68 research outputs found

    Discipline, dilemmas, decisions and data distribution in the planning and compilation of monolingual dictionaries

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    CITATION: Gouws, R. H. 2006. Discipline, dilemmas, decisions and data distribution in the planning and compilation of monolingual dictionaries. Lexikos, 16:84-94, doi:10.5788/16-0-649.The original publication is available at http://lexikos.journals.ac.zaBilingual dictionaries play an important role in the standardisation of a language and are often the first dictionary type to be compiled for a given speech community. However, this may never lead to an underestimation of the role and importance of monolingual descriptive dictionaries in the early lexicographic development of a language. In the planning of first descriptive dictionaries the choice of the proper subtype and a consistent application of theoretical principles should be regarded as of extreme importance. Even the compilation of a restricted descriptive dictionary should be done according to similar theoretical principles as those applying to comprehensive dictionaries. This contribution indicates a number of dilemmas confronting the lexicographer during the compilation of restricted monolingual descriptive dictionaries. Attention is given to the role of lexicographic functions and the choice and presentation of lexicographic data, with special reference to the presentation of certain types of polysemous senses which are subjected to frequency of use restrictions. Emphasis is placed on the value of a heterogeneous article structure and a micro-architecture in the articles of restricted dictionaries.Dissipline, dilemmas, besluite en dataverspreiding in die beplanning en samestelling van eentalige woordeboeke. Tweetalige woordeboeke speel 'n belangrike rol in die standaardisering van taal en is dikwels die eerste woordeboektipe wat vir 'n bepaalde taalgemeenskap saamgestel word. Dit mag egter nie tot 'n geringskatting lei van die rol en waarde van eentalige verklarende woordeboeke in die vroeë leksikografiese ontwikkeling van 'n taal nie. Van belang in die samestelling van eerste eentalige verklarende woordeboeke is die keuse van 'n korrekte subtipe en 'n konsekwente toepassing van gesonde teoretiese beginsels in die beplanning van die woordeboek. Selfs in die samestelling van 'n beperkte verklarende woordeboek moet die beplanning volgens soortgelyke teoretiese beginsels gedoen word as wat die geval is in die samestelling van 'n omvattende woordeboek. Hierdie bydrae wys op 'n aantal dilemmas waar-mee die leksikograaf gekonfronteer word in die samestelling van 'n beperkte eentalige verklarende woordeboek. Aandag word gegee aan die rol van leksikografiese funksies, die keuse en aanbod van leksikografiese data met spesifieke verwysing na die aanbieding van sekere tipes betekenis-onderskeidinge wat aan gebruiksfrekwensiebeperkinge onderhewig is. Die waarde van 'n hetero-gene artikelstruktuur en 'n mikro-argitektuur in die artikels van beperkte woordeboeke word beklemtoon.http://lexikos.journals.ac.za/pub/article/view/649ArticlePublisher's versio

    Op pad na 'n omvattende woordeboekkultuur in die digitale era

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    Towards a Comprehensive Dictionary Culture in the Digital Era. Following a brief introduction this paper offers a discussion of certain aspects of the development of theoretical lexicography. Specific attention is drawn to among others different phases in this development, provision that has to be made for the use of different lexicographic tools and also the user-perspective. The main focus of this contribution is on the development of a comprehensive dictionary culture that unites the traditional division between user-friendliness and dictionary culture in one encompassing comprehensive dictionary culture. A bidirectional relation between society and lexicography is discussed and it is indicated that certain adaptations need to be made in order to improve the comprehensive dictionary culture. This includes both lexicographic and extra-lexicographic adaptations. The distinction between a collective and an individual compre-hensive dictionary culture is discussed and it is suggested that dictionary culture should not be a separate main component of dictionary research but should rather be integrated into all four exist-ing main components. Many potential dictionary users within the digital era belong to Generation Z. Some features of this generation are briefly discussed. The need is indicated for an adaptation in lexicography that could motivate this generation to use dictionaries. It is argued that dictionary didactics should play an important role in establishing a comprehensive dictionary culture within Generation Z. This dictionary culture should also be directed at other reference sources.Keywords: Comprehensive Dictionary Culture, Dictionary Culture, Dic-Tionary Didactics, Dictionary Research, Digital Era, Extra-Lexicographic Aspects, Generation Z, Lexicographic Tools, Metalexicography, Online Dic-Tionaries, Types Of Users, User-Friendliness

