32 research outputs found

    Die Vertreibung von Wissenschaftlern aus den deutschen Universitäten 1933–1945

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.Die nationalsozialistische Personalpolitik an den deutschen Hochschulen und der erzwungene Exodus vieler Wissenschaftler sind ein zentrales Thema der Zeitgeschichtsforschung. Noch nie aber sind die Folgen dieses gleichermaßen brutalen wie systematischen Eingriffs von oben so präzise rekonstruiert worden wie in dieser Untersuchung. Sie ist nicht nur eine eindrucksvolle Bilanz zahlreicher Detailstudien, sie basiert auch auf ausgedehnten Archivrecherchen der beiden Autoren.To some degree, all accounts of the National Socialist dictatorship describe the mass expulsions with which the National Socialists cleansed the German universities. Yet, there is still no clarity as to the exact extent of the factually incurred personnel losses at universities during the Nazi Era and what became of the expelled academics. The article provides dependable figures for two-thirds of all universities and can therefore deliver a preliminary overview of the losses by expulsion on this basis.A detailed appendix provides exact data on the individual universities and short biographies of those professors who became victims of National Socialist extermination policies or committed suicide

    Does the effect of studying abroad on labour income vary by graduates' social origin? Evidence from Germany

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    Studying abroad can positively influence students’ personality development, transversal skills, and labour market outcomes. At the same time, students from a high social origin are more likely to study abroad than students from a low social origin. Against this background, recent research has suggested that international student mobility (ISM) may foster the reproduction of social inequality. However, this assumption has hardly been tested empirically. Drawing on social stratification theory, we first demonstrate that a scenario in which ISM increases social inequality (cumulative advantage) is as plausible as a scenario in which it decreases social inequality (compensatory levelling). We then address the sketched research gap by testing whether the effect of studying abroad on graduates' labour income varies across social groups in the German labour market. Using data from the 2005 DZHW Graduate Panel, we perform a propensity score matching and calculate random effects growth curve models to examine the role of ISM for the development of social inequality during the first 10 years of graduates' careers. In line with the scenario of cumulative advantage, our results suggest that graduates from a high social origin benefit more from ISM than graduates from a low social origin. Considering that students from a high social origin are also more likely to study abroad in the first place, we conclude that ISM tends to foster the reproduction of social inequality in the German labour market

    Zur Bedeutung von "Konventionen" in der Arbeitsverwaltung: die Vergabepraxis des Gründungszuschusses

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    Der Gründungszuschuss ist das bedeutendste Förderinstrument zur Existenzgründung aus Arbeitslosigkeit. Während umfangreiche Evaluationsstudien zu seinen arbeitsmarktpolitischen Wirkungen vorliegen, gibt es bislang kaum theoriegeleitete Arbeiten, die seine Vergabe in den Arbeitsagenturen beleuchten. Dieser Prozess selbst ist von einer hohen Unsicherheit geprägt, da der Markterfolg von Unternehmensgründungen a priori ungewiss ist. Empirisch zeigt sich, dass sowohl die Mitarbeiter in den Arbeitsagenturen als auch die Existenzgründer ihre Rolle in den Vermittlungsgesprächen sehr unterschiedlich wahrnehmen und gestalten. Der Autor geht in seiner qualitativen Studie der Frage nach, welche Konventionen in dieser Situation der Unsicherheit für die beteiligten Akteure in der Arbeitsverwaltung präsent und handlungsleitend sind - und welchen Unterschied es macht, wenn Existenzgründungsgespräche stärker an der einen oder anderen Konvention orientiert werden.Founding subsidies are the most important grant tool for setting up businesses to avoid unemployment. Whilst there are extensive evaluation studies relating to their political effects on the labour market, there are to date hardly any theory-based works exploring the granting of the subsidies in employment agencies. This process is characterised by a high level insecurity, as the market success of business foundation is uncertain a priori. Empirically, it is shown that both the staff in employment agencies and the business founders perceive and design their roles in mediation conversations in very different ways. In his qualitative study the author considers the questions which patterns there are for the employment administration stakeholders involved in this insecure situation, which patterns lead to actions - and which difference it makes if the business foundation conversations are orientated stronger by one or the other pattern

    Determinanten und Effekte sozialer Exklusion in unterschiedlichen Lebenslagen

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    This dissertation brings together four articles that have been written over a several years and use a range of quantitative data and methods to explore questions about the determinants and effects of social exclusion. An overarching conceptual framework is also formulated in an outline paper. The individual articles are placed in this framework and the contents are reflected upon. For this purpose, the current state of research is consulted in each case in order to obtain an updated assessment of the relevance of the research question and the methods used. The individual contributions draw on different theoretical considerations, which predominantly refer to stress-theoretical approaches, which in turn are to be made fruitful for the analysis of feelings of belonging or exclusion and their consequences for psychological well-being. The work can therefore contribute to analytical-empirical research on exclusion

    Refugees on Their Way to German Higher Education: A Capabilities and Engagements Perspective on Aspirations, Challenges and Support

