgovarajuću liniju trenda, u cilju predviđanja za budući vremenski period, jer je koeficijent determinacije mali

    Comparison of Maize and Wheat Production in Serbia During the 2007-2016 Period

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    The objective of this paper is to show and compare the production of maize and wheat in Serbia from 2007 to 2016. This paper presents an analysis of the production of maize and wheat in the Republic of Serbia, by applying the method of comparison and using the data on previous years and comparing them with the 2016 data. The data are available on the website of the FAOSTAT statistical database and on the website of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia (RZS), which were used for comparison and analysis. The record year when it comes to the harvest of maize was 2014, in the period from 2007 to 2016, with its production over 7.951.583 tonnes. The highest production of wheat was in 2016, and it amounted to 2.884.537 t. The year 2016 recorded the highest production of wheat in the last decade while corn advanced in comparison to the previous year, the best production having been achieved in 2014. We can say that, as far as production is concerned, the situation is improving with minor fluctuations

    Uticaj insekticida na ukupan procenat napada Ostrinia nubilalis Hbn kod hibrida kukuruza

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    The objective of the paper was to determine the effect of insecticides on the development of the European corn borer (Ostinia nubilalisHbn) and the effect of damage in six maize hybrids of different maturity groups. The research involved the following hybrids: ZP 427, ZP 434, ZP 555, ZP 600, ZP 606 and ZP 666. In the field trial, insecticides were applied in two terms, during the flight of O. nubilalisfirst generation and during theflight ofsecondO. nubilalisgeneration. We used Fobos EC insecticide and a combination of Match 050 EC + Nurelle D insecticides, whose active substances are different. The active substance in Fobos EC insecticide is bifenthrin 100 g l-1, in Match 050 EC lufenuron 50 g l-1 and, in Nurelle D insecticide, the active ingredient is a combination of chlorpyrifos 500 g l-1and cypermethrin 50 g l-1. The damageinflicted on plants was assessed in July and September. Fobos insecticide had the best plant protection effect, after its use, the arithmetic mean of the total attack percentage of all hybrids was approximately 81.62% while in the control group, it was approximately 91.72%.Cilj rada je bio da se utvrdi efekat insekticida na razvoj kukuruznog moljca (Ostinia nubilalisHbn) i efekat oštećenja u šest hibrida kukuruza razliĉitih grupa zrenja. Istraţivanje je obuhvatilo sledeće hibride ZP 427, ZP 434, ZP 555, ZP 600, ZP 606 i ZP 666. U ogledu, insekticidi su primenjeni u dva termina i to: u vreme leta prve generacije O. nubilalisi posle toga u vreme letenja druge generacije O. nubilalis. U istraţivanjima su korišćeni insekticidi: Fobos EC insekticid i kombinacija insekticida Match 050 EC + Nurelle D ĉije su aktivne supstance razliĉite. Aktivna supstanca kod insekticida FobosEC je bifentrin 100 g l-1, kod Match 050 EC je lufenuron 50 g l-1, a kod insekticida Nurelle D aktivna supstanca je kombinacija hlorpirifos 500 g l-1i cipermetrin 50 g l-1. Ocena oštećenja na biljkama je vršena u julu i septembru u godini eksperimenta. Insekticid Fobos je imao nabolji efekat zaštite biljaka. Ustanovljen je najbolji efekat Fobosa u zaštiti biljaka, posle ĉije primene je nadjeno oštećenje kod 81.62% proseĉno za sve hibride, što je znaĉajno razliĉito od napada kukuruznog plamenca na kontrolnoj varijanti, bez upotrebe insekticida, na kojoj je nadjeno 91,72% napadnutih biljaka proseĉno za sve hibride. U analizi tretmana insekticidima, najniţi ukupni napad je nadjen kod ZP 434 hibrida i to 77,12% napadnutih biljaka posle tretmana Fobos (I-1); dok je najveći ukupni napad (88.55%) nadjen kod ZP 555 hibrid posle tretmana Match + Nurelle (II-1). U proseku primena insekticida u vreme prve generacije napada je bila efikasnija nego primena insekticida u vreme razvijene druge generacije kukuruznog plamenca (Ostrinia nubilalis). Intenzitet napada prve generacije kukuruznog plamenca, je bio najniţi kod ZP 666 hibrida (13,07%) u varijanti primenjenog insekticida Fobos (I-1), dok je najviši u ZP 427 hibrida -35.54%. Napad druge generacije je bio najmanjeg intenziteta kod ZP 434 hibrida (43,24%), a najviša u ZP 666 hibrida (68,62%) posle tretmana sa insekticidom Fobos (I-1). Proseĉno za sve hibride najveći intenzitet napada u vreme prve, kao i u vreme druge generacije kukuruznog plamenca je ustanovljen u kontrolnoj varijanti (bez tretmana insekticidom) koji je bio veći u odnosu intenzitet napada na tretiranim varijantama sa insekticidom. Na kontrolnoj varijanti, intenzitet napada ocenjen u vreme prve generacije O. nubilalisje vrarirao u rasponu od najvećeg kod ZP 606 hibrida (69.29%), do najmanjeg kod ZP 434 hibrida (64.36% ), dok je u vreme druge generacije intenzitet napada varirao u rasponu od najvećeg kod ZP 666 hibrida (26,93%) do najmanjeg kod kod ZP 555 hibrida (23.9%)


