2,827 research outputs found

    Isonemal prefabrics with only parallel axes of symmetry

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    Isonemal weaving designs, introduced into mathematical literature by Gr\"unbaum and Shephard, were classified into thirty-nine infinite sets and a small number of exceptions by Richard Roth. This paper refines Roth's taxonomy for the first ten of these families in order to solve three problems, which designs exist in various sizes, which prefabrics can be doubled and remain isonemal, and which can be halved and remain isonemal.Comment: 25 page

    The Rahman Polynomials Are Bispectral

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    In a very recent paper, M. Rahman introduced a remarkable family of polynomials in two variables as the eigenfunctions of the transition matrix for a nontrivial Markov chain due to M. Hoare and M. Rahman. I indicate here that these polynomials are bispectral. This should be just one of the many remarkable properties enjoyed by these polynomials. For several challenges, including finding a general proof of some of the facts displayed here the reader should look at the last section of this paper.Comment: This is a contribution to the Vadim Kuznetsov Memorial Issue on Integrable Systems and Related Topics, published in SIGMA (Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications) at http://www.emis.de/journals/SIGMA

    Some Noncommutative Matrix Algebras Arising in the Bispectral Problem

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    I revisit the so called "bispectral problem" introduced in a joint paper with Hans Duistermaat a long time ago, allowing now for the differential operators to have matrix coefficients and for the eigenfunctions, and one of the eigenvalues, to be matrix valued too. In the last example we go beyond this and allow both eigenvalues to be matrix valued

    A System of Multivariable Krawtchouk Polynomials and a Probabilistic Application

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    The one variable Krawtchouk polynomials, a special case of the 2F1_2F_1 function did appear in the spectral representation of the transition kernel for a Markov chain studied a long time ago by M. Hoare and M. Rahman. A multivariable extension of this Markov chain was considered in a later paper by these authors where a certain two variable extension of the F1F_1 Appel function shows up in the spectral analysis of the corresponding transition kernel. Independently of any probabilistic consideration a certain multivariable version of the Gelfand-Aomoto hypergeometric function was considered in papers by H. Mizukawa and H. Tanaka. These authors and others such as P. Iliev and P. Tertwilliger treat the two-dimensional version of the Hoare-Rahman work from a Lie-theoretic point of view. P. Iliev then treats the general nn-dimensional case. All of these authors proved several properties of these functions. Here we show that these functions play a crucial role in the spectral analysis of the transition kernel that comes from pushing the work of Hoare-Rahman to the multivariable case. The methods employed here to prove this as well as several properties of these functions are completely different to those used by the authors mentioned above

    The CMV bispectral problem

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    A classical result due to Bochner classifies the orthogonal polynomials on the real line which are common eigenfunctions of a second order linear differential operator. We settle a natural version of the Bochner problem on the unit circle which answers a similar question concerning orthogonal Laurent polynomials and can be formulated as a bispectral problem involving CMV matrices. We solve this CMV bispectral problem in great generality proving that, except the Lebesgue measure, no other one on the unit circle yields a sequence of orthogonal Laurent polynomials which are eigenfunctions of a linear differential operator of arbitrary order. Actually, we prove that this is the case even if such an eigenfunction condition is imposed up to finitely many orthogonal Laurent polynomials.Comment: 25 pages, final version, to appear in International Mathematics Research Notice

    A note on the invariant distribution of a quasi-birth-and-death process

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    The aim of this paper is to give an explicit formula of the invariant distribution of a quasi-birth-and-death process in terms of the block entries of the transition probability matrix using a matrix-valued orthogonal polynomials approach. We will show that the invariant distribution can be computed using the squared norms of the corresponding matrix-valued orthogonal polynomials, no matter if they are or not diagonal matrices. We will give an example where the squared norms are not diagonal matrices, but nevertheless we can compute its invariant distribution