    Situating A Dictionary of South African English on Historical Principles within a More Comprehensive Lexicographic Process

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    South African English can be regarded as a fully-fledged variety of English which qualifies for comprehensive lexicographic treatment. This paper focuses on the presentation and treatment of South African English in A Dictionary of South African English on Historical Principles. The structure of this dictionary as a carrier of texts and the way in which the editors adhere to current meta lexicographic guidelines are discussed. This paper also situates the dictionary and its contribution within the broader South African lexicographic endeavour. Reference is made to other South African dictionaries in order to identify the position of this dictionary within the South African dictionary family.Keywords: back matier, carrier of texls, central list, frame structure, front matier, historical dictionary, lexicography, soulh african english, structural componenl

    Equivalent relations, context and cotext in bilingual dictionaries

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    Users of bilingual dictionaries often have problems to choose the correct translation equivalent for a given occurrence of the source language form. This could be due to a lack of entries indicating the relevant context and cotext of the translation equivalents. This paper deals with different types of equivalent relations in bilingual dictionaries and the varying need for entries to support the translation equivalents. It is argued that where a relation of semantic divergence prevails the inclusion of context and cotext entries are of extreme importance. The function of a dictionary should determine the nature and extent of the supporting entries. Lexicographers should be well aware of the additional need for context and cotext entries in the treatment of synsemantic words. Consequently they have to negotiate the problems resulting from under addressing, over addressing and zero addressing. It is suggested that procedures of addressing equivalence can help to ensure equivalent discrimination

    A lexicographic approach to language policy and recommendations for future dictionaries

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    CITATION: Tarp, S. & Gouws, R. H. 2008. A lexicographic approach to language policy and recommendations for future dictionaries. Lexikos, 18:232-255, doi:10.5788/18-0-486.The original publication is available at http://lexikos.journals.ac.zaLanguage policy prevails at different levels and its formulation typically results in a prescriptive presentation of data. In their dictionaries, lexicographers have to respond to the decisions of language policy makers. In this regard dictionaries can adhere to a strict prescriptive policy by including only the prescribed forms. Dictionaries can also give a descriptive account of language use without making any recommendations or claims of correctness. Thirdly, dictionaries can be prescriptive by recommending certain forms, even if such a recommendation goes against the prescribed forms. This article offers an overview of different levels of language policy and the principles of prescription, description and proscription. Examples are given to illustrate certain lexicographic applications of prescription. It is emphasised that access to relevant data is important to dictionary users. Consequently the lexicographic application of proscription is discussed as a viable alternative to prescription. It is suggested that proscription, in its different possible applications, can lead to a lexicographic presentation that benefits the user and that contributes to the satisfaction of the functions of a given dictionary.http://lexikos.journals.ac.za/pub/article/view/486Publisher's versio

    How to do language policy with dictionaries

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    The original publication is available at http://lexikos.journals.ac.za/pub/indexThe lexicographical presentation of terms from the field of language planning often lacks clear and unambiguous distinction and proper explanation. Too often dictionaries even fail to include these terms in the lemma list, and some central terms have not been treated in any general or special purpose dictionary. This article utilises results from research in the field of language policy to make suggestions for the lexicographical presentation and treatment of a number of relevant terms. The emphasis on a distinction between language policy as applied to the intralingual and the interlingual level and the motivation for the introduction of the notion of a communication policy should help lexicographers to give a more comprehensive account of terms from this field and it will also benefit scholars in the field of language policy. A second aspect of this article is the discussion of ways in which dictionaries participate in the implementation of language policy. It is indicated that lexicographers make ever so many decisions of a language political nature. In this regard the lexicographical influence of issues like linguistic hegemony and language purism are discussed. Suggestions are also made for future lexicographical procedures.Publishers' Versio