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    Experimental research was conducted in Gracanica in 2019, on a commercial farm in a greenhouse. The variant treated with the fungicide Previcur Energy had on average the lowest infection rate of 0.5%. In the variant treated with the preparation Antracol WP-70, at an irrigation norm of 15 mm, an intensity of infection of 1.5% was recorded, while with an irrigation norm of 20 mm, the degree of infection was higher than 2.5%. The variant treated with the fungicide Folio Gold with a watering rate of 15 mm had an infection intensity of 1%, and with a watering rate of 20 mm a higher degree of infection was registered (2%). The variant with chemical protection with the fungicide Quadris was infected with an intensity of 1% on average.Publishe

    Uticaj združenog useva žitarica + grašak na indeks klasa jarih formi pšenice, tritikale, ovsa i indeks mahune graška

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    Advantages or disadvantages of intercropping system can estimate through expression of components of yield on the base of values of productive organs (spike, pod). The aim of this work was study of variation of spike index in cereals species and pods index in pea of spring intercropping. For investigation included spring species of small grains: wheat, triticale, oat and spring legume pea. The investigation was carried out in field condition in experiment with randomised block design of 5m2 plots, with 4 replications. Each species (cereals and pea) were sown sole and in intercrops wheat+pea, triticale+pea and oat+pea. At the maturity stage used 40 plants (10 plants/replication) for determining harvest index of spike in cereal species and index of pea pods on the base of analysis of spike mass and pod mass and seed mass spike-1 and seed mass pod-1 . Seed mass spike-1 of small grains species genotypes variate in ratio of 0.85 g (wheat+pea) and 1.59 g (oat intercrops) with average 1.19 g for all crops of cereals and variant of cultivation. The spike mass variate in range of 1.37 g (triticale intercrop) and 2.23 g (wheat intercrops) with average 1.72 g for all cereals and variant of cultivation. Harvest index of spike variate between 62.5% (triticale sole) and 89.2% (oat sole). The value of spike mass was the higher in wheat intercrops than in wheat sole, while for triticale and oat spike mass is lower in intercrops. In the same of analyzed small grain species, seed mass was the higher in sole crops than in mixture with pea. The spike index, only in intercrop triticale+pea (63.2%) was slightly higher than in single crop of triticale (62.5%). Pod mass and seed mass pod-1 of pea was the higher in pea intercrops than in pea sole. The highest pod mass was in intercrop pea+triticale (0.72 g) and the least in single crop of pea (0.45 g) with average 0.62 g for all crops. The highest seed mass pod-1 was the highest intercrop pea+triticale (0.56g) and the least in monocrop of pea (0.32 g) with average 0.46 g for all crops. Harvest index of pod variate in ratio 68.0% (pea single) and 77.% in pea/triticale intercrop. Pod index of pea in mixture with each small grains species genotypes was higher than in pea's monocrop. On the base of result we can conclude that intercropping cereals + pea, have positive effect on spike and pod characteristics which values were higher in majority of studied intercrops than in monocrops.Prednosti i nedostaci združenih useva mogu se oceniti prema ispoljavanja komponenti prinosa na osnovu vrednosti produktivnih organa (klas, mahuna). Cilj ovog rad je izučavanje varijabilnosti žetvenog indeksa klasa pšenice, tritikalea, ovsa i žetvenog indeksa mahune kod graška gajenim u pojedinačnim i združenim usevima. U istraživanja je uključen po jedan genotip jarih formi pšenice, tritikalea, ovsa i graška. Eksperiment je izveden na oglednom polju Rimski šančevi u Institutu za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo Novi Sad. Genotipovi strnih žita i graška su sejani na parcelicama 5 m2 u 4 ponavljanja u monokulturi i u združenoj setvi pšenica + grašak, tritikale + grašak i ovas+grašak. U vreme fiziološke zrelosti vršena je žetva biljke koje su korišćene za analizu osobina klasa i metlice kod strnih žita i osobina mahune kod graška. Za analize je korišćeno 40 biljaka (10 biljaka po ponavljanju) za svaki genotip iz pojedinačnih i združenih useva. Analizirane su osobine: masa klasa, masa semena po klasu, masa mahune i masa semena po mahuni. Na osnovu vrednosti ovih osobina izračunat je žetveni indeks klasa kod pšenice, tritikalea i ovsa kao i žetveni indeks mahune kod graška. Masa klasa je varirala između 1.37 g kod tritikalea u združenom usevu sa graškom, do 2.23 g kod pšenice u združenom usevu sa graškom, a prosečna masa klasu za sve genotipove u obe varijante gajenja je iznosila 1.72 g. Masa semena po klasu je varirala od 0.85 g kod pšenice u združenom usevu (pšenica+grašak) i u do 1.52 g kod ovsa u združenom usevu sa graškom, a prosečna masa semena po klasu za sve genotipove u obe varijante gajenja je iznosila 1.19 g. Žetveni indeks klasa je bio najmanji 62.5% kod tritikalea u pojedinačnm usevu a najveći kod ovsa 86.5% takodje u monokulturi. Vrednosti mase klasa i mase semena po klasu su bile različite u zavisnosti od vrste strnih žita i načina setve i gajenja useva. Masa klasa kod pšenice u združenom usevu sa graškom je bila veća nego kod pšenice u pojedinačnom usevu. Kod tritikalea i ovsa masa klasa je bila veća u pojedinačnom usevu nego u njihovom združenom usevu sa graškom. Masa semena po klasu kod pšenice, tritikalea i ovsa bila je veća u pojedinačnom usevu nego u njihovom združenom usevu sa graškom. Žetveni indeks klasa u monokulturi: kod pšenice (71.9%) je bio veći nego u združenom usevu pšenica+grašak (70.8%), kod tritikalea (65.3%) je bio veći nego u združenom usevu (tritikale+grašak) i kod ovsa (89.2%) je bio veći nego u združenom usevu sa graškom (88.1%). Kod graška, masa semena po mahuni je varirala od 0.33 g u pojedinačnom usevu do 0.57 g u združenoj setvi sa tritikaleom, a prosečna masa semena po mahuni u oba sistema gajenja bila 0.46 g. Masa mahune je bila najmanja kod graška u pojedinačnom usevu 0.45g a najveća 0.72 g u združenom usevu sa tritikaleom, a prosečna vrednost mahune u svim varijantama gajenja je iznosila 0.59 g. Žetveni indeks mahune je varirao između 72.9% u pojedinačnom usevu graška i 79.4% u usevu združene setve graška i ovsa. Vrednosti za masu mahune, masu semena po mahuni i žetveni indeks mahune su bile veće u združenim usevima graška sa pšenicom, tritikaleom i ovsom ali nizi bile značajno različite. Dobijeni rezultata, ukazuju da združena setva graška i strnih žita ima pozitivan efekat na ispoljavanje većih vrednosti osobina klasa i osobina mahune

