25 research outputs found
Cédula, 1825-11-29
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Fostering place-based coalitions between social movements and science for sustainable urban environments: a case of embedded agency
The objective of this paper is to contribute to an important debate concerning the interaction between place-based social movements and the science, technology and innovation system. Our central proposition is that place-based social movements can facilitate unique local heterogeneous alliances with key actors of the science and technology system. A process of bricolage can emerge from these alliances whereby social movements are supported by the technical knowledge of the science community, and in turn, the priorities of the scientists are influenced by the agendas of the social movements, leading to new forms of knowledge production. We build on this to argue that these place-based engagements can create significant agency towards changes in socio technical and socio ecological systems in urban environments, especially in societies where regulatory oversight is weaker and social movements in areas that overlap science, technology and innovation are a common expression of civil society demand for change. Our argument is developed through a study of a social movement in defence of an urban wetland in Bogota
Sarasate : periódico ilustrado
"Número único, julio de 1900"Tit tomado de la cabeceraTexto en castellano y vasc
Vireinato [sic] y Capitanía General de Navarra. Guia de caminos de dicho Reino, é itinerario militar para las rutas principales
Tít. en cub.: Guía de caminos é itinerario militar de Navarra con las inscripciones respectivas al servicio de bagages y alojamientosExisten ejemplares con variante de edición, en los que tras el título aparece el criptónimo P.D.F.S, que podría significar "Por Don Florencio Sanz", quien se atribuye la autoría de esta obra en un manuscrito titulado "Lista de mis folletos que he publicado, y de los que conservo sin publicar..."
Propuesta de mejora del plan de mantenimiento a nivel nacional del sistema de telemetría de una empresa comercializadora y distribuidora de gas natural
69 p.The worldwide hydrocarbon sector is of great importance given its use in both industrial and
residential sector, hence the vital need to manage and control its end to end supply chain from
production to consumption. For this, The Natural Gas Trading and Distribution Company has
adopted a telemetry system based on SCADA with the objective to collect data generated in each
station in order to launch the respective alerts to enable appropriate and timely decision making.
This project, collected data such as processes, equipment technical specifications, and extracted
data from the ERP (SAP) from year 2018 to define the baseline. Processes were characterized,
equipment with the highest amount of failures where segmented according to a defined
taxonomy, using techniques such as RCM, Pareto and fishbone, tools that allowed the analysis of
the information and the creation of a proposal to improve the maintenance plans in order to
reduce the amount of corrective maintenance, which will have an impact on a better cost control,
reduce response times and improvement of the quality of life of workers.1. Propuesta de Mejora del Plan de Mantenimiento a Nivel Nacional del Sistema de 1. telemetría de la Empresa Comercializadora y Distribuidora de Gas Natural 11
2. Problema de la Investigación 11
2.1. Descripción del Problema 11
2.2. Formulación del Problema 12
2.3. Sistematización del Problema 12
3. Objetivos 13
3.1. Objetivo General 13
3.2. Objetivos Específicos 13
4. Justificación y Delimitación 14
4.1. Justificación 14
4.2. Delimitación 15
4.3. Limitaciones 16
5. Marcos Referenciales 17
5.1. Estado del Arte 17
5.1.1. Estado del Arte Nacional 17
5.1.2. Estado del Arte Internacional 22
5.2. Marco Teórico 28
5.2.1. Gas Natural 29
5.2.2. Telemetría y SCADA en la industria de hidrocarburos. 33
5.2.3. Mantenimiento de equipos. 36
5.3. Marco Legal 38
6. Marco Metodológico 40
6.1. Recolección de la Información 40
6.1.1. Tipo de Investigación 40
6.1.2. Fuentes de Obtención de la Información 40
6.1.3. Herramientas 41
6.1.4. Metodología 41
6.1.5. Información Recopilada 42
6.2. Análisis de la Información 49
6.2.1. Taxonomía 49
6.2.2. Análisis de criticidad 50
6.2.3. Análisis de Pareto 51
6.3. Propuesta(s) de Solución 54
6.3.1. Planificación y rendimiento de costos del mantenimiento preventivo 54
6.3.2. Plan de capacitaciones 55
6.3.3. Ineficiencia de mantenimiento y material en stock 55
6.3.4. Reportes e informes 57
6.3.5. Análisis y planes de acción 57
6.3.6. Motivaciones 57
7. Impactos esperados 59
8. Análisis financiero 61
9. Conclusiones y recomendaciones 64
9.1. Conclusiones 64
9.2. Recomendaciones 65
10. BIBLIOGRAFÍA 66El sector de hidrocarburos a nivel mundial cobra una gran importancia tanto que su uso se ve
reflejado en el sector industrial como en el residencial, de ahí que el control y manejo adecuado
de su suministro es vital en la cadena de producción y consumo; para ello la Empresa
Comercializadora y Distribuidora de Gas Natural ha adoptado un sistema de telemetría basado en
el SCADA encargado de recibir los datos generados en cada estación generando las alertas
respectivas con el fin de llevar un control y toma de decisiones adecuadas y oportunas.