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    In recent years, the number of new asylum applications in Germany has risen with a peak in 2015. Many refugees arrive with high levels of prior education and corresponding educational aspirations. Hence, German universities and preparatory colleges (so-called ‘Studienkollegs’) have created additional preparatory courses and supporting services for refugees. Heretofore, little is known about the specific challenges for prospective refugee students seeking access to higher education in the German context. We focus on key individual, social, and institutional conditions for integrating refugees into the German higher education system. How do prospective refugee students value higher education? What are the key challenges and supporting factors on their way to higher education in Germany? Our analysis is based on 17 exploratory interviews with prospective refugee students, staff of higher education institutions and counselling services. We combine educational sociology and refugee studies and rely on the capability approach and its close relation to the conception of agency to theorize our empirical findings. Reconstructing the challenges and coping strategies along with the key concepts of the capability approach reveals the different strategies of prospective refugee students to achieve their aspirations as well as the frustrating institutional limits of agency. Finally, we will discuss implications for higher education policy in Germany

    Zwischen Partizipation und Retraumatisierung

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    Im Projekt „Wege von Geflüchteten an deutsche Hochschulen (WeGe)“[1] untersuchen wir auf der Basis eines Mixed-Methods-Forschungsdesigns studienvorbereitende Angebote für Geflüchtete an Hochschulen und Studienkollegs in Deutschland. Recherchen in Vorbereitung unseres Sensibilisierungskonzeptes für die Erhebung der Perspektive der Teilnehmer*innen mit Fluchterfahrung zeigten unterschiedliche Ansätze und Ansprüche der Forschung mit Geflüchteten, die etwa Forschungsethik und Verwertbarkeit der Ergebnisse betreffen. Dabei lassen sich forschungsethische, forschungspraktische und emanzipatorisch-partizipative Ansätze unterscheiden. Diskussionspunkte sind etwa die Anpassung von Erhebungsinstrumenten an die Zielgruppe, die Erfassung von im Feld relevanten Themen- und Problemfeldern, die Machbarkeit aktiver Partizipation, sowie die (Re)Produktion bestehender Hierarchien. Dabei zeigt sich, dass je nach Forschungsdesign und -ziel spezifische Sensibilisierungsanlässe und -strategien im Vordergrund stehen. In unserem Beitrag setzen wir uns mit verschiedenen Ansätzen in der Fluchtforschung auseinander und gehen beispielhaft auf unser Vorgehen im Rahmen qualitativer wie quantitativer Erhebungen mit Geflüchteten in der Studienvorbereitung ein. Wir sprechen uns schließlich für einen kritischen Dialog zwischen verschiedenen Forschungstraditionen und -ansätzen aus.   [1] Das Projekt WeGe wird durch das Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) im Rahmen der Förderlinie „Studienerfolg und Studienabbruch“ gefördert und am Deutschen Zentrum für Hochschul- und Wissenschaftsforschung (DZHW) durchgeführt

    Refugees on Their Way to German Higher Education: A Capabilities and Engagements Perspective on Aspirations, Challenges and Support

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    In recent years, the number of new asylum applications in Germany has risen with a peak in 2015. Many refugees arrive with high levels of prior education and corresponding educational aspirations. Hence, German universities and preparatory colleges (so-called ‘Studienkollegs’) have created additional preparatory courses and supporting services for refugees. Heretofore, little is known about the specific challenges for prospective refugee students seeking access to higher education in the German context. We focus on key individual, social, and institutional conditions for integrating refugees into the German higher education system. How do prospective refugee students value higher education? What are the key challenges and supporting factors on their way to higher education in Germany? Our analysis is based on 17 exploratory interviews with prospective refugee students, staff of higher education institutions and counselling services. We combine educational sociology and refugee studies and rely on the capability approach and its close relation to the conception of agency to theorize our empirical findings. Reconstructing the challenges and coping strategies along with the key concepts of the capability approach reveals the different strategies of prospective refugee students to achieve their aspirations as well as the frustrating institutional limits of agency. Finally, we will discuss implications for higher education policy in Germany

    The HeMoVal study protocol: a prospective international multicenter cohort study to validate cerebrospinal fluid hemoglobin as a monitoring biomarker for aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage related secondary brain injury.

