25 research outputs found

    Measuring publication diversity among the most productive scholars: how research trajectories differ in communication, psychology, and political science

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    Examining research patterns across scientific fields constitutes a growing research enterprise to understand how global knowledge production unfolds. However, scattered empirical evidence has casted light on how the publication diversity of the most productive scholars differ across disciplines, considering their gender and geographical representation. This study focuses on the most prolific scholars across three fields (Communication, Political Science, and Psychology), and examine all journals where they have published. Results revealed the most common journals in which prolific scholars have appeared and showed that Communication scholars are more prone to publish in Political Science and Psychology journals than vice-versa, while psychologists' largely neglect them both. Our findings also demonstrate that males and US scholars are over-represented across fields, and that neither the field, gender, geographic location, or the interaction between gender and geographic location has a significant influence over publication diversity. The study suggests that prolific scholars are not only productive, but also highly diverse in the selection of the journals they publish, which directly speaks to both the heterogeneity of their research contributions and target readers

    Higher Quantity, Higher Quality? Current Publication Trends of the Most Productive Journal Authors on the Field of Communication Studies

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    The aim of this paper is to examine the publication trajectories of the most productive scholars in communication and media studies between 2015 and 2019. Based on the analysis of 1482 papers of the top-publishing one hundred communication scholars, we identified 126 Scopus-indexed journals in which leading scholars publish, and also examine the main publication clusters. Our results suggest that amongst the most productive authors, quantity does not go to the detriment of quality as the most prolific scholars usually publish in the most prestigious journals of the field. Besides defining thematic clusters, we also identified the most important networks of journals that are the most popular amongst prolific researchers.Open access funding provided by National University of Public Service. Research was funded by project No. TKP2021-NKTA-51, implemented with the support provided by the Ministry of Innovation and Technology of Hungary from the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund, financed under the TKP2021-NKTA funding scheme

    The Value of Proximity: Examining the Willingness to Pay for Online Local News

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    The exploration of new business models based on paid content strategies in the digital environment has generated an important discussion regarding the willingness to pay for online news. Previous studies have neglected local newspapers, although several analyses have clearly identified the local (news) as a fundamental asset to convince readers to pay for information. Based on a national survey of 1,637 U.S. adults, the research presented here systematically evaluates factors that influence the willingness to pay for online local news. Results of the logistic regression analysis reveals relationships between paying intent and predictor variables such as demographics (age and gender), media use (print and online newspapers), news interest, and traditional newspaper subscription. Finally, managerial and theoretical implications are discussed

    Sobrecarga informativa en España: el rol de variables demográficas, el interés en las noticias y el comportamiento de pago del consumidor

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    This article explores factors that correlate with the perception of news overload and the extent to which Spaniards feel overloaded, or not, with the amount of news available. Specifically, this study explores the following factors: demographics (age, gender, and income), news interest, and consumer paying behavior for online news. The research method employs a quantitative, explorative approach with data collected from an online survey of 1,439 Spanish adults, 18 years and older, in January 2013. Finally, managerial and theoretical implications are discussed

    The USA newspaper industry: Boom and bust of the economic model

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    Los cambios tecnológicos y de comportamiento emergentes en la última década, derivados del nacimiento del periodismo digital, han provocado una profunda transformación en las organizaciones periodísticas tradicionales. Los efectos más notables han sido, sobre todo, la ruptura de la tendencia alcista de la circulación de periódicos diarios, de la inversión publicitaria impresa y del gasto diario en periódicos. En contrapartida, observamos un continuo aumento de la inversión publicitaria digital correlativamente al aumento de la audiencia de sus diarios. Pese a la importancia del estudio de los efectos de la prensa digital en la prensa impresa y del análisis de sus tendencias a largo plazo, existe una más que notable carencia de investigaciones rigurosas que asienten unas bases empíricas fiables. El presente artículo tiene como objetivo conocer la evolución, las tendencias y relaciones de diferentes variables (gasto total, circulación, inversión publicitaria, etc.) de la prensa impresa en Estados Unidos en los últimos 60 años. Asimismo, analiza los efectos de la prensa digital en la prensa impresa durante los últimos 10 años y compara la evolución de la circulación impresa de dos series temporales: por un lado la integrada dentro de los últimos 60 años y por otro, la de los últimos 10 años. Las conclusiones más destacadas extraídas del análisis empírico apuntan a que el gasto en prensa impresa afecta positivamente a su inversión publicitaria y establece una correlación significativa negativa entre el gasto en prensa impresa y la inversión publicitaria impresa y una alta correlación negativa entre la inversión publicitaria impresa y la digital.The technological and behavioural changes emerging in the last decade due to the birth of digital journalism have caused a profound change in traditional news organisations. The most notable effects have been, above all, the break in the upward trend in daily newspaper circulation, investment in print advertising and daily spending on newspapers. In contrast, we observed a continuous increase in digital advertising investment in correlation to the growth of its readership. Despite the importance of studying the effects of digital media on print media and analysing its long-term trends, there is a notable lack of rigorous research establishing a reliable empirical foundation. This article aims to determine the evolution, trends and relationships of different variables (total expenditure, circulation, investment in advertising, etc.) of print media in the United States over the last 60 years. It also analyses the effects of digital media on print media over the past 10 years and compares the evolution of print circulation of series from two time periods: one built up during the last 60 years and the other, during the last 10. The main conclusions drawn from the empirical analysis point that the spending on print media positively affects its advertising investment, and establishes a significant negative correlation between spending on print media and investment in print advertising, and a high negative correlation between printed and digital advertising investment