    Polyseme selection, lemma selection and article selection

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    In linguistics, more specifically in the field of lexical semantics, a lot of attention has been given to polysemy and homonymy. The identification of and distinction between polysemy and homonymy should not be regarded as unproblematic. The lexicographic practice has tradi-tional ways of presenting and treating polysemy and homonymy. This paper focuses on approaches in both linguistics and lexicography to polysemy and homonymy. Examples from the lexicographic practice are given. It is then shown that that the traditional lexicographic presenta-tion and treatment of homonymy and polysemy in dictionaries with a text reception function, does not really assist the users adequately in their search to find the appropriate meaning of an unfa-miliar linguistic expression. It is shown that different dictionaries often have the same lemma selection but not the same selection of polysemes. It is important that a dictionary should correctly coordinate a meaning and a specific linguistic expression. Consequently, a new approach is sug-gested for the presentation and treatment of homonymy and polysemy. Negotiating criticism expressed in both linguistics and lexicography, it is proposed that the lexicographic practice, in the case of dictionaries for text reception, should abolish the traditional distinction between homonyms as well as the presentation of the different senses of a polysemous word in a single article. Each meaning, whether the only meaning of a lexical item or one of any number of different senses, should be the only item giving the meaning in an article.Keywords: Article Selection, Dictionary User, Homonymy, Lemma Selec-Tion, Lexicography, Linguistics, Meaning, Polyseme Selection, Polysemy, Text Production, Text Receptio

    The use of an improved access structure in dictionaries

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    CITATION: Gouws, R. H. 2001. The use of an improved access structure in dictionaries. Lexikos, 11:101-111, doi:10.5788/11-0-842.The original publication is available at http://lexikos.journals.ac.zaDictionary consultation procedures often fail because the structure of a dictionary impedes the user from sufficient access to the data. Modern-day metalexicography has identified the access structure as one of the most important structural components of a dictionary. The access structure represents the search route a user follows to reach the required data in order to retrieve the necessary information. This paper focuses on a few aspects of the access structure. It is argued that a frame structure and an improved use of outer texts can enhance access to the lexicographic data. Different macrostructural ordering procedures are discussed and it is suggested that the lexicographers of bilingual dictionaries should avoid multiple niching. The presentation of inner texts in clearly identifiable text blocks can assist the user in rapidly reaching the desired search zone. Although the emphasis is on bilingual dictionaries many of the suggestions also apply to monolingual dictionaries.Die gebruik van 'n verbeterde toegangstruktuur in woordeboeke.Naslaanpogings in woordeboeke misluk dikwels omdat die woordeboekstruktuur diegebruiker van doeltreffende toegang tot die data weerhou. In die hedendaagse metaleksikografieword die toegangstruktuur as een van die belangrikste strukturele komponente van 'n woordeboekbeskou. Die toegangstruktuur verteenwoordig die soekroete wat 'n gebruiker volg om die verlangdedata te bereik en die nodige inligting te ontsluit. Hierdie artikel fokus op enkele aspekte vandie toegangstruktuur. Daar word aangetoon dat 'n raamstruktuur en 'n verbeterde gebruik vanbuitetekste die toegang tot leksikografiese data kan verbeter. Verskeie makrostrukturele ordeningsmetodesword bespreek en daar word voorgestel dat leksikograwe van vertalende woordeboekemoet probeer om veelvuldige nisting te vermy. Die plasing van binnetekste in duidelik identifiseerbareteksblokke, kan die gebruiker help om 'n verlangde soeksone vinnig te bereik. Alhoeweldie klem op tweetalige woordeboeke is, geld baie van die opmerkings ook eentalige woordeboeke.http://lexikos.journals.ac.za/pub/article/view/842Publisher's versio