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    INTRODUCTION Preclinical studies provided a strong rationale for a pathophysiological link between cell-free hemoglobin in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF-Hb) and secondary brain injury after subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH-SBI). In a single-center prospective observational clinical study, external ventricular drain (EVD) based CSF-Hb proved to be a promising biomarker to monitor for SAH-SBI. The primary objective of the HeMoVal study is to prospectively validate the association between EVD based CSF-Hb and SAH-SBI during the first 14 days post-SAH. Secondary objectives include the assessment of the discrimination ability of EVD based CSF-Hb for SAH-SBI and the definition of a clinically relevant range of EVD based CSF-Hb toxicity. In addition, lumbar drain (LD) based CSF-Hb will be assessed for its association with and discrimination ability for SAH-SBI. METHODS HeMoVal is a prospective international multicenter observational cohort study. Adult patients admitted with aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (aSAH) are eligible. While all patients with aSAH are included, we target a sample size of 250 patients with EVD within the first 14 day after aSAH. Epidemiologic and disease-specific baseline measures are assessed at the time of study inclusion. In patients with EVD or LD, each day during the first 14 days post-SAH, 2 ml of CSF will be sampled in the morning, followed by assessment of the patients for SAH-SBI, co-interventions, and complications in the afternoon. After 3 months, a clinical follow-up will be performed. For statistical analysis, the cohort will be stratified into an EVD, LD and full cohort. The primary analysis will quantify the strength of association between EVD based CSF-Hb and SAH-SBI in the EVD cohort based on a generalized additive model. Secondary analyses include the strength of association between LD based CSF-Hb and SAH-SBI in the LD cohort based on a generalized additive model, as well as the discrimination ability of CSF-Hb for SAH-SBI based on receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analyses. DISCUSSION We hypothesize that this study will validate the value of CSF-Hb as a biomarker to monitor for SAH-SBI. In addition, the results of this study will provide the potential base to define an intervention threshold for future studies targeting CSF-Hb toxicity after aSAH. STUDY REGISTRATION ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier NCT04998370 . Date of registration: August 10, 2021

    The HeMoVal study protocol: a prospective international multicenter cohort study to validate cerebrospinal fluid hemoglobin as a monitoring biomarker for aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage related secondary brain injury

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    Introduction: Preclinical studies provided a strong rationale for a pathophysiological link between cell-free hemoglobin in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF-Hb) and secondary brain injury after subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH-SBI). In a single-center prospective observational clinical study, external ventricular drain (EVD) based CSF-Hb proved to be a promising biomarker to monitor for SAH-SBI. The primary objective of the HeMoVal study is to prospectively validate the association between EVD based CSF-Hb and SAH-SBI during the first 14 days post-SAH. Secondary objectives include the assessment of the discrimination ability of EVD based CSF-Hb for SAH-SBI and the definition of a clinically relevant range of EVD based CSF-Hb toxicity. In addition, lumbar drain (LD) based CSF-Hb will be assessed for its association with and discrimination ability for SAH-SBI. Methods: HeMoVal is a prospective international multicenter observational cohort study. Adult patients admitted with aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (aSAH) are eligible. While all patients with aSAH are included, we target a sample size of 250 patients with EVD within the first 14 day after aSAH. Epidemiologic and disease-specific baseline measures are assessed at the time of study inclusion. In patients with EVD or LD, each day during the first 14 days post-SAH, 2 ml of CSF will be sampled in the morning, followed by assessment of the patients for SAH-SBI, co-interventions, and complications in the afternoon. After 3 months, a clinical follow-up will be performed. For statistical analysis, the cohort will be stratified into an EVD, LD and full cohort. The primary analysis will quantify the strength of association between EVD based CSF-Hb and SAH-SBI in the EVD cohort based on a generalized additive model. Secondary analyses include the strength of association between LD based CSF-Hb and SAH-SBI in the LD cohort based on a generalized additive model, as well as the discrimination ability of CSF-Hb for SAH-SBI based on receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analyses. Discussion: We hypothesize that this study will validate the value of CSF-Hb as a biomarker to monitor for SAH-SBI. In addition, the results of this study will provide the potential base to define an intervention threshold for future studies targeting CSF-Hb toxicity after aSAH

    Informelle Pflege, Arbeitslosigkeit und soziale Exklusion: Kumulierende oder kompensierende Risiken?

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    Der Beitrag untersucht, inwiefern informelle Pflege für die Pflegepersonen ein Risiko sozialer Exklusion oder eine Ressource für Zugehörigkeitskonstruktionen darstellt. Zudem wird das Zusammenwirken von informeller Pflege und Arbeitslosigkeit untersucht. Theoretisch orientiert sich der Beitrag an der soziologischen Exklusionsforschung mit deren Überlegungen zu subjektiven und objektiven Dimensionen sozialer Inklusion (Kronauer 2010; Bude / Lantermann 2006). Analysen mit Daten des Panels Arbeitsmarkt und soziale Sicherung (PASS) des Institutes für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung (IAB) getrennt nach Geschlecht zeigen, dass ein hoher zeitlicher Pflegeaufwand insbesondere bei Männern das Zugehörigkeitsempfinden mindert, während bei Frauen partiell eine Stärkung des Zugehörigkeitsgefühls beobachtet wird, wenn Arbeitslosigkeit und Pflegearbeit zusammentreffen.   Informal Care and Unemployment: Cumulating or Compensating Risks of Social Exclusion? The paper deals with the problem of potential social exclusion of care givers. Moreover, it deals with the interaction of informal care and unemployment. It uses the sociological perspective on social exclusion as a multidimensional phenomenon. Based on data from the “Panel Study Labour Market and Social Security (PASS)“, results indicate that a high amount of working hours of informal care can cause feelings of social exclusion, especially to men. The interaction of informal care work and unemployment shows a positive effect on social inclusion to women under certain conditions. JEL-Klassifizierung: I31