    Joupreneur: una metodología docente para incrementar la intención emprendedora en estudiantes de periodismo

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    This article describes in detail, and empirically validates a methodology for raising entrepreneurial intentions among journalism students. The research is based on pre-post surveys of four groups of students (88 in total), ages 18-25, from the Carlos III University of Madrid, and measures the change in the students’ intentions after a period of three months in a sixcredit, third-year, journalism class. The findings contribute to the theories of education and have wider implications for the practice of entrepreneurship teaching among journalism students.El presente artículo describe en detalle y valida empíricamente una metodología docente para incrementar la intención emprendedora de estudiantes de periodismo. La investigación se basa en un diseño experimental mediante encuestas pre-post en cuatro grupos de 18-25 estudiantes (88 en total) de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, y mide el cambio en la intención después de un período de tres meses de clase. Los resultados contribuyen a la bibliografía teórica sobre educación y tienen amplias implicaciones para la práctica de la enseñanza sobre emprendimiento en estudiantes de periodismo

    Online newspapers business models in Spanish scientific journals. A review and suggestions for future research

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    Using a hierarchical cluster analysis and a deep literature review of Spanish scientific journals in communication sciences, we identify three themes for understanding online newspapers business models, and three areas that are particularly interesting for future research. First, the need for a better understanding of the concept of business model and an agreed classification on online newspapers. Second, more rigorous and sophisticated statistical methods to study business models on online newspapers and all its levels of analysis, and third, the combination of theoretical frameworks that link management and journalism disciplines.A través de un análisis clúster jerárquico y una profunda revisión literaria de las principales revistas científicas españolas en materia de ciencias de la comunicación, identificamos tres temas principales para la comprensión de los modelos de negocio de la prensa digital, y tres áreas que son particularmente interesantes para investigaciones futuras. Primeramente, la necesidad de una mejor comprensión del concepto de modelo de negocio y una clasificación consensuada en la prensa digital. Segundo, la utilización de técnicas estadísticas más sofisticadas y rigurosas con el objetivo estudiar los modelos de negocio de la prensa digital y todos sus niveles de análisis, y tercero, la combinación de marcos teóricos que unan los estudios sobre gestión y periodismo

    Structural support for entrepreneurial goals of audiovisual and journalism students in Spain

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    Se analiza la intención emprendedora y la percepción de apoyo estructural de una muestra de 310 estudiantes de periodismo y comunicación audiovisual en España. Los resultados muestran de modo general una carencia más que notable de intención hacia el autoempleo como comportamiento preferencial laboral futuro así como una escasa percepción de apoyo estructural de las administraciones público-privadas para el desarrollo de nuevos proyectos empresariales. El estudio destaca asimismo una mayor intención emprendedora en hombres estudiantes que en mujeres. Se discuten por último implicaciones académicas, legislativas y sociales.The entrepreneurial intention of a randomly selected sample of 310 students of Journalism and Media Studies in Spain and their perception of the available structural support is analyzed. The findings suggest a more than notable lack of interest in entrepreneurship as a preferred career path, as well as a lack of perception of structural support in the public or private sectors for the development of new business ventures. The study shows a higher level of entrepreneurial intent in male than in female students. Finally, the academic, legislative and social implications of the findings are discussed

    Estratexias de pago por contidos e modelos de negocio da prensa dixital. Análise de caso do Financial Times, The Times e El Mundo en Orbyt

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    A presente tese de doutoramento analiza as estratexias de pago por contidos e os modelos de negocio da prensa dixital. Concretamente céntrase en tres casos particulares: no Financial Times, The Times e El Mundo en Orbyt. A hipótese da que nace a investigación parte de que os medios analizados executan unha estratexia de orientación ó mercado. A través de tres construtos (orientación ó consumidor, orientación á competencia e captura de valor do xornalista) sobre os que a literatura previamente teorizou, demostramos empiricamente como nos tres casos a hipótese é positiva. Por outra banda, esta investigación nace co obxectivo fundamental de coñecer as dinámicas de xestión dos medios estudados así como de determinar os principais condutores de valor dos modelos de negocio da prensa dixital con estratexias de pago por contidos

    The commoditization of the publication culture in Spain: a cost- and time-effective model to systematize Communication Sciences

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    This paper explores the current paradigm of the publication culture in Spain, examining the negative and positive forces that shape the dominant dynamics in the production, dissemination and evaluation of scholars' works. Following the intentional sampling of maximum variety, we planned a set of interviews with scholars in the area of communication that represented the heterogeneity of academic ranks, gender, and territories of Spain. The final output consisted of thirty-five semi-structured interviews that took place between May 2018 and May 2019. Scholarship on how researchers and university professors experience publication cultures is abundant, however the national and international studies that address this phenomenon from a holistic approach are practically non-existent. Comprising three actions or systems -production, dissemination and evaluation-, the current publishing culture is depicted as a structure tuned to a set of global-accepted requirements that seem easy to understand and replicate. Under such model, most of the scholars ex-perience discomfort because overproduction is widespread, social transference is rare, and the production and diffusion of scientific works frequently occur at the expense of scholars themselves. The goal seems to be inspired by the cost- and time-effective system of evaluation processes that, despite academics' general opposition, official bodies and university departments have adopted to circumvent the costly task of assessing scientists' outcomes on an individual basis