194 research outputs found


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    Доценко О.Ю. Механізм інноваційного розвитку регіону / Економічний вісник НГУ № 3 Дніпропетровськ. 2012. – С.Розглянута структура механізму інноваційного розвитку регіону. Проаналізований сучасний стан фінансування інновацій в Україні та регіону. Уточнена класифікація джерел фінансування інноваційного розвитку регіон

    Counterpossibles in Science: An Experimental Study

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    A counterpossible is a counterfactual whose antecedent is impossible. The vacuity thesis says all counterpossibles are true solely because their antecedents are impossible. Recently, some have rejected the vacuity thesis by citing purported non-vacuous counterpossibles in science. One limitation of this work, however, is that it is not grounded in experimental data. Do scientists actually reason non-vacuously about counterpossibles? If so, what is their basis for doing so? We presented biologists (N = 86) with two counterfactual formulations of a well-known model in biology, the antecedents of which contain what many philosophers would characterize as a metaphysical impossibility. Participants consistently judged one counterfactual to be true, the other to be false, and they explained that they formed these judgments based on what they perceived to be the mathematical relationship between the antecedent and consequent. Moreover, we found no relationship between participants’ judgments about the (im)possibility of the antecedent and whether they judged a counterfactual to be true or false. These are the first experimental results on counterpossibles in science with which we are familiar. We present a modal semantics that can capture these judgments, and we deal with a host of potential objections that a defender of the vacuity thesis might make

    Differential cohesin loading marks paired and unpaired regions of platypus sex chromosomes at prophase i

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    Cohesins are vital for chromosome organisation during meiosis and mitosis. In addition to the important function in sister chromatid cohesion, these complexes play key roles in meiotic recombination, DSB repair, homologous chromosome pairing and segregation. Egg-laying mammals (monotremes) feature an unusually complex sex chromosome system, which raises fundamental questions about organisation and segregation during meiosis. We discovered a dynamic and differential accumulation of cohesins on sex chromosomes during platypus prophase I and specific reorganisation of the sex chromosome complex around a large nucleolar body. Detailed analysis revealed a differential loading of SMC3 on the chromatin and chromosomal axis of XY shared regions compared with the chromatin and chromosomal axes of asynapsed X and Y regions during prophase I. At late prophase I, SMC3 accumulation is lost from both the chromatin and chromosome axes of the asynaptic regions of the chain and resolves into subnuclear compartments. This is the first report detailing unpaired DNA specific SMC3 accumulation during meiosis in any species and allows speculation on roles for cohesin in monotreme sex chromosome organisation and segregation.Aaron E. Casey, Tasman J. Daish, Jose Luis Barbero, Frank Grützne

    EchidnaCSI – improving monitoring of a cryptic species at continental scale using Citizen Science

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    Short-beaked echidna (Tachyglossus aculeatus) are a cryptic and iconic monotreme found throughout the continent of Australia. Despite observational records spanning many years aggregated in national and state biodiversity databases, the spatial and temporal intensity of sightings is limited. Although the species is of least conservation concern at the global level, a subspecies has been declared endangered on Kangaroo Island in South Australia. We need better population data over the whole continent to inform this species’ conservation management. To increase the temporal and spatial resolution of observations which may be used for more accurate population assessments, we developed a mobile app for citizen scientists to easily record echidna sightings and improve the quantity, quality and distribution of data collected for monitoring this species. EchidnaCSI is a free, cross-platform (Android & iOS), open-source app that we developed to collect echidna observational data around Australia. EchidnaCSI has been in use since September 2017 and uses mobile phone sensors to transparently and automatically record metadata, such as species observation location and time and GPS location precision. We examine differences in spatial coverage between these observations and those in existing data repositories in the Atlas of Living Australia and state biodiversity databases, especially in relation to observations in protected areas and to an index of remoteness and accessibility. EchidnaCSI has contributed over 8000 echidna observations from around Australia, more than recorded in all state systems combined, with similar spatial distribution. Although coverage was more limited in some protected areas than the reference data sources, numbers of observations in all remote areas were greater than the reference scientific data except for very remote regions. EchidnaCSI has improved the spatial and temporal intensity of observations for this iconic species and provides a complement to scientific surveys, which might usefully focus on highly protected areas and very remote regions.Alan Stenhouse, Tahlia Perry, Frank Grützner, Megan Lewis, Lian Pin Ko

    COVID restrictions impact wildlife monitoring in Australia

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    The global COVID-19 pandemic has imposed restrictions on people's movement, work and access to places at multiple international, national and sub-national scales. We need a better understanding of how the varied restrictions have impacted wildlife monitoring as gaps in data continuity caused by these disruptions may limit future data use and analysis. To assess the effect of different levels of COVID-19 restrictions on both citizen science and traditional wildlife monitoring, we analyse observational records of a widespread and iconic monotreme, the Australian short- beaked echidna (Tachyglossus aculeatus), in three states of Australia. We compare citizen science to observations from biodiversity data repositories across the three states by analysing numbers of observations, coverage in protected areas, and geographic distribution using an index of remoteness and accessibility. We analyse the effect of restriction levels by comparing these data from each restriction level in 2020 with corresponding periods in 2018–2019. Our results indicate that stricter and longer restrictions reduced numbers of scientific observations while citizen science showed few effects, though there is much variation due to differences in restriction levels in each state. Geographic distribution and coverage of protected and non-protected areas were also reduced for scientific monitoring while citizen science observations were little affected. This study shows that citizen science can continue to record accurate and widely distributed species observational data, despite pandemic restrictions, and thus demonstrates the potential value of citizen science to other researchers who require reliable data during periods of disruption.Alan Stenhouse, Tahlia Perry, Frank Grützner, Peggy Rismiller, Lian Pin Koh, Megan Lewi