Para el presente proyecto se tomaron como base los datos recolectados como procesos, fichas
técnicas de los equipos, y datos extraídos del software SAP en el año 2018, en donde se
caracterizaron los procesos presentes, se realizó un taxonomía de los equipos con mayor cantidad
de fallas, se aplicó técnicas como el RCM, análisis de Pareto y Diagrama de causa y efecto,
herramientas que permitieron el análisis de la información, generando una propuesta de mejora al
plan de mantenimiento reduciendo los cantidad de correctivos por preventivos, lo cual ayudará a
tener un mejor control de los costos, disminuir tiempos de respuesta y mejorar la calidad de vida
de los trabajadores
Planes que manifistan [sic] el numero de pleitos, causas, y espedientes civiles, criminales y otras, despachadas por las Salas del Supremo Consejo, Real Corte, y Tribunal de Cámara de Comptos de este Reino de Navarra, con un resúmen de todos ellos, y espresion de las penas corporales impuestas á los Reos el proximo año de 1830
Múltiples errores de foliación, intercala paginación con foliació
Using clustering techniques for intelligent camera-based user interfaces
The area of Human-Machine Interface is growing fast due to its high importance in all technological systems. The basic idea behind designing human-machine interfaces is to enrich the communication with the technology in a natural and easy way. Gesture interfaces are a good example of transparent interfaces. Such interfaces must identify properly the action the user wants to perform, so the proper gesture recognition is of the highest importance. However, most of the systems based on gesture recognition use complex methods requiring high-resource devices. In this work, we propose to model gestures capturing their temporal properties, which significantly reduce storage requirements, and use clustering techniques, namely self-organizing maps and unsupervised genetic algorithm, for their classification. We further propose to train a certain number of algorithms with different parameters and combine their decision using majority voting in order to decrease the false positive rate. The main advantage of the approach is its simplicity, which enables the implementation using devices with limited resources, and therefore low cost. The testing results demonstrate its high potential
Bio-inspired enhancement of reputation systems for intelligent environments
Providing security to the emerging field of ambient intelligence will be difficult if we rely only on existing techniques, given their dynamic and heterogeneous nature. Moreover, security demands of these systems are expected to grow, as many applications will require accurate context modeling. In this work we propose an enhancement to the reputation systems traditionally deployed for securing these systems. Different anomaly detectors are combined using the immunological paradigm to optimize reputation system performance in response to evolving security requirements. As an example, the experiments show how a combination of detectors based on unsupervised techniques (self-organizing maps and genetic algorithms) can help to significantly reduce the global response time of the reputation system. The proposed solution offers many benefits: scalability, fast response to adversarial activities, ability to detect unknown attacks, high adaptability, and high ability in detecting and confining attacks. For these reasons, we believe that our solution is capable of coping with the dynamism of ambient intelligence systems and the growing requirements of security demands
Improving Security for SCADA Sensor Networks with Reputation Systems and Self-Organizing Maps
The reliable operation of modern infrastructures depends on computerized systems and Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems, which are also based on the data obtained from sensor networks. The inherent limitations of the sensor devices make them extremely vulnerable to cyberwarfare/cyberterrorism attacks. In this paper, we propose a reputation system enhanced with distributed agents, based on unsupervised learning algorithms (self-organizing maps), in order to achieve fault tolerance and enhanced resistance to previously unknown attacks. This approach has been extensively simulated and compared with previous proposals
The daring Bridge Pavillion (Pabellón Puente) over the river Ebro (Expo 2008): affect on river erosion and protection and auscultation requirements
El artículo trata del riesgo de erosión fluvial en una pila compleja de gran anchura, construida en el cauce del río Ebro en Zaragoza. Se describe el problema de erosión local en la pila, las características del modelo físico ensayado y los mantos de escollera que consiguen detener la erosión, así como la ejecución y auscultación de esta protección.The paper deals with the risk of scouring at a very wide complex pier built within the channel of Ebro river at Zaragoza (Spain). The main points described in the paper are: the local scour problem, the characteristics of the physical model used and the riprap apron able to stop scouring, as well as the execution and monitoring of this protection.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version