500 research outputs found

    Stem cells conditioned medium: a new approach to skin wound healing management

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    Stem cell biology has gained remarkable interest in recent years, driven by the hope of finding cures for numerous diseases including skin wound healing through transplantation medicine. Initially upon transplantation, these cells home to and differentiate within the injured tissue into specialised cells. Contrariwise, it now appears that only a small percentage of transplanted cells integrate and survive in host tissues. Thus, the foremost mechanism by which stem cells participate in tissue repair seems to be related to their trophic factors. Indeed, stem cells provide the microenvironment with a wide range of growth factors, cytokines and chemokines, which can broadly defined as the stem cells secretome. In in vitro condition, these molecules can be traced from the conditioned medium or spent media harvested from cultured cells. Conditioned medium now serves as a new treatment modality in regenerative medicine and has shown a successful outcome in some diseases. With the emergence of this approach, we described the possibility of using stem cells conditioned medium as a novel and promising alternative to skin wound healing treatment. Numerous pre-clinical data have shown the possibility and efficacy of this treatment. Despite this, significant challenges need to be addressed before translating this technology to the bedside.Article Link: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/cbin.10138/pd

    Consumer Awareness of the Jersey Fresh Promotional Program

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    The Jersey Fresh marketing program, one of the nation’s leading examples of state-sponsored agricultural marketing promotion, enables consumers to easily identify quality fresh produce from New Jersey by promoting locally grown fruits and vegetables in the market with Jersey Fresh’s logos. This study utilizes a consumer survey to evaluate the effectiveness of the Jersey Fresh Program in terms of the impact the promotional logos have on consumers. The results of this study provide valuable information that may be used to improve the Jersey Fresh Program, and also may be used in the promotion of other New Jersey farm products as well as products in other states which have similar promotional programs. Among other things, this study demonstrated that the Jersey Fresh promotional program has created significant brand awareness among New Jersey consumers and that consumers are willing to purchase Jersey Fresh produce when it’s available. Consumers reported seeing the Jersey Fresh logo most frequently on in-store produce displays. What’s more, women were more likely than men to be aware of Jersey Fresh, as were married people. Survey participants believed Jersey Fresh produce to be better than produce in other states in terms of quality and freshness. Moreover, consumers associate the Jersey Fresh logo with locally grown, quality produce. Suggestions that emerged from the study include increasing the availability of Jersey Fresh produce during the production seasons would ensure continued consumer patronage. Also, increasing promotions of Jersey Fresh produce in supermarkets may further increase the popularity of Jersey Fresh produce. The study showed that a vii majority of consumers were willing to pay only a small percentage premium for Jersey Fresh produce over the market prices for other fresh produce; therefore, significant price differentials are not recommended for Jersey Fresh produce. The results of this study lead to a better understanding of New Jersey consumers’ shopping behavior, their preferences towards local produce and their demographic composition. The results may be especially encouraging to those developing marketing strategies for Jersey Fresh produce or for other similar New Jersey consumer products.Consumer/Household Economics, Marketing,

    Returns to the Jersey Fresh Promotional Program: The Impacts of Promotional Expenditures on Farm Cash Receipts in New Jersey

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    In 1984, the Jersey Fresh program was implemented by the New Jersey Department of Agriculture and was the first state-funded marketing campaign for agricultural products produced in New Jersey. In an effort to spur demand for New Jersey farm products, this program was designed to increase consumer awareness of the state’s agricultural products as well as to encourage food retailers to promote Jersey Fresh products. With funding from the USDA’s Federal-State Marketing Improvement Program, the New Jersey Department of Agriculture commissioned this study to determine the impact of Jersey Fresh promotion on farmer cash receipts in New Jersey. The econometric analysis was focused on the fruit and vegetable sectors, the primary commodity areas expected to benefit most directly from Jersey Fresh promotion. Study results show that: • For every dollar spent on the Jersey Fresh Promotional Program through 2000, New Jersey’s agricultural fruit and vegetable sector revenues increased by 31.54(2003dollars).Theadditionaleconomicactivitycreatedintheagriculturalindustryalsohadimpactsonotherpartsoftheeconomy,namelyagriculturalsuppliersandserviceproviders.Infact,eachdollarspentonJerseyFreshpromotionresultedinanadditional31.54 (2003 dollars). • The additional economic activity created in the agricultural industry also had impacts on other parts of the economy, namely agricultural suppliers and service providers. In fact, each dollar spent on Jersey Fresh promotion resulted in an additional 22.95 of sales in agricultural support industries and other related industries. • In total, each dollar spent on Jersey Fresh promotion resulted in 54.49ofincreasedeconomicoutputintheState.Adjustingalldollarsto2003levels,thismeansthatthe54.49 of increased economic output in the State. Adjusting all dollars to 2003 levels, this means that the 1.16 million spent on the Jersey Fresh program in 2000 increased fruit and vegetable cash receipts by 36.6millionandcreatedanadditional36.6 million and created an additional 26.6 million in economic activity within agricultural support industries. The total statewide economic impact of the Jersey Fresh program was therefore an estimated 63.2million.TheeconomicactivitygeneratedthroughJerseyFreshpromotionalsoimpactslocal,state,andfederaltaxes.AnanalysisofthesetaximpactsshowsthatNewJerseysStateandlocaltaxrevenuesincreasedby63.2 million. The economic activity generated through Jersey Fresh promotion also impacts local, state, and federal taxes. An analysis of these tax impacts shows that New Jersey’s State and local tax revenues increased by 2.2 million in 2000 due to the increased economic activity attributable to Jersey Fresh promotion. Comparing this return to the 2000 program budget of $1.16 million, the Jersey Fresh program appears to be better than revenue-neutral.Agribusiness, Marketing,

    Hydro- Chemical Evolution of Palk Strait Region, Bay of Bengal

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    Present analysis was carried out the physico- chemical parameters of two stations such as Thondi and Soliyakudi in the southeast Palk Strait region during the monsoon and post monsoon seasons (November 2008 – March 2009). High temperature (31˚C) and salinity (35%o) was recorded in the month of March (post monsoon). Dissolved oxygen content was high (5.2 O2 mg. l-1) during in the monsoonal season. Compared with other nutrients such as NO3, NO2 and SiO2, the total phosphorous concentration was high in both the stations during monsoonal season. In general concentrations of all the nutrients were high in the station I during monsoon season (November and December) which could be due to the addition of nutrients through the sewage, agricultural and land run off

    "Sunshade World": a fully coupled GCM evaluation of the climatic impacts of geoengineering

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    Sunshade geoengineering - the installation of reflective mirrors between the Earth and the Sun to reduce incoming solar radiation, has been proposed as a mitigative measure to counteract anthropogenic global warming. Although the popular conception is that geoengineering can re-establish a 'natural' pre-industrial climate, such a scheme would itself inevitably lead to climate change, due to the different temporal and spatial forcing of increased CO2 compared to reduced solar radiation. We investigate the magnitude and nature of this climate change for the first time within a fully coupled General Circulation Model. We find significant cooling of the tropics, warming of high latitudes and related sea ice reduction, a reduction in intensity of the hydrological cycle, reduced ENSO variability, and an increase in Atlantic overturning. However, the changes are small relative to those associated with an unmitigated rise in CO2 emissions. Other problems such as ocean acidification remain unsolved by sunshade geoengineering

    Linkage to HIV, TB and Non-Communicable Disease Care from a Mobile Testing Unit in Cape Town, South Africa

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    Background: HIV counseling and testing may serve as an entry point for non-communicable disease screening. Objectives: To determine the yield of newly-diagnosed HIV, tuberculosis (TB) symptoms, diabetes and hypertension, and to assess CD4 count testing, linkage to care as well as correlates of linkage and barriers to care from a mobile testing unit. Methods: A mobile unit provided screening for HIV, TB symptoms, diabetes and hypertension in Cape Town, South Africa between March 2010 and September 2011. The yield of newly-diagnosed cases of these conditions was measured and clients were followed-up between January and November 2011 to assess linkage. Linkage to care was defined as accessing care within one, three or six months post-HIV diagnosis (dependent on CD4 count) and one month post-diagnosis for other conditions. Clinical and socio-demographic correlates of linkage to care were evaluated using Poisson regression and barriers to care were determined. Results: Of 9,806 clients screened, the yield of new diagnoses was: HIV (5.5%), TB suspects (10.1%), diabetes (0.8%) and hypertension (58.1%). Linkage to care for HIV-infected clients, TB suspects, diabetics and hypertensives was: 51.3%, 56.7%, 74.1% and 50.0%. Only disclosure of HIV-positive status to family members or partners (RR=2.6, 95% CI: 1.04-6.3, p=0.04) was independently associated with linkage to HIV care. The main barrier to care reported by all groups was lack of time to access a clinic. Conclusion: Screening for HIV, TB symptoms and hypertension at mobile units in South Africa has a high yield but inadequate linkage. After-hours and weekend clinics may overcome a major barrier to accessing care

    Short-Term Effect of Forage Grasses on Carbon Sustainability, Fodder Security, and Soil Properties in Poor Soils of Semi-Arid India

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    Grasses are essential sources of fodder for livestock and provide options for climate resilience due to their broad range of adoption. They are also valuable resources for soil quality enhancement. Therefore, a six-year field study using nine grasses (2013 to 2019) was initiated in a semi-arid region of central India. The study aimed to assess the short-term impact of these nine grasses on soil carbon stock, selected soil physiochemical and biological properties, and green fodder yield. Results (after six years) revealed that a greater carbon stock (7.0 and 7.2 Mg ha–1), carbon sustainability index (71.6 and 89.3), and sustainable yield index for green fodder (0.89 and 0.91), respectively, were observed in lampagrass [Heteropogon contortus (L.)] and guineagrass [Megathyrsus maximus(Jacq.)]. These improvements could be due to the greater root length (1700 and 2220 cm plant–1) and root weight density of grasses in the upper soil layer (0–10 cm, 70%), and the higher green biomass production (~44.1 t ha–1 year–1). These beneficial changes might have further led to the lower soil bulk density (~1.05 g cm–3), higher water-filled porosity (14.7 and 16.1%), and soil organic carbon content (~0.67%) over other grasses and barren soil. Consequently, the highest total bacterial count (21.9 and 44.5 × 107 CFU g–1), soil microbial biomass carbon and enzyme activities such as acid phosphatase (17.7 and 22.6 µg p-nitrophenyl g–1 h–1) and alkaline phosphatase (9.6 and 15.9 µg p-nitrophenyl g–1 h–1) were noticed in lampagrass and guineagrass rhizospheres. Therefore, cultivation of perennial grasses in the low fertile soils of semi-arid environments can be an eco-friendly approach to enhance soil fertility, green fodder supply, and soil carbon build-up

    Prevalence and correlates of community re-entry challenges faced by HIV-infected male prisoners in Malaysia

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    HIV-infected prisoners face an inordinate number of community re-entry challenges. In 2007, 102 HIV-infected prisoners in Malaysia were surveyed anonymously within six months prior to release to assess the prevalence and correlates of community re-entry challenges. Staying out of prison (60.8%), remaining off drugs (39.2%), finding employment (35.3%) and obtaining HIV care (32.4%) were the re-entry challenges reported most frequently. Global stigma, negative self-image and public attitudes-related stigma were independently associated with challenges to obtaining HIV care. In multivariate analyses, those with previous incarcerations (adjusted odds ratio [AOR], 3.2; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.4–7.6), higher HIV-related symptoms (AOR, 2.0; 95% CI, 1.0–4.1) and higher public attitudes-related stigma (AOR, 2.5; 95% CI, 1.2–5.1) had a significantly higher likelihood of identifying more re-entry challenges. Targeted interventions, such as effective drug treatment, HIV care and public awareness campaigns, are crucial for stemming the HIV epidemic and improving health outcomes among HIV-infected prisoners in Malaysia

    Cactus pear (Opuntia ficus-indica) productivity, proximal composition and soil parameters as affected by planting time and agronomic management in a semi-arid region of india

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    Study of appropriate planting time and response to agronomic management practices is imperative for the newly introduced cactus pear (Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill.) into a semi-arid region of India. Responses of cactus pear to agronomic practices (planting time and irrigation and fertilizer application) were evaluated to determine the potential for fodder production and livestock feed in a semi-arid environment of India. We assessed four planting times (February, March, July and October) and two agronomic managements (with and without irrigation and fertilizer application) during 2016–2020 at Jhansi, India. Cactus pear establishment and growth improved with planting time in July and October due to favorable soil moisture and congenial temperature. However, plant height (19 cm) and cladode weight (118 g) were greater in July than in October planting. Nutrient uptake and crude protein contents, however, were higher for the earlier plantings of February and April compared to June and October. Irrigation and nutrients application had little effect on the cactus pear plant growth, except on plant width and cladode length and width. Cactus pear can be planted during July in moderately fertile soils without any agronomic intervention in semi-arid situations of India and has potential as an effective alternative source of forage for livestock during the summer months