    EchidnaCSI: engaging the public in research and conservation of the short-beaked echidna

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    The short-beaked echidna is an iconic Australian animal and the most-widespread native mammal, inhabiting diverse environments. The cryptic nature of echidnas has limited research into their ecology in most areas; however, from the well-researched and endangered Kangaroo Island echidna population, we understand that the threats include habitat loss, roads, and invasive species. To obtain more information about echidnas Australia-wide, we established the Echidna Conservation Science Initiative (EchidnaCSI) citizen science project. EchidnaCSI calls on members of the public to submit photographs of wild echidnas and learn to identify and collect echidna scats for molecular analysis. To facilitate participation, we developed a smartphone application as well as ongoing social and traditional media activities and community events. In 3 y, more than 9,000 members of the public have downloaded the EchidnaCSI app, collecting 400 scats and submitting over 8,000 sightings of echidnas from across Australia. A subset of submitted scat samples were subjected to DNA extraction and PCR, which validated the approach of using citizen science for scat collection and viability for molecular analysis. To assess the impact of the project through public participation, we surveyed our participants (n = 944) to understand their demographics and motivations for engagement. Survey results also revealed that EchidnaCSI served as a gateway into citizen science more generally for many participants. EchidnaCSI demonstrates the potential for using citizen science approaches to collect high-quality data and material from a cryptic species over a very large geographic area and the considerable engagement value of citizen science research.Tahlia Perry, Alan Stenhouse, Isabella Wilson, Imma Perfetto, Michael W. McKelvey, Michelle Coulson, Rachel A. Ankeny, Peggy D. Rismiller, and Frank Grützne

    Transcriptome and translatome co-evolution in mammals.

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    Gene-expression programs define shared and species-specific phenotypes, but their evolution remains largely uncharacterized beyond the transcriptome layer <sup>1</sup> . Here we report an analysis of the co-evolution of translatomes and transcriptomes using ribosome-profiling and matched RNA-sequencing data for three organs (brain, liver and testis) in five mammals (human, macaque, mouse, opossum and platypus) and a bird (chicken). Our within-species analyses reveal that translational regulation is widespread in the different organs, in particular across the spermatogenic cell types of the testis. The between-species divergence in gene expression is around 20% lower at the translatome layer than at the transcriptome layer owing to extensive buffering between the expression layers, which especially preserved old, essential and housekeeping genes. Translational upregulation specifically counterbalanced global dosage reductions during the evolution of sex chromosomes and the effects of meiotic sex-chromosome inactivation during spermatogenesis. Despite the overall prevalence of buffering, some genes evolved faster at the translatome layer-potentially indicating adaptive changes in expression; testis tissue shows the highest fraction of such genes. Further analyses incorporating mass spectrometry proteomics data establish that the co-evolution of transcriptomes and translatomes is reflected at the proteome layer. Together, our work uncovers co-evolutionary patterns and associated selective forces across the expression layers, and provides a resource for understanding their interplay in mammalian organs

    Convergent evolution of chicken Z and human X chromosomes by expansion and gene acquisition

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    In birds, as in mammals, one pair of chromosomes differs between the sexes. In birds, males are ZZ and females ZW. In mammals, males are XY and females XX. Like the mammalian XY pair, the avian ZW pair is believed to have evolved from autosomes, with most change occurring in the chromosomes found in only one sex—the W and Y chromosomes1, 2, 3, 4, 5. By contrast, the sex chromosomes found in both sexes—the Z and X chromosomes—are assumed to have diverged little from their autosomal progenitors2. Here we report findings that challenge this assumption for both the chicken Z chromosome and the human X chromosome. The chicken Z chromosome, which we sequenced essentially to completion, is less gene-dense than chicken autosomes but contains a massive tandem array containing hundreds of duplicated genes expressed in testes. A comprehensive comparison of the chicken Z chromosome with the finished sequence of the human X chromosome demonstrates that each evolved independently from different portions of the ancestral genome. Despite this independence, the chicken Z and human X chromosomes share features that distinguish them from autosomes: the acquisition and amplification of testis-expressed genes, and a low gene density resulting from an expansion of intergenic regions. These features were not present on the autosomes from which the Z and X chromosomes originated but were instead acquired during the evolution of Z and X as sex chromosomes. We conclude that the avian Z and mammalian X chromosomes followed convergent evolutionary trajectories, despite their evolving with opposite (female versus male) systems of heterogamety. More broadly, in birds and mammals, sex chromosome evolution involved not only gene loss in sex-specific chromosomes, but also marked expansion and gene acquisition in sex chromosomes common to males and females.National Science Foundation (U.S.)Howard Hughes Medical Institut