153 research outputs found

    Lutherovih 95 teza: katolički pristup

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    In the context of the 500 anniversary of the 95 thesis of Luther, the Author starts underlining the distinction between the “first Luther”, the “second Luther”, and “Lutheranism”. The Luther of this event is a Catholic Luther, also in the canonical sense, that is, before the condemnation and excommunication of 1520-21. The 95 theses were written by a Catholic theologian whose intention was to reform, not to divide, and they remain mainly in the mainstream. The Author stresses this point illustrating in the first place the historical background of the theology of the indulgences and the particular formation received by Luther. He comments then some of the formal aspects of the thesis and their doctrinal contents. Finally, three proposals are formulated in view of the Catholic-Lutheran dialogue, concluding at the end with the “catholicity” of the Luther of 1517.U kontekstu 500. obljetnice 95 Lutherove teza, autor započinje s naglašavanjem razlika između „prvog Luthera“, „drugog Luthera“ i „lutheranizma“. Luther ovog događaja jest katolički Luther, također u kanonskom smislu, dakle prije osude i izopćenja 1520.-1521. 95 teza napisao je katolički teolog čija je namjera bilo reforma, a ne podjela. Autor naglašava ovu točku ilustrirajući na prvom mjestu povijesnu pozadinu teologije oprosta i posebnu formaciju koju je primio Luther. Komentira zatim neke od formalnih aspekata teza i njihov doktrinarni sadržaj. Konačno, formulirana su tri prijedloga s obzirom na katoličko-luteranski dijalog, zaključujući na kraju s „katolicitetom“ Luthera iz 1517

    Reacciones adversas a medicamentos biológicos : importancia de su farmacovigilancia

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    Reacciones adversas a medicamentos biológicos : importancia de su farmacovigilancia.

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    Nuevos riesgos de viejos medicamentos

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    Deprescripción de fármacos en adultos mayores

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    Uso de inhibidores de la secreción ácida en adultos mayores

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    Los inhibidores de la secreción ácida gástrica (ISG) incluyen fármacos antisecretores que actúan en alguno de los tres secretagogos más importantes que estimulan la generación y secreción de hidrogeniones por la célula parietal gástrica: acetilcolina, gastrina e histamina. Los grupos terapéuticos que actúan modulando estos secretagogos son los antagonistas de receptores de histamina de tipo H2; y los inhibidores de la bomba de protones, que ejercen su efecto modulando la vía final común: la bomba de intercambio de hidrógeno/potasio dependiente de ATP, presente en la superficie de la célula parieta