    Geïntegreerde woordeboekgebruik van vakwoordeboeke vir aanleerders

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    <p>Opsomming: Na 'n kort bespreking van aanleerderwoordeboeke en vakwoordeboeke word die fokus verskuif na vakwoordeboeke vir aanleerders. Die aanleerders wat hier ter sprake kom, kan aanleerders van 'n taal en/of aanleerders van 'n vakgebied wees. Albei hierdie tipes leerders word bespreek asook daardie vakwoordeboeke wat op aanleerders van sowel 'n taal as die vak gerig is. Met verwysing na die Suid-Afrikaanse leksikografiese omgewing en die opdrag van die nasionale woordeboekeenhede, word aangevoer dat vakwoordeboeke vir aanleerders 'n wesenlike rol kan speel in die vestiging van 'n woordeboekkultuur, maar ook die voorkoming van 'n verdere leksikografies verlore generasie. Die konsep van geïntegreerde woordeboekgebruik word ingevoer en bespreek, met spesifieke verwysing na vakwoordeboeke vir aanleerders. Die voordeel van mul-tiveldvakwoordeboeke vir aanleerders word aangetoon en aspekte van verskillende strukture van sulke woordeboeke word bespreek. Daar word aangevoer dat vir sulke woordeboeke 'n geamalga-meerde sentrale teks verkieslik is bo 'n geamalgameerde makrostruktuur.</p><p>Sleutelwoorde: AANLEERDERWOORDEBOEK, GEAMALGAMEERDE MAKROSTRUK-TUUR, GEAMALGAMEERDE SENTRALE TEKS, GEÏNTEGREERDE BINNETEKS, GEÏNTE-GREERDE WOORDEBOEKGEBRUIK, KOGNITIEWE FUNKSIE, KOMMUNIKATIEWE FUNK-SIE, LAAISTRUKTUUR, LEKSIKOGRAFIES VERLORE GENERASIE, LEKSIKOGRAFIESE FUNK-SIES, MULTIVELDVAKWOORDEBOEK, SISTEMATIESE INLEIDING, TOEGANGSTRUKTUUR, VAKWOORDEBOEK, VAKWOORDEBOEK VIR AANLEERDERS,</p><p>Abstract: Integrated Dictionary Use of Specialised Dictionaries for Learners. Following a brief discussion of learner's dictionaries and specialised dictionaries the attention is focused on specialised dictionaries for learners. The relevant learners targeted by these dictionaries can either be learners of a language or learners of a subject field. Both these types of learners are discussed as well as specialised dictionaries aimed at learners of both a language and the subject field. With reference to the South African lexicographic environment and the assignment of the national lexicographic units it is argued that specialised dictionaries for learners can play a significant role in establishing a dictionary culture but also in preventing a further lexicographically lost generation. The concept of integrated dictionary use is introduced and discussed, with specific reference to specialised dictionaries for learners. The benefits of multifield technical dictionaries for learners are indicated and aspects of different structures of these dictionaries are discussed. It is argued that for such dictionaries an amalgamated central text is preferred to an amalgamated mac-rostructure.</p><p>Keywords: ACCESS STRUCTURE, AMALGAMATED CENTRAL LIST, AMALGAMATED MACROSTRUCTURE, COGNITIVE FUNCTION, COMMUNICATIVE FUNCTION, DICTION-ARY CULTURE, DICTIONARY TYPOLOGY, DICTIONARY USAGE PACKAGE, DRAWER STRUCTURE, INTEGRATED DICTIONARY USE, INTEGRATED INNER TEXT, LEARNER'S DICTIONARY, LEXICOGRAPHIC FUNCTIONS, LEXICOGRAPHICALLY LOST GENERATION, MULTIFIELD SPECIALISED DICTIONARY, SPECIALISED DICTIONARY, SPECIALISED DIC-TIONARY FOR LEARNERS, SYSTEMATIC INTRODUCTION</p&gt

    The European Master in Lexicography in 2015: 2nd EMLex Colloquium on Lexicography and the International Summer Semester

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    The following report reflects on the activities of EMLex – the International European Master in Lexicography, focusing on the second annual colloquium and subsequent annual consortium meeting held at the Károli Gáspár Református Egyetem in Budapest, Hungary as well as the annual teaching semester at the University of Minho, in Braga, Portugal.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio