294 research outputs found


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    The Four Gentlemen is one of the traditional Chinese cultures. It refers to plum blossoms, orchids, chrysanthemums, and bamboo. It symbolizes personality and character, represents integrity, modesty, purity, and integrity. Therefore they are called "Four Gentlemen in Flowers" or "Four Gentlemen". Regarding the reservation of the Four Gentlemen of Chinese Plants, the author found that some Chinese in Jakarta still use the plants or ornaments of the Four Gentlemen in special festivals, for example: placing plum blossom ornaments at home during the Chinese New Year, hoping to get the wish of happiness, joy, and success. In order to obtain a more accurate survey analysis, the author conducted a survey of 150 Jakarta Chinese people. The survey results show that the Jakarta Chinese from three ages do not have a good understanding of the “Four Gentlemen”, especially the young people, but the older people are still relatively high in retention. Among the “Four gentlemen”, Chinese people in Jakarta have higher retention and use the ornament or plant is plum


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    With the rapid development of the world economy, business exchanges are also increasing. In today's business activities, people from many different countries can already communicate in the same language, and if you want to communicate with people from different countries, it is very important to learn each other's cultural customs and etiquette in addition to learning each other's language. As the opportunities for business exchanges between China and Indonesia have been increasing in recent years. Therefore, the comparative study of business social etiquette between China and Indonesia is relatively important, in addition to helping businessmen between China and Indonesia to better understand the business social etiquette of China and Indonesia, it can also be used to avoid misunderstandings or contradictions. This study uses questionnaire survey and comparative analysis to point out the differences in business and social etiquette between China and Indonesia and the reasons for the differences. The analysis results show that there are obvious similarities and differences between China and Indonesia in business and social etiquette, and the most obvious differences are the table manners of Chinese and Indonesian businessmen and the etiquette of avoiding taboo topics. Regarding table manners, Chinese people are more particular than Indonesians. For example, Chinese people are very particular about the arrangement of seats (advocating orderly respect, seniority, and orderliness), while Indonesian table manners are not very particular about the arrangement of seats. Generally, the older elders, masters, or people with high status are seated first, and then they are seated by themselves. However, since Chinese people's main tableware is chopsticks, most of the taboos on the table are related to chopsticks. The main tableware in Indonesia is spoons and forks, so the taboos between the two countries are quite different. Regarding the etiquette of avoiding topics, Chinese businessmen avoid discussing any political issues, whereas Indonesian businessmen avoid discussing any religious topics. The final statistical results also show that Chinese businessmen believe that the biggest reason for the differences in business and social etiquette between the two countries is that Chinese and Indonesians have different customs and habits, while Indonesian businessmen believe that it is because of the different thinking concepts between the two countries


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    Language is the most important means of transportation for human beings as well as a tool of human thinking. As we all know, Chinese is a very important language in current life, and it is more difficult to learn. Because of the diversity of Chinese parts of speech, it is easy to confuse when used, especially quantifiers. Chinese quantifiers are the most abundant among other languages, because their usability and usage have a certain complexity, which makes quantifiers more special, which is one of the difficulties that students can hardly avoid when learning Chinese. The expression of Chinese quantifiers in different Chinese textbooks is different. This article discusses the two Chinese textbooks most commonly used by elementary school students. The research method of this article belongs to the qualitative research type. This article uses "Happy Partners" 1A to 6A and "Primary School Chinese" 1A to 6B to analyze and summarize the quantifiers in the two sets of textbooks. In addition, this article also finds out whether the similarities and differences and the difficulty design of the two sets of textbooks conform to the principles of textbook compilation. The results of this research show that the frequency of Chinese quantifiers in the textbook "Happy Partners" is very high, allowing students to increase their knowledge step by step. In addition, through the results of comparative analysis, it is known that the most suitable textbook for elementary school students is "Happy Companion". This article found that the frequency of teaching quantifiers in this set of textbooks is very high. With the content of each grade of the textbook, the difficulty design of Chinese quantifiers increases. Most of the quantifiers appear in grades A and B. Many interesting methods are also used to teach quantifiers. , So that elementary school students are very interested in learning Chinese quantifiers


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    The life of the Chinese in Indonesia has been very integrated with the local Indonesian society, despite this, the Chinese still retain the traditional Chinese culture, especially in the exchange between the worship of gods and deceased ancestors (Jiaobei) and fortune-telling (asking for signatures), the cup is a way of communication between humans and Chinese belief in the gods, people believe that Jiaobei can answer people's question, that is, asking for a visa is an ancient Chinese fortune-telling method. The author is very interested in the tradition of asking for signatures and Jiaobei, and I would also like to know about the understanding and preservation of the inheritance of the Chinese people in western Jakarta. The results of this study are that the elderly have a deeper understanding of visa requests and cups, middle-aged people have a general understanding of visa requests and cups, and young people have little understanding of visa requests and Jiaobei. The elderly have the highest retention of visa requests and cups, middle-aged people have average reservations for visa requests and Jiaobei, and young people have lower reservations about visa requests and cups. Perhaps because of the environment or the fact that families rarely do visa requests and Jiaobei, the Chinese in West Jakarta have fewer and fewer reservations about visa requests and cups


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    With the development of China, the viewing frequency of TV dramas has also increased, reflecting the phenomenon that people love Chinese TV dramas. TV dramas about life are becoming more and more popular, but at the same time, taboo words often appear. Taboo words are part of linguistics. Therefore, in order to avoid communication mistakes, we need to know more about Chinese taboo words and their translation.This study uses a mixed method, that is, a combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods. The purpose of this study is to know the types and meanings of taboo words appearing in TV dramas, the translation strategies used, and the translation problems that arise. The research object of this study is the taboo words in the TV series "An Jia". According to the analysis, titles account for 63% of the taboo words in the "An Jia" TV series, physiology accounts for 19%, animals account for 15%, death accounts for 1%, numbers account for 1%, and chatting accounts for 1% of the data. The analysis results show that some taboo words cannot be understood only from the words but also from the context. The translation strategies that appear include complete equivalence accounting for 34% of the data, literal translation accounting for 30%, free translation accounting for 23%, partial equivalence accounting for 10%, and transliteration accounting for 3% of the data. The author also found that when the translators translated taboo words, there were seven translation problems, and the translators also reduced the harsh elements of some words


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    Homework is one of the learning practice methods in the learning process. After the class, the teacher will usually provide some practice questions to the students. The purpose is to understand whether the students understand the teaching materials taught by the teacher, and also understand the student's learning situation. After the students have completed the homework given by the teacher, the teacher will go to check, correct or provide feedback. Homework feedback is a part that can't be ignored in the learning process. This is for students to find and think about their own mistakes and modify them so that the same mistakes will not happen again.With the new crown epidemic in the world in 2020, all learning activities have to be carried out online, which makes teachers and students feel very troubled during the learning process. The purpose of this research is to know how the teachers of the Chinese Department of Ciyu University give feedback to students on online teaching assignments and whether students are satisfied with the feedback online teaching assignments that teachers have given. The author collects data through questionnaires and interviews and uses SPSS 23 to count the questionnaires in this article. According to the survey, the second and fourth-grade students are satisfied with the feedback given by the teachers on the homework. The comprehensive course teachers in grades 2 and 4 have given them a variety of homework feedback, such as positive and negative feedback, direct and indirect feedback, and oral and written feedback. From these six kinds of homework feedback, teachers like to give students Direct feedback (21%) and verbal feedback (17%). According to the survey, second-grade students are satisfied with the satisfaction factor of the teacher's feedback on homework (accounting for 64.3%), the factor of students' perception of the user accounts for the highest proportion, and the factor with a relatively low proportion is the teacher's line. Teaching ability and the fourth-grade students are also satisfied with each factor (accounting for 71.7%), the highest satisfaction factor is perceived usefulness, and the relatively low satisfaction factor is the teacher's online teaching ability factor

    Modification des récepteurs cholinergiques de type nicotinique par des doses sublétales d'imidaclopride chez la blatte Periplaneta americana

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    Les insecticides néonicotinoïdes sont une classe d\u27insecticides utilisée pour contrôler les insectes ravageurs de cultures. Ces molécules miment l\u27effet de l\u27acétylcholine (ACh) en agissant comme des agonistes des récepteurs cholinergiques de type nicotinique (nAChRs) au niveau du système nerveux central des insectes. Suite à l\u27utilisation des néonicotinoïdes ces dernières années, des phénomènes de résistance ont été révélés chez beaucoup d\u27espèces. Ces phénomènes menacent d\u27une part l\u27agriculture et d\u27autre part la santé publique. Afin de comprendre les facteurs impliqués dans les phénomènes de résistance aux néonicotinoïdes, nous avons étudié les mécanismes d\u27adaptation développés suite à une exposition chronique à des doses sublétales de néonicotinoïde. Dans un premier temps, nous avons étudié la toxicité d\u27une molécule néonicotinoïde (l\u27imidaclopride) chez la blatte Periplaneta americana . Ensuite, l\u27effet d\u27une exposition chronique à une dose sublétale d\u27imidaclopride a été exploré sur neurones DUM (Dorsal Unpaired Median) de la blatte grâce à la technique électrophysiologique de patch - clamp, dans des conditions de potentiel imposé. Les premiers résultats obtenus montrent que cette exposition chronique peut modifier le profil pharmacologique des nAChRs au niveau des neurones DUM. En effet, une diminution de la sensibilité à l\u27imidaclopride des nAChRs a été mise en évidence. Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons montré en PCR quantitative que la diminution de la sensibilité des nAChRs pourrait avoir un lien avec une modification du niveau d\u27expression des différentes sous – unités qui composent ces récepteurs

    The Effect of Hip Taping on Hip and Knee Muscle Activity

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    Background and Purpose: It has been hypothesized that patellofemoral pain may be precipitated by weak hip abductor musculature that does not pull the pelvis and femurs into correct alignment during gait activities. The misalignment at the pelvis leads to misalignment down the kinetic chain, eventually affecting the knees. It is theorized that hip taping may aid in supporting the pelvis, thus reducing the EMG activity of the hip abductors and normalizing the alignment of the knees. The purpose of this study is to describe muscle activity and joint motion during a step-down test in subjects with and without the hip tape in place. Methods: Twenty healthy subjects (9 men, 11 women) with no history of hip or knee pathology performed a step-down test with and without hip tape in place. The EMG activity of the gluteus medius and the tensor fascia lata was recorded via surface electrodes while tibio-femoral joint valgus angles were measured using video-analysis. Data was analyzed using a paired samples t-test. Results: There was no significant difference in EMG activity of the gluteus medius for males (p=.603), females (p=.2S6), or males and females together (p=.840). There was also no significant difference in the EMG activity of the tensor fascia lata for males (p=.221), females (p=.876), or males and females together (p=.239). There was no significant difference in hip adduction values between taped and non-taped males (p=.060). There were, however, significant differences in hip adduction values between taped and non-taped females (p=.OOO) and taped and non-taped males and females together (p=.OOO). Conclusion: Hip taping may reduce the amount of hip adduction in patients and allow for a more efficient action at the patella, thus reducing anterior knee pain in patients. More studies, employing larger sample sizes, are needed to support the efficacy of hip taping in decreasing anterior knee pain
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