88 research outputs found

    Combining Monitoring with Run-Time Assertion Checking

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    According to a study in 2002 commissioned by a US Department, software bugs annually costs the US economy an estimated 59billion.Amorerecentstudyin2013byCambridgeUniversityestimatedthattheglobalcosthasrisento59 billion. A more recent study in 2013 by Cambridge University estimated that the global cost has risen to 312 billion globally. There exists various ways to prevent, isolate and fix software bugs, ranging from lightweight methods that are (semi)-automatic, to heavyweight methods that require significant user interaction. Our own method described in this tutorial is based on automated run-time checking of a combination of protocol- and data-oriented properties of object-oriented programs

    Fixing the Sorting Algorithm for Android, Java and Python

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    Tim Peters developed the Timsort hybrid sorting algorithm in 2002. TimSort was first developed for Python, a popular programming language, but later ported to Java (where it appears as java.util.Collections.sort and java.util.Arrays.sort). TimSort is today used as the default sorting algorithm in Java, in Android (a widely used platform by Google for mobile devices), in Python and many other programming languages and frameworks. Given the popularity of these platforms this means that the number of computers, cloud services and mobile phones that use TimSort for sorting is well into the billions. After we had successfully verified Counting and Radix sort implementations in Java [1] with a formal verification tool called KeY, we were looking for a new challenge. TimSort seemed to fit the bill, as it is rather complex and widely used. Unfortunately, we weren’t able to prove its correctness. A closer analysis showed that this was, quite simply, because

    Run-Time Verification of Black-Box Components Using Behavioral Specifications: An Experience Report on Tool Development

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    We introduce a generic component-based design of a run-time checker, identify its components and their requirements, and evaluate existing state of the art tools instantiating each component

    Run-time checking multi-threaded java programs

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    Assertion checking traditionally focused on state-based properties. In a multi-threaded environment, approaches based on sharedstate require complex locking mechanisms to ensure that specifications are checked atomically (in the same state). In addition to this increased complexity, locks also negatively affect performance. In this paper, we extend both the underlying theory and the practical implementation of SAGA, a run-time checker for single-threaded Java programs, to multi-threading, while avoiding locks

    Being and Change: Reasoning About Invariance

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    We introduce a new way of reasoning about invariance in terms of foot-prints in a Hoare logic for recursive programs with (unbounded) arrays. A foot-print of a statement is a predicate that describes that part of the state that can be changed by the statement. We define invariance of an assertion with respect to a foot-print by means of a logical operation. This new Hoare logic is applied in a new simpler and modular proof of correctness of the well-known Quicksort sorting algorithm

    Human-in-the-loop simulation of Cloud services

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    In this paper we discuss an integrated tool suite for the simulation of software services which are offered on the Cloud. The tool suite uses the Abstract Behavioral Specification (ABS) language for modeling the software services and their Cloud deployment. For the real-time execution of the ABS models we use a Haskell backend which is based on a source-to-source translation of ABS into Haskell. The tool suite then allows Cloud engineers to interact in real-time with the execution of the model by deploying and managing service instances. The resulting human-in-the-loop simulation of Cloud services can be used both for training purposes and for the (semi-)automated support for the real-time monitoring and management of the actual service instances

    Dynamic Separation Logic

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    This paper introduces a dynamic logic extension of separation logic. The assertion language of separation logic is extended with modalities for the five types of the basic instructions of separation logic: simple assignment, look-up, mutation, allocation, and de-allocation. The main novelty of the resulting dynamic logic is that it allows to combine different approaches to resolving these modalities. One such approach is based on the standard weakest precondition calculus of separation logic. The other approach introduced in this paper provides a novel alternative formalization in the proposed dynamic logic extension of separation logic. The soundness and completeness of this axiomatization has been formalized in the Coq theorem prover

    Formal Verification of Service Level Agreements Through Distributed Monitoring

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    In this paper, we introduce a formal model of the availability, budget compliance and sustainability of istributed services, where service sustainability is a new concept which arises as the composition of service availability and budget compliance. The model formalizes a distributed platform for monitoring the above service characteristics in terms of a parallel composition of task automata, where dynamically generated tasks model asynchronous events with deadlines. The main result of this paper is a formal model to optimize and reason about service characteristics through monitoring. In particular, we use schedulability analysis of the underlying timed automata to optimize and guarantee service sustainability
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