    Cereal–Pea Intercropping Reveals Variability in the Relationships among Yield, Quality Parameters, and Obligate Pathogens Infection in Wheat, Rye, Oat, and Triticale, in a Temperate Environment

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    Widespread usage of intercropping systems has been limited because of a lack of knowledge about the key factors that affect the performance of intercrop components. We used general linear modelling to explain the effect of different cropping systems on the relationships among yield, thousand kernel weight (TKW), and crude protein of cereal crops under the same agro-ecological conditions and naturally occurring inocula of obligate pathogens. The results of our study showed that the yield variation under extreme fluctuations in climatic conditions could be lowered through intercropping cultivation. The disease indices of leaf rust and powdery mildew were highly dependent on the type of cultivation. The relationships among the levels of pathogenic infection and yield performances were not straightforward and were highly dependent on the yielding potentials of the cultivars. Our study indicated that changes in yield, TKW, and crude protein, as well as their relationships during intercropping cultivation, were cultivar specific and, therefore, not the same among all cereal crops exposed to the same agro-ecological conditions

    Influence of insecticides on total canal lenght in the corn stem formed by feeding Ostrinia nubilalis larvae

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    The aim of this study was to determine the effect of insecticides on the total length of canals in corn stems formed by the feeding of larvae of Ostrinia nubilalis. The research was carried out in the experimental field of the Zemun Polje Maize Institute in 2018. Two maize hybrids of different FAO ripening groups (ZP 427 and ZP 666) were tested. Two insecticides were compared on the total canal length in corn stalks in order to determine if there is a statistically significant difference in the effect of the applied insecticides. The preparations Coragen SC with the active substance chlorantraniliprole and Phobos EC with the active substance bifenthrin were used. At the end of the corn harvest, the plants were dissected, where, in addition to other measurements, the length of the canals formed by the feeding of the larvae of the corn borer was measured. The results showed that there is a significant difference between treated and untreated plants. The best results were achieved with the insecticide with the active substance chlorantraniliprole in hybrid ZP 427, where the total length of all channels formed by feeding O. nubilalis larvae was 166.67 cm, while the worst results were found in the control variant of hybrid ZP 666 with 278